The grand return of You're mine, but with an entirely new plot!!! I hope you guys enjoy 💜
Lost in my head, I'm setting my coat and bag into my locker in the back of the kitchen when a tap on my shoulder suddenly reveals Namjoon standing besides me, and I release a soft breath before shutting the metallic door, after which we walk out of the kitchen side by side.
"You got here early today, bun" he comments as we join Jin at the bar, where he's currently polishing the glasses with a smooth towel. He's got that habit of lining them up by the beer taps before his shift begins, knowing that his first half hour will go stress free until he needs to starts the first wash.
"I couldn't sleep that well, so I woke up early and decided to be on my way sooner. Figured I could take it easy with my only friends while we wait until the restaurant opens up" I answer with a little shrug that makes him hum in response.
"Switch the 'only' for 'best', and I won't complain about that sentence you just made". He throws in a wink at my endeared smile before guiding me to one of the stools at the bar counter while he takes the other. "Why couldn't you sleep? Did something happen?".
Jin pushes two glasses of water in front of us while listening in on our conversation, his eyes showing a similar concern as Namjoon when he hears that I've yet to get a good night sleep. It's been happening often, recently.
I met the two men when I got hired at NightSeoul about a year ago, and we've grown very close since then. Then there's also Hoseok, the other bartender and possibly the most handsome man I've ever met, who makes me feel ways I shouldn't. That part's a bit of a mess.
I drink some of the water as I think back to the last few days at Namjoon's question.
"You know, it's the usual. My heart stutters for no reason, like... palpitations. I feel like I have butterflies hatching from their cocoons every single night, except that they're released in my chest instead of outside, and the buzzing keeps getting worse as time goes".
They both look at each other, then at me again. Jin is the one to speak this time.
"Bunny... that could be sign that you're going to meet your soulmate soon. I've heard that it's a new symptom, doctors have been studying it since not too long ago and apparently, within the week, their patients usually state that the feeling has stopped after meeting their other half".
My breath gets stuck in my throat at the words he just said and I look up with round eyes. What?
"He's right" Namjoon insists at my face of disbelief. "I've read about that too, every articles have been backed by the Association of Soul Doctors. They say that the symptoms seem to have evolved, and by consequent, the bonds too. Existing bonds haven't experienced any changes yet, but new ones have been known to include more than the regular first words tattooed on your skin".
"Wait, what are you saying, guys?" I blurt out, this is all so sudden to me that I don't know how to process that new information. What do they mean, the bonds have changed? Are we going through a new era of soulmates? Is that it? How come I didn't see those articles?
Jin sighs as he adjusts his bow tie over the white collar of his uniform.
"It's different for each bonds. Your first words are still inked on the other's skin, but some people have reported being able to hear their soulmate in their mind, feeling their emotions, or even seeing them in their dreams, that kind of thing. The list is being built from scratch since this wasn't a thing before. New bonds are requested to inform the nearest clinic of any unusual details so they can gather more data".
Well, I'll be. "So you're saying that I could be meeting my soulmate within the week" I repeat, just to make sure that I understood that part well, and they both nod at the same time, their eyes showing that they believe that hard as steel.
"When did those symptoms start, bun?" Namjoon asks with a curious tone, now leaning over the counter to have a better look at my face. It shows that he's very interested in my situation, and I'm convinced he'd follow me home everyday just to be first to know any changes if he could.
"It was... four... no, five days ago?" I answer hesitantly, it's hard to put an exact date on it, but it's been a good week where I haven't been able to sleep properly. Is my soulmate stuck in the same boat, unable to have a full night sleep?
"Then you have, today included, three days left where you could potentially meet them" he utters with a look of awe on his face, something I wish I could reciprocate at the moment. This is all so... I wasn't expecting to hear that tonight.
"We'll see, Namjoon. Other case scenario is that I'm dying and we'll find out only once I'm dead".
"Oh, you" Jin scolds from the other side of the counter, a frown on his handsome face as he boops my nose gently. "Don't say things like that so seriously, you'll make us sad, and especially Hoseok. You know he has feelings for you".
