4- Intervention
Hello, my loves~♡ I am sorry that it has taken so long for me to update. I took some time for myself with everything that happened in October and November. Then last week, I unexpectedly tested positive for covid and have just been sleeping my days away. Thank goodness my job has been understanding of that.😂🤣 Although, I will admit, I finished my November challenge~♡ That one that was 50,000 words within the 30 days.:3 I was so excited when I finally finished it~♡ I hope that you guys have been well these past few weeks~♡ I'd love to hear all about your days.:3 Now, for the warnings about this story.:3 I know these people aren't really like this so please do not get upset if someone isn't written to your liking or are based waaaayyyy off their personality. I have to say this because some people don't realize that or some people may not know them well enough to realize this is all a fabrication of my brain. There is minor mention of unwanted physical contact but it doesn't go any further than that, although, please be advised when reading anyway, my loves~♡ Without further ado, please enjoy this next installment~♡
Jimin stared at Jungkook, swallowing thickly as fear settled in his stomach. "H- He's dangerous?" Jimin asked, repeating Jungkook's words of warning. Jungkook nodded softly as part of the other conversation within the room caught Jimin and Jungkook's attention.
"What do you mean you won't let anyone else touch Jungkook? I mean, just because you personally bought him doesn't mean you can't share him. He's just my type," came the voice of one of the men Jimin didn't recognize. Jimin glanced over at Jungkook, who was staring wide-eyed at the man with the deep voice that he now knew as Taehyung. Jimin glanced back over at Taehyung to observe his face twist into rage before slamming his hand down on top of the other man's hand. Jimin noticeably flinched from the swift movement and the sound that echoed off the barren walls.
The man screamed in pain as Taehyung twisted that same hand, never moving it from on top of the other man's own. It took Jimin a moment to realize that Taehyung was twisting a small blade into this man's hand from the minuscule glimpse of a handle just barely poking through the gap of Taehyung's fist. "You even think about putting your disgusting hands on Jungkook and I'll make sure you never feel anything ever again," Taehyung threatened as the guy nodded vigorously, his expression still grievously pained. "I don't share," Taehyung added, swiftly yanking the blade from the man's hand as the other cradled his wounded hand.
Jimin glanced back over at Jungkook again to see his eyes sparkling with tears. Jimin moved to offer a comforting back rub when Jungkook jumped up from his spot and leaped into Taehyung's arms. Jimin watched as Jungkook hugged Taehyung enthusiastically. "T- Tae," he heard Jungkook exclaim excitedly as he kissed Taehyung's nose and sat down in his lap once more. Jimin noticed Taehyung's face shift once again, this time he appeared rather... embarrassed as he cleared his throat. "What did we talk about, Jungkook? You don't act like this until we're in a more intimate environment," Taehyung whispered, Jungkook giggling as he quickly stood and trotted over towards Jimin once again.
Jimin wished he could have someone so loving and caring rather than the man that Jungkook noted as dangerous. He'd know more than anybody else what these people were like since Jungkook had been here for a while now, it seemed. Long enough to develop a love for his handler, at least. Jungkook stopped in front of Jimin, swiftly hugging him as Taehyung stood to usher Jungkook towards the door. "Please take me with you," Jimin whispered softly toward Jungkook and Taehyung. Jungkook froze as he glanced up at Taehyung, who lowered his head slightly in acknowledgment and mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' before opening the door. The two left the room, leaving Jimin alone with the injured man and Kai once again.
Jimin felt tears slip from his eyes as he watched Kai stand from his position at the table and walk over towards him once again. He grabbed under Jimin's arm roughly, yanking him to his feet and rushing him out of that room. Jimin didn't know if he'd witnessed something he wasn't supposed to see or if Kai was just in that much of a hurry to make him a sex slave. Either way, Jimin didn't like it as he was dragged through the dimly lit hallway to another closed door. Why were there so many closed doors? Was everything here so private?
