Chapter 24: Tingling Sensation
Seeing him before my eyes are definitely beyond the reality that I visualize. My heart palpitates as if I'm only hallucinating something. The way he stand in front of the door looks agitated, his back slightly slouched as if he doesn't have any confidence within him.
"Lucas, what are you doing here?" the voice finally was able to come out from me.
His head turns to me either surprise or hesitation. The usual stern look he always wear can't be seen at the moment but, why did he really come here? But first of all, how did he knew about this?
"Talia...erm...hi." He sheepishly rubs the back of his head then made a few steps down from the short stairs.
"Hi...?" I am really confused but at the same time, variety of emotions come spreading in my system but nothing negative. All good ones. "What are you doing here?"
"I came here to see you." He said straightly, stopping in front of me.
I scoffed. "See me? Alright, now that you already did...what are you planning now?"
Lucas seems to be having a little hard time to decide what he has to say. "I'm here to join you."
"Join me, hm? This is a trip only for myself. I don't want any company." I put up a straight face but just trying to tease him and see what he will react.
"Well, not anymore. When I found out that you called the resort for a booking, I decided that you should not go here alone."
"W-wait, how did you knew that I booked here?" my head titled on the side, stepping aside and really confused.
"I have connection with his resort because I have done some partnership with the owner before." Lucas replied, burying his one hand inside his khaki shorts. "Someone called and asked if I knew you since you used my name so I checked."
Blood rushes to my cheeks and now I'm busted. Yes, believe it or not. All of my papers now are all Saavedra and I've been using that last night ever since even when we got separated.
"I'm really happy that you still uses my last name, baby." He smirked boyishly before leaning closer and gave me a challenging eye. "Oh? No backlash?"
I rolled my eyes, flipping my hair. "I'm almost out of moves."
Lucas snickers huskily "I'm not." he immediately closes the distance between us by pulled my head to attack my lips which caught me off guard. I even let out a small squeek before they touch. He kisses me with so much passion and erratically. He takes the lead as I recover from it but no more thinking, my lips are just moving in its own. No more hesitation because the moment the electrifying sensation comes, I enjoyed it.
When the kiss was done, hunger is evident in both of our eyes. The way he looks at me is melting me and I cannot think clearly anymore. There is this unspoken chemistry between us that is going to turn us into something we might regret someday but I'm sure I won't. If conscience is still important, I already kicked him out and told him to never show himself to me but no.
Seeing him here with me, not caring anything else beyond just ourselves, is more than enough.
It's like he is my Lucas again.
Lucas caressed my cheeks with his long fingers and run his fingertips next on the strands of my hair. His eyes are still intense and they were fixed only to me, as if I'm the only woman he wants.
"While we are in this island, think only of me." He whispered deeply while dipping his nose into my hair and kissed me there. "If I'm too selfish to ask that, then let me be selfish for now because I missed you. I missed you so much." tenderness in his voice is the one making my heart flutter like this.
And it was enough to really soften my heart and be fooled by the sweet sensation. My eyes flooded in overwhelmness as it stares deeply into his own orbs." I missed you too, Lucas."
"Glad to know that." He grinned and held my hand. "I thought you will be angry if you knew I followed you here."
A small laughter comes out from me as we head inside the house. "I don't know...I told myself that I want some time alone but when I see you...I just...I couldn't understand." I stumbled and got flustered. "My mind blanks down and it turns out, I have always been waiting for you...for your return." tears flooded once again in my eyes as I struggle to look at him.
Tenderness is all I felt from his touch as he brings his hand to cup my face. He kissed my tears and went silent for a few seconds. He held me in his arms and stayed like that for a while. I don't know how long but when we pulled away, I was already done with the tears and we dropped ourselves on the bed.
Just in his arms...
That's all I ask.
That's all I ever wanted.
I never prayed for money, profession or fame.
What I dreamed is to be wrapped in the arms of the person I love. To be surrounded by people who truly cares for me.
And this is it.
If we could just stay like this forever and nothing will matter anymore.
Let reality stand by and let this dream come true.
Just today...or tomorrow...this week.
Just this week.
And I will no longer ask for more. Just thus once...
MORNING CAME, I woke up wrapped by the white covers with Lucas, sleeping on his stomach, beside me. He was facing the other way so I can't see his face. Getting out of bed, a smile evident in my face, I walked towards the mirror and combed my hair because I am going to tie it up in a bun.
