Chapter 3: Smooth Revelations
"Where have you been?" I asked, once I heard the front door opens and slams close. But what was on the door isn't what I am expecting to see.
These men are my Dad's bodyguard since I recognized one of them. My whole body froze on the spot and it seems like I was stunned. They are all standing with pride as they maximize the small apartment unit and it is suffocating.
"What do you need?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at them.
"Mr. Berkeley needs to talk to you. He's outside." One of them stated.
"My Dad is here?" my eyes widen in surprise. He's here in a very small and middle-class place. I am more surprised that he came here to talk to me because he could have just let a car pick me and we will meet somewhere.
"Yes, he is inside the car. Waiting for you just outside this building." He answered me and his hand signaling me to go on ahead. But other than that, this will be the first time I will see him after he kicked me out. Unbelievable.
I knew it.
I knew Philip coming here means my parents already found me. They will be here any sooner.
"Did you know where my husband is?" I asked, remained in my spot.
The men didn't answer. They just looked straight at me as. Oh right, my Dad hates it when his men are talking to him so they no one is allowed to speak to me unless it is about the task that they were given.
Without any choices left, I followed in silence with them sticking to my side as if I'm a prisoner. When we got out of the apartment building, there is a limo parked not too far from where we stand, the only thing that lights the road are the street light. I am working very hard. One bodyguard gave me a little push to keep walking until I got inside the car. Went face to face with my Dad immediately. He was sitting on the other side and he looks older. His gray hairs visible but still, just like before...the best looking guy ever.
Dad smiled at me. One thing that I least expected as a reaction from him. "Hi, sweetie."
I don't know what is this twirling inside my chest as if it was heavy for a moment. The car started to move, taking ha somewhere. I'm stiff for that moment as if I'm afraid to move and do something wrong. The man that I wanted to impress the most, the one ended up kicking me out and now he is here.
We stopped in a nearby expensive restaurant. It is rather strange that there is still an open one at a time like this though. But I checked the inside, there are no customers inside.
"Why are we here?" I asked him but he just guided me inside.
On my way up because there are short steps up and saw my reflection on the glass room. Hideous is an understatement at how I look. Oversized shirt, worn out shorts and messy chair. I no longer fit to the world that I grew up before. Places as expensive as this is, they are no longer has a space for me to be.
When the door was opened, we walked in and my eyes widen to see my Mom, running towards me as she wraps her arms around me in a tight squeeze hug. Now the walls are done. Tears started to roll down my eyes and hugged her back with the same intensity. After all these years, I am still longing for the warmth of my family.
Mom was crying. She didn't know if she is gonna keep on hugging me or is she going to ask me anything. "Natalia, how are you? Are you properly taking care of yourself? Are you eating well?"
I sniffed and dried my tears. "I'm fine, Mom." I replied, she escorted me to a table and meals were immediately served in front of me. All of them are salivating food and my tummy grumbles. I haven't eaten dinner yet because I was waiting for Lucas to return.
"Eat, sweetie. Oh my, look at yourself. You are thin as a stick. Are you eating well?" Mom continued to give me questions with worry in her eyes.
I cleared my throat and started to feel some shame. I should be proving to my parents that I made the right choice being with Lucas but it seems like I failed it. My features and physical really changed for the worst. Not a hint of my wealth is evident to how I look now.
I started to eat because I cannot take it anymore. I took everything that can before stuffing them inside my mouth. Dad and Mom are sitting together while I sit at the other side of the circled table.
God, this tastes like heaven. I miss eating these kinds of food. I was moaning in delight as I feel my tastebuds with these delicious meals.
"This is what you get for choosing that man."
I suddenly stopped from moving. "Please, drop that topic. Aren't you happy to see your daughter?" My Mom cuts him off.
"Happy? My daughter is in a this kind of horrible situation and you expect me to be happy?" Dad retorted.
"Why are you here?" I asked them, breaking their talk. I dropped my form with my unfinished meal.
"We wanted to check on you, sweetie." Mom sweetly smiled at me and trying to held my hand that was on top of the table. "It took us this long to find you. How are you living here?"
"Don't worry about me, Mom. I'm fine here." I assured them while crossing my arms, looking straight to them.
"Eversince you are a child, you are amazing in hiding. How can you live in a place like this? There don't have enough supplies in this town. It is small and improper. You are not used living like this. And then you sleep in that kind of apartment? Natalia, we never raised you so you could just end up in this situation." Dad finally uses his powerful tone, jolting up. "You are my daughter and I only want what is best for you."
I was about to reply when my Dad suddenly clutched his chest and breath deeply as he somehow loses his balance, causing my Mom and the nearest bodyguard to quickly come to his aide. What's wrong with him? He's sick?
