Chapter 27: I Trust You
Time sure does fly fast whenever you are enjoying. Lucas and I didn't even realized that we will have to face reality already. Our vacation is already done and now we are on our way home to our normal lives.
Arriving at the city, we were picked up by his friend Zephyr and drove us to the aparment. I am not really comfortable yet with his friends for a reason because they knew that Lucas's girlfriend is not me. And I have to be careful with my actions and words even if I'm the real wife here.
We are currently in Lucas's unit and I only stayed here because of him. He asked me not to go back to my place and I don't know why I didn't refuse.
"Here, man. I got this for you." Lucas handed Zephyr a bottle of wine that he bought at the island. The seller said it was their famous fruit wine.
Zephyr looks glad about the gift. "Wow, thanks! I heard about this wine." then he placed it down on the table. "So, did you two had a good time?" he was looking at me.
I gulped before answering then ended up just nodding with a shy smile.
"You don't have to be shy around me, Talia. We all know that you are the only woman in our little Lucas's heart so we want to treat you like our friend too." Zephyr told me, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder and gave it a little pat.
Lucas smiles before giving Bruno his food in his pet bowl. He stayed with Zephyr while we were gone too so he wouldn't be alone.
"By the way, Logan's wedding is coming up. We must go and visit the designer tomorrow for the fitting." Zephyr mentioned. "You also have a dress to wear, Talia so you must come with us."
Oh, I will be there? "Is Silvia a part of the wedding?"
"Nah, she is not into weddings." Zephyr shrugged it whole pouring himself some of the fruit wine.
Huh? Not into weddings? "But I thought she and Lucas are engaged?" I questioned confusedly.
Zephyr realised what he just said and clenched his mouth close as his eyes shot to Lucas. Wait, what does that mean?
Lucas cleared his throat and punched Zephyr at this stomach. "You are talking too much, sucker. Do you want me to tell your wife what you told me at the party?"
The color in Zephyr's face got drained and motion to zip his mouth. "No, I will shut my mouth." he chuckled weakly before picking up the bottle and his coat that was hanged on the couch. "I also have to leave now, I have to pick up my daughter at school today."
"Get out of here!" Lucas kicked him out which made the room filled with laughter.
I am impressed with their bond and I find it adorable actually. But this guy also knows something that I don't that everybody does. Now I am eager to know more of the truth.
"Bye bye, Talia. See you around!" Zephyr and I gave each other a friendly hug before he turns to leave.
Now that we are alone again, I stood up and stand in front of Lucas while crossing my arms. "Alright, spill."
Lucas sigh and raised his hand in surrender. "He used to be a smoker but he stopped when he got married because Eleina hates it. Then he smokes once again when we partied a few months ago but he asked me to keep it a secret."
My eyebrows furrowed and raised my eyebrow and stomped softly "Not that secret, idiot. The one that you promised to tell!"
Lucas laughed and playfully pinched my sides. "You're too serious, my love. Come on, smile." he wraps me in his arms and slowly seducing me.
I rolled my eyes but I felt his hand down on my butt, rubbing it slowly while the other one was on my waist, pulling me closer to him. "You are avoiding the topic, Lucas. I want an answer."
"Shhh, you look hot when you are looking at me like that. It's turning me on." he whispered the last part before enclosing our lips together. His whole body feels hot on me which makes me feel so feverish in an instant.
I know how to control myself but why can't I even resist him? Whenever he kisses me like this, my body just follows him and let him do his power to pleasure me. My throat dries up due to his wild kisses and a small squeak escapes from me when he lifted me up and made me wrapped my legs around him. Since it's already past eight in the evening and we travelled for almost six hours, I definitely need a power up and I don't know if this is a good one.
Zephyr puts me down on his bed, locking the door in the process because Bruno might burst it and we don't want that.