I throw my head back at that. Why did he have to hit me with that argument?
In actuality, Hoseok doesn't have to wait after his soulmate anymore ever since he found out that his bond has been severed, most likely due to his soulmate passing away. He isn't tied to anyone, so he's free when it comes to whom he wants to love.
The problem here is that it's harder to openly reciprocate those feelings when I still have a soulmate.
I feel like I would betray them if I were to choose someone else instead, even if I do have feelings for him, and I can't find it in me to do something like that. It wouldn't sit right with me, like I was doing something very wrong.
"Jin... if I'm going to meet my soulmate soon, the chance that Hoseok and I get together is even lower" I utter softly, then watch as both of their faces soften at my vulnerability.
Jin covers my hand with his while I continue talking, eyes fidgeting between their own. "I can't... I don't want to hurt Hoseok and give him false hope, so I should try to be with my fated one first. After, if it doesn't work out, maybe, if he still wants me. But not before I can meet them".
Lips purse, but no one speaks, knowing that I'm making a good point. It's not fair to Hoseok if I date him, fully aware that there's a chance I might dump him for my soulmate the next day. That would be vile.
There's only one person who doesn't think the same way, and he doesn't fail to let us know as he stops behind our group.
"So you are considering me, then. I wasn't sure anymore until now, that makes me feel better" Hoseok's voice speaks up all of a sudden, making me tense up immediately, and my eyes widen on Jin who sheepishly shrugs, he hadn't noticed that he'd gotten here either.
I turn around to stare at the tall man's athletic and toned body as he walks to the kitchen to put away his belongings like I did earlier, my lips pressed guiltily until Namjoon rubs my back in soothing motions.
I hate this situation, because I'm not indifferent to Hoseok. He's a really good guy and we get along well. He's caring, funny, talented. He makes me feel pretty and loved, and seeing him laugh whenever we joke around is honestly the missing rainbow in my otherwise bare sky.
I would be happy with him, I know that for a fact. He makes me feel good, he makes life shine brighter than ever, but the fact that he is without soulmates doesn't mean I am the same, and who's to say that I wouldn't fall head over heels for them upon meeting?
I can't break his heart, that would feel even worse than rejecting him now. It's just... what if it doesn't click with my soulmate? What if we don't get along?
I let my head fall in my hands, I hate that this is so complicated.
Why did my soulmate take so long to appear in my life? Had it been one year earlier, this wouldn't be happening right now. Hoseok wouldn't have fallen for me, he wouldn't have flirted with me, and I wouldn't be stuck having to say no to someone I have feelings for, someone who deserves all the happiness in the world.
"It'll be okay, bun. Do you want to wait with me at the front desk? It's just you and I working as hosts today, so we'll have the area to ourselves" Namjoon offers with a soft voice and a brush of his fingers over my burning cheek.
"Yeah, let's go" I murmur, thankful that he's offering to keep me company because he could've wanted to stay here. It'll be better if I stay away from where Hoseok works at the bar, it'll make things very awkward for Jin otherwise.
Namjoon and Hoseok have been best friends for years, way before I met them all. I heard from Jin that they went to the same university with a common friend. I honestly come to wonder sometimes, how can Namjoon not be mad at me when I keep putting his friend in that kind of emotional struggle.
I could clearly say no. I'll never date him and that's it. He would give up on me and eventually fall in love with someone else. Simple, right? So why can't I? Why can't I find the strength to make him give up on me?
There must be something wrong with me, I'm broken, or there's a big issue with my head, with my heart. Hoseok deserves better.
We reach the desk in silence, and I watch as Namjoon pulls the low bench closer before sitting on it, after which he pulls me over to sit on his lap with his arms protectively holding onto me, as if doing so could keep my heart from hurting any more.
I melt within his embrace, face tucked against his shoulder where it's warm and safe, and he sighs as we stay like that for many long minutes without speaking a word, uncaring of the other employees who come in for their shift from the entrance.
"The heart is a complicated matter" he eventually murmurs, voice quiet and meant only for me.