I'm wearing a white tank top and cotton shorts so I got out of the house and had a smell of the fresh air. Strong fragrance of the flowers was very soothing as we try to talk here but I stretched out my arms in the air and let my eyes roam around the beauty of the ocean. How it sparkles at the kiss of the sunshine making it dazzle like diamonds.
Last night, we slept early. The moment we cuddled on the bed, we drifted into a deep slumber. We have the chance to sit down now and have a talk about our situation. We may look like we are having fun here but once this is over, what now? Are we just going to stick to loving each other but there are others who are tying to stop us thing.
Things aren't smooths ailing like this and it will only gets tougher at the end.
I lean down on the railings and run my fingers through my hair and face, inhaling deeply until all of a sudden, one arm wraps around my waist and pulls me to a warm body. My back crashed to his chest as his face were on my hair, smelling it.
"Good morning." his morning voice is enough to make my heart do some jumping. It is so sexy that it melts my knees.
"Morning." I hummed at the end, enjoying the soothing sensation he is making me experience. His nose went down to my neck and drop some small kisses there. He is wearing a shirt but it is senseless to hide those muscles, screaming to be noticed.
"You are up early. Is something bothering you?" he turns me around and pinned me on the railings, attacking my lips in the process. Shit, I still have morning breaths and it is embarrassing.
To avoid to answer though, I kissed him back. We will discuss later because I'm too drawn into these sweet kisses he is giving me. Encircling my arms around his neck, my mind is lost. But when he pulls away, he had a huge teasing grin. "Are you hungry?"
I cleared my throat and stabling my speeding heart. Why does it sound different from my ears? "Y-yeah..."
"Do you want to eat out or just order some room service?" He asked.
"Let's out somewhere. I want to explore all the food in this island." I let out a small laugh, the inner monster inside me is hungry for food.
After fixing ourselves that took us for minutes, we went out and look for place to have some breakfast and at the same time, we got to see more of the island. There are tons of souvenir shops, restaurant, tourist attractions and I'm looking forward to stop by at each one of them. Lucas never lets go of my hand as we walk, as if he is afraid to let me go.
We ended up in a shack restaurant, organic healthy food are served which actually excited me because I love oatmeals during breakfast.
Sitting facing each other, I got a glimpse of Lucas. He just woke up, hair is a mess and he doesn't even showers yet or checked himself in front of a mirror but damn, he looks so fine. Both of his arms are crossed on top of the table, causing for those muscle arms to flex and they are just mouthwatering. Weird, as if I sounded like a complete pervert.
"You are drooling, baby." Lucas teased, taking a sip of his black coffee. "No need to stare because you have me all to yourself."
I rolled my eyes and hide the fact that I'm blushing so reddish right now. Clearing my throat, I thought about my concerns this morning. About the things will happen after this vacation.
"Lucas..." I called to get his attention and when I did, "What is going to happen once this week is over? I mean, what is our position now? Lovers? In secret?"
Lucas immediately changes into his serious face and inhales. "Silvia and I are taking a break. I asked for it because it's been tough since...since your return."
My eyes widen in suprise. "Wait, I don't have any intention to take you away from him in the first place!"
"I know that, but eversince you came back I've been a slave and a dog following you everywhere and behaving that I'm still the caring husband that I always wanted to be for you. Silvia couldn't handle the fact that I still love you and she fears that I will throw everything that we had." Lucas pauses for a second to read the air before resuming.
"Then why did you even agree to be her boyfriend in the first place? More than that, you even proposed to her!"
"Correction over there, I never proposed to her." He stated.
I let go of my fork and things are getting interesting now so why not listen carefully? Stuffs like this, I shouldn't miss it.
"What is going on, Lucas? Am I the only one who is lost here?"
Lucas shakes his head and placed a hand on top of mine to calm me. "Do you still love your family?" he randomly asked with a solemn look on his face.
"What? That's a stupid question...of course I do but if they did something before that affects the both of us, I will really hate them. Besides, I already confronted Dad and he blindsided me. He gave me more confusion answers that I cannot give a state answer." I explained, massaging my temples. "Lucas, how much did Dad ruined our lives that I wasn't aware of. And don't you dare lie to me."
