Chapter 28: A Little Attack Won't Hurt
"Is there something else that I can do to make you stay?" Lucas pouted like a little boy as his eyes begged me to stay over.
I laughed and put on all of my clothes. It is actually 10am in the morning and I stayed over but I remembered that I will be meeting my brother later for brunch. I sat down on the side of his bed while I put on my tank top and gave him one more kiss on his lips which caused him to laugh as his head fell on his pillow.
"I will see you later, Mr. Saavedra." I winked at him, standing up and making my way towards the door. "Don't look at me like that, Lucas."
"Because I badly want you to stay."
"I live next door!" I laughed. "Come over if you want while I get ready."
Lucas raised himself by his shoulders, his sculpted body tempting me to join him again on his bed but I will resist. "You know, we act like we are teenagers. We will make love, then we would cuddle until we fell asleep then the next morning, you will go back to your own house."
My eyes narrowed and raised an eyebrow. "What are you implying then?"
Lucas stood up with a sigh, putting on his black boxer shorts then faced me. "Baby, we are married for God's sake and we don't even live together."
"So, what are you suggesting?"
Lucas held my shoulders and rubbed them in a soothing way. "Why not start to live together? What do you think?"
"Live together? Here?"
"No, my house is done renovating and why not move there together? While we are sorting things out, like going to Paris and stuff. Come on." Now, he grab both of my hands and kissed my knuckles.
I sigh and thought about it. But then, it hits me. There is no need for me to think.
Just trust him.
I nodded and grinned happily.
His lips widens as he smiles as if he won a lottery. "Seriously? You're agreeing?"
"Yeah, why not?" I chuckled.
Lucas raised me and hugged me really tightly. I can feel his happiness overflowing as he wraps his arms in his arms. He kissed me deeply before I placed a finger between our lips to stop him before this gets hotter.
"I already agreed, baby. Now, can I go back to my unit to fix myself because I will be meeting my brother."
Lucas chuckles, making his chest vibrate on mine before he puts me back on the ground. But there was a few seconds of staring at each others eyes in silence before one of us spoke. His arms are still wrapped around me so I remained unmoving.
"What?" I asked.
He was looking at me dreamingly then shakes his head. "I really don't want to let you go right now but unfortunately, I also need to visit a constructions site before noon."
I playfully punched his chest. "Well, get ready, Mr. Architect. You need to work and I have a brother to see so, wait for me tonight?"
Finally, I was able to get out from his arms and he escorted me through his front door. He is only wearing boxer shorts but he damn look confident about it. He leans down to put one last kiss on me before he let's me go, for real this time.
"Bye." he smiles as I get out of his unit then move onto mine, in my head I'm skipping my way like a kid but I can't because I will stupid.
Everything is going on pretty nicely now and I want everything to be perfect from now on. As crazy as it sounds but that's what I wanted.
Actually I think I need to visit Mom too so I will go to the hotel first. I realised that if I live in anger against my parents especially my Dad, I will never have a nice and peaceful life with Lucas. I need to start working my way there and this is the start of it.
Straighten things up with my family so there will no longer be some hindrances. And my Mom may not like Lucas but she did a lot during my pregnancy, she was always there for me and I was able to open up to her more but to my Dad, I don't know yet how to feel ease with him.
I cleared my cave and arranged all of my brushes that was scattered on the floor, my paintings are done and they are just going to be delivered to my clients. I already showered too and dressed nicely when I decided to head out.
When I run into Ramon at the lobby, and I missed this man.
"Good morning, Ramon." I greeted him.
"Good morning, Mrs. Saavedra." He greeted back.
I gave her sideway look, a little suprursed that he knows about it already. "Mrs. Saavedra? How did you knew?"
"Because your husband informed him." Lucas appeared behind me, wearing a very stylish black t-shirt, with a brown blazer over it and brown slacks. Wow, my man knows how to make many women drool over him. But I shake it off and placed a hand on my waist.
"I am very happy to know that you two are already married. There is a deep chemistry between you guys." Ramon cheered. "Congratulations for the both of you. What a great coincidence that you reunited here."
