Hoseok's POV
"Come on now, you look like a puppy who just lost its owner" I comment softly as I join Yoongi in his lonely little corner between the bar and the wall. It shows that he wants nothing to do with the people here, and I don't blame him.
He's never been a people person outside of his group of friends.
We both glance towards the busy half of the restaurant to see Y/N running all over the place, a sight that has always made me feel insufficient. The urge to go out there and take some of her workload off her hands is strong, but feeling her ease and contentment right now reassures me.
She really likes her job. She's chatting with the people, smiling and laughing with them before continuing with her usual tasks. Sometimes, I do feel her stubbornness make an appearance when she's stopped mid-task to help someone else, but her face never shows her irritation.
That's something I really admire about her. She gives everything her all, even when it's hard.
Although... I remember that she once said something about how working here isn't anywhere close to her dream job. She'd said that as if there was no hope to make her dreams happen in reality, and it makes me wonder. What would she do for a living if she had no restrictions?
"She's a hard worker" Yoongi says, his voice pulling me out of my thoughts and bringing my gaze back to him.
I hum softly, then grab a load of dishes to dry off with a towel when Jin takes them out of the washer. He joins us, seeing as there's nothing else to do at the moment, a little moment of respite before the next wave of orders comes.
"Y/N was adorably confused the first time she started working here" Jin says with a chuckle. "Do you remember, Hoseok-ah? She'd look like a panicked little bunny, running all over the place and her mind spinning a mile an hour trying to figure out the perfect way to do everything at the same time. Goodness, looking at her used to get me dizzy".
I snort a small laugh at the memory, he's right. The other hosts didn't seem to care about her, but Namjoon immediately took her under his wing and taught her his ways. A little bit of guidance, and she looked much less panicked and much more comfortable.
It's thanks to Namjoon if I could get closer to Y/N, as did Jin. He introduced her to us, and then it became a habit for them to sit at the bar while Jin and I did our things. A few other bartenders did come and go, but we were always here to welcome them.
"I can't believe it's been a year already" I muse softly, it's been a wild experience, but it was so worth it. Seeing the questions in Yoongi's eyes, Jin answers for me.
"Hoseok fell for her - literally - on the day she tripped over him. The floor was slippery and Namjoon had forgotten the wet sign. I firmly believe that her feet rose over her head that day, she would have knocked her skull hard on the floor if Hoseok hadn't been there. I still remember the scene as if it happened yesterday. He tried to catch her, slipped on the water and fell with her".
I remember the sensations of the moment more than the way it happened. Of her body falling over me, and the blush that had caught on her cheeks when she met my gaze. Her hands had grazed over my skin trying to get up, and the softness had made my heart stutter for the first time since Yoongi.
Everything had felt different from then on, like I had fallen under her spell. She'd done nothing to make me fall in love that day, I'd done it all on my own.
Yoongi eyes me in silence, his lip ring shining slightly after he licks his lips and I blink shyly, wondering if he heard my thoughts. Did he? Did you?
He nods slowly, eyes creasing when I feel myself blush against all odds. Damn. I understand why Y/N keeps getting embarrassed now. There's no warning as the bond keeps shifting and changing its ways, so there's always someone getting caught off guard.
A soft energy rises from the pit of my stomach all the way up to my heart, and I look back to the dining area to find Y/N smiling widely as she runs over, apparently having been given a short break while every tables look satisfied.
I'm about to smile, happy to get her back for a little while, but just as quickly does it get replaced with a gasp when she trips on the edge of the carpet, right where the fabric is slightly torn. She falls down fast, and her yelp gets Yoongi and Jin's attention just as her wrists take the brunt of the impact.
Then it's a crushing pain that zips up my arms and down to my wrists. I bite down a groan of pain that Yoongi masks better than I do, though the sudden clenching of his hands betrays him. The pain thrums, like a splitting headache soaring right through my bones, and it momentarily takes my breath from me.
Holy shit, what the fuck was that?
