12- Your prize
Hello, my loves~♡ I hope that you all are well.:3 I have been on the brink of an emotional meltdown or something.😂 I've been on the verge of an emotional meltdown or something.😂 I've been feeling less like people, more like solitude and it's taken me about two to three weeks to claw my way out of feeling like that. It's honestly the most awful feeling since I love talking to people but sometimes, I just have to recharge my social battery. Yesterday and today have been the first few days that I've felt normal since the start of that.😂 I finally feel more myself and less angry and aggressive since the start of last week.🤣 Enough about that though and onto the warnings for this chapter~♡ This chapter has the mention of minor sexual content, near death experiences, and mentions of Stolkholm syndrome. Please be advised when reading, my loves~♡ Whether you choose to continue or not, I love you all~♡ I hope that you will enjoy this new installment if you so wish to continue~♡♡♡
Once Hoseok had disposed of the body as Yoongi had asked, he visited Taehyung in the medical tent to see how he was doing. He was relieved to see that his heart was beating on the monitor and that the ventilator was compressing and decompressing. Hoseok walked over toward Taehyung and tenderly ran his fingers through Taehyung's silky hair with a loving smile. "We took care of the person who hurt you, Tae. Please get better soon," Hoseok whispered tenderly, kissing Taehyung's forehead before leaving the medical tent.
Hoseok trotted down the dimly lit hallway towards his bedroom when he bumped into a wandering Yoongi. "S- Sorry, sir," Hoseok apologized hastily and bowed deeply before Yoongi chuckled softly. "No need to apologize. I was actually coming to find you. Did you dispose of the body properly?" Yoongi inquired calmly as Hoseok nodded at his question. "Good. The girl you wanted as your charge, describe her to me," Yoongi declared patiently as Hoseok's eyes widened significantly. He didn't expect Yoongi to follow through on his word since she hadn't been promised to Hoseok but nevertheless, he found himself spitting out details about her. "She had large innocent eyes that were chocolate brown. She had a rather creamy skin tone with plumb, naturally pink lips. Her hair was multi-colored with blue, some silver, some purple, and pastel pink," Hoseok described in rather great detail as Yoongi listened intently. Yoongi nodded and smiled pleasantly before walking past Hoseok. "Wait patiently in your room. I'll bring her there," Yoongi announced matter-of-factly over his shoulder as he continued without another word. Hoseok stood shell-shocked for several moments before shaking his head clear and walking towards his room. He wondered if it was okay for Yoongi to enter Mama's room after the way he'd spoken to her earlier. After all, it was Yoongi's first time meeting his wife in person and he was supposed to be procuring an heir with her. Although, Hoseok didn't see that ever happening for Mama now that Yoongi had Jimin, Taehyung, and himself to accompany him at night. Hoseok shook his head of any more thoughts pertaining to Mama as he entered his room, he'd hear about how rudely her husband spoke to her later through the gossip among his peers.
Yoongi walked into Mama's dressing room which was normally off limits to anyone else other than recruits being prepped. Yoongi being the head of this organization and all, had free range whether Mama liked that now or not. With everyone else asleep other than Hoseok, Yoongi looked through Mama's files to see where she was keeping the girl that Hoseok wanted as his charge. Honestly, Yoongi was surprised Hoseok wanted a female as his charge but he wasn't going to complain about it either. He scoured her files that were currently sitting on her desk and found one that matched the description Hoseok gave him. "Park Hyemin, huh?" Yoongi commented to himself as he grabbed the file from Mama's desk. He continued to flip through it to see where she'd been taken and headed toward stock room 14.
Yoongi opened the large warehouse door to see several shivering females huddled together in fear. Yoongi rolled his eyes at how frightened they all looked as he searched the cluster of women. "Where's Park Hyemin?" Yoongi asked firmly, scouring the group to see if he could see her. A small, trembling female with multi-colored hair was shoved forward as Yoongi smiled with satisfaction. "Come with me," he demanded, grabbing the girl's arm and dragging her from the room. He closed the door behind him, leaving the rest of the females in the pitch black of the night. Yoongi continued to drag Hyemin behind him as she stumbled over her own feet, terrified of where this man was taking her. Before she could ask him, she was shoved unceremoniously into a dark room with someone else inside.