"Well, you have to shout to the world that you have an amazing wife." Lucas winked at me and placed an arm around my shoulders. "Thanks, Ramon. See you around."
Lucas dragged me out of the building and I playfully pinched his sides. "I didn't know that we should announce that we are married?"
"Come on, they have the right to know!" He defended.
I rolled my eyes and drop it already because it is just Ramon and he's nice to us. I was just going to enter my car but Lucas pulled me towards him and kissed me for the nth time since we woke up. Seriously, he's addicted to kiss me and I don't know if I like it or not because he just won't stop even if I stop him.
"Goodbye, Lucas." I chanted, pulled him away from me and he opened my car door so I fought enter.
"Dinner is on me tonight." Lucas peeked through my window.
"How about we change it a bit? Dinner is on me?" I winked, jumping on my seat to reach his lips for a peck for teasingly close my window then drove off teasingly.
I saw him through my review mirror as he let out a laugh before entering his own car as well. Off to work now, Mr. Saavedra.
On the road, I stopped for a minute to buy a box of doughnuts because I know how much my brother loves them so why not give him a little sweet. That man is so busy that he needs some sugar in his system although, his lovelife is the one who keeps him going.
Arriving at the hotel, I went straight to the our private elevator and pressed his floor and luckily I reached my destination, the door opens and Nate was almost ready.
"Oh hey, Talia. You are early today, huh?" he greeted me with an earthy hug. "I told you to meet up in the restaurant already."
"Well, I decided to visit you first here before we drive together to the restaurant. I was hoping to see Mom as well." I roam my eyes around before I remember what I was carrying carrying "Yeah, and I have something for you." I handed him the box of doughnuts which made his eyes sparkle in excitement seeing them.
"Jesus, you are spoiling me. I just had a box last night with my guy. Are you trying to make me fat?"
I rolled my eyes at him. "Drama queen."
"Anyways, let's go!" Nate quickly hooked his arm on mine and practically dragged me out in a hurry to the elevator.
"Natalia Berkeley."
My ears thuds in annoyance hearing my father's roar. He calls me again using my old surname.
Nate winced, somehow it seems like he knows this is going to happen. "This is why I told you to meet me at the restaurant instead of here."
My eyebrows touched in confusion then I turn my body to see Dad walking down the stairs. This scene again, huh?
"What's up, Dad?" I tried to be cool as I cross my arms and walk closer to him. Somehow this tells me that we have a problem about me that he doesn't like.
Even if Dad is weak and sick, he carries his cane around to help him get closer to me. "You are a stubborn child, aren't you?"
Oh, I know now where this is going.
I rolled my eyes and remained my cool. "I have always been the stubborn one, right Dad? And you know that already."
"Yes, I know that and I thought if you studied and became successful in your stupid field in Paris, you will throw everything including that guy. You never impressed me with your immature choices." Dad snarled with disgust.
My blood started to boil, hearing the word stupid makes it even worse. "I didn't do all of this to impress you, Dad."
I heard the door bell dings making us all turn but it turns out that Mom comes in and the surprise in her face was obvious as she sees me in here. She marches towards us, concern and confused marked on her and I don't anticipate that she will take my side in this one again.
"What's going on here? And what are you doing here, you should be resting upstairs." Mom told my Dad and she turns to me. "Honey, what's going on here? I thought we are done with the fighting."
"Its not my fault, Mom. Dad just comes in to attack me about my immature choices." I battled, my temper is about to explode but Nate is behind me and he is helping me to cool down a bit as well.
"I told you to leave that guy! He's hopeless and he's a trash! A golddigger who cheated you because he finds comfort in another woman's lap." Dad shouted at me and even poked his finger hard on my head.
"Dad, drop it. You are in no good condition for this." Nate pulls me back but I'm not backing down. I'm ready to fight him if he tries to insult my husband again.
Mom's eyes soften as if she is in pain but I don't understand what's behind it. She is balancing herself between us.
Dad's breath hitched and I know he is no longer capable of these kinds of shits and I'm ready to stop this fight if the effect of this argument will just end up killing him.
