Chapter 30: Something Unique
9 am in the morning, I'm still at the hospital. Dad is confined inside his room with all those apparatuses attached to him. Ever since he had that heart attack, he wasn't able to get back to his normal state and it is starting to scare me. I've been in this hospital for hours and the doctors are still treating him. We have done many procedures already but the doctors still has not given us the proper answer to all of our worries.
I'm literally sitting with my hands both covering my head as I lean down on my knees. This is my fault in the first place. He's not in his best condition yet I attacked him like that. I'm the worst daughter and I'm guilty for it.
"Darling, stop blaming yourself. It is not your fault." Mom told me softly while rubbing my back.
"Not my fault? Mom, it is obviously my fault in the first place." I snapped,jumoing off the hospital chair and started pacing back and forth.
Mom's shoulder drops, she is having a hard time to deal with my emotions right now. I know she is trying to make me feel better but even if you put the whole situation in rewind, Dad and I got into the fight worse than it should be. My whole body is cold and I'm started to worry for my Dad. Which barely happens because I don't usually care about him.
"Look Talia, I'm not pointing my fingers at any of you. We all know that your Dad is not his best behavior and condition so somehow he knows this will happen if he pushed himself." Mom told me with so much gentleness. "The doctors already talked to me a while ago."
"They told me that your father will not last long. This is his third heart attack and there is a high risk to survive that especially at his age." Mom replied, patting the seat next to him for me.
I let out a deep sigh before sitting my ass back down. I bit my lower lip and let the news process within me. A very unknown feeling scourges within me. My Dad is dying and is something that I wasn't prepared for. For everything he did to me, I'm still here crying for him. All the love that I hid at the deepest part of my heart comes flowing out. It was hard to forgive and forget what he has done for me and it is obvious that he is not the best father that every little girl dreamed for but, I have many moments with him when I was a kid. All good and it turned bad when I decided to study first in Paris then I chose the man I love to leave him.
All these time, he keep saying that he only wants the best for him but I never saw it. Because I was too busy to try and prove to him that I can make my own decision and choose the path I want.
Mom keeps rubbing my back as I cry softly.
My head rises up when Mom's suddenly stopped moving. My head turned to the direction of her eyes and I'm surprised to see Lucas walking through the hospital hallway.
Then everything in me just feels soft and smooth upon seeing him.
He's here
I stood up and go to him as fast as I can, to envelope myself with his arms. I wanted to be in his arms badly.
He hugged me back and he read the air so he didn't ask anymore questions.
"What are you doing here? You have work!" I asked while sniffing.
Lucas raised his hand to wipe some tears on my cheeks before wrapping his arms around my back. "A husband must be by his wife's side especially at this part. I know you are feeling down and I just need to be here with you."
Mom raises from her seat as well and approached us. I sense how Lucas became stiff as she gets closer. Well, she is one of the person who thinks ill of him before but maybe this is the start of a few changes in our life. A brand new chapter.
Lucas composed himself upon seeing Mom walking towards us, I went to his side and waited for them to meet. There are a lot of times that I imagined this moment, wondering what they will do once their pass crossed.
"Mrs. Berkeley." Lucas slightly bowed his head as a greeting.
"Lucas." Mom smiled softly in return. "It's been a long time."
I was watching Lucas expression but he is not losing his cool. He seems calm and not intimidated anymore which I find very cute. "How is Mr. Berkeley? I hope he is getting better."
Mom's eyes suddenly lose the contact but she remained smiling. "Thank you. This heart attack is a mild one and it almost kill him. But the doctors said we shall for him to be back on conscious so, we will wait."
Lucas looked at me sideways and he reads what's in my mind and I know what he is thinking as well. I smiled sadly and he understood it already. He knows that Dad will not last any longer. His grip on my waist tightens to reassure that I'm okay.
"You want to see him?" Mom asked.
I wasn't sure that it is a right move but I haven't asked Lucas yet on what he feels about my Dad. Did he hold his anger against him? Or did he finally forgave him?
I waited for his response but Lucas nodded his head. "Yeah, sure. Come on." he grabs my hand as we walk inside the hospital room.
There is an unreadable expression at Lucas face right now as his eyes went directly to my Dad who's lying unconscious in front of us. "Hey, you don't have to..."
"I'm okay, Talia." He rubs my arm, showing me that I'm okay but not smile. "You've been here for hours, and you didn't even got enough sleep last night. Why don't we go home and come back a few hours later? Just so you can sleep."
