Yoongi's POV
When my performance on the stage finally comes to an end, it's to the awareness of an indescribable feeling that's swarming my chest, a pull that comes from outside of me and right at my heart.
When I first started singing, beneath the adrenaline of being in front of such a crowd, I felt a growing panic unlike anything I'd ever felt before, and I couldn't even begin to understand what it was or where it came from that it was gone.
The small whisper of a voice had filled my mind, but it was so quiet in the loudness reaching my ears that I couldn't understand a single thing it said. Now that I'm done, of course, it's fully quiet.
Did I actually have my soulmate here and missed them?
I look over my arms from every angles possible once down from the stage, but there's nothing except for a hollow feeling in my soul. If it was truly my soulmate, and if that was the bond locking in place, I should still be feeling something, or at least hearing them, isn't that how the new bonds work?
Is it incomplete? Is that what this is? Because I didn't hear their first words to me?
I numbly make my way to the bar, my only comfort here being the man who once owned the entirety of my heart. It was at a time when I thought that I could live this life without my fated one by my side, until I realized that I was only scared and avoiding fate. I'd told Hoseok, and then took back only half of that heart.
He's always had a piece of it, I was never one to deny that kind of truth. I've missed him a lot despite having each gone our different paths, and I think it's fair to say that I might have at least half of his too.
I drop on one of the stools, guitar case propped against the wall beneath the counter before I'm looking over my skin once more, hoping somehow that I would have mislooked the first time. Alas, no, still nothing.
"What's wrong, Yoongi?" I hear Hoseok ask as he joins my corner, eyes looking me over with concern.
I sigh before shaking my head, I don't even know where to begin so I don't sound crazy. "I'm not sure, Hobah. I... fuck" I rough up my hair with my hands, I'm so mad at myself for not stopping everything sooner to find them, what if they're gone forever?
"I think... my soulmate was here, Hobah" I finally reveal, and his gasp encourages me to keep talking.
"I felt these emotions that weren't mine, but they were so weak that I barely sensed them, and that voice... so quiet, and I can't believe I didn't shut up for a second back there. It all stopped suddenly, I don't know who it could be".
"You don't know who it is?" he repeats, hands naturally grabbing my wrists to turn my arms over and have a closer look. "You didn't hear anyone speak? Didn't you see someone react to your voice when you were on the stage?" he asks in a hurry, scared for my sake, always such a nice guy, that Hoseok.
I try to think back to my quick scan of the room at the beginning, but I was so nervous that- wait. I did notice something strange, didn't I?
"That... there was a girl at the front desk, the... she wore the hostess uniform. I remember finding strange that she lost her balance after I spoke, but then she left to the kitchen and I didn't see her again after that" I mumble, didn't the voice and feelings dim around the same time?
"You mean Y/N?" Hoseok asks, face turning paler, yet tighter as he stares at me with a stiff look in his eyes, a tic in his jaw that I haven't seen often. "Y/N... she could be your soulmate, you say? Are you sure you saw that right?".
Taken aback by the sudden coldness in his voice, I gape at him for a few beats. "I- I don't know, Hobah. Maybe? Maybe not".
His gaze sweeps the restaurant then, and I do too, wondering where she could be by now. Maybe we'll have our answer if we ask her, and then he can tell me what's up with that reaction. He's never reacted that way towards me before, not a single time.
"Hoseok, have you seen Y/N? I can't find her. I first thought she went to clean the bathrooms, but she's not there" Namjoon takes that time to break the tensed silence when he comes over with worry in his eyes, and Hoseok perks up with renewed nerves when he shakes his head.
"Is she not near? Yoongi said that he saw her head to the kitchen, is she still there?".
"I'll have a look" Namjoon answers with a frown before running there, and we wait anxiously where we are, gaze looking over each tables and moving bodies, wondering where she could have disappeared to.
"It's not like her to leave without telling us... where'd you go, my sweet little sugar bear?" he mumbles under his breath, he looks so troubled that he can't see her right now, like an owner who can't find sight of their pup at the dog park.
