Thank you to everyone who participated in the Q&A and pm' ed me questions
What made you write a book about mental health?
So I read alot of books on Wattpad, and I rarely... no, actually, I have never come across a fictional book that had a mental health plot. Now maybe I just haven't stumbled across one, but as far as I know, there isn't one that goes into depth about mental health, so that was one reason why I wanted to write a book about it. Also, I wanted to write something that people with mental health could relate to.
Something we could have.
How is your book not cliche?
Man, let me tell you, its really hard, Im actually in the process of editing my book now, and I came across something sooo cliche, I don't even remember putting it in there. When Ryder first came to Jayda's house, or something, he had a lip ring; I swear I do not remember putting that in there; I definitely took it out because that's just sooo cliche; I feel like every bad boy in a Wattpad book has a lip ring and tattoos, so I felt like I needed to choose one of the other, so I decided to let the piercings go and keep the tattoos. Also, I really try my best to just like switch the norm of things and change it; my book is life-based; cliche things don't happen in real life, so yeah, I just write what I see every day and put a twist on it.
Would you describe Ryder as a bad boy? And Jayda as a good girl?
I really hate when people use the words "Bad boy" or "Good girl" I never understand what that means, like what makes someone a "bad boy" or a "good girl." I do get why and how it started; the image of a "good girl" is reading books, being quiet, sensitive, and smart, oh, and let's not forget VIRGIN.
Then you have the bipolar boy with tattoos and piercings and anger issues, and abusive behavior.
But just because they have those things, those personalities, does it really make them bad? Or good?
For me, it's a no; I wouldn't call Ryder a bad boy because, as we've seen, even though it took almost the whole book, Ryder has a good heart. He's just conflicted, and as for Jayda, she's a good person, she's sweet, selfless, she's also a girl who is also conflicted and just trying to survive the horrors of being a teenager.
What's up with the whole seizures thing Jayda has? Why did you put that in there?
So alot of the things Jayda has I have; that's why I'm able to write about it in detail because I have been through it. I know it's probably kind of confusing the way I talked about it in the book, im definitely going to simplify it when I get there for editing. But uhm sutto seizures are seizures that are brought on by stress; the whole NYC trip was extremely stressful for Jayda. That's what bought them on; apart of it was the medication to.
When I had my first seizures, I was on anti-depressants; the doctors swore up and down. It wasn't the medication and that it was just stress causing the seizures. *rolls eyes
Till this day we don't know. Well, I do, because when I was taking the medication, I was having the seizures. The doctors just kept saying it was stress, so they advised to keep taking the medication; I eventually stopped taking it. My mom was like, let's see what happens when we take you off of it. Long story short, I stopped taking the medicine and haven't had a seizure since. Hope that helped; we will talk about this more in the second book.
You mentioned in your announcements that you kept rewriting endings, and it was hard for you to choose one. Could you share what alternate endings you had and why you choose the one you did?
I love this question! Okay, so fun fact.... JAYDA WAS GOING TO DIE!
But that was before I decided to do a sequel, Hence why the title is what it was, she was supposed to die, and Ryder was going to find her, and he would've asked why, and she would've said that he wasn't enough for her, blah blah blah.
Of course, that all changed around chapter 50 when I decided that I have to do the 2nd book; "I was like hold on there are too many secrets" I can't reveal all of them in one book, so yeah. So after I decided that there would be a second book, I had to find a cliffhanger ending.
At first, I was going to have Jayda's mom come back and spill the tea, or I was going to have Jayda find out another secret.
Then I was thinking about having her lose her virginity. I know, I know. So glad I didn't do the last one.
So yeah, that was some of the endings, the one I choose definitely was the best.
Girl, What's next? Spill the tea.
I couldn't stop laughing when I read this. The only thing I can say is ALOT! ALOT IS NEXT
3 Words Describing BOOK 2!
I'll go with....Darker, Sadder, Eye-opening,
What can we expect to see in BOOK 2?
Again ALOT. It will be darker, sadder, eye-opening. By darker, I mean, we will dive more into the mental health issues.
I want to go more into the LGBT part; also, I have spoken with alot of you who are part of the LGBT community, so I want to feature more characters for you guys! And dealing with that.
It will be sadder because some serious and emotional things are going to happen, and yeah. Oh, and eye-opening when I say that, I mean book 2 is definitely going to break the stereotypical status quo.
Uhm Ma'am where is Alexander? Will he be in book 2?
He's in new york. LOL, and I don't know if he's in town maybe.
Do you want to be a writer when you grow up? Is it your dream job?
Uhm, no. This is defiantly just a hobby, I love writing, but I don't think I would do it as a job; I got to keep moving. I can't just be at home writing.
My dream job is actually acting; I love acting so much it's super fun to me; if im, not an actor, I think I would be working in the business industry.
When is your birthday? How old are you?
I'm 16; my birthday is February 28th. Pisces Gang!!!
If you could describe YNE in 3 TV shows, what would they be?
I also love this question; okay so
1.One Tree Hill
2. Pretty Little Liars
3.Gossip Girl
Shouldn't be a surprise. I know yall have seen some comparisons and parallels, lol
What would you compare your book to?
I would say my book is a subtle 13 reasons why I love 13rw book and show so much even though it's so dark, I know it was a lot of controversy over that book and the show because it portrayed such yk Mature things, but I would say my book is more subtle it's not too extreme, we touch on the important things that were in 13rw in a sort of pg-13 way! Even though book 2, I want it to be darker and a little more mature, I think, not as mature as 13rw, though.
When is the second book coming out? Are you working on it?
I don't know when it will come out; rn I'm just taking a break and getting my creative juices flowing; no, I'm not working on it; as of now, I am just editing YNE!
If given the opportunity, would you turn your book into a paid story? Would you ever be interested in Wattpad studios?
Noooooooooo, never!!! I don't have Wattpad premium. A lot of people don't have it; I would never do that, especially because my book is targeted towards teens! What teen is going to spend their money on that?
There are adults who don't have it either because it is a waste of money tbh. All the paid books are cliche.
Also, when you turn your book into a paid story, it seems like you get fewer reads because, again, not many people have Wattpad premium.
And the ONLY way I would consider Wattpad studios is if I HAVE FULL CREATIVE CONTROL! I refuse to have my book be changed, and things added in that were not there, I read a lot of books I hate when they make a show, and it's no nowhere near the books same with movies, so yeah, in order for me to ever do that I would have to have FULL CREATIVE CONTROL.
Will we get songs for the chapters in book 2?
Yes, you will, not every chapter, though, but majority yes, it won't be like four songs per chapter though it will only be one most likely.
Thanks to everyone who participated I would love to do this again it was fun answering your questions! If you didn't see your question you may have asked me don't worry I'm going to do another one later on, maybe before I release the sequel.
Also make sure you follow me so you can be alerted when the sequel comes out, and the blurb... the blurb will be out first, it's going to be out soon so yeah make sure you follow me so you can know!
Blurb and Book cover out now!!! Along with the sequel Release Date! On my page... don't forget to add it to your reading list to be alerted when Chapter 1 is out!
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