He removes his shirt over his head, removing those ripped muscles which pleasured my eyes during our vacation and now, he is still going to do their job to impress me. His hands roamed around my body and I felt his rough fingers down on my tigh, parting my legs so he can hook one over his thigh. They dangerously made a trace from my knees up to my moist center.
But unfortunately, I am still wearing my denim shorts, he raised his hand to my stomach while he traces underneath my short to feel what he wanted.
And that made me produce a soft moan. His fingers were gloriously good and they are enough to make me go crazy. His other hand is massaging my beast but soon also went underneath my bra and played with my pink nipple. More huffs comes out from my lips and he immediately stopped it by another deep and wild kiss.
Damn, I can't take it anymore.
I didn't let him finish but instead, I removed his hands on me and I quickly straddled him. The ghost smile in his lips is actually charming. As if he really wants this while he already had me all day long and all night long.
He was halfway to finish unbuttoning my top when we were interrupted by a doorbell. Lucas groaned then proceeded kissing my neck but the door keep on buzzing and it is very disturbing.
"Wait." I pushed him down and stood up from the bed. Arranging myself first before eying Lucas who is still casually lying on his bed. "Why are you still looking at me like that? Go and answer your door!"
Lucas buried himself in his pillow, lazilly and groaned like a kid. "Whoever the hell that is, they will leave soon as long as no one is answering it."
"What if it's an emergency? Get up." I placed my hand on my waist.
He faced me and sigh in defeat. "Fine." he strides towards me and leaned down to give me a quick peck before leaving the room. Combing my hair using fingers, I stare at the body mirror first before going out there to see who just came in.
But I was not done with the combing when I hear a feminine voice complaining or arguing to Lucas. And I no longer need to peek outside to know it was because that is the voice that I hate the most. That fake angelic voice but evil within, its so irritating. People like that should be thrown out of the building.
I hear that Bruno is barking at the sudden guest but I guess he is not pleased to see her too.
"Dad is looking for you, Lucas. You just couldn't disappear like that again and spend time with that woman." Silvia complained. I can sense some disgust in there. "You should have text me or called me to tell me that you will be gone this long. He needs your help and he can't know that we broke up, Lucas. You know that!"
"What do you want me to do? Go out there and tell them that we are still going to get married? When I caught you the first time, you begged me not to tell him and I told you that that will be the last time but you did it again. I will no longer stand by your side and face them as we don't have any problem at all."
"Lucas, you can't do this to me. Please, just don't leave me. If Daddy finds out, I'm dead." she begged. I peek a little and I saw her holding his arm, crying for plea but Lucas is stiff and it seems like nothing can change his mind.
"No, I'm done with this. I don't care if you will hate me, I don't care if you take away everything from. I don't give a fuck anymore, Silvia." Lucas grunted.
"Just because of her you are ready to give up everything?"
I gulped and watch them exchange glances. Lucas sigh and then stood proud in front of her and looked at her eyes before saying, "Yes, I can face everything because of her."
"You're a fool, Lucas. You are a fool!" Silvia rages and gave him a heavy push before marching out of the unit. There is not even a slight of guilt in his face, instead he even saw me peeking from his room and a huge smile formed in his lips.
"Sorry you got to hear that." Lucas rubbed his neck before pulling me closer to him. "Well, there is nothing more simpler to say that but I guess she already got the point." he chuckles.
"What is she talking about not telling her daddy?" I sarcastically mimicked her sweet voice.
Lucas kissed me quickly before starting to explain. "Well, just so you know...his father admired me, he liked my dedication and hard work so he was the one who helped me with my studies. He wanted me and Silvia to be together so he can give his most important property to us and Silvia wanted it. So, in other words...Silvia and I...we faked this relationship."
My eyebrows touched. " So, all of those pictures that my Dad has shown me before are all pretend?"
He nods.
Now that just made me cursed. "Fuck, you should have just told me!"
He quickly placed a finger on my lips to silence me. "Language, baby. Cursing does not look good on you."
