Chapter 22
Virgil ran up the stairs and into his bedroom, shutting the door and flopping down on his bed. He let out an excited, un-Virgil-like squeal which was muffled in his pillow. Hearing a knock on his door, he looked up.
"Who is it?"
"It's Remy, babes." A voice from the other side of the door said. "Can I come in?"
"Yeah." Virgil sat up and started kicking off the boots Remy had given him.
"Well?" Remy asked, sitting in a chair by Virgil's bookshelf. "How'd it go?"
Virgil smiled for a second, trying to find the words to describe how his date with Roman had gone.
"Let me rephrase that." Remy said after a short burst of silence. "How'd it go feelings wise?"
"It was wonderful!"
"Details, please." Remy said, leaning forwards in his chair.
"Well, we went to the park and Roman told me to close my eyes and he took me to this little fountain area. It was completely cut off from the rest of the park and the sun made the fountain look really magic. I actually believed for a second that it could really grant wishes." Virgil grinned, a far-away look in his eyes as he remembered what had happened.
"And then?" Remy asked, his voice growing more and more excited. Virgil didn't say anything. "Come on, gurl, tell me!" Virgil shook his head. Remy sighed. "I'll just have to guess then." After a bit of silence, he let out an excited gasp. "Did you kiss? Oh, you kissed him, didn't you?"
Virgil nodded, smiling shyly. Remy took off his sunglasses and wiped away a fake tear.
"My baby brother is growing up so fast."
Virgil rolled his eyes and kicked him slightly.
"Idiot." He said, still smiling. Remy laughed slightly and put his sunglasses back on.
"I expect that jacket back, by the way." He said as he left the room.
"I know."
"So? How'd it go?"
"Remus, shut up, would you?" Roman asked, turning away from the guard and facing the wall. He heard a groan from the bunk below. "Did you just kick me through the mattress?" He asked, turning back to face the metal guard and leaning over the edge to look at his twin.
"Tell me!" Remus yelled.
"Sh. Quiet!" Roman hissed, listening for any indication that Remus had woken either parent up. There was none. "Fine. It went well. I'm winning the bet."
"Damn." Remus said, a fake mask of disappointment on his face.
"You don't believe me?"
"No. Where's the proof?"
"Proof? You expect me to take pictures or something?"
"No. Just... make up a more believable lie?" Roman growled.
"We did go on a date, you know that much, I actually enjoyed it and-"
"You enjoyed a date with Virgil?" Remus asked and Roman knew what he was getting at.
"I don't have a crush on Virgil!" Roman hissed. "This conversation is over!"
He threw himself back down on his bed, glaring at the ceiling. Carefully, he reached up to touch his lips, remembering the feeling of Virgil's lips on his. Then, he checked himself.
"You're not falling in love with Virgil." He told himself. "You're not."
Oof, sorry this chapter is so short. Wow, I've spent three chapters just covering one event.... That's weird (for me, anyway).
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