"She went home, she told one of the kitchen staff. They said she was crying when she left".
My head quickly snaps back to Namjoon as he says those words, his face set in stone as he pulls his phone out of his pocket to send her a message, I imagine. Or a call, I rectify my thought when he brings the device to his ear.
"She was crying?" Hoseok's voice turns an octave higher, and I immediately recognize there the man who would've run out to find her if he wasn't tied here by his job. Does he like her? Are they dating? Is that why he's behaving this way?
"I don't know, it's still ringing- hey, bun? Hey, calm down, why are you crying?" Namjoon promptly falls into soothing mode when she accepts the call, and my heart stutters nervously as I instinctively lean closer to try and hear what they're saying.
My old friend's eyes fall on me in shock, and I stare back with round eyes as he nods his head softly. "I understand, baby girl. It's okay, I got this, don't worry. Have something warm to drink and don't overthink about everything, I know you. It'll be fine, everything will be fine, I promise".
Hoseok's pacing behind the bar by now, the other bartender's wary eyes on us as he listens silently. It looks like he's seeing the bigger puzzle more easily than we can, and I don't even know the guy. Is he a friend of theirs?
With the phone now put away, Namjoon sighs deeply before staring at Hoseok. "First of all, she's alright. Emotionally drained, but physically unharmed. She made it home before the rain got worse, she said she'll take a bath to warm up".
He heaves a long sigh of relief, one that seems to come from deep within his guts, and I purse my lips tightly. If the pieces of the puzzle I can see go where I think they go, we've got ourselves a big mess on our hands right now.
Namjoon now stares at me, and he looks very unsure of where to begin, something he's not known to go through much. "You're mine, she's got those words on her arm. She heard your voice in her head and felt your emotions. It got too much, so she left before it became any worse".
"Fuck" Hoseok whispers as he drops his head against the surface of the counter. He hits his forehead a few times over the cold marble, and I'd be tempted to stop him if I wasn't feeling so guilty right now. "Fucking damn it".
I stare at his form in silence, my own mind processing what Namjoon just said. She has my words on her skin, but instead of being happy about it, all I can register is that it drained all the joy and hope from the only man I ever loved.
"You like her" I comment softly, it's so obvious with the way he's drooping so powerlessly in front of me. It's just like when I put an end to what we had all those years ago, and I hate being behind that kind of sight a second time.
He stands back up, a hand running through his hair to free his gorgeous face that's currently glistening with sweat. He doesn't look me in the eyes, but he doesn't need to for me to see the emotions in them.
He's pissed.
"I do, and fate seems to find it incredibly fun to take everyone from me, one after the fucking next".
He sighs deeply, then finally dares to stare at me. "I'm sorry, Yoongi. It's not your fault. Y/N's a wonderful girl, you two will be good together. I'm just... fuck, there's no good way to say this. I really saw my future with her, and I was hoping that she would give me a chance if I kept being patient".
Well... fuck indeed.
He's literally letting me know that he hoped to take my soulmate from my hands. Not from mine personally because he didn't know, but still. He wanted her, and now I took her from him. Or the bond did, anyway.
"I feel terrible, but I can't give up on her, Yoongi. She's- she's my little angel, I can't let her go. I'm sorry" he adds in a guilty whisper that I can only acknowledge. God, I don't hate him for being so straightforward about this, but I don't know how to feel right now.
I want my soulmate, it was always what I wanted for my future, to be with them. Now, I'm closer to her, my good friends know of her, but they also want her. Or, Hoseok does, anyway. I don't know about Namjoon and that other guy.
How crazy... to think that Hoseok and I dated each other before. Not officially, we never called each other boyfriends or whatever title was needed back then, but our feelings were real, and they meant so much to me.
Now we're tied to the same woman, one with a bond, the other with the heart.