Y/N sits up where she is, looking stunned for a moment as her eyes turn watery, chin all wobbly at the pain that took us all by surprise. Jin runs up to her before I can make a move, and Namjoon isn't far behind as he saw everything unfold from a distance.
"Oh bunny" Jin coos softly when she hiccups tearfully, the emotions that settle in my chest letting me know that she's both ashamed and trying her hardest not to cry when the pain really makes her want to bawl her eyes out.
"Are you okay? That looks painful" Namjoon utters as he kneels by her side too, seeing the way that she's holding her wrists to her chest like they're broken, which immediately alerts my mind back into clarity.
Did she fracture her bones? Shit, I hope not.
Yoongi and I quickly join them on the floor, and our friends step aside to give us the space, unwilling to take her soulmates' place. I cup her cheeks with my palms to wipe the tears that fled while Yoongi takes a look at her wrists, her hiss of pain bringing forward another wave of tears from her eyes.
"It's swelling" he informs me when I try to have a look too, and I focus on comforting Y/N when more of the hot tears slide over my hands. Her wide doe eyes take in my every reactions with nervous anticipation, and I softly hush before she starts to imagine the worst.
"Let's get you up first, sugar bear, then we can have a look" I murmur before gently pulling her up with Yoongi's help, after which we take her to the bar where we sit her down, only now seeing the first aid kit on the counter while Namjoon searches inside for bandages and ointment.
"This will require a visit to the doctor as soon as possible, but for now we should try to wrap that up and make sure it doesn't get worse" he says as Y/N very slowly rests her arms in front of her. "I'll be gentle, bun, bear with the pain for a little while".
It's feeling powerless that I observe as he rolls some thick bandage around her wrists to hold them still after applying the ointment. I look at the time, and seeing that I still have more than two hours left in my shift makes frustration rise in the pit of my stomach.
"I'll take her to the hospital, I came here with my car so it'll be faster that way" Yoongi assures from over her head, sensing or hearing my nerves, I'm not sure. I nod at him, then cuddle Y/N against my chest when my own wrists begin to pinch uncomfortably.
"I feel stupid" she murmurs under her breath once Namjoon's done. "That was so embarrassing".
"It happens to the best of us, angel, don't sweat it" Yoongi counters with a caress to her head. She remains unconvinced, but nods either way, knowing that it's useless to overthink about such trivial matters at the moment.
"Did I break my wrists? I felt a crack when I fell" she asks Namjoon as he puts the first aid kit back underneath the bar counter in one of the lower cabinets. He purses his lips as he glances at her hands again.
"Maybe you fractured a bone, but I didn't see any weird angle and the swelling seems to have stabilized, so I'm hoping that it's nothing too bad. A doctor will have a better look and treat them properly, bun" he answers with a small smile that's meant to comfort her.
"What about work?" she asks again, looking upset as she glances around the restaurant. "I don't think I can use my wrists like this, but they need my help".
"You're not working in this state" I chide, voice filled with worry. "You need that looked at before anything else so go with Yoongi, okay? We'll be fine here" I continue with a softer voice, hoping so dearly that she won't be stubborn about this.
She nods reluctantly, then stands when Yoongi wraps an arm around her shoulders to guide the way.
"Give me a call once you've talked with a doctor, I'll keep my phone on me" I demand while following them to the lockers. "And let Yoongi help with the seatbelt, give your wrists a break until we know how badly injured they are. Here, let me help you with your coat".
I grab it before she can, and I carefully fit her hands in the sleeves one at a time before adjusting the coat over her shoulders while Yoongi zips it up to her neck. He grabs her bag, then her phone before shutting the locker, and I follow them to the entrance.
Not being allowed to do more for her right now feels absolutely terrible, I wish I could drop my work in an instant and go with them, but that would mean leaving Jin alone to handle the bar and I could never do that to him.
We walk past new customers all the way to the doors, and I hold them open while they walk outside. I then stand there in silence, feeling like a useless soulmate as I watch them reach and stop in front of Yoongi's car. It's pitiful that I'm unable to go with them when she got hurt in front of my eyes.