Hoseok hastily stood to his feet and flipped on his lamp, walking over toward the girl on her hands and knees. "Are you okay?" Hoseok asked softly, crouching down in front of her. She closed her eyes tight, afraid of what Hoseok was going to do to her before she felt a tender hand on her head. She opened her eyes hesitantly as Hoseok stood to his feet and offered her a hand. "I don't intend to ever use you for sex, okay? You don't have to be afraid of me," Hoseok reassured her gently as she reached for his hand now. He helped her to her feet and helped her over toward his bed. "What's your name?" Hoseok asked calmly, trying not to frighten the girl any more than she already had been. "H- Hyemin... Park Hyemin," she answered hesitantly, folding her hands in her lap. She glanced over at Hoseok with a soft smile, trying her best to assure him that she trusted him- even though she truly didn't trust him yet. "Wh- what's your name?" Hyemin asked out of curiosity, wondering why such a handsome man wouldn't want someone for sex.
"Hoseok is all you need to know. That's all you'll call me and nobody will mess with you if you use that name," Hoseok assured her, standing to his feet. "You sleep in the bed tonight. I'll sleep on the floor," Hoseok announced generously, stretching his back as he prepared a small pallet on the floor for him to sleep. Before he could plop down on his makeshift bed, Hyemin grabbed his arm hesitantly. Hoseok glanced at her from over his shoulder, surprised by the action as he turned toward her. "Something wrong?" Hoseok asked curiously, his eyes wide as Hyemin stared up at him from the bed. "S- Sleep with me... I- I don't want to be alone," Hyemin stammered out softly, her cheeks rosy with embarrassment as Hoseok swallowed hard. He had mentioned he wouldn't use her for sex but that wasn't to say she wasn't attractive either. Hoseok sighed softly as he sat down on his bed, leaning against his pillow as he pulled her close to him. She snuggled into his side and laid her head on his chest where she could hear his heart beating rapidly and drifted off to sleep. Hoseok wrapped his arm tightly around her, pulling the blanket up over them as he tried to fall asleep as well.
After several days of sleeping, Taehyung opened his eyes hesitantly and glanced around the room he was located. He hadn't been awake in days, weak from blood loss as he tried to sit up. Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped themselves tightly around Taehyung's waist as he realize Jungkook had been waiting for him to wake up. "Kookie," Taehyung spoke raspily through the ventilator, coughing from the air being forced into his lungs. Although removing the mask would pose a problem, he was sure of that. Jungkook sobbed heavily into his side, shedding large tears as Taehyung tenderly caressed Jungkook's head in an attempt to stop his tears. "I'm okay now," Taehyung forced the words out raspily, smiling down at Jungkook. Before Jungkook could compose himself, Yoongi, Jimin, Hoseok, and a girl Taehyung had never seen before were now present inside the medical tent. To Taehyung's surprise, Hoseok's and Yoongi's eyes teared up as they both rushed to wrap him in a hug as well.
Taehyung winced in pain but mentioned nothing as he hugged them back, grateful to be alive right now. He was certain he was going to die that day when he couldn't breathe and when he tried all he could do was choke on his own blood. "H- How am I alive?" Taehyung asked curiously, wiping his eyes of any tears as Hoseok and Yoongi pulled away from him. Yoongi was silent as Hoseok laughed blatantly. "Do you really have to ask that? Yoongi was barking orders about killing doctors if they couldn't save you," Hoseok stated jokingly, although he was completely serious. Yoongi once again was silent as Taehyung realized that was actually what transpired while he was unconscious. "Plus, we all donated a little blood for you," Hoseok added as Yoongi remained silent yet again, hiding his left arm behind him. Taehyung glanced at everyone's arms, realizing that their left arms all had gauze bandaged around the crook of their elbows. Although Taehyung couldn't see Yoongi's left arm, he was certain Yoongi had given blood for him as well and smiled tenderly. "You didn't have to do that for me. Eventually, I would have recovered my own red blood cells. It just would have taken a little longer," Taehyung empathized with them, smiling as he realized even the female had donated blood.