"Calm down. This problem isn't going to be solved with you getting angry." Mom told him before helping him down to his seat. "Natalia, sweetie...its been like...3 years without you. And we never stopped concerning about. We searched for you and we are very happy to see that you are safe. But being with that boy, is it really that worth it? That you turn your back on us?"
"Dad kicked me out, Mom. I have no choice." I cleared, inhaling deeply and starting to put my guard up again. Are they trying to tell me that they still do not approve of Lucas? "Mom, Lucas is a good man. He may be poor and...and he didn't finish his education but he is more than just a man. If you just give him the chance."
"I will never give him the chance." Dad scoffed. "Someone like him won't give you anything. Look at where he brought you, is this what you dreamed of?"
"I dreamed of a happy life, Dad. Lucas gave me that." I stated.
Mom looks like she was taken back by what I said. She looked at me softly before turning to my Dad then back to me again. Mom was hesitating to talk but then a felt tenderness at how I said it. They need to know that.
"No...I still don't want that guy for you." Dad interrupted the silence, he is rubbing his chest this time.
"Dad, are you alright?" I asked, he keeps on rubbing just chest as if he is in pain.
"I will never be alright until you go home and continue the life you left before. You have no future with that guy, Natalia. Widen your mind. Love isn't enough to save you in this world. Are you sure that man of yours will still be with you in a few years? Think, Natalia. You're a smart woman." Dad's voice is strong and serious. Like nothing can break it. He is always thinking of the future and the plans for it. That's why he became this successful.
I raised my head and answer him, eye to eye. "He will never leave me, Dad. I can promise you that."
Dad still cannot accept my answer. He took a deep breath and made a fist. "I only want what is best for you, Natalia. You know where to find us. I will repeat my words. Don't come crying if he breaks your heart." That's the only thing he said before raising to his feet and storm off, leaving Mom behind.
She looked at me before waking to my direction. "Your Father loves your very much, Natalia. We hate seeing your future to crash. We want what is best for you. I hope you understand that."
"Why can't you see how happy I am with Lucas? Being rich isn't the reeaon why couple are happy. We love each other. That's what matters, right? Can' you see that?" I continued babbling.
Mom lowered her head before turning to face me. Her eyes were full of sad emotions. "You may not understand right now but...the world is a cruel place. Nothing is fair. Love isn't the only way to keep two people together. Dedication and trust should be with love as you both go along the way. I know you are smart to understand this, Natalia." Mom kissed my forehead and held my hand in hers. "I love you, sweetie." Then she turned to leave as well.
This is the first time I've hear Mom this emotional. Usually she only backs up Dad whenever we got into a fight but now, she was giving me all these hints as if it is a mistake loving a normal man with no wealth and power. Is it a mistake that we do not have a money to buy a mansion? We are just two normal married couple, fighting our way to survive everyday. Is it really that hard to accept our marriage?
I thought hiding here will give us peach and will give my parents time to finally accept us but no. They kept their mind shut to give him a chance.
I got home that night, Lucas was already home. He was already lying on our bed, no shirt but wearing his sweatpants.
"Hey, where have you been?" I asked him.
Lucas raised himself to sit. "I should be the one questioning that. Where have you been?"
"I just went out for a stroll." this is the only way to get out of this.
"At this hour?" Lucas stands up and head to my spot. He raised my chin, good thing that its dark in here, he couldn't see my red puffy eyes. "Hey, I'm sorry for going home late. I just had a bit fun with some coworkers and went out to have some drink. I didn't realise the time but when I did, I quickly made my way home." he explained. His eyes searching for mine but I avoided it and hugged him. "I love you."
Lucas rubbed my back and chuckled. "Let's go to bed. You look dead tired." he kissed the top of my head before lifting me up and dropping me on the bed. The whole night, I never let go of his hand. Wanting him as near as possible to make sure that he is here with me and he will never leave me.
I woke up earlier than I used to be. It is nearly 3 in the morning and I couldn't sleep anymore. I rubbed my hands on my face and brush my hair using my fingers, staring down at sleeping Lucas. He is lying on his front and innocently sleeping while I have all of these inside my mind.
Somehow, I thought maybe Dad can finally ruin us in every way he can just to break us apart. It scares me that he will punish Lucas so I could give up. Horrible, but he is capable of doing it. He can ruin a person's life with a snap of his fingers and there is nothing that can change his mind.
I carefully got out of the bed, walking towards the window and gazed outside to look at the beautiful night sky as the moon shines brightly.
I hugged my legs as I tuck myself on the chair and let my mind just wander off.
Should I tell Lucas aboht this?