Y/N turns around at the same time as that thought takes roots in my mind, and my heart melts like butter when she comes back to hug me tightly, as much as her painful wrists allow.
"You're not a useless soulmate" she murmurs against my chest, the sincerity in her voice flooding my body and pushing away every bad thoughts I know I would've had throughout the night if not for her reassurance.
I close my eyes, hugging her back with a kiss pressed to her forehead.
"I know, sugar bear. Call me, okay? I'll join you later if you're still at the hospital by the time I'm done with work, or I can join you at home if you're not asleep by then. I'll try to leave early once most of the people have left, I'm sure Jin will understand".
She hums softly before pulling back, and I watch as she goes back to Yoongi's awaiting arm. He opens the passenger's door before helping her inside, and once sure that he'll do his best to keep her from being in pain uselessly, I close the door before walking back in the restaurant.
I hurry to the bar when I see that the next rush has already begun without me.
"Sorry, hyung, I didn't mean to take so long" I apologize as soon as I reach his side, and I get started on the drink the guy in front of me requests while Jin shakes his head, not looking bothered at all. I'm lucky to have such a kind friend in my coworker here.
"It's alright, I would've done the same if my soulmate had gotten hurt. Let's get through this rush in one piece, then I'll let you go, Hoseok-ah. It won't be so bad in an hour or so, I know you want to get to her as soon as possible".
I would've hugged him if I wasn't so busy, seriously.
"Thanks, hyung. You're the best".
"As long as you know".
We both chuckle before focusing back on work, my mind already feeling better about the situation I'm stuck in. The sooner I'm done here, the sooner I can join my soulmates.
Gosh. My soulmates. I love the sound of it.
Your POV
Yoongi and I exit the doctor's examination room and walk back to the quiet waiting room where we're to wait for the results of the scans. There wasn't much to be said since we need to see the results first, but the doctor seemed relieved by the state of the swelling.
It's painful, absolutely, but it hasn't gotten any worse since we arrived here so in the meantime, I was given a brace on each wrists until we figure out the state of my bones. She seemed hopeful that nothing was broken, so I want to believe that I'll be able to get out of here before the end of the day.
It did perturb me when Yoongi said that he felt the pain as if his own when I fell, and the doctor seemed just as taken aback before taking notes on a different paper. Information about our bond having three souls was added, as well as the fact that we can feel emotions and hear thoughts.
She'd thanked us before saying that we would be called when she would have the results, and Yoongi had pulled my chair back before holding the door open for me.
We sit down with our backs against the wall and I look down at my hands, lips pursed unhappily at the lack of mobility I am currently allowed. Can I even scratch my head if it itches? To think that all of this happened because I ran and tripped at work in front of everyone.
Jin told me to not run at work, but I was so excited to finally be granted a break and I wanted to spend every seconds with Hoseok and Yoongi. Now... here I am at the hospital, because I tripped in front of everyone-
"Stop putting yourself into the same turmoil over and over again, angel. It was an accident" Yoongi stops me before I can continue brooding over my image. Can he blame me, though? I tripped and fell in front of everyone-
Fingers pinch my chin to turn my face toward Yoongi, and I pout at his authoritative eyes. "Sorry, I'll stop". He leans back in his seat with a quiet sigh while I keep my eyes on him, not having anything else to do right now. He makes a great distraction.
I take everything about him with curious eyes. The nightly glow of his hair and the loose strands that have escaped the elastic. The gold of his skin that shines through the sickly lights that spread throughout the hospital, and the pink of his lips where rests a silver lip ring.
What does it feel like to wear one? I wanted that kind of piercing when I was younger because I thought it looked cool, but my parents kept saying that it would look ugly on me and that I should know better than to torture my body that way, so I eventually dropped the idea. I'm still a bit sulky about what they said that day.