"Why did she donate blood though? She doesn't know me and I don't know her," Taehyung reasoned softly as Hoseok smiled and pulled Hyemin closer to them. "Taehyung, I'd like you to meet my new charge, Hyemin. Hyemin, this is Taehyung," Hoseok introduced as the small, wide eyed female smiled pleasantly at Taehyung but offered no words. Jungkook covered Taehyung's eyes in an effort to keep him from looking at Hyemin, jealousy flashing in his eyes as Hoseok laughed cheerfully. "Don't worry, Jungkook. Taehyung is loyal to you. No need to be jealous," Hoseok teased playfully as Jungkook shushed Hoseok loudly out of embarrassment but refused to uncover Taehyung's eyes. Taehyung tenderly pat Jungkook's hands before pulling them away from his eyes and pressing the back of each hand to his ventilator mask, embarrassing Jungkook further. "D- Daddy," Jungkook whined softly out of embarrassment, trying to hide his rosy cheeks. Hyemin watched the exchange with innocent eyes, wondering why Hoseok never acted this lovingly toward her. She had to ask for his affections if she wanted them but watching Taehyung and Jungkook interact with each other so naturally made her feel all the more lonely. She tugged silently on Hoseok's sleeve as he glanced at her slender hand holding on tightly to his shirt. "Yes?" Hoseok questioned as tenderly as possible, still trying to win her trust. Although, Hoseok hadn't realized he'd now had her trust for a while. "Why don't you ever act that way with me?" Hyemin asked softly, almost incoherent as Hoseok glanced at Jungkook and Taehyung lying cuddled up together. Hoseok was silent as he turned away from her before grasping the hand that had been holding onto his shirt. "I'll explain later, love," Hoseok finally answered as they spent time with Taehyung, all of them relieved to see him being himself again.
Yoongi pulled Jimin into his room with him after they'd left the medical tent and their visit with Taehyung was over. Jimin was silent as Yoongi waltzed over to the couch within his room and plopped down. "Well? Are you going to join me? Or are you just going to stand there and stare?" Yoongi asked rather annoyed, wondering why Jimin hadn't followed him over to the couch of his own volition. After a moment, Jimin finally walked over and sat down next to Yoongi. He was silent as he folded his hands into his lap, nervous to be this close to Yoongi now that he knew he was married. "I- I don't think it's a good idea for me to keep staying here with you..." Jimin trailed off as Yoongi raised an eyebrow in interest. "Oh? And why is that?" Yoongi inquired defiantly, watching Jimin's expression twist into one of agony. Yoongi's eyes widened significantly because he wasn't expecting that kind of expression from Jimin. Jimin finally turned toward Yoongi, chewing on his lower lip as he answered. "You're married, Yoongi... I- It would be inappropriate for me to continue being your charge," Jimin explained softly, agonizing over the fact that he was slowly starting to like Yoongi too. Only for things to tumble out of control once he realized Yoongi was the boss. Yoongi was silent as Jimin explained his reasons, scoffing at Jimin's attempt at escaping him. "I don't think so. You're going to have to try a little harder than that if you want to get away from me," Yoongi declared openly, staring defiantly into Jimin's eyes.
Jimin grit his teeth at Yoongi's unwillingness to realize just how disrespectful that was to both him and Mama. "You don't seem to understand," Jimin shouted angrily, rising to his feet as Yoongi continued to stare up at him. "You're being disrespectful to me and to your wife! I'm certain this hurts her too," Jimin shouted angrily as Yoongi shifted his head up toward Jimin. He was honestly shocked that anyone would dare speak to him in that way. Although he smiled, tilting his head before standing up to match Jimin's height. He liked that Jimin was defiant and outspoken. "I'm pretty sure she is upset. Although, she knew what she was getting into when she agreed to my father's proposition. If I had it my way, I wouldn't even have a wife. So before you go spouting off shit, why not talk to me about it first? So we can talk it out because I like you and I get the feeling you like me too. Now, I'd rather be curled up in bed with you than her," Yoongi whispered seductively, grasping Jimin's wrist roughly before tossing him onto the bed. Yoongi hastily crawled onto the bed, hovering over Jimin as the latter closed his eyes tight. "Please be gentle," Jimin whimpered softly, cowering under Yoongi's intense presence.
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