11- Tortured soul
Hello, my loves~♡ It has been two weeks since I last updated but that was so I could catch up on chapters and not feel rushed.🤣😂 I managed to get about 6 chapters done for Wish You were Here and about 3 done for this one in that extra week I had.:3 I can't wait to see what you all think because I've been trying to add more drama to some of them.😂🤣 Make them a little more exciting.:3 This story will pick up soon, I promise.🤣😂 They always do, I just think it's started off rather slowly.🤣😂 I'll fix that though, promise~♡ I hope that you all have been well~♡ I've been excited because I got new furniture for my apartment room and look forward to decorating in my own style.😂🤣 I've also been rather moody on of late and that may show in my writing, honestly.🤣😂 We'll see.:3 Onto the warnings about this chapter though~♡ This chapter contains graphic depictions of violence, torture, and death. Please be advised when reading this story because this one will gradually get darker. I know my mind well enough to warn you of that.😂🤣 If you do read this chapter, I do hope that you'll enjoy it though~♡ If not, that's fine too~♡ I still love you~♡ Without further ado, please enjoy this new installment~♡♡♡
When Yoongi entered the mansion, there was already a black plastic tarp lining his living room floor. He was grateful for Hoseok's quick work as he entered the room completely now, staring at the unconscious man on his knees in the middle of the room. "This is the man that shot Taehyung?" Yoongi inquired calmly, staring the man up and down. Hoseok stepped away from the counter, walking over toward Yoongi and handing him David's gun. "Yes, that's him. I made sure they gave me the right guy before I left," Hoseok explained as Yoongi nodded, tossing David's gun close to him. Out of reach enough that he'd have to struggle to free himself just to grab it. "Good. Now, wake him up," Yoongi demanded venomously, boring holes into the man's head with his intense and vicious stare.
Hoseok grabbed a bucket off the counter and threw the contents of gasoline onto David, rudely awakening the man as he practically pissed himself looking about his surroundings. David found that his wrists, ankles, and arms were tied up and that he had been gagged with a foul tasting cloth while duck tape stretched from one cheek to the other. Yoongi laughed darkly at the confusion on David's face as David glanced up to see a fire raging wildly behind Yoongi's dark irises. Suddenly he realized why his leader had said he fucked up as he frantically shook his head with wide eyes, trying to explain around the cloth in vain. Yoongi tilted his head as if to humor David before ripping the tape off David's face, along with some of his skin. The muffled scream sounded agonizing to Yoongi and he relished it. "You have something to say," Yoongi inquired patiently, yanking the cloth from David's dry mouth. "Spill it," Yoongi demanded as David attempted to explain with little to no saliva.
"I- I'm s- sorry. I didn't know how important that man was to you... I- I didn't know why my members weren't coming to help me," David explained quietly, smacking his lips together to try and gain some sort of relief from his dry mouth. "You don't say," Yoongi patronized with a dry laugh, clasping his hands behind his back. "You still should have known better by the way he presented himself to your leader. If I didn't trust him the way I do, then why would I send him to make deals with another gang's leader?" Yoongi asked patiently, trying to see if the man would honestly realize his mistake. Yoongi noticed the man's eyes widen in realization as Yoongi's smirk darkened. "Bingo. You finally realized how fucked you truly are right now," Yoongi patronized the terrified man once again, crouching down to his level. David could see his gun in front of him, between him and Yoongi as Yoongi placed his cheek in the palm of his hand and rested his elbow on his knee. "You seem to think all you need to do is grab your gun and you'll be safe. I promise you, I won't make it that easy," Yoongi teased the man harshly, moving the gun closer to David and then further away. Settling on further away from them as Yoongi lit a cigarette to keep himself from killing the man immediately. He wanted to have some fun with David first. He blew the acrid smoke straight into David's face with a wicked smile when the man started to cough and hack from the secondhand smoke. "Not a smoker? That's probably for the best. A very bad habit indeed," Yoongi spouted off randomly, luring David into a false sense of security as he continued to smoke his cigarette. "You know, Taehyung is with the medical staff fighting for his life because he's lost so much blood. I even overheard the doctors talking about how he'll have to be on a ventilator for a few months because one of his lungs collapsed. They had to pump the blood that had filled the other lung, otherwise, he'd have suffocated on his own blood. Tell me, David, what made you think it was okay to aim for his chest?" Yoongi inquired calmly, blowing more acrid smoke into David's face.