"Do you like wearing one?" I ask, only pointing at his lips when he glances at me with confusion, he seemed to be far in his thoughts just now.
He makes a soft "Ah, this" before staring at the nurses who walk before us, all of them looking equally busy with one thing or another, they always work so hard. At least, tonight is calm and quiet, there isn't as many people as I'd feared.
"I got used to it" Yoongi answers after a moment, "but I couldn't really tell you if I like wearing one. I guess it would feel weird to not have it on, though. I've had these piercings for years now so people just assume that this is what I've always looked like".
I hum at his answer, eyes glued on the smooth and shiny surface of the metallic jewelry. It's snug and fits perfectly around the shape of his bottom lip. The placement looks good on him, it really catches the eye.
He pushes his tongue on the inside of his cheek at he follows my thoughts, and that too catches my attention. I hear his chuckle inside of my head just as a smirk tilts the corner of his lips, and I feel a blush crawl up my cheeks.
I look away from him, gaze now on the floor as his remains on me, silent and observant.
"You don't have ear piercings" he comments after a while, and I raise my better hand to the tender flesh to feel it devoid of any decorations. I nod my head before letting it fall gently over my thigh with the other.
"My parents were against it. I begged so often, but they wouldn't hear anything. They said it was... how did they used to call it? Self harm? I don't know, they have a pretty... weird perception of people who have tattoos and piercings".
We fall silent, Yoongi's brows furrowed as he processes what I just said.
What the fuck is what comes back the most from his thoughts, and I can't blame him. It must be a very weird thing to hear as someone who has more than one. I shrug tiredly, head tilted back to rest against the cold wall.
"I'm free to do what I want now, I live on my own so I don't know why I never tried to get any. Maybe I was too busy, or I got used to being told no. I once heard that Hoseok doesn't want any, so maybe a part of me didn't want to earn his disapproval. I didn't want him to look at me differently".
"Hoseok doesn't want piercings, but he likes them" Yoongi blurts out quickly, eyes honest as he stares at me. "He used to go around and choose new jewelry for me when we'd go out, he found that exciting. If anything, I think he would encourage you to do what makes you happy".
I stay silent, my gaze stuck on the stain of dirt on my shoes, I'll have to rub that off some other time.
I guess... yeah, what Yoongi said is true. Hoseok would definitely encourage me to do whatever I feel like doing, as long as it's what I want for myself. Why did I even think that he would react the same way I know my parents would?
"What others think... you shouldn't think about that. That kind of decision should be made by you, for you" he continues with a small smile that brings warmth to my heart, figuratively and literally. "I can accompany you, if you want. I know of a good place, it's a tattoo parlor but they also do piercings, and they're great at it. They can be a little expensive, though".
"Well, a job well done can't be cheap, right? If you trust them, I'll trust them too" I let out with a happier look on my face. "And... I'd feel a lot better if you came with me, Yoongi. I feel like I'd chicken out if I went on my own".
I smile at the ceiling, suddenly excited at the prospect of finally making a positive change for myself.
"I'll start with my ears since I don't know yet if I'll like having piercings, that would probably be a good start. Did you know I have a couple earrings at home? I bought them because they were pretty, they're in a drawer in my bedroom, hidden like a secret. I'd love to wear them eventually, though I have no idea if they'd look good on me" I continue with a dreamy tone of voice.
"You got earrings before you could wear them?" he asks with a chuckle, not mocking, but rather endeared.
With my lips pursed, I bashfully nod my head. "It's silly, right? Holding them in my hands made me feel better, so I bought them on impulse. But I'm glad I did, now. Do you think they'd have some time for me next week?".
"I'll ask them and let you know tomorrow, they're usually asleep at this time of the night".
"Awesome, thanks Yoongi".
My soulmate's eyes crease as he stares at me and the stars in my eyes. He loves the feelings that flood through him right now. Hope, wonder, thrill. It almost makes him forget about where we are and why we're here. Almost.
"Ahn Y/N, room 7".