Mom approved with Lucas. "He's right, Talia. I can handle it from here since your brother just went to grab some coffee."
"But Mom, what if something happens?" I crossed my arms, worriedly.
"Your aparment is not that far from here. I can call you right away whatever happens." She stated. "Go home and sleep. Lucas is right, you can come back later if that's what you want. Just go and have some sleep.
I was convinced right away since I really am tired. My eyes keeps on closing earlier but I'm just fighting not to sleep because Mom needs me but I don't know, I really am just tired.
Lucas drove us home back to the aparment. He took me to my unit, Bruno was already there to greet us so he must have brought Bruno here. I don't mind him leaving his dog here anyway. I yawned while stretching my arms before heading towards my room.
"What time is it?" I asked, dropping myself on the bed. My shoes are still on and too tired to take them off.
"10:15" Lucas laughed at my own act and took them off for me before joining me on the bed. With my eyes closed, I reached for him and hugged him tightly which he accepts while resting his one hand on my back. Nuzzling to his chest closer to smell in natural scent made me better then slowly, his one hand started brushing my hair and scalp.
"That feels good." I moaned in delight which of course made him chuckle.
"Good, go to sleep. It is my fault why you didn't had enough slumber last night." He whispered.
My eyes are closed and I slowly start to feel unconscious. "Well, I don't mind at all." my voice is too low that I am already mumbling the words out of my mouth.
Lucas pressed his lips on my forehead before I fell fully asleep. Now, this is the best place ever. Beside my husband.
A FEW HOURS LATER, I woke up and Lucas isn't here anymore. I raised my head to scope the room but I already hear him at the living room. The windows are closed so I can't see if it is already dark outside. Checking my alarm clock that was just on the bedside table, it shows that it is already past five in the afternoon.
That's a long sleep for sure.
I get off the bed and Lucas is standing there at the small balcony, gazing out while leaning on the balcony door and a cup of coffee in hand.
Bruno barked as if he is saying that I'm already here and that caused Lucas to turn and see me. "Hey there, sunshine. Hope you had a nice sleep." he walked closer. "Coffee?"
I shook my head while rubbing my head. "Did you sleep as well?"
"Yeah, but I got to sleep only for two hours." He replied. "Before I forgot, your tablet was ringing and a name Valentin pops out. Who is he?"
Val? He called? Lucas doesn't look suspicious about it which kind of a relief. I don't want him to think even just a little bit that I'm hiding something. My eyebrows touched in confusion, thinking of any reason why would he call but maybe he's just checking us out.
Well, it's been actually months already. And I haven't called any of them yet on what kind of situation that I'm dealing here right now. But I will come back to Paris. I have to.
Just until we decided and everything is back to normal here.
"Anyway, who is this Valentin?" Lucas asked, taking something out from the fridge. He is going to start cooking dinner now, I assume.
I am not sure if I'm going to say it directly or say that he's my best friend which is actually what we are now since we broke up already.
Oh what the hell.
"He's my ex boyfriend." I said directly, sitting down on the chair and raised my leg up on it ad well while I wait for his reaction.
"Your ex boyfriend calling you?" He slightly turned, "I don't think that's right."
"He was boyfriend when I came back here. We just broke up recently because it was not working out anymore." I answered with full honesty. I actually find his reaction cute so I have to bite down my lip to hold my laughter especially when his face doesn't look good at all.
"That doesn't answer my question." He is not facing me because he's chopping something at the moment.
"Maybe to check up on me? Or he heard from Nate that my Dad got hospitalise." I murmured, walking towards my tablet and opened it to check my call history.
"And you are just going to call him back?"
"Well, he's my friend. Maybe he got something to tell me." I replied, testing his temper. But he seems a little cool with it anyway. "So, it's fine with you if I call him?"
Lucas turned his face to me, slightly eying me down. "I want to say no but...I know you won't do anything that will hurt me so, go ahead. You ended your relationship with him so you can be with me. That's enough."
My jaw dropped a little, I didn't expect him to say that but he did a good job in making a logic answer.
"But he doesn't know that I'm married so...quiet down a little. Please??" I requested before opening my tablet and tried calling Val.
The call made up to four rings until Val's face pops out of the screen. Jeez, I missed my friend more than I thought. "Hey!" I greeted with a grin. "Sorry, my hus –" shit I almost slipped "I was sleeping and couldn't answer your call. What's up?"
