Chapter 6: Fire Within
The next following days, its been a total rollercoaster ride for me. My mind won’t just stop to worry and overthink things. The troubling tensions and the thought that my Dad is probably watching me right now. I know he had some of his men watching me everywhere, and now I am worrying about Logan because we involved him already in our problem.
I continued working at the grocery store while Lucas continues his job, without knowing that I already knew what his work with his lady boss. Jeez, he probably should sense the clues that I’m giving him. I’ve been showing what I truly feel about this job he took with Silvia. Like this evening, he called to check me up while I was lying on the couch.
“So, how was your day?” He asked, I can hear some noises at his background, it is obvious that he is not in a place with few people. It seems like he is standing outside a club or a mall because I can hear vehicles coming, or girls shrieking nearby.
I tried my best to sound my usual tone around him. “Good.”
“That’s only it? Good?” there is a hint of humour in his tone.
“Yup. I have nothing else to do so…I’m good.” I murmured, twisting to my side and covering myself with a blanket.
“Oh-kay…” He chuckled. “Anything happened new at work?”
I sneered. “I just noticed one of my Dad’s men’s car parked a few meters away from the grocery store. But that’s not new. This has been going on for a week now since you’re gone.”
“Wait, what?!” He shouted. “You haven’t told me anything about that? So, you have been stalked for a week now?”
“Hey, don’t shout at me. You can’t do anything right now because you’re away with that work.” I scoffed, raising myself from the couch to sit. I don’t want to raise my voice because Logan is probably sleeping.
“Baby, if that’s the case, I don’t care about work. I will come home right now.”
“Don’t bother, Lucas. Besides, I’m fine. Just continue your work with Silvia.” Shit, it was too late for me to take that back.
I already spilled the beans.
There was silence on the other line. It took a few seconds before he could respond, “How long did you knew?”
“Since you talked to Logan about it. Think Lucas, I’m not that too far from you guys that time so don’t be too surprised.”
“Then whyh didn’t you tell me that you knew all along?”
“Maybe because I was waiting for you to tell me yourself! My God, Lucas. We promised that we will never lie or hide a secret. But why are you keeping this to me?” I couldn’t help to show the anger in my tone.
He took a deep breath before speaking. “Baby, I’ going to tell you but I don’t want to you think or worry about me cheating on you if you knew that I’m with Silvia!”
“Lucas, the woman likes you! She is probably flaunting her body to you or trying to seduce you!”
“And I never encouraged all of them.” He stated shutting me up.
The deep in his voice is the one that silences me.
“Baby, it will always be you. Yes, I know she likes me but there was never a day or even a second, that I stop thinking about you, that I’m married to the most beautiful woman in the world. So why bother looking at some other woman’s body if they are all nonsense to me.” Now there is a softness in his voice. Almost soothing to the ears. “So don’t you even dare doubting me, Talia. It’s been you…only you.”
Now, tears started to flow down my eyes. This man’s power over me. He is good in making the sitation better and make me feel bad for being an awful wife.
“Shit…I’m sorry, Lucas. I-I just…It is so hard, you know. You being there and with a beautiful woman while I’m here…having some Daddy issues.” I mumbled.
He throaty chuckled. “She’s not beautiful, you are. And stop worrying, I’ll be home before you know it. Wait for me. You’re the best, Talia. You know that right? And do not hate your father, he just loves you too much and he wants to protect you like any father does.”
Lucas always make sure that I won’t hate my Dad. He wants me to love him still after everything he had done to me and that makes my heart flutter. “You are amazing, you know.” I dreamily complimtented.
“I’m just fulfilling my job as a husband to my hardhead wife. And I understand your Dad when it comes to protecting you.”
“How come?”
“Because for sure, if we had a daughter and hopefully not, she might get angry with me, it would be my greatest fear. Because, all I wanted to do is to protect her and love her for the rest of my life.”
Wait, wait? Did he just…
“Our daughter?” I was shock to hear that from him.
“Yes, our daughter.” He cleared, tenderly. “I wished someday, we can have our own child…I would like a daughter with your attitude.”
Our child…my hands automatically crawled to touch my tummy. Well, your wish is already granted. I smiled and about to tell him of my recent discovery. “Babe, I’m pre-“
“I need to go now, baby. I’m sorry but I will call you later. I love you.” He quickly cuts me off and ended the call. Jeez, what happened there?
Recently, I have been throwing up in the morning and been nauseous. As if my head was spinning all the time and I have been obsessed on eating pickles all the time. I wasn’t born yesterday so I already know what’s happening to my body.
So this morning, I bought a pregnancy kit and it came out positive.
I’m pregnant.
I should be more careful now and stop worrying too much. It is not good for the baby. But I believe that there is a reason for everything. This baby might serve as the angel that will soften the hearts of my parents so they can finally accept us. And I don’t know how I would put this to tell them. Probably just blurt it out?
“You alright?”
Hearing the voice of the least person I wanted to see right now just came up and break in my thoughts. Philip visited me again at the store and I don’t want to deal with him right now. It will just worsen everything up. I know he has been a good part of me because he is really my great friend but he is not helping me at this situation.
“What do you want, Philip?” I grunted, dropping the empty boxes inside the storage room. “And what are you doing here? Didn’t the sign outside says ‘Authorized personnel only’?”
Philip stopped me from walking and made me face him. “Talia, I know you hate me right now but believe me, I am not your enemy here.”