This isn't what I thought would result out of meeting him again tonight. I honestly don't know what I would've preferred to see happen, because it's not like we could resume dating each other anyway. I'm still and will always be firm on my wish to be with my soulmate.
"I get it, Hobah... it's okay" I let out with a sigh. I could never be mad at him.
"Well... that's not all" Namjoon takes that time to clear his throat, and the uncertainty is back on his face. The why isn't explained right away, but the lit up screen of his phone raises questions, especially when they seem to be pictures.
"Erm... does a... 'please look at me' ring any bells to either of you? She just sent me a picture of another mark on her other arm".
Hoseok's mind stops functioning altogether as soon as Namjoon says the small sentence, and the next thing we know, he's pulling on his sleeves with an urgency that makes me feel sick to my stomach. Tonight is a lot, in every possible way.
"Impossible" he mutters as he stares at his arms, eyes glancing from me to his forearms, and again, and again. "This makes no sense. Show me your arms again, Yoongi". Why can't things be happening normally, tonight? Were we always doomed to a chaotic and eventful life?
Not understanding the slightest bit what's going on, I obey, not seeing right away the new ink that has appeared on my skin while we weren't paying attention.
"This makes no fucking sense" Hoseok repeats, looking like he's been shocked out of his mind.
"What-" I begin, only to shut my lips at the sight of my words on his skin, from when I first saw him at the bar earlier.
I missed you, Hobah. That's what I'd told him.
You're home, Yoongi, he'd said, and here it is, now forever printed onto my body.
The words are there, as real as he is in front of me.
That should be it, except that there's another sentence on his other arm. What if it is fate.
What is going on right now?
"I did read something about this last night, while I was half asleep. I had to search a bit to find the article again, but this is it" the other bartender finally speaks as he shows us an article on his phone, as if he was ready for this.
Maybe he was, since he took the time to find this blog while we were talking. The title?
Bond adoption, a new bond type, a hope for the severed souls.
"What's this, Jin?" Namjoon asks as he joins his side to have a look, too involved with our mess to ignore an opportunity to understand what's taking place right now. Hoseok and I are staring at one another, then at the two other men, too baffled to say anything.
"It's an article that talks about... well, the title says it all, Joonie. Hoseok is without bond because it was severed a long time ago. It says here... yeah, see? Right here, that in the scenario of a new bond forming... oh, I don't know, you keep reading that. I'll deal with the customer here".
Jin entrusts his phone to Namjoon, then walks to the beer taps where someone is waiting for a drink order, and Hoseok joins him in reading the text while I impatiently wait on my stool, feet nervously tapping on the foot rest.
Of all things to happen tonight, this was not what I imagined.
Even after seeing Hoseok, this is still not what I imagined.
"Yeah... Jin is right. It says here that people like me, should they be near the formation of a new bond, risk being... pulled into said bond. A bond adoption, literally. It's still new and they don't have a lot of information, but it's happened a few times in the last two months already".
Hoseok frowns then, and I feel my heart getting ready for a leap of faith down an abysmal hole in the middle of nowhere. What? Why is he making that face when things are already getting out of hand? Can't I get some respite for one second?
"There's just something that bothers me about this, and I don't know what to think of it. It's about her mark. When Y/N told me those words, that wasn't the first time she'd spoken to me today. Far from it. We were mid-conversation".
Namjoon hums as he keeps scrolling down the article, looking in his element.
"Well, I'm guessing that adopting someone in the bond means, in some kind of way, going against the natural course of life. The bond must have been fluctuating around then to fit you in, so only a specific time allowed the words to register. Something must have been the trigger, like... emotions, desire. Of course, that's only my guess".
I'm going to get a headache, or I will puke, I seriously will.
I thought Hoseok and I were going to have to fight against one another for the same person, and now it ends up that he's suddenly... our soulmate? Was it only a last minute decision from fate, or was that always the plan?
The marks on his arms are as real as my own. What I don't understand, in that case, is why I wouldn't hear his voice in my head or feel his emotions like I did with Y/N. Does it not work the same if he was pulled into the bond when he wasn't meant to be in it to begin with?