"But I believe that... as long as the decision made makes you happy, there is no wrong decision. Having a soulmate... that's not definitive. Some people find their comfort in their fated one, others prefer to choose who they love. There's no right or wrong options there".
I remain silent at first, because what do I say to that?
He makes a good point, but the simple thought of rejecting the one that fate had chosen for me makes my heart ache a thousand times. Have I been feeling like this all week only to reject the soul linked to mine?
Those butterflies... what if they're here to warn me of the feelings yet to come? What if they end up being just as strong as the flurries of wings fluttering within me?
"I don't know what to do anymore, Joon" I whisper. "If my soulmate came up to me and told me that they didn't want me, that they loved someone else, I would be physically, emotionally and mentally crushed. Yet, rejecting Hoseok crushes me too. It's unfair for him, and for me. It would have been easier if he were my soulmate, I wish he were".
Namjoon, big as he is, hugs me tighter, brows furrowed at the sadness he can hear in my voice. He feels torn between both sides, but ultimately, he knows that the final choice isn't his. No matter how easy he believes the decision to be, it isn't and he knows that.
He will never blame me for choosing my soulmate over Hoseok, but he would also regret to see Hoseok with a broken heart once more. We like each other, he can see it whenever we're together, no one is denying that, so why is it so hard?
We stay like that until it's time to get ready for the first customers, and once I'm up on my feet again, our shift officially begins.
Not many people arrive right away, but when they do, Namjoon and I follow the usual routine of splitting our work and tasks so that we never leave people waiting for too long. It's worked well for us for all this time, and we've no need to change anything.
For the next hours, the waiters and waitresses do their job, I do mine, and there's nothing else to think about other than whether or not that table is clean enough for the next customers. I like that, not having to think about complicated matters while I'm working.
Some people prefer a mental job, sat at a desk to play with paperwork and deal with numbers all day long, but I find my peace in needing only my body. I answer calls when the phone rings, I make people pay their bills at the cash register if they haven't done so at the table, and so on.
It's simple. Exhausting, yes, but simple.
The dining room eventually fills at what we consider 'Thursday top rush', and as I walk back to the front desk, I find a man with a guitar case over his back walking in, guided by Namjoon. It looks like they're having a friendly chat, do they know each other?
I take place at the desk just in case, but I can't help but glance towards them every once in a while as they near the bar. Namjoon looks really happy, but I can't hear what they're saying. Maybe they were part of the same group friends, once.
It's right as I'm about to look away that I notice the way that Hoseok's eyes widen in shock once he sees him too, lips parting slightly as if he just saw a ghost, his brows nearly disappearing into his few loose strands of red hair.
The guitarist seems to freeze in place too, the two of them unable to look away for even one second, and then Hoseok is running around the counter to hug the newcomer, and I watch with a weird feeling settling in my chest as they hold onto one another tightly, almost desperately.
What's going on there?
Hoseok wipes his eyes with a nod of the head as they say something, and he quickly looks away when he finds me staring, a glimpse of unease flashing across his face that makes me feel as if I saw something I shouldn't have.
Namjoon looks back in my direction too, and his eyes fill with the same kind of glow. Wow... way to make me feel good right now. I'm starting to wonder if I should maybe have accepted to stay home after all.
There wasn't particularly a need for me to work today since they already had enough people, but I wanted the salary so my boss didn't keep me from coming in. I thought that was nice, but now... I don't know, tonight has been strange, I'm not feeling so well today.
No one comes over to explain anything so I try to ignore those feelings and focus on work instead, but there comes a time when one of the groups seated at a large table asks me to bring a bottle of wine that has turned back to the bar, and not having anything else to do, I can only accept even though half of me wants to avoid Hoseok at all cost.
If he's going to get all awkward on me because I saw him with an old crush or something, it'll be uncomfortable for me. I'd rather he be honest and tell me what's up, because if he leaves me guessing, we both know how far I can get with my imagination.
I make it to the bar with dragging feet, a look towards the stage kept at the end of the dining room showing that the guitarist is getting ready to play for the first section of the night, which is usually the shortest. I've never seen him before so he must be new in the field.