When morning came, Lucas shifted in his side and was about to reach for me until he noticed that I wasn't there on the bed. He quickly raised his head and searched his eyes for me.
"Hey, what are you doing over there?" he asked in his husky morning voice.
I smiled sheepishly and went to his side and sat there. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close while I sit, and he is still lying down.
"Is something bothering you?" he asked, looking at me through that sleepy eyes.
I bit my lower lip and hesitant to nod. "Lucas...?"
"What will you do if my Dad shows up and steals me away?" I run my fingers through his hair. He loves it when I play with his brown soft hairs.
Lucas chuckles and tighten his hold around me. "I won't let anyone steal you from me. I have every right to let you stay with me because we are married. We are tied by law and no one can break that." he answered. I know he is still sleepy but the way he said it, he's serious. "Why? Are you still worried that your parents will find us?"
I shook my head. "No."
"Then stop thinking about them." He told me and raised himself up to sit down to meet my level. Lucas smiled gently at me before placing a quick kiss on my forehead. "You have nothing to worry about, kitten. I'm yours and you're mine. We are one."
I laughed at what he said. He said those exact words when we got married. That is his vow.
"I love you." I whispered and kissed his lips.
"Love you more." He whispered back before pulling me back to the bed and let me fell asleep, while listening to his heartbeat.
Few more days later, there are still no sign of my parents showing up again. But I can see the changes when it comes to Lucas. I don't know if I'm just over thinking or not but he became more occupied with work than before. He always goes out with his coworkers and with Silvia as if they were already good friends. I'm scared that they might get even closer than a friend.
And just to be frank, I don't like him working this hard. He forgets that he still has a wife waiting for him at home and I'm getting really scared. Is this for real?
I kept on telling him to be aware of Silvia but he just shrugs the topic off and tells me that I should not be thinking like that.
"Aren't you going to have dinner with me tonight?" I asked him while he gets ready to leave.
"Nope, you can eat ahead of me. I might eat with Logan and the others outside." Lucas kissed the top of my head before putting on the rest of the uniform.
I have a displeased look on my face and I really want him to see that I'm not happy anymore that he's choosing his work over me.
Silvia this and Silvia that... What else is left that he couldn't be proud of of her?
"Have fun." I muttered in a low, monotone voice before marching my way towards the bathroom to take a bath. This is really frustration. It is like everything that we had is being stolen.
We only have the night to spend together because we are busy with work and now, he is spending them all with Silvia. How great.
This is amazing. Feel my sarcasm.
If I can just see Silvia myself but I'm scared of the questions she will throw at me on how I ended up in this situation. But I guess she leaves me no choice.
When I got out of my quick bath, surprisingly Lucas is still here. He was sitting at the sofa and he seems to be waiting for me.
"I thought you left already?" I snorted, making my way towards the bedroom without glacing at him.
I was about to enter our room when he pulled me to him and placed his lips on mine, kissing me tenderly. "Bye." swiftly as he goes out.
My eyes were stuck at the door as he leaves. He is trying to be sweet when I'm starting to get cold. How nice of him. Things like this is very difficult and I hate being around him the most at this state. As if he is blocking me from his thoughts and he is spending most of his time working...i don't actually am sure if it is just working or it is already working out with Silvia.
I was putting on my clothes, mind is still too occupied when my phone started ringing.
I am suppose to go to work but it seems like I won't go today.
The car outside, go in. We need to talk to you aboht something.
This is from Dad, I am very sure of it.
He always use the the car outside means that he sent me a ride. As much as I want to ignore it, I know I can't or else my life will be doomed especially now that they know where I am.
Hiding is what I am good at and I will hide one more time just to get away from them.
I quickly made an excuse and called the grocery store that I won't be coming because I'm sick. This has to be done so let me get these things first before proceeding on my plans.
I quickly got ready, put on my white shirt and jeans then head towards the car that my Dad is talking aboht. His men was waiting outside and they quickly drove me to a familiar place. Inside the car, I was thinking of calling Lucas but I can't bother to answer all of his questions right now so I let it be. I won't tell him yet and I will just explain later on when I got back home.
The car leads me to hotel, not ours so I don't know why we are here. I am filled with confusion of what is my Dad thinking and trying to play.
Confusing myself won't do anything, I need to confront my Dad and ask what on earth is going on here.
But, I already know the moves of my Dad, his tricks and how he plays his games. There is something about me and Lucas that they need to talk as well as the owner of this hotel relates to us. He won't call me over to someone else's hotel unless Dad will benefit something from it.
Now, fingers crossed.
I'm sorry but I will explain later, Lucas. I said in my mind and utter some prayers.
Jeez, why did I even have such a complicated family?
To be continued...
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