Our little bubble bursts then, and I heave a long breath before standing from my chair, Yoongi close behind.
"Please, let there be no broken bones".
'So you left with a brace on your left wrist only?' Hoseok asks from his car, currently on the way over to my place after hearing that we're on our way out. I almost forgot to let him know about how things went, it's a good thing that he called in the end.
"Yeah, it's a minor fracture, the doctor said it should be all good in around two weeks. I have to put ice on my other wrist to reduce the swelling, and in a day or two, it'll be fine too. That means no work for me, though" I speak, my arms comfortably settled over my lap since Yoongi connected my phone to his car's bluetooth, thank goodness for that.
"You wouldn't be able to do much anyway, angel, it's better if you take that time to rest" he says as he makes a turn to the left, I can't tell if he's memorized the path to my home already or if he just has a very good intuition.
'Yoongi's right. Take that time to do something you like, you wanted to watch that tv show but couldn't find the time, didn't you? Now's your chance' Hoseok adds with a smile in his voice. 'I can even keep you company if you want. Eunwoo's working the bar this weekend and he's training two new baristas, so Jin and I don't have work for once'.
"Hey, don't make plans without me while I'm here" Yoongi complains as he turns again at the green light. "I have the weekend off too, should you want to know. I never have classes during the weekend, so I have more than enough time to spare".
'Great, we should have a sleepover, then! Starting tonight, what do you think? I can have everything ready at my place, I have an air bed big enough for two in the locker. Someone will have to take the couch, though, and that can't be Y/N' Hoseok chirps, suddenly all excited at the prospect of spending the weekend together, which I'll say, I am too.
Yoongi snorts some air from his nose. "Fine, I'll take the couch again. We'll stop by Y/N's place to grab what she needs, then we'll head to mine before coming to yours".
'That's perfect, I'll make a quick stop at the convenience store to grab your favourite snacks and some ice for the wrist, then I'll do some cleaning. Just come in once you're there, I'll leave the door unlocked for you'.
"Wow, things move so fast with you two" I let out, honestly amazed by the ease with which they build plans for the three of us. I didn't even have time to say anything and yet I'm getting pulled into this really fun version of a weekend.
"Sorry angel, I just went with what the bond gave me on your end. Would you rather do something else? We don't have to do a sleepover if you don't want to" Yoongi asks with a light frown, ready to scrap the entire planning if needed.
"No, no need for that. I like the plan. I was just fascinated, that's all".
'Thank goodness, I got worried for a second. Yoongi and I used to always do things on the fly, I guess we haven't lost that habit. Sorry, sugar bear'.
I chuckle with a small shake of the head. "Like I said, there's no need for concerns, I'm good with the plan. That made me realize that I never went to your place before, Hoseok. We met up often at Namjoon and Jin's homes, occasionally mine, but never yours".
He hums, only now coming to the same realisation. 'That's true... wow, I'd never paid attention before. I guess it was easier for me to move around and pick you up depending on where we went since you don't have a car and we live nearby, none of us wanted you to walk on your own late at night'.
"Yeah. It wouldn't have made much sense for Namjoon or Jin to come pick me up since they live further away" I chime in as my home comes within sight. The triplex I live in is in a pretty good neighborhood, safe and quiet most of the time, it's a great place.
"So you two spend a lot of time together outside of work, then" Yoongi comments as he parks into the driveway, between the two lines I direct him to. Then he's pulling the brake and leaving his car to rumble until we're done with the call.
'We see each other outside of work once or twice a week' Hoseok answers simply. 'It's rarely only the two of us, though, Namjoon and Jin are always there. We watch movies together or play games after dinner, that kind of thing. You can come with us the next time if you want, Yoongi. It usually happens on Monday since we always have the same day off'.
Surprised to have been invited - I can feel the softness merged into it coming from him - Yoongi blinks until a tiny smile melts on his face. I'd love to go, but he should ask the others first, that silly man, is what he thinks, so I answer Hoseok in his stead.
