Chapter 38
Virgil sighed and looked over at Luella who was completely absorbed in her book.
"Do they usually take this long?" He asked, making her jump. She glared at Virgil before looking past him at the school building.
"Usually Rosie keeps them for the whole morning. They got just under a month left and she's under a lot of pressure." Something passed over Luella's face that Virgil couldn't place but it was gone when she started talking again. "So, according to my watch, they should be out in maybe ten minutes?" She shrugged and looked back at her book, swinging her legs up onto the wall and leaning her back against the taller edge of the wall.
Virgil sighed again and looked back over his notes, crossing things out and adding things in.
"I haven't seen you around school." He muttered. Luella shrugged.
"Mostly, I'm in school a lot. And if I'm ever not, I'm part of what I think you call the 'Quiet Kids' group?" She laughed slightly at Virgil's surprised face. "You don't pay much attention to us, do you?"
"Who told you about my notes?" He asked, slowly and threateningly, trying to hide how anxious he was.
"Roman. Through my brother, though. Roman told my brother and my brother told me. Oh, please don't get angry at Roman. Half the time, I don't even think he realises what he's saying to Aaron. It's just sorta," she made an outward motion with her hands, "all comes out. You really hurt him, didn't you?"
Virgil shrugged and closed his book. "He hurt my first."
"Now you sound like a six-year-old." Luella shrugged. "With heartbreak, it doesn't matter who started it. The outcome is always the same."
Suddenly, a Year 7 hurtled out of the double doors. "I'm free!" He yelled. A few seconds later, the playground was filling up with all types and ages of drama kids. The boy who had yelled 'I'm free' was now being hit over the head by what Virgil assumed to be his friend. The playground was soon fairly empty. Virgil started bouncing his foot on the ground, worried.
"Do Aaron and Roman usually stay behind?"
"Mostly. Sometimes, I have to go in there and drag Aaron out by his ear." Luella said, laughing slightly. This didn't calm Virgil's nerves. Although he didn't know much about this Aaron, he didn't like him. If he was anything like his sister, he was a bit... odd.
"Just calm down." He told himself. "Wait a little longer."
Luella checked her watch again. "Maybe we should go and find them. They'll be locking up the auditorium soon."
Virgil was off the wall and walking towards the school before she had even finished her sentence. Luella quickly caught up with him.
"Aaron?" She asked, stepping in front of Virgil and navigating through corridors that confused Virgil with ease. "Aaron? Aren't you gonna-"
"No." Virgil muttered, cutting her off. Luella shrugged and sped up a bit, walking through two double doors, holding one open for Virgil.
"Aaron?" She called again.
"Up here, Luella!" Aaron yelled from the stage. Luella sighed slightly. Aaron was balancing on a stack of chairs that Virgil assumed the production used for the first song.
"Aaron Stanley, you get down from there right now." Luella said, a sharp edge to her voice.
"Yes ma'am." Aaron said hurriedly, clambering down the chairs with too much ease. "Roman! Need to go!"
Roman walked onto stage, smiling, and Virgil felt his heart sink slightly. Virgil couldn't remember the last time Roman had smiled like that.
"Virge! Hi!" Roman yelled, spotting Virgil and startling him. Virgil pulled his hood up over his head and raised his hand slightly. Roman turned back to Aaron. "Need to go too, I guess."
"See you tomorrow?"
Roman grinned, already jumping down from the stage. "Yep."
Aaron sighed, chucking another log on the fire and sitting down with his phone. Their boiler had broken a few days ago so they were, as his sister Jamie so kindly put it, back in Medievial times. That wasn't why Aaron was sighing in disappointment, though.
Roman and Virgil. They had a history, a bad one, and yet Roman still looked at Virgil with so much damn love. Aaron doubted anyone would ever look at him like that.
"What're you jealous for?" He scolded in his head. "Hey, at least you're actually friends with Roman. And if you love someone, you learn to let them go. Eventually."
Hi. Still ill. Better, but still feel crappy. Jamie is also one of my Sides, she is Painful Truths. She and Luella aren't 'related' in 'canon' (as in, they don't call each other 'sister' or anything).
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