I set the bottle on the counter, inwardly swearing when Jin is the one most busy while Hoseok is cleaning glasses and shots at the sink. He looks up at the sound of the heavy bottle, then pauses what he's doing when he finds me standing behind it.
I look down to avoid his gaze, and he bites on his lips before putting everything away to get closer.
"One of the tables asked that I bring this here, so I did. They said that it turned, I figure you can just trash it if needed" I explain quietly as he keeps staring at me, the bottle the last of his concern when something worse is going on right now.
"Alright... thank you".
I nod briefly, feeling the tension so thick that I could slice it in half with a knife if only I had one. He really won't say anything, will he? I don't know if I should be relieved that he's setting that kind of boundary between us, or if I should be worried. What's there to be worried about, though?
"You two looked close" I blurt out while pointing at the guitarist.
Yeah, there you go, Y/N. Make things worse on your own, why don't you.
"Oh. Yeah, uh...".
Hoseok sighs, looking like he's coming to terms with having to tell me about it. I don't know what kind of past they have together, but it can't be small if he looks this hesitant. Maybe I should've kept my mouth shut, I ended up making him uncomfortable instead.
"Please look at me, Y/N. I don't like it when you avoid me like this" he pleads softly, but I childishly turn a blind eye to that request, needing more time to get myself back together before I can look him in the eyes.
I can tell that he'd prefer if I could hold eye contact with him as he speaks, which he often uses to prove his sincerity, but I can sense that my heart would make all sorts of unpleasant things if I did, so I keep staring at my feet instead. He sighs deeply, disappointed.
"Yoongi and I... we had a thing going on at university, only Namjoon knew about it. A situationship that lasted around a year. I really loved him, but he started feeling guilty about being with me while knowing that he had a soulmate he'd yet to meet, so he broke things off between us. I hadn't seen him since that day".
I nod, feeling bad now that I know he once had someone in his heart before me. It doesn't require someone very observant to see that he still has feelings for that man, and though my heart pinches at the knowledge, I smile through the pain.
I force my gaze up to meet his, and though I'm sure he can see everything in my eyes, I stay strong.
"What if it is fate that he's back here, on the stage of the restaurant where you work? Maybe this is your chance, Hoseok. Talk to him. Who knows what his life is like, now" I offer with a pat to his shoulder, then walk off before he can say anything else.
This is the best I can do for him. He loved that man and the feeling seemed mutual, seeing as they both couldn't let go of one another. Maybe this is a good way to end whatever exists between the two of us. My body thrums in disapproval at that thought, and I clench my jaw tightly.
God damn it, I hate this heart of mine.
I wish I could get rid of those emotions right away and show everyone that I don't care who ends up dating who, but it's far from the truth. Seeing him with someone else only made me more aware of those feelings.
I smile at Namjoon when we end up at the desk together for a couple minutes, and though I can tell that there are things he wants to say, I don't really give him the opportunity when I keep changing the subject to random things.
I feel like my sanity is barely holding on at this point.
We share a few more words, and then the mic turns on with the speakers resonating until the sound finally settles. A few taps echo in the room to test the sound, and I don't think much of it as I adjust the menus on the desk.
Namjoon walks away to have a look at the tables, and I remain behind on my own, unaware of the storm coming my way.
Once that guy has played for up to an hour, I bet he'll end up at the bar to talk with Hoseok and Namjoon. Jin will become friends with him quickly, he's like that. It's just me who struggles with making new friends, it's not something that comes easy to me.
I can't lie and say that I'm not scared of losing the only ones I have, but at the same time, I know that it's an unrealistic fear. Namjoon and Jin care about me, Hoseok does too. I won't end up pushed aside just because someone new appeared back in their lives.
If it happens, it will be solely my fault.
I look up towards the stage again, unable to resist the pull that wants to get my eyes there anymore.
What was his name already? Gosh, I forgot. He looks handsome with his black hair that shows some pretty curls at the ends, his black leather pants that stick to his thighs and his long white t-shirt that's ripped in some calculated spots.
He looks like the common bad boy from the university campus, for some reason. I can't tell if that's only his stage look or if he always dresses that way, but it's hard to imagine Hoseok dating someone like that. Maybe it's just my jealous mind speaking right now.