"He'll be happy to keep us company, Hobi" I let out with a grin, it feels amazing to be the one to get secret information for once. Keep the thoughts coming so I can keep the advantage! No more leaving me in the dark!
'Great! I'll let Namjoon and Jin know before our next planning, they'll be pleased to have you, Yoongi. Well, I'll have to end the call if I want to get anything done before you're here, I'll see you two in a bit!' he chirps before ending his side of the call, and the radio soon comes back on with Yoongi's side glance on me.
I show him a dazzling smile, and he huffs a small chuckle before grabbing his keys to turn off the engine. "Stay here, angel, I'll come around to help you out, don't want you using those wrists for anything tonight".
"Even a baby can do more than me right now" I whine as he opens the door to step out of his vehicle.
A baby can't talk, at least you're better than that, Yoongi counters in my head, to which I simply roll my eyes right as he opens my door. He gently leans into my space to undo my seat belt, then grabs my bag and phone for me before stepping back to give me the space needed to get out too.
With a grunt, I manage to force myself out without using my hands much, elbows surprisingly stepping in pretty well for what's needed. Maybe I have there my new tool for any basic actions that will be required from now on?
I certainly dread going to the toilet next, I'll have to hold that off until my non-fractured wrist hurts less. I'm lucky that I don't have both with a brace right now.
Once I've pushed the door closed with my hip, we smoothly make it inside my apartment where I take a moment to breathe in and out. Today has been a lot, it feels weird to know that just a couple hours ago, we were eating at this table as soulmates for the first time.
Now we're having a sleepover at Hoseok's place. The same day. Phew.
"Need any help with grabbing your stuff?" my devilishly handsome soulmate asks as he stares at me while standing idly, something cute that shouldn't fit someone like him. Why is his existence so confusing for my brain?
"Because your brain has never been exposed to the devil before. Everyone's got a different first experience with that, you're just lucky that yours has anything to do with your soulmate" he teases as he looks around before removing his shoes. Guess he'll start with that.
Smart ass, I grumble to myself before rushing to my bedroom after my shoes thrown about, his chuckle resounding from behind as he goes to sit on the couch. I haven't said anything about wanting his help, so he'll wait until that changes.
Knowing that I have a bag large enough to fit what I'll need for the weekend in my closet, I start looking there first, the boxes and boots organized on the floor blocking off where I know it should be. I hiss once or twice because of the soreness of my wrist, but eventually manage to grab it before heading to my bed.
I'll need pyjamas, underwear, then clothes for two days, right? Then my hygiene products, because I cannot survive without them. I eye one of my plushies, then grab the smallest one so it fits on top of everything, it's head the only thing peeking out as I zip the bag shut. Yeah, that'll work.
I better not hear either of the men who've left a mark on my arms say anything bad about my Bubble. That cat plushie has been by my side for far too long to be made a victim by any of the people around me.
Once ready, I fit my bag over my shoulder, trusty cat peeking over my shoulder, then make my way to the entrance. I can feel Yoongi's gaze burning at my back as I wear my shoes again, amusement drizzling over my head from him as he joins my side to do the same.
"What a cute little thing that is. So precious and soft, should I tell Hoseok to buy it cat treats? Should it eat at the table with us? Maybe I can grab a couple blankets at home to make it a nice bed" he begins speaking with a teasing tone that has me glaring at his back with warning.
"Don't you dare start that now, Yoongi. Devil or not, you don't want to play with fire when it comes to Bubble".
"Oh, but I might want to do just that".
"Then you have chosen death. I won't let you get away with it if you make my kitten feel bad even once, let this be your only warning".
"How terrifying" he croons while opening the door so we can go back to his car. He's not even trying to hide the fact that I'm amusing him right now, the bastard. I ought to... kick his heels while he walks! Repeatedly!
His laughter accompanies our walk to the vehicle even as I put my vengeance into motion, not the least bothered by my cute antics when it's done so adorably. This weekend will be a lot of fun, he can feel it.
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