"Shit. Fuck. Damn. Fuckyou–" I teased but he just silenced me with a kiss.
Now my chest feels so lighter to know that their relationship was just fake. I'm really happy to know that because I don't have anything to be worried about.
"But wait, why didn't you tell me about the fake thing you had with Silvia?"
"I was gonna tell you the truth but I don't want to tell you during the fake relationship we had. I was waiting for it to finish before I tell you turns out differently." Lucas cups my cheeks and his thumb rubs the outer part of my lips. "We had two enemies before, Talia. Your Dad and Silvia. Both are playing with us and one stupid mistake, it will all crumble. You disappear from me and I was doing my best to prevent that to happen."
I saw the solemn look he had in his eyes and I want that disappear. No more sadness and regret, we have each other now and that's what I only care about. No people will judge us and try to separate us from now because we learned. This relationship needs to get better and I will put everything that I had to this.
"Nothing can separate us now right?" my voice cracks softly as I ask.
Lucas smiled and hugged me tightly. "Nothing, baby. I will fight for this even if it is the last thing that I will do. I will die fighting for our life." he whispered, "I am no longer afraid of them."
"Yes, because you finally have me." I replied, wrapping my arms around his neck and tiptoed to kiss him. "I love you." then one more deep kiss that is full of passion and all of my love is flowing through it.
Lucas pulled me up and made me wrapped my legs around his waist, while he makes his way back to his room. Our little haven.
Guess I will be staying here for a while then...
The next day, we made our way to pay the designer of Lucas a visit. Its the fitting of their tux and my dress because I didn't expect that I will be a part of the show too. Lucas and I went there together, driving his own car.
I suggested that we arrive there separately because I don't want any rumors or anything when we get there but he resented it and told me to just come together since everyone will soon find out about us too.
When we reached the boutique of the designer, it looks like his friends are already here as well and I am acting too stiff when we were at the entrance.
"Why do you look so nervous?" Lucas removes his shades.
"Because all of your friends are here. What will they just think of me?" I replied through clenched teeth because from the glass door, I can see them already inside talking and laughing. But none of them sees us yet.
Lucas let out a chuckle. "That my wife is gorgeous?"
I rolled my eyes and punch his chest. "I'm serious!"
"So am I!" He laughed and quickly recovered from my punch. "Everything is okay, Talia. Don't worry. They love you." Then he grabs my hand and strides inside the shop with confidence while I am here, flushed like madness.
When everyone noticed us coming, they all suddenly cheered and clapped their hands which actually made me surprise, also confused though.
"Mr. And Mrs. Saavedra finally came!" Zephyr cheered and made some wohoo sounds.
I nearly covered my face because of the Blush and it is really making me shy like a teenage girl walking with the hottest guy inside the cafeteria.
"Shut up." Lucas hissed but there is a hint of fun in his smile. He greeted and made some tough handshakes with his friends which are Stephan, Zephyr, Logan and a new face for me. I was greeted by their wives and I appreciate their kindness and joy for us.
"Did Lucas told you about us getting back together?" I asked Eleina, which was the wife of Zephyr.
Eleina shakes her head and smiled cheerfully. "No, we all knew that the only thing missing between you two is this. The sweet revelation of getting back together."
I bit down my lip and still blushing though.
"We all know how madly in love your husband is so we kinda sense this one coming." Ariana, the wife of Stephan stated. "By the way, she wasn't at the run with us before but she this is also our friend, Jasmine. She is the wife of that man right there." she introduced this thick eyebrow beauty with a beautiful and charming face but very slender body.
"Hi, I'm Jasmine. Somehow, I knew that Lucas will find you. He never stopped missing you." She smiled kindly towards me but wow, this girl is shining. I mean, she's very pretty and the way she styles looks expensive. "Oh, I worked with your husband once when he tried the career in front of a camera. He's a good friend."
I looked at her with a slight confusion. "May I ask why?"