Maybe it needs more time. The words did take longer to show up on us despite the fact that they were spoken a while ago. Same goes for Y/N, the pictures she sent Namjoon seemed to have shocked her, a new development that she hadn't seen coming.
Who would expect anything like this, if we're being honest for a minute? This night is enough to make a movie out of it, or at least a novel. People would give up a lot for that kind of plot, and here I am living it in real life. That shouldn't be possible, and yet it is.
"I swear, knowing that we won't have to fight over her is the best news I've ever had" I let out with a grunt and a rub of the hand to my tired eyes, "but I really could do with something strong to drink right about now".
Hoseok can't resist the snort that leaves him then, his nerves melting away now that he's been given what feels like a miracle. What's there to fight if he's part of the bond too? We'll get to walk forward together, why didn't we consider that as an option to begin with?
"Whisky? I can give you the strongest we have, but I can't guarantee it won't knock you out".
"Make it a shooter, I'll tempt fate. At this point, it's not like things can get any worse. Our problems got fixed right before our nose" I utter with a shrug that doesn't represent well the fear that was about to crawl up my guts just a moment ago.
"We haven't talked to Y/N yet, your assumption that there is no problem anymore doesn't hold" he counters calmly as he slides the shooter glass in front of me before finding the alcohol that will punch my guts out from within. Maybe it'll help me to wake up.
Or I'll just fall into a coma for the night, who knows. This feels like I'm throwing a coin in the air.
"Then we talk to her, and we make sure to be on the same page, the three of us" I retort again before downing the liquid once he's poured a small amount in it. The burn doesn't waste any time in dousing my throat with its liquid fire, and feeling it slide down all the way to my stomach feels...
Invigorating. Yeah, that felt great.
With my chin, I motion for him to fill it once more, which he does, not without a glance of curiosity at my face.
"If in... let's say ten minutes, you're still breathing, Yoongi, I will be seriously impressed".
"Go on, just say that you want me out of the picture so you can get your little angel to yourself".
"Don't tempt me, Yoongi. I might just pour that glass a third time, just to see what would happen".
We both huff, our usual easygoing back-and-forth taking over quickly now that the worst is behind us. We've always been easy creatures, I guess. Keeping grudges has never been a strong point of ours, otherwise, we wouldn't have been so happy to see each other to begin with.
I down the liquid a second time, then wince at the renewed fire. "Oh gosh, I think it's hitting for real now. I'm not driving home, am I?".
"You can bet your ass you're not driving. Just come to my place for the night, Yoongi, then we can talk with Y/N tomorrow. I mean, unless you're dead by then. I'll take good care of her if that happens, but feel free to haunt us if you want. It'll be like you never left".
"You're a bitch, Hobah" I throw his way when he snickers, "but I'll take the offer of sleeping at yours. I'll just... take the couch or something".
"I'm not keeping a drunk man in my bed, even if it's you. You were going to take the couch either way".
Great. I'd forgotten how cold he can be at times.
"Fuck off, man. Give me another shooter".
"You're choosing death, interesting".
Your POV
Waking up the next morning to both of my arms covered with inked words keeps my brain from working properly for a good hour as I remain in bed, my eyes glued onto each letters.
After I sent Namjoon the pictures, I went to have a bath before going to bed, mind shut off from any thoughts, I was that exhausted. I don't remember feeling my head hit the pillow, so I must have fallen asleep real fast.
I slide a finger over my arm with a sigh past my lips.
Yoongi's You're mine, and Hoseok's Please look at me, they both rest there with a truth that cannot be explained to my confused and exhausted mind. None of this feels real. I thought waking up would have brought things back to normal, but instead, the ink has simply gotten darker.
Yoongi, I can understand. But Hoseok? We've known each other for over a year, so why now? Not to mention that those words don't make sense. We've spoken a few times last night, but those weren't the first.
What the hell is going on?