David shivered in terror at the look of malignancy in Yoongi's eyes versus the demeanor he was presenting. There was a dark fire blazing wildly within him, threatening to swallow David's soul whole but he was portraying such a calm disposition that it was almost more frightening than the uncontained rage. "I- I didn't look to see where I was aiming," David blurted out hurriedly, trying to dissuade Yoongi's all-consuming rage. David could feel Yoongi's resentment emanating from him, even if he seemed mellow on the surface. "You didn't look to see where you were aiming? That's good to know. You do understand that the last time I was able to see Taehyung, he flatlined in front of me, correct? If they can't resuscitate him, do you know what that means for you?" Yoongi asked calmly, earning a horrid glance from Hoseok. He wasn't aware Taehyung had flatlined and he certainly didn't want to find out this way. Hoseok felt tears well in his eyes before closing them tight, inhaling deeply while praying Taehyung survived this ordeal and opened them slowly once again- his expressionless disposition back in place as he stared at David's terrified expression.
"It seems you are aware what will happen to you if Taehyung dies," Yoongi patronized enthusiastically, clapping as if to congratulate David on putting two and two together. David could feel every one of Yoongi's words seethed with sarcasm as he stared up at Yoongi with a pleading expression. "Oh, come now. Begging will get you nowhere," Yoongi teased humorously, laughing dryly as he pulled his gun from the back of the waistband of his pants. David's eyes widened in terror as he shivered once again, unable to control his bladder. Yoongi scoffed in disgust as he stood to his feet and shook his shoes out of the puddle. "Looks like he'll have to be punished for pissing in the house," Yoongi chastized blatantly, grabbing the back of David's greasy hair roughly. He shoved David's face into the ground, rubbing his face in his own urine as if he were punishing a dog. When Yoongi finally released David's hair, the male's head shot back to get away from his mess. Yoongi laughed darkly this time, crouching down once again as he blew more acrid smoke into the bewildered man's face. "I hate looking at your face right now, knowing Taehyung has suffered so much because of you. I don't want to see your face anymore," Yoongi announced darkly, unexpectedly snuffing his cigarette out in David's left eye.
David screamed in agonizing pain as he pulled at the restraints around his wrists, falling to his side and writhing in pain on the ground in front of Yoongi. There was nothing he could do to relieve this blinding pain as he continued to scream in agony. "Shut up," Yoongi demanded dangerously, pressing the barrel of his .45 to David's temple hard. "I hate hearing your voice too. You've said plenty enough about how Taehyung ended up in this predicament so now... It's your turn," Yoongi announced sadistically, removing the barrel of his .45 from David's temple. Yoongi smiled darkly as he recalled that David didn't even look to see where he was aiming and stood to his feet. Yoongi covered his eyes and pointed his .45 at David before waving his weapon back and forth in front of David. David realized that Yoongi wasn't going to kill him immediately and instead, not look where he was aiming as he'd explained. Yoongi cocked his weapon as he stopped waving his gun and pulled the trigger, a loud metallic bang ringing out as the bullet narrowly missed David's leg. Yoongi uncovered his eyes before smiling darkly and crouched down next to David once more. "Seems you're luckier than I gave you credit for," Yoongi stated humorously, igniting another cigarette as David began to sweat with fear. He wondered if Yoongi would put this cigarette out in his other eye or somewhere else on his body. Either way, the pain would be excruciating and there would be nothing he could do about it. He was blind in his left eye now because he couldn't even move his hands to help himself the first time.
"The terror in your eye tells me you think I'm going to put this cigarette out in your other eye," Yoongi boldly announced, watching David carefully for any sign that he was right. Unfortunately for David, he was not skilled in hiding his emotions and Yoongi knew he was correct now because of the shift in David's expression. "You would be incorrect," Yoongi lied blatantly, only partially stating the truth. He didn't intend on putting it out in his other eye as he continued to smoke his cigarette without a care. "I don't intend to completely blind you because then you wouldn't see what I have planned for you next," Yoongi announced with false excitement, jumping to his feet and striding over towards Hoseok. Yoongi's expression did not shift, although his tone did. "Make funeral preparations for Taehyung, just in case he doesn't pull through," Yoongi whispered solemnly, gritting his teeth with anger before whipping back around to face David. "Don't get too comfortable on me now, bitch," Yoongi berated the man, whirling back around and striding over toward a petrified David. Before David could beg for mercy from the glimpse of Yoongi's suddenly deranged demeanor, Yoongi stopped short and flicked his still lit cigarette onto David. Remembering that Hoseok had dosed him with gasoline as David shrieked with agony once again. Yoongi watched as the bright, condemnation diminishing flame swallowed the entire man's body- engulfing him in a purity so excruciating.