Jealous... as if I have the right to feel that way. Christ.
Suddenly, the guitarist leans over to the mic, and the first words he speaks leave me in complete chills, soul and heart swooning at the same time. There's a moment where I wonder if the butterflies will tear a hole through my chest to make it out, and then one where I wish they would to make this stop.
"You're mine". The man pauses as he stares at the crowd with his sharp eyes. "That's the first song I'll be playing tonight. My name is Min Yoongi, and I hope you enjoy your night here".
By the time he's done talking, I've lost my balance and needed to hold onto the desk at the wave of dizziness that suddenly washed over me.
Not one of sickness, but rather one that would result from my senses all waking up at the same time. It's like fireworks are exploding in my head, their sound so loud that it being my heart would be unlikely, and yet, here it is, at the very source of that storm.
It thrums, twists and quivers in my chest, as if it too would rather flee than stay in this cursed body.
Yoongi's fingers pull on the first string of his guitar, and the melody begins to resound in the room, slow, soft and soothing. Then his voice begins to sing, and it fills my mind, all of it, crystal clear despite the chitchat of the customers eating in the room, and so many feelings merge within me all at the same time that for one second, I'm sure I'll throw up on the carpet.
The thrill of adrenaline and stress flood my veins until they're all I can feel anymore, and I don't hear the sound of my own voice even as I plead for it to stop, legs shaking beneath me as I try to avoid tumbling to the floor.
It's like my being has completely flown out of my grasp, as if someone took it from my body to do with it as they pleased, and the experience is excruciating. How do I make this stop?
Going to the bathroom in the kitchen has never been so complicated before, and I wilfully ignore the eyes that fall on me as I walk past them to push the door open. I lock it behind me, then fall over the sink to wash my face with cold water, the voice still as clear as when we were in the same room.
I can hear it in my head as if he's singing right beside me. Why? What's happening to me?
Namjoon and Jin's words come back to mind, reminding me of the new types of bonds, and then a flash of black ink on my arm suddenly catches my attention, and my heart rises to my throat when I look down to find the same words I heard a minute ago now written there.
You're mine.
Oh no.
No, this makes no sense.
Hoseok's ex is my soulmate?
I turn off the water and clumsily dry my face with the paper towels as my mind keeps running a mile an hour. This isn't right, fate must be playing a game on me, there's no other way.
What do I do? I can't go back out there, Hoseok will see my arm and he'll make the links right away. It's one thing that I reject him, but he was supposed to find his happily ever after too, if at least in the arms of the man he once loved. I can't be taking everything from him in a single night!
"I need to go home" I finally utter to myself as Yoongi's voice now continually flow into my head without resistance, the song that comes to an end merging into another one after he gives the title. I can't work like this, and I especially cannot face Hoseok.
Stepping out of the bathroom, I quickly make it to my locker where I wear my coat, needing to hide the mark first.
Then, after grabbing my bag, I head over to the back door leading outside after telling one of the kitchen staff to let Namjoon know I went home if he looks for me, and that I'm sorry for leaving so abruptly.
The door swings behind me as I begin to run down the sidewalk to get as far as possible, everything a blur around me even as I try to focus on the smallest details. It's not that dark out yet, but the clouds have begun to hide the sun, a telltale that it'll rain soon.
With distance, the voice begins to fade from my head, as do the feelings that weren't mine, which allows me to gain awareness of my own state. My chin is wobbling, tears falling down my cheeks, but I can't even remember when it started. Did I cry inside? Did they all see that?
Fuck this. How do I even begin to explain what happened once they ask me questions tomorrow? Did that guitarist feel the bond too? Or was it just me?
Maybe he didn't feel anything since he didn't hear my voice. My words won't be on his skin, so the bond won't have woken up on his end. Or is that not how it works anymore? I don't even know what to believe now, everything's becoming a mess.
Droplets of rain begin to fall onto my skin and I clutch my bag to my chest, hoping to get home before it gets any worse. It's a good thing that I live nearby.
I really should've stayed home after all, god damn it all.
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