I grab my phone to open Namjoon's messages when I find some I hadn't seen last night, which is when Hoseok's number calling me pops up on the screen. My heart skips a beat, then begins a tantrum in my chest that scares half of the butterflies resting there. They all fly off into the air, and my stomach fills with uncomfortable fluttering.
Great, that's just great. I thought that was supposed to stop once I'd get my soulmate? Soulmates?
I take in a deep breath, then answer the call, knowing that this can't be avoided forever. We're going to have to talk about this one day or another. "Hey, Hoseok" I whisper in greeting, nervous of the direction this conversation will go in. It can go bad or it can go great, and I'm hoping for the latter.
'Hey, my sugar bear'.
The use of his most endearing nickname has me melting right where I am, and I can't help it when my eyes fill with tears again, as if I hadn't cried enough last night. Namjoon told them about the marks, right? What is he thinking right now?
'Did you sleep well, honey?' he asks at my silence, and I hum through a lump in my throat, a sniffle before I pat my cheeks with the back of a hand. I bet I'm the only one who managed to sleep at all last night.
"I blacked out in bed, I don't remember falling asleep" I reply softly. "You- did you sleep well?".
He chuckles lightly. 'That's good, honey. I didn't really sleep, honestly. Yoongi got knocked out after drinking four shooters of the strongest whisky we have, so Namjoon helped me to carry him to my place after our shift. He's still sleeping on the couch'.
I purse my lips at that, oscillating between laughter and worry. It's a mix of both that leaves my dry lips, and I would cringe at the sound if I wasn't so scared right now. Is Yoongi not living well with the fact that we're soulmates?
'Jin found an article about our situation and made us read it. He said he would send it to you, did you see?'.
"Oh, I didn't have a look at my messages yet. I briefly saw Namjoon's, but you called when I was about to read them" I answer as I push myself out of bed to head to the kitchen, in need of a good coffee to start up my brain properly.
'I see. It's... well it talks about bond adoptions. You know that I am- was without bond, right? It got severed when I was in high school. The article basically explains that in case of a bond forming near such a person, it's apparently possible to be pulled into the bond now. It's very new, but there have been a few cases in the last couple months, or so the article says. Namjoon thinks that since it's an unnatural process, the words we ended up having weren't necessarily meant to be our first ones'.
I nod my head slowly, hearing an explanation, no matter how much of an incomplete hypothesis it may be, helps my brain to better understand what happened last night. Maybe it's not as random as I first believed that Hoseok liked both Yoongi and I.
I turn on the coffee machine, then turn around to lean against the counter while the water heats up.
Please look at me ironically stares back at me as I raise my arm. Were they chosen from all the other things we said because they were filled with the most emotions? "What words were you given? What- what are my words?".
'What if it is fate. With Yoongi, it ended up being our first words, strangely. I have I missed you from him'.
We're really ending up with the weirdest sentences on our skin, aren't we? But then again, it could be a lot worse. Some people try everything to alter their mark, without much luck. Not everyone is lucky when it comes to meeting their soulmate for the first time.
"What does Yoongi have?".
'From you, nothing yet, but he has you're home from me' Hoseok answers all my questions without complaining, his only hope being that I'm alright on my own. He doesn't know yet how I feel about all this and it's making him nervous.
"I have you're mine from Yoongi" I blurt out then, feeling awkward. "It's... I feel terrible, Hoseok. That kind of mark should be on you, not me-"
'No, Y/N, it's yours and things are perfect as they are, I promise' he counters my growing panic with a calm but firm tone, and I close my eyes as my heartbeat bounces left and right within my ribcage. 'I'm not mad at you, honey, nor is Yoongi. You didn't steal anything, or anyone for that matter'.
"I was so scared" I reveal after taking in a deep, shaky breath.
"Last night, when I saw the two of you, I thought... there, Hoseok can finally get his happily ever after since I can't give it to him. He deserves to be loved properly, and then I got Yoongi's mark and I- I freaked out. I couldn't face you, I felt like I'd taken everything from you and I hated that".