"I'm a model and he used to try that path but eventually, he didn't get comfortable." Jasmine cleared.
I didn't know Lucas tried to be a model. That's a surprise.
"Alright, is everyone here?" Logan appeared, followed by a woman which I assumed his fiancee. He saw me and Lucas in the room and he reached to hug us. Lucas hugged his fiancee as well while Logan went to join me in my spot.
"I'm glad you made it." Lucas wrapped me in a tight embrace, lifting me up from the ground in a few seconds. His girl followed afterward and he starts to introduce her to me. "This is Nina, the one that I will be marrying. Nina, you know my female best friend."
Nina seems like a sweet girl. "Hi, Logan told me so many things about you"
"Oh, I hope they are all good" I winced and we both gave each other a friendly hug.
"They are, don't you worry." She laughs before someone placed an arm around her shoulders.
"So, where did you guys meet?" I asked, making some conversations.
"We were coworkers. She's an engineer." Logan answered.
Oh, that's sweet. "Cool. I'm glad that he had the courage to come to you." I joked.
Logan slightly turns pink and scratched his head. Nina smirked teasingly and leaned her body slightly towards me. "Actually, I'm the one who approached him first."
"Oh, you dog!" I teased further. "Seriously, Logan...even now you are still weak towards the ladies."
"Yeah, I got so bored in assuming that he got feelings for me so I went first to approach him to ask if he likes me or not." Nina shared causing to give Logan a soft glare.
I laughed and playfully hit his arm. "Good thing she is a smart lady, Logan or else, you will be single for the rest of your life."
Logan rolled his eyes causing for Nina and I tease her more. I only knew her for three minutes and I already like her. She's so cool and she knows what she wants. I admire people likes that. Our chitchat got interrupted when the disigner called for the bride to ask some details so I was left with Logan himself.
"So, are you going to lecture me now that she's gone?" Logan laughed.
I narrowed my eyes but shakes my head. "Nah, she's going to be your wife so there is no need for lectures. You won't go out there and search for a new woman, will you?"
He shakes his head quickly. "no, of course not!"
We both laughed at his defensiveness but then, he got quiet for a short minute as he stares at me for a while.
"What?" I asked, crossing my arms.
"Nothing..." Logan smiled weakly before tapping my right shoulder quickly. "I am just happy that you and Logan were back together. You know, he was really devastated when you were gone. I've never seen him so destroyed like that. And I pray to never see him again in that state. You two deserved each other and you two needed one another more than you know."
I scoffed. "Well, he should have explained to me the whole sitstion before I caught him cheating on me."
"That's kinda the problem, my friend. Lucas love you more than his own life and how can he even cheat on the girl who was the reason he is working hard for?" Logan pointed out. "But there's no more point of discussing it. You two are together now and if someone is very happy about that, that's me. Tie each other so no one will escape."
I laughed and playfully punched him. "I will not leave him anymore. You can trust me on this one."
"Whose leaving who?" Lucas appeared beside me.
"No one. I was just about to share to her about how horrible you are when she left you." Logan continued the teases.
"No, I wouldn't do that if I were you." Lucas shakes his hand, dismissing.
But Logan doesn't look like he is going to let this pass. "Remember how many walls you destroyed in my house, Lucas? There is a huge hole in one of then and his first was the caused. Oh and, he broke all glasses in there too so I can speak more if you want to."
"No, that's enough. We are good." Lucas blocked him and pulled me away, leaving a laughing Logan.
Well, we are both devasted in our own ways so I don't blame him for feeling that way. But I've been through js so much worse than him.
Everyone is waiting for their turn to be measured while we chat and got to know each other better. They are not that bad and I started to get more comfortable around them because I can't avoid the fact that they are my husband's best buds so I have to accept them and be somehow be at good terms with them. And it's not that hard so I don't know why Silvia doesn't got along with these people.
But speaking of the devil...
