That's My Girl..
"You did very good, I'm amazed" Dark smirks
"Thank you" you say softly
He gets up, barely able to walk
"Well, I'm going to get dressed, you should too" he laughs
"Can I take a shower first?"
He nods and points to the bathroom
"First door on the right"
You nod and get up walking to the bathroom covering yourself with his sheets. You close the door and let out a sigh turning the water on.
A knock comes from the door "May I come in?"
You hesitate but then unlock the door. Dark slowly opens the door "peekaboo" he smirks
"What do you need" you ask
"My shirt. That and I just wanted to see your beauty again"
You look down with a faint blush on your cheeks and give him his shirt
"Thank you, you can get ready now" he smiles and closes the door
You get in the shower letting the hot water drench over you, cleaning up. You start thinking of what all just really happened. You didn't fight back at all, it's like you wanted him too.. But you don't even know this guy.
You go in deep thought of plans on what to do when you get out.
Should you leave?
Or stay?
You get out and realize your clothes from earlier are scattered through the house, but they weren't of any use to you anymore, because they were all ripped and torn off of you a few hours ago.
You go downstairs in a towel with your hair soaking wet still. You stand there having drops of water fall onto his wood floor. Unnoticed, by him mixing a drink together you finally stutter out
He looks up, stopping what he is doing "..uh...yes?"
"My clothes are all ripped"
He puts his hands to his face "Ohh crap...okay just take my black flannel and shorts I have on top of my dresser upstairs"
You go back upstairs seeing the flannel and his so-called "shorts" (boxers). you grabs them and walk over tossing them on the bed and take the boxers, slipping them on and rolling up the band on them a couple times to fit you. You throw the flannel on and he walks in seeing you with his cloths on and the flannel showing a bit of your chest and stomach
"Whoa. You l-look great"
"Thanks" you say in your soft voice, buttoning up the flannel shirt.
He clears his throat "Oh um.. sorry I was a bit rough. I couldn't contain m-myself.."
"Did you just bring me here to fuck..?" You ask in an emotionless way.
"N-no, no. I just felt kinda bad I went over board.. Well you enjoyed it though." He says
"Yea but...This won't work.." You tell him with your head still down
"Wait... what do you mean "This won't work"..?" He looks up at you
"Well.. I don't know you. I mean yes we did it and it was a good hour but you kidnaped me and..I feel like you just did it because you felt like it.."
"Well no" he walks towards you "I know I was a creep at that moment.. but really, I have a deep passion for you.." he lifts your head "I just needed you.. I wouldn't use you.. I just go crazy for you.." he admits
"But why me? I'm not special at all. I don't see why you couldn't have picked a better girl"
"Oh please, I picked you cause you have this kind of strength and passion. I wouldn't picked another 'cause.. You're unique.. your beauty and personality.. I just had to do it." he explains
You sigh and look down, twiddling you thumbs a little, too shy to look up to him and say something.
"Hey.." he lifts your chin up and gives a soft kiss making you blush a little "No one is like you, I knew I had to chose you." He says softly
That makes you smile, looking in Dark's eyes
He blushes and smiles back "That's my girl.."
"I'm your girl?" You asked, knowing he never even asked you
"Well you tell me. Of c-course..well I-I mean.."
You raise an eyebrow at him
"..Do you want to be my girl..?" he asks hoping its a yes and caresses your cheek.
you think it over for a second and slowly nod to him
Dark smiles "I love you.." he wraps his arms around you
You hug him back and say in your mind 'I think I love you too, Dark..' " but you don't say it to him yet. You have to get to know him a bit better still.
He kisses your forehead and smiles. You faintly smiles back "I gotta sit down.." your hips and legs ache still
"Here.." he picks you up "I got you.." he lays you down on the couch
"Thank you" you rest and start to feel your eyelids getting heavy and soon shut them completely, falling asleep.
He sees you asleep, so peacefully, breathing so softly. He lays beside you to keep you warm and soon falls asleep to the feeling of being beside you.. finally.
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