2. "Prince Charming"
"You're quite strong for a girl," Her manger said between heavy breaths while he passed the crate of supplies to her.
The 15 year old girl continued to work with a cold expression, wondering if it was a compliment or an insult. She carried the last large box with ease from his hands and set it down in the back room of the cafe.
The man wiped his sweat with a towel, "You're so young! Why are you wasting your youth on working? Your parents must be very strict, hm?"
"Yeah. They want me to work instead of staying home and being lazy," She felt guilty from lying. "What should I do now?"
"Just take orders and serve customers now."
She went back to the front of the of the cafe and straightened her name tag that read Mikasa. Her eyes heavy from exhaustion but she continued to plaster a smile on her face.
The coffee shop was quite empty for a Monday evening. There was only a boy who seemed to be studying and a group of girls from her high school at the moment.
While wiping down tables she began to think about her schedule for the rest of the day, wondering if she can sneak in a nap at some point in the day. Work.. tutoring.. homework.. maybe a nap?.. school-
She snapped out of her thoughts from the sound of glass shattering. One of the girls talked with an unnecessarily loud voice, "Watch it you klutz!" The girl's friends tried to hide their evil grins. Mikasa felt the eyes of her manager watching her and had no choice but to apologize and pick up the broken glass. The girls giggled while she walked away.
Her manager scolded her, telling her to be more careful, while she made another latte for the vile girl. The manager gave the drink to the girls and apologized on her behalf. She sighed and felt a migraine beginning to pierce her head.
She walked over to the silent boy on the other side who didn't bother to look up from his papers. "Are you finding everything okay?" She smiled. "..It's loud" He sighed under his breath. She looked over to the cause of that noise and it was girls obnoxiously laughing. "Yeah tell me about it," She laughed.
They both turned their heads toward the girl who's voice suddenly rose, "Did you hear?! The trainees are finally going to debut!"
"They're so hot," A girl squealed. "My favorite is Jean. I love a bad boy feel with a soft side."
"Mine is Eren, he's so kind and talented; he's known as the 'Prince Charming' in the group. Ah I wish I could date him. He would totally fall for someone like me."
Mikasa rolled her eyes and couldn't help herself from commenting, "Oh please. They're all fake. It's all for show, they're probably not actually like that." The group of girls shot her the dirtiest glare, making Mikasa regret letting the words slip out of her mouth. The girl scoffed, "You don't know anything anyways."
Mikasa looked back at the silent boy for help. Although, he showed no interest and looked back down to his sheets of paper.
The girls turned around and continued their conversation. While Mikasa walked back to the back she overheard their conversations:
"She's so stupid."
"I know right? What a weirdo. I can't believe we go to the same school."
Mikasa felt her eyes beginning to water and faced away so no one could see.
"I heard her parents abandoned her because they didn't want her-"
A loud bang silences the cafe making everyone jump. Mikasa turns to see the mysterious boy standing at the girls table with his fist clenched. The girl wants to ask why he just slammed his fist against their table but they were too in shock to say a word.
"Apologize." The boy demanded with a cold tone that even sent shivers up Mikasa's back.
"S-sorry." The girl whispered.
"Mean it." The boy's voice began to rise. She stood from her chair and looked at MIkasa in the eye, apologizing like her life depended on it, "I'm sorry."
The girls looked scared, but were red from embarrassment. The boy then takes his hood off, revealing his face. "By the way, I would never like a girl like you."
The girls gasped and felt close to death. If they looked bad before, this was practically the end for them.
He looked over to the other girl who said her favorite was Jean. "Jean would probably like you though. He would be attracted to someone that looked similar to him. Like a horse" He smirked
The girl turned even more red in embarrassment but it quickly changed to anger, "You're a dick! You're not kind and charming at all!!"
"I'm certainly not 'prince charming'," He smiled slyly, "We're all a bunch of losers."
The girls collected their things and ran out of the store. The boy scratched the back of his head, completely annoyed. "I don't need fans like them anyways."
He went over the girl he just defended and smiled shyly, "I'm sorry I didn't step in earlier." Mikasa noticed how handsome he was and he was certainly charming. "Y-you didn't have to," She said awkwardly.
"I guess I did it for myself then," He laughed, "I couldn't stand hearing that.. It pissed me off so bad." The boy's jaw clenched while he recalled it.
Mikasa smiled out of gratefulness. But it was a kind of smile that made the boy stop in his tracks. It was completely different from before and it felt so genuine. In awe, the boy couldn't make any words out his mouth.
Dammit..She's really pretty.
"So um.. what's your..." Before the boy could finish, his phone began to ring a loud tune that made both of them jump *SIE SIND DAS ESSEN UND WIR-* "What." He answered with an irritated and disappointed voice, "Yeah yeah I'm coming back now. Tell Levi to calm his short ass down, i'll be there in 30 seconds."
While holding the phone to his ear he grabbed the bag full of drinks with his other hand, "Sorry. I gotta go. Can I have your name at least?"
A loud muffled voice came from the phone again, interrupting the girl. "Okay okay I'm going!" He yelled into his phone and made his way out the cafe. "I'm sorry again!.. Im sorry I keep saying sorry. I'll come back soon!" He ran out the store with pink cheeks and a dorky smile plastered on his face.
She watched the strange boy run out. She didn't have any feelings but she felt so grateful for him defending her. She wanted to thank him properly the next time he came back. She began thinking of what to give him or wondered when he would come back again.
"I saw it all. What were you thinking?!"
The manager snapped her out of her day dream. "You can't talk to a customer like that! You didn't even stop the boy when he yelled at them, and had the audacity to flirt afterwards." Mikasa had an idea where this was going, "You're fired."
The boy ran into the practice room and all his members shouted his name. Armin took the bag from his hand and passed around the drinks to everyone while the boy got tackled from Connie.
"Where have you been?!" Connie asked.
"Just got some drinks for us... That's all." He looked down at the floor rubbing the back of his neck. It was a habit he did when he lied.
"Yeah right," Armin teased. "Why're you smiling like that."
The boy pushed the blonde haired boy and ignored his comment. The rest of the practice he couldn't help but ask many questions to himself.
Why did I jump in to save her. Why couldn't I stand watching her cry. Why did her smile make my heart tighten.
The boy didn't understand what any of this meant and why he would go out of his way to help a stranger.
What an interesting girl.
(Author's Note: ooooOOO who's "the boy". Comment who you think it is :D. I made this one very fluffy because why not lol. Sorry for the cheesiness, there won't be too much cute scenes for awhile so might aswell go overboard with this one. If you're reading this thank you again ;-; i hope I get more readers soon.)
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