Lucas hesitated to answer and still in thoughts whether to tell me or not. Is it really this heavy? That even him cannot speak badly on my own father that will really ruin everything.
"Are you done with your food?" he avoided an eye contact.
"Almost." I replied.
"Then let's go take a walk." Lucas wipes his mouth with a napkin before standing up, causing his chair to be pushed back with a noise. Feeling a little taken back by his answer, I followed him immediately.
When I was able to follow up to him, we were walking on the sand and he had his hands deep inside his pockets, head slightly bowed down while matching up his steady pace.
"Lucas, you're the only one who can give me an answer." I plead.
"Talia, you don't know the whole picture here, and I got that but once you knew about the truth, you might regret knowing it." Lucas voice seems to be warning me. "The fact that you might hate your father for the rest of your life, I don't want that for you."
"Yes, but it is really not in your powers anymore to control what I should feel towards my father. Because I already hate him but if you are scared that I might hate him even more then so be it. He already tried ruining my life before while I'm still with you." I pointed out. "If you don't want to tell me that I will think that you agree with my Dad to break up with me." there is a small threat in my voice. But I'm done with this riddles and clues. I want the whole truth.
Lucas snorted and tenderly placed through my hair while affectionately staring into my eyes."Why would I even attempt on breaking up with the best wife? Life wasn't really nice with me so it gave me some painful punishment."
"What kind of punishment?"
"You being taken from me." He replied, now burying his face in my hair and kissed me there. "You are the best thing that happened to my life. My heaven, my life. You had them all."
"Then what happened? Why did you let me go?"
Then a flash of solemn reacts from those eyes. "Because I don't want to be the reason of your misery."
It wasn't long until we reached the house and we were enveloped with silence. No one is bothering to speak because of the fear that one might hurt the other one. Especially him, he is choosing his words very carefully to the point that he doesn't like to spoil anything about my own father. What does he knew that I do not know?
"So, what do you want to do next? Get on a boat and explore the best part of this island?" Lucas asked, staring at the window and gazing the surroundings. "Because boy, I'm sure we are going to have so many fun. There are a lot of activities to be done."
"You sound too amazed." I laughed and checked the travel brochure that was given to me at my arrival. "Wanna go snorkeling?"
"Sure, why not? I rented a boat by the way before coming here. We can find a great spot." He suggested. "Let's get ready then!" he energetically starts to get ready and get on his beach shorts.
Looking at him is too funny for me to handle. He is like a kid who is so excited to go on a trip and it is making me more excited about this. I am starting to forget all of my worries and let me feel and relax for a moment. Let me have the happiness that I've always been hiding at the deepest part of my heart.
We got ready, he's wearing his hot beach shorts and confidently walk out without any top. While me, I'm wearing a white muscle tank top and my black bikini underneath. I didn't bother wearing any shorts since we are going to swim anyway. We head towards the dock and this man assisted us to the sailboat that Lucas rented. I thought he was going to be our sailor but I was very impressed when Lucas gets on the wheels and started the engine.
So practically we are sailing on the deep blue ocean and the wind is massively strong. My mouth is actually open in awe the whole time that we are exploring the beautiful spots that my sight is giving me.
I don't know but I surely have seen much better sights in my life but there is something about this time that made it so overwhelming in my heart. My eyes transfer to the man behind me and happens to be that he is adoringly watching me as well. The way his lips lifted on the side, it is so cute that it made my heart flutter.
Lucas walks toward me and my heart keeps on beating faster the more he steps closer. He wraps an arm around me from behind as we stare at the sightings as he drops kisses on my neck.
"Are you happy?" Lucas asked.
I nodded quickly. "Of course, more than happy."
He drops more kisses around my neck up to my chin, then passionately on my lips. He has his arms still wrapped around me from behind and I had to turn my head to give each other more access. The familiar tingling sensation starts to crawl back into my system. Only him, can do this to me. Only him.
"I love you." my voice was ragged as I say this, full of emotion in every word. Finally, I was able to voice it out loud again.
Something I've always wanted to say in such a long time. And those words are only for him.
There is a bit of surprise in his eyes as I say it but happiness quickly filled them. "Damn, these things you make me feel." Lucas chuckles and kissed me again, deeper this time.
Never again, I will never let go of him again.
He's my husband and he's mine.
To be continued...
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