Yoongi basked in the pained wails of his nemesis, smiling with relief up toward the ceiling. When Hoseok put the fire out with a large bucket of water, Yoongi sighed with contempt. Although, he couldn't blame Hoseok. A quick death would be far too generous a luxury for someone like David. "Stand him up," Yoongi commanded sternly as Hoseok walked over towards the sniveling man writhing on the ground. Hoseok yanked the charred man to his feet by the collar of his shirt, the way Taehyung had hours prior, and stood him on his unstable feet. David wobbled unsteadily as Hoseok propped him up against one of the walls behind them. A dark streak of black and blood was left on the wall while David wobbled this way and that. "Now, you get to experience Yoongi's full wrath. Maybe in your next life, you'll be more cautious about who you assault," Hoseok claimed harshly, shoving David away from him when he tried to lean on Hoseok for any kind of protection. Hoseok took several liberal steps back as he stood beside Yoongi, both of them drawing their weapons and aiming them at David. "Remember Hoseok, our friend here didn't even look to see where he was aiming when he shot Taehyung," Yoongi reiterated darkly once again, cocking his gun without remorse now. "So we shouldn't watch where we hit him. Although, I know your aim is good enough to miss anything vital if I directed you so," Yoongi announced loud enough to fill the silence in his living room, covering his eyes once again. Hoseok followed suit and covered his eyes as he cocked his revolver, a dark smirk splayed across his lips. "This is for Taehyung," Hoseok whispered tenderly into the silence before both Yoongi and Hoseok pulled their triggers. Two metallic bangs echoed clearly throughout the silence before they cocked their guns again and continued to fire until they both emptied their clips. When they uncovered their eyes, they witnessed David slumped over on the ground motionless- blood pooling onto the black tarp and seeping down the white wall. The charred streak of black and blood screaming to be noticed and scrubbed.
Yoongi didn't care about the wall as he inspected every spot where they shot David. Yoongi smiled in satisfaction when he realized they didn't miss a single shot and that several of them were nonfatal, meaning David had suffered greatly before he died. Yoongi stood to his feet with a sigh of relief, only to see Mama standing in the doorway. "What have you done?" She shouted angrily, rushing over to inspect her once beautiful wall. "You've ruined this wall, Yoon-" she cut herself off the moment Yoongi glared at her. His silence spoke for itself as she corrected herself. "Boss. You've ruined this wall, Boss," she stated more calmly, politely folding her hands in front of her. Yoongi shrugged nonchalantly as he shifted his .45 behind him and into the back of the waistband of his pants. "Do I care? I don't even stay here unless it's to deal with unpleasantries," Yoongi announced blatantly, lumping Mama into those unpleasantries. He knew his father wanted him to have an heir to succeed in the family business but Yoongi didn't appreciate the thought of crawling on top of a woman just for that. She scoffed indignantly, crossing her arms over her chest as she popped her hip out. "So I, your wife and a rival gang member's sister, am just an unpleasantry?" Mama asked disgustedly, glaring at the back of Yoongi's head. Yoongi spared her no glance as he answered her without hesitation. "Yes. Why do you think I only sleep with my male charges?" Yoongi asked in retort, finally turning to glance at his wife. She was beautiful. He couldn't deny that. She just wasn't what he was attracted to, even if that was what his father wanted. He could see the anger seething off of her but he knew she wouldn't do anything about what he'd said. "I'm your wife," she claimed aggressively, showing him her left ring finger and the diamond ring that was perched on it as she glared daggers at Yoongi. "You do know, I will inform your father of what's been going on," she threatened clearly, folding her arms back over her chest. Yoongi scoffed loudly, laughing as he turned away from her and walked back toward the door. "I'm so scared. What's he going to do? Ground me? He hasn't done anything to me since I started standing up to him," Yoongi declared proudly, shutting the door behind him as he headed back toward the compound- leaving Hoseok to clean up the mess and Mama to seethe silently.
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