Jimin fidgeted uncomfortably next to Kai, worried about what was going to happen to him now. He could hear a desperate scream pleading with someone far off in the distance and wondered if that would be him soon. Jimin froze when Kai opened this particular door without knocking, his heart beating erratically as he was thrust into the room with Kai shutting the door behind them.
Jimin turned towards Kai promptly, Kai eyeing him dangerously as he advanced toward Jimin slowly. Jimin didn't want to lose his virginity this way nor was he going to let it happen with this guy. Jimin put his hands up in front of himself as he took a hesitant step backward, no words escaping his throat. His only thought was how he was going to get out of this predicament in one piece. Kai raised an interested eyebrow and took another step forward as Jimin took another hesitant step back. Catching onto the game that Jimin was playing with him, Kai suddenly advanced on Jimin, his thin arms flailing wildly to keep Kai away from him. Although, they weren't doing him any good as Kai gripped both his wrists tightly.
In a frantic panic, Jimin pushed hard against Kai's grip with his arms. He continued to fight his way, trying to yank himself free of this wretched man's grasp as he let out a small whimper. Terrified, Jimin pushed as hard as he could against Kai, sending himself reeling backward. He lost his balance as he reeled, a loud thud echoing through the room as everything grew black. Jimin lay unconscious at Kai's feet after hitting his head on the corner of the dresser.
Kai sighed in great annoyance, lifting Jimin's limp and frail body off of the ground and tossing him onto the bed. He crawled onto the bed next to Jimin, sitting down with his knees pulled to his chest. He rested his elbows on his knees as he shook his head in dismay, pulling out a small, metal tin from his pocket. He popped the small canister open, pulling out a cigarette from the stack before closing it with a soft click.
The sound alone jolted Jimin out of his unconscious state but he refused to open his eyes for fear that Kai might try something again. It was then that he could smell the acrid smoke billowing out into the air and coughed before he could stifle himself. Jimin clamped his hands over his mouth before opening his eyes to behold Kai hovering over him with a twisted smirk as he blew smoke directly into Jimin's face. "Looks like you're awake, princess. Are we going to do this or what?" Kai asked impatiently, slipping his free hand up Jimin's skirt.
Jimin shoved Kai's hand away from him, only to have Kai's cigarette snuffed out onto his hand. Jimin quickly retracted his hand, hissing in pain as he cradled his wound. This time, Kai slid both of his hands up the skirt that Jimin had been forced to wear, his elegant fingers caressing Jimin's slender hips as Jimin threw his head back into the mattress. If he fought, he only ended up getting hurt, but if he didn't fight, he'd lose his innocence to this travesty of a man.
Jimin bit his lip as Kai's fingers brushed up against his flaccid cock, earning a small whimper from Jimin. He squeezed his eyes shut, praying this would all be over soon as a loud knock on the door caught both their attention. Kai sighed in frustration as Jimin's savior didn't wait for an answer before opening the door. Jimin lifted his head slightly off of the mattress to meet the dark, sultry eyes of his savior. They were outlined with jet black eyeliner that made his dark eyes stand out more from the contrast of his pristine, pale skin.
He smirked at the position the two of them were currently in and tilted his head back. "Who said he's yours?" Jimin's savior asked, his eyes narrowing even more. Kai removed his hands from under Jimin's skirt before turning towards the intruder with an aggrieved frown. "I bought him. That says he belongs to me, Suga. Now, get out," Kai answered, turning back towards Jimin before he heard an egotistical chuckle behind him. Kai turned his head back towards Yoongi with aggression in his expression now. "And what the fuck is so funny, huh?" Kai asked, resting his hands on Jimin's knees.
Yoongi turned his deadly glare on Kai, his eyebrows drawn in anger as he stepped forward. "The fact that you think buying him automatically makes him yours. I bought him out from under you, so the way I see it, you're touching my property," Yoongi announced, taking heavy steps toward the two of them. "Now, you can either leave peacefully or I can have you escorted out. We all know what happens to those that are escorted out of private quarters, so I best suggest you take it up with the boss," Yoongi verified, grabbing Kai by the collar of his shirt and yanking him off of the bed.