"Nothing, I just want to check up on you. I mean...I don't want us to cut our communication just because we broke up. I am still your best bud, right?" Val grinned .
"Of course, you are. Sorry I want able to keep in touch. I even forgot to inform Mercedes and the rest. How are they?"
"You know, the usual" he wrinkled. "You look different."
My eyes darted up to Lucas, fighting myself not to spit out that it was because of him. "Well, you told me before to come back and face you when I'm happy, remember?"
"You find someone?"
"Well, it's more like...we have known each other before. He's already an old flame." I replied, giggling.
Val laughed. "Then I am the happiest."
The conversation is going on smoothly, lots of laugh and complementing in French but
I paused when all of a sudden, Lucas started singing. Not too loud but enough for Val to hear.
Can you even believe it? Lucas is singing and that causes me to be shocked. And just to be clear, I'm impressed. Not because it is laughable and funny but he really has an amazing boyish voice.
"Woah, someone is with you?" Val asked, looking a bit confused.
I want to slap the back of Lucas's head because I just told him to be quiet and now, what is he even doing? He had his back in me. Then after a few seconds, it made me laugh. This guy never fails to impress me.
"What are we talking about again?" I asked, still cracking some laugh.
Val looked at me suspiciously as if he wants me to spill something. Well, it is already obvious that I'm not alone in this place. "Well, since we are talking about him why not introduce him to you." I stood up and walked over to Lucas, grab his arm then dragged him towards my desk where my tablet is. "You don't have to grab some attention." I teased him then flashes him to the screen.
"So, you're the old flame." Val smiled. "Hi, I'm Valentin. I'm your girl's best friend."
"I'm the husband." Lucas simply replied causing my eyes to widen and it was mirrored by Val as well.
Causing me to get agetated all of a sudden, clearly didn't expect him to blurt it out like that as if it was nothing but it is partly my fault because I have told nothing that I'm married before.
"You two are married?" Val alarmed.
"Yes, we were already married–"
"It was supposed to be a secret." I cut him off "But I was going to tell you guys about it of course. I just got too busy here to even call." explaining my side is good but I can't tell him that we have been married while Val and I were in a relationship. "Don't tell the girls yet, I need to tell them myself."
"Of course."Val sigh and still looks shock about it." Wow, it was too fast. You are married and happy, I assume."
Lucas and I look at each other for a moment and I nodded while staring at his eyes." Yep, I'm married. Just like how I promised you."
Lucas smirked and rubbed my thigh in return. "Well, can't let a woman this amazing slip by. I need to have her."
Red blood flushes to me and it made me blush. Overwhelming joy flooded in my heart and it cannot be hidden anymore. We are lost in our own words again and we forgot that Val is there watches us.
" Well, she's amazing, alright. I never met such courageous woman and you, my friend, are very lucky. You take care of her for me." Val smiled at us, a of smile that made my chest to tighten. As if he is really letting me go even though he loved me for such a long time. He stood by me and waited for me to love him back but I couldn't. Because I can only give me heart to only one person.
"Merci." I told Val "Call you again soon when I'm coming back to Paris. I will call Mercedes later."
"Alright, they are all waiting for a news about you too." Val replied, rubbing his head.
The conversation with my old French bud lasted a little longer. I told him about what happened to my Dad and he shared some happenings there in Paris. The call only ended when Lucas finished cooking so I have to end it because I still need to get back to the hospital. It has been a while but I wasn't sure when I will come back to Paris if I ever am coming back, I want to make sure to see my friends once more.
After dinner, I get ready to go back to the hospital but unfortunately, Lucas won't be coming tonight with me. He suddenly got an invitation from the guys about having a bachelor night out but and since it is Friday evening, it somehow became their own law that they need to drink out at a time like this.
I didn't force him anyway because I know he is not comfortable being around my parents and I don't want him to feel like he is too obliged. So I was the one who told him to go out with his friends and he needs it anyway. His bond with the guys are really strong and it impressed me. It feels good to know that his world broadens when he came here and too bad that I wasn't there along the way.
To be continued....
Sorry to end it here guys but I badly wanted to update since it took me a while to upload another chapter but I am working on the next chapter right now so I hope you enjoy this one. Have fun!
Besides Your Mine will be ending soon so look forward for my sweet prologue on my next story. I hope you check it out and I will inform you anyways when it was already released. Thank you!
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