"When will you ever try to make me proud, Natalia. Such disgrace. This is how you are going to repay me? I let you go out there to do whatever the hell you want and you are just going to come back here for that man? You are stupid!" Dad fires at me and Nate is already pulling him back.
But I never broke my eye contact with him. I am not afraid anymore of him. I will fight what I had with Lucas and if that means breaking my ties with my family, I will because he's my new family. All this argument comes down to one conclusion that I've always been thinking.
" Say whatever you want, Dad. I don't care anymore. I will never leave Lucas again because he never cheated on me. He was framed and those pictures, you did all that, right?" I snapped at him. "You knew that he is not in a relationship with Silvia but still, you gave those pictures to me. And let me just clear to you, I didnt do all of these to impress you."
Then one big slap on the face comes across after what I said.
My own father just slapped.
" Richard! What the hell!?" Mom raged and pushed him hard. She quickly comes over to me and checked my cheek, and it is red and it stings.
" I'm fine, Mom. Don't worry about it." I assured him and gave my Dad that I'm not melted and I'm not backing down. "Are you happy now?"
Dad's breathing becomes uncontrolled as it went up and down faster. "Get the hell away from my sight."
"You're an asshole, Dad." Nate grunted, taking my arm and pulls me out. "We can't wait to get out of your sight."
"Wait." Mom stops us as we turn, we see Dad holding his chest, finding it hard to breath. Oh shit. "Nate get some help!" she panicked.
Nate quickly grab the phone and dialed whatever that number is. Shit. Great Talia, you give nothing but trouble in this family.
Six hours passed, I'm stuck here at the hotel and I'm sitting in silence with Nate beside me on the couch. The doctor is still examining Dad while Mom is with them inside their room and he hasn't woken up since he had an attack earlier. I thought everyone was mad at me but it seems like I'm not the one they are angry at for this to happen. They are angry at Dad.
Nate is sitting here in silence and he is in deep thoughts ever since.
"Nate, I'm sure you noticed that you haven't spoke a single word. Dad is going to be fine and the bad guy always lives before the ending. And this, brother is not yet the end." I sarcastically retorted with a goal to see him smile or laugh at me.
But he didn't, instead he looked kinda worried.
I sigh as my shoulders dropped."Alright, I'm sorry. I shouldn't talk to Dad that way especially knowing his condition. It was my fault because I bursted out all of my hatred towards him."
Lucas scoffed. "Nah, I wasn't worried about that part. He deserved to know all that."
This man is so weird. I was going to say something but Mom comes walking down afterwards and her eyes searched for me.
"Hey, is Dad okay?" I asked, crossing my arms.
"Yes, he's doing to be okay. He is already awake but he told everyone not to come into his room until he says so." Mom replied, before suddenly she pulled me into a gentle hug. "How are you, Talia? I heard that you and Lucas are back together."
I cleared my throat and checked if there is anger in her eyes as well but none. "Yeah, we're back together. I hope you are cool with that."
Mom smiled weakly then shrugged. "I'm too old for that and you are at the right age, in your right mind to make decisions for your life. I owe you so many mistakes and I am starting to repay all of that."
Nate and I exchanged looks because both of are surprised at the sudden change. All of us knew that Mom is always a follower of Dad, what he wants, she wants it as well and when it comes to Lucas, she never told me her own reasons why she hates him, she just told me because he is not the right guy for me.
And now this.
Mom is coming out of Dad's grip and im not going to lie, I like what I'm seeing right now.
"Thank you, Mom." I warmly stated before encolinf each other with a hug. I've always wanted to hear those words from my parents. I want to hear for just one time, that they support me and this is the first time that Mom accepted my self decisions.
"And I think it is also time for me to say the truth." Mom added, before breathing deeply.
My eyebrows touched in confusion. "The truth?" My head turned over to Nate and he just nodded at me, somehow a gesture of saying, listen to her
And this is not what I am expecting to hear from the both of them.
Maybe I will get some of the answers to my unsolved questions tonight.
To be continued...
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