It's silent for a moment, and then I hear him sigh softly.
'I'm sorry for handling everything so badly yesterday. It was so sudden for all of us. I was happy to see him, and yes, it did bring back feelings that I had pushed aside. But Y/N, I swear to all that is good, I never even once thought getting back with him was a possibility because I wanted you. Hell, I was ready to rival against him to earn your heart once I found out that you were soulmates, I told him that I couldn't give you up, no matter what'.
My eyes widen at that, and the butterflies run rampant throughout the entirety of my body, so much so that I could probably fly if I gave it a try. I shall not, but the thought is there.
'Now, of course, if the three of us are in the same bond... I'm certainly not complaining. Yoongi's hopeful that everything can go forward with everyone happy from now on, but I didn't want him to take your approval for granted. You wanted your soulmate, but without a single warning, you ended up with two, one of them being me' he continues, needing to hear what I think of it all before he loses his mind.
'Is it... is it bad news to you? Do you wish it were only Yoongi?' he asks his last question with so much vulnerability in his voice that it physically hurts me to hear. He believes that I would be disappointed to have a bond with him?
"Hoseok... if only you knew the amount of times I wished you were my soulmate, just so I could finally stop fighting those feelings" I admit a truth that I only ever told Namjoon and Jin, and his breath itches in his throat. "Of course, I want to get to know Yoongi too, he's my... my soulmate too, but I could never see you as bad news".
'Thank goodness... this makes me so happy, Y/N, truly. Does that mean- are you willing to give this a try? The three of us?'.
The three of us... there's a nice ring to those words, strangely. A bond of more than two people is... rarely, if ever, seen. It's always been only two people, but if everything as we know them is changing, then it's safe to say that this will happen more and more from now on.
"I am. I'd be stupid to say no, I literally got all my wishes coming true in one night" I chuckle at the end, and Hoseok releases a happy laugh, letting go of every fear and nerves he had. The sound alone brings the sun back in my life, and it feels damn good.
'That's true. Fate was generous with us'.
Now feeling much better, I turn around to put a mug on the coffee machine, after which I press on the biggest size before walking away so the noise doesn't irritate his ears. It's always so loud, even for me.
'Should we meet up today before work? We could bring breakfast, or lunch, if Yoongi doesn't wake up soon. It would mean the world to me if I could be there while you get to know each other. You're both a little awkward with new people and I feel like someone will need to help you'.
I grunt low in my throat before grabbing my coffee once ready, and I carefully sip the burning liquid before answering. How dare he bring up my awkwardness into this conversation. "Only if you bring my favourite food, Hobi".
He chuckles, relieved and endeared all at once upon hearing my nickname for him again. Hobah from Yoongi and Hobi from me, he truly is a spoiled man.
'I'll even bring your favourite dessert, how's that?'.
'Good. I'll let you know when he wakes up, meanwhile I'll go get some medicine for his hungover. That silly bastard, if I knew he'd sleep so much this morning, I wouldn't have poured that fourth shooter. He's in for the worst headache of his life once he wakes up'.
"Don't speak badly of our soulmate, Hobi" I tease him, a giggle past my lips when he grumbles with more vigor.
'Because it's you... fine, I'll be nice. You have the rare opportunity to think about the first words you want to tell him, sugar bear, so you might want to think about it in the meantime, hm? You're of the few lucky ones, so don't let it go to waste'.
I gasp, the knowledge that I've yet to have my mark on Yoongi getting me anxious all over again in the blink of an eye, though this time there's also an excitement at the prospect of being able to choose.
How many get this chance?
"Shit, I almost forgot about that. I- I gotta go, let me know when you're coming!" I blurt out before ending the call abruptly, after which I get my notepad to write down every single ideas that are about to cross my mind.
I have the upper hand right now, I have the most power out of our bond, I can't let it go to waste!
"Let's find the best sentence... it's gotta be the best one".
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