The front door opens, revealing a slender, curly black haired woman, wearing knee length boots and a Prada jacket, underneath us a blue turtle neck blouse and a vert short denim shorts.
"Silvia, what are you doing here?" Logan was the one to approach her.
Everyone became silent at the sight of her, not sure if they will show that they are not happy to see her here as well.
"I was invited to the wedding, right? I have a dress to fit." She declares, taking her big sunglasses off.
"But you declined it." Nina mentioned.
Lucas is inside being measured so he will be shock to see an old face.
Silvia's eyes went directly to me and as if she challenging me into a wordless match with just those stares. Damn, if looks can be deceiving but I am not intimidated by those imatureness. I only care that I'm here because of Logan and because he's my friend.
"Baby, you're up." Lucas called me but he stooped when he saw Silvia by the doorway. "What is she doing here?"
The others are silent about the scenario and I want to remain my mouth shut if I can but I won't.
"Oh she's the last one right? She and Mrs. Saavedra can come in together for the last fitting." the designer called us and there was a very awkward silent came afterwards. But I tried to ignore it and walk past everyone quickly and got inside the office of the designer.
We are both being measured at the same time but the tension is there. Keeping my cool, I manage to be successful in that part. All I did was ignore her and is just silent the entire time. I have nothing to worry about anyways because nothing is going on between them. Just pure business and friendship. I hope.
"You think you have him but you are still dreaming in your wonderland, woman." Silvia muttered as we stand a few meters apart while these people are spreading their measure tapes on us.
I mentally smirked evilly. Her attempts of scaring me or trying to terrify me is bullshit. It ain't scaring me. So I just let the woman blabber and blabber. Say whatever she wants because she is not scaring me. All I have to do is trust Lucas and his words.
"Lucas is only with you right now because I let him go, you hear that? You can't easily erase what we've been through." She continued battling me when the measuring is done. I was about to ignore him and go back to the others but she blocked my way through the door.
I crossed my arms and eyed her boringly. "You are barking the wrong tree, Silvia. Lucas told me everything about you two and I trust him that there is nothing going on between you. I know everything so you can shut your mouth."
Her eyes narrowed at what I said and looked at me puzzled. "Lucas told you everything?" wait, is that worry in that tiny voice?
"Yes, Silvia. He told me everything because he is ready to settle down with me again. Not with you." I replied, about to push him out of my way but she remained standing there.
"He only told you the things about us?" She questioned.
"Yes, is there anything else you want to share?" I shrugged.
Silvia smirked devishly and shakes her head. "Nothing, your husband might want to tell you more but....It is his choice." she flipped her black curly hair before marching out of the room ahead of me. I followed just behind and process what she just hinted. Is there something more that I must know from Lucas?
Lucas was waiting outside for me and I approached him as he sits at the waiting area along with the others. Silvia walked straight outside and left the place as soon as she can so they didn't have time to even talk to her or catch up.
"You okay?" Lucas asked, pulling me to him.
I nodded and smiled. "Yeah."
"Did she tell you anything?"
I shake my head. "Nope. She just tried to scare me and tell me that you are still his."
"Is there anything else she did? That's all?"
I shake my head again. "That's everything."
"Well, I already told you what our stand, right?" Lucas look at me straight in my eyes. "Right?"
"Yes." I replied.
"And do you trust me?"
I saw how deep the seriousness in his eyes are. It gives me warmth but yet, it feels cold. But then, I want him to know because this is what we didn't have before. Especially me who was the first one to give up and I want to make it clear with him that it is never going to happen again. "Yes, I trust you."
Once the words escapes from my mouth, he smiled with a hint of relief and kissed me swiftly before one of his friends asked to go out for lunch which everyone agreed to come.
We will just see what the future outcomes of these happenings and what will our life be after this? Lucas and I need to think of what will our life be after this because, we both have different worlds now. I need to go home to France while he needs to stay here because of his job and this is his home. We need to make a decision and plan things out already.
To be continued....
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