Yoongi stared down at Kai with abhorrence, one hand pointing towards the door as if to assert his dominance in this confrontation. "Out," was simply all Yoongi had to say for Kai to stand to his feet and square up to Yoongi, ready for a fight. Yoongi raised an eyebrow in interest before laughing arrogantly once more. "Oh, you want to be a big man and fight me for what you think you own. Seriously, go ask the boss if you don't believe me. I'll wait."
Kai aggressively grabbed Yoongi by the collar of his shirt and slammed him up against the wall as Yoongi smirked with satisfaction. "Oh! You want to play games, I see," Yoongi exclaimed with false excitement before jamming his thumb into Kai's left eye. Kai promptly released Yoongi's shirt before taking several steps back and covering his left eye that seared with pain. "Well, you see, I don't play games. I don't like competition. I will keep what belongs to me and you will be okay with that. Now, I won't say it again," Yoongi declared, his dark eyes glowering with fury. Kai knew then it was best to leave the two of them alone as he stumbled towards the door. "This isn't over! I will have him," Kai exclaimed before slamming the door shut and storming angrily down the hallway.
Yoongi turned his attention towards Jimin now as Jimin hastily covered himself with the flimsy fabric since he wasn't allowed to wear underwear. "Good lord, they just had to put you in a skirt, didn't they?" Yoongi asked, shaking his head in dismay. "I'll try to find you something else to wear soon. Although, I can't promise you anything," Yoongi stated softly, pinching the bridge of his nose. He didn't know why Mama dressed Jimin to Kai's liking when Jimin's keeper hadn't even been finalized yet.
Yoongi sat down on the edge of the bed, tucking his hands between his legs as he glanced at Jimin. Out of reaction, Jimin flinched under Yoongi's gaze as Yoongi sighed heavily. "Look, you can talk around me. I won't discipline you for talking like everyone else will," Yoongi stated softly as he noticed Jimin visibly relax. Jimin nodded as he sat up, pulling his knees to his chest and tucking his arms under his thighs, holding them close to his chest. "Th- thank you," Jimin whispered, feeling the tears of relief slide down his cheeks.
Yoongi jumped off of the bed in alarm, his understanding of tears meaning only sadness. "What? What happened? Why are you crying? What did that bastard do to you?" Yoongi asked rapidly, firing off one question after another without giving Jimin time to answer. Jimin shook his head, sniffling as he rubbed his eyes with the back of his sleeve, leaving Yoongi feeling a little awkward while he stood there watching Jimin cry. Yoongi didn't know how to comfort him. "I- I'm not sad. I'm grateful," Jimin forced the words out, sobbing softly into his knees. "I- I've never been so scared b- before," Jimin explained softly without realizing Yoongi was the man that had initially snatched him off the streets.
Yoongi groaned softly, never really understanding how to deal with someone that was crying. He slowly lowered himself back onto the edge of the bed and tried to comfort Jimin by awkwardly patting his shoulder. Jimin glanced at the thin, pale hand covered with expensive rings that patted his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him and offered a soft smile with a small chuckle. "Thank you again," Jimin noted, wiping the remaining tears with the back of his sleeve.
Yoongi nodded before waving his hands rapidly into the air and standing to walk over to a window. He pushed the window open and waved his hands towards the window to try and sift the lingering smell of cigarette smoke out of the room. "I hate the smell of the brand he smokes, I can only take the lingering scent for so long. It smells like ass and decay," Yoongi noted with disgust before a knock on the door interrupted them now.
Yoongi wasn't one to let just anybody enter his domain without first knowing who it was knocking. "Who is it?" Yoongi asked in a demanding voice, the aggression in his voice hard to hide. "It's me," answered the voice on the other side of the door. Jimin didn't recognize who 'me' was just by their voice, but apparently, Yoongi did. Yoongi didn't look too pleased as he swallowed hard before answering. "You may enter."
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