I rolled my eyes and slapped his hand away from touching me. “Then what are you then?”
“I’m a friend. I am not against your father but I am also not want it.” He cleared, making me confuse.
My head tilted on the side. “What?”
“Talia, ever since we were kids, I always have a crush on you. I thought maybe it was a silly child crush but it’s not. I grew up, met lots of different women, had some girlfriends, slept with them to make it clear. You never left my mind. It’s always been you who I was looking and dreaming for. I always wanted to see you again and maybe one day, marry you if you give me the chance. Getting to know each other is easy.” He continued to rattled on while looking deeply into my eyes. “But how would I enjoy our marriage if you don’t want to marry me I the first place? If we are going to get married, at least let us love each other. But now, it turns out you already love somebody else and I will be a man to step out.”
My eyes are glued to his the entire minute that he is talking. The seriousness in those pupils tell me that he is committed to this decision and how much he respects me.
He really grew up well.
“Philip, I’m sorry. I don’t want to hurt you because I want us to be friends. I am so sorry because I involved you into this and make my father manipulate you into this. But after what I heard…” I paused for a moment and stares intently. “Thank you for understanding. Thank you so much.” I held his hand and squeezed it for a moment.
“No problem, kid.” He playfully messed my hair like he used to do as a child.
I slapped him before telling him “Now, get out. I don’t the others to see us in here.” Then left the storage room, to get back to work.
“Wait, can I take you home later?” He asked.
“Home? I don’t have a home now, Philip. I was kicked out of the apartment.” I told him.
“Then where are you staying?” Philip raised an eyebrow.
“I’m currently staying at a friend’s house.” I replied.
“And how about your husband?”
“He is out. Working.” I mumbled, keeping it a little private.
“Oh.” He paused for a moment. “Then I will be waiting for you later. You will find me outside the store. Let’s catch up later, have some coffee or something again”
That’s not a good idea. “N-no, I don’t need coffee.
“How about pizza?”
“A-alright then. Pizza it is.” I murmured, Philip smiled widely with glee and his eyes sparkling in excitement as I watching his figure leave the store and proceed in doing my work.
Philip is really a good man. It is too bad that he loved the wrong woman for him. Any woman would be lucky to have him as his wife.
Later that night, Philip took me out for a pizza and had some fun time together. It feels a little lighter now since we are already on the same page. In my boring life, I am glad to have men that I can still as my friend. It worries me a little because others might think otherwise and think that we are couple but no. All we did was catch up and tell each other some lame jokes. He is still bad at those though. Well, he was never gifted with humour though and he is bad is sensing sarcasm as always.
When he drove me back into Logan’s house, he playfully pulled me into a deep hug and kissed me on the cheek, while his arms are still wrapped around me. It catch me by surprise thought and I automatically pulled him away.
“Shit, I’m sorry!” He quickly apologized and wiped my cheeks. “That kiss means nothing. I just missed the old days, with us being friends.” He smiled.
I suddenly laughed at his reply and shakes my head. “Do that again or I will treat you like a stranger.”
Philip seems to be taken back at what I said, fear was immediately registered in his eyes and shakes his head, repeatedly. “Not gonna happen again.”
“Good, then we are clear.” I smiled back and waved at him goodbye. I got inside Logan’s house. The lights were off so I was got confused a little. I’m sure he is already home at a time like this. I switched on the lights and my eyes widen to see what welcomed me here.
Logan is tied around the wooden chair, his face is beaten up with a piece of cloth, wrapped around his mouth that made him unable to talk or shout. I quickly looked around but he’s alone in here.
My heart is pounding out of my chest as my hand shakes in fear. “My God, Logan!” I quickly ran to the kitchen to grab the knife to untie him. He keeps on mumbling something but I couldn’t understand. “I am so sorry, Logan. Shit! This is all my fault.” Sweats start to run down my forehead while my body feels so cold.
I managed to free him and remove the cloth on his mouth. “Logan, who did this to you?” I ran back to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
He coughed and drink the glass full. “Three men grabbed me while I on my way here and they started beating me up. They told me if I let you stay with here with Lucas, they threatened that they will burn this house and probably kidnap me. I tried my best to fight them but they are just too huge and strong.”
I combed my fingers through my hair as my knees weaken. “This is all my fault, Logan. I am very sorry for everything. B-because of me, you got involved in our mess.” I cried and buried my face in my hands. “I am so sorry.”
“No, don’t apologize, Talia. This is not your fault. Don’t blame yourself.” He stated, soothingly. “Please, stand up and stop crying. None of these are your fault.” Logan helped me stand and sat me down on the couch. I watch his face and they are just covered with blood.
I don’t deserve his pity. This is really my fault. All of these nonsense are happening because of me.
I grabbed a first aid kit and took care of his wounds. It is very obvious that he was beaten up really badly and nothing feels my mind but guilt.
Dad is stepping up his torture. He is involving other people in it already and he already overstepped the line.
This are all on me. I need to talk to him.
He can’t do this anymore.
To be continued...
I know it's a little late but I want to great everyone a happy new year!!! Second sem of my freshman as a college is already starting and it is a blast. It is so hard to keep everything together and good thing I finally manage to finish this chapter.
I hope you enjoy this one and I want to thank me friend for helping me out in this. Xoxo
Please don't forget to comment and vote.
Also I will start a question and answer. I have been receiving request for a while now so, ask away. I will answer all of them. Just pm the questions to me and I will post my answers when I'm done.
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