Chapter 20: The Unspoken Thing
It's been two days since I last saw Lucas and by any chance, we haven't seen each other yet or bump on the way out of the aparment. I plan to not go to the gym anymore and obviously avoiding him because I don't really want to see him. Proposing the idea of letting is my plan so I must stick to my words.
Instead I should focus more on why I am really here. I am just driving home from a client meeting where the senator asked for a portrait of him and his family on the spot. He made me pain them and it is actually not that difficult to me anymore because I do a lot of that when I was just starting to be an artist.
Right now, I am heading back home because I have an incoming call from Valentin who seems to be really longing to see and talk to me.
"Hello, Belle." the bright smile of Valentin flashes on the screen causing me to feel the equal amount of excitement. "How are things going there?"
"Great...i just got home from a client and now, I'm going to finish a painting that I will give to the children at the charity." I replied, leaning back to the chair, my eyes caught the case of flowers he sent me. "I really appreciate the flowers, love. They are amazing and it really made me happy."
"Well, that's my make you happy." He winked at me. "So, everyone here misses you already."
I chuckled "They might wait a little longer because there is a lot things that I need to take care of." I already consulted a lawyer that my family trusted for years and she will arrange everything for me and I don't have anything to worry about as long as the husband doesn't go against it.
I'm sure Lucas will immediately sign the papers and that's what I need. To be finally free...
"Yeah?" my mind snapped back to him. Valentin is actually half naked and he is lying on his couch while watching a series. It seems like he just got home from the club.
"You okay?" he asked, concerned in his eyes. "You were just there for a week and it looks like you lost weight."
"Homesick, maybe?" I bit my lower lip and placed my chin on my head while leaning on the table.
Valentin laughs boyishly. "Homesick? You are home."
I same my head in disagreement. "This is not home, okay? My home is there in Paris with you and my friends. Not here anymore."
Valentin noticed my uneasiness as his eyes narrows a little but he chose not to ask. Instead, he leans closer to the screen and kissed it. "There, I already kissed you so smile." he spreads his lips to a funny grin causing me to do the same. I appreciate his concern though. He always shows how much he cares about me and I need that right now. To have someone gave his whole attention only to me. Not a shared one.
"Val..." I don't know why I called him but it just slips from me causing him to stop from talking.
"Yes, Belle?" He raised his eyebrows, anticipating what I was going to say.
All of a sudden, the heavy weight in my chest comes up as my throat seems like it is about to give up. I wanted to cry but I don't want to show it to him but, it feels like I have to.
"What's wrong, Belle?" Valentin notices my silence and quickly became worried when he notices the gloom in my face.
No, I don't want to tell him yet. "Nothing, love. I just...i just miss you...and everyone else."
Valentin made a sad smile but understands me enough to comfort me. "I miss you much. Don't cry anymore because you are not really going to stay there long, right? You will come back here and life will be normal again as it always been." He wrinkled his nose and winked at me. "Smile now. I hate seeing you cry and sad. We are just here anyway."
I sniffed and wipes my tears. "Of course, sorry about."
"Oh, shut up. Jeez, what are you going to do without me?" Valentin teased and smirked. "Why don't you tell me everything that happened at the gallery? I heard it was a success."
The conversation with Valentin was the pill to my sadness. He really knows how to ease my pain and make me smile through the pain. As if he knows where he needs to hit my spot to make me laugh and that's why I need him. He gave me a happiness that is different from anyone has ever given me and I might lose myself if I give up a friend like him. And it is such a waste that he is spending his love on a broken woman like me and the last thing that I wanted to do is to hurt him.
The conversation lasted long enough to catch up and I also talked with Dolly whose happily spending her vacation with her boyfriend in Maldives. That woman was blessed when it comes to love because she only had one boyfriend since and even until now, they are going strong.
Evening came and I am still at my cave when I received a phone call from my brother.
"Hello?" I asked, holding it between my ear and my shoulder as I clean up.
"Hey, Talia, how are you doing right now?"
"I was just done with work, why?" I placed my things down on top of the table before holding the phone properly.
"I am on my way to the club, you want to tag along?" Nate asked.
My eyebrows touched. "Tag long? Do you have anyone else coming with you?"
"You will see when you come."
Hmm, what's he up to? "Sure, which club is that?"
"Let's head for the best, how about Midnight Panton Club?"
I didn't know where that is but I think I might just grab a cab on the way there. "Alright, be there in fifteen." then I ended the call before rinsing myself under the shower before choosing something to wear. I don't really have any options from the few clothes that I brought but let me go with this a-line spaghetti straps satin burgundy dress. It was my favorite party dress because it is not too long and it just ends a few inches above my knee and it looks so sophisticated on me.
I put on a slight makeup and let my hair be wavy before making my way down the elevator to the ground floor. Ramon was there and he immediately greeted me with a smile.
"Good evening, Ms. Berekely." he gentlemanly bows his head.
"Good evening to you as well, Ramon. Handsome as always, I see." I winked at him before heading out and calling for a cab.
It was just a few minutes ride and I was calling Nate when I arrived, asking where he is. But he says that he will meet me by the entrance.
"There you are." I rolled my eyes playfully and he closes out distance with a hug. "You look gorgeous, lil sis."
I chuckled and playfully pinched his side. "Come on, where are your friends?" he is holding my hand as we squeeze through the crowd until he drags me to an area where there is only a few people there and one man raises from his seat to come to us.
"Talia, meet Adam." Nate placed a hand on his shoulder and let a few seconds of silence wander. "My...boyfriend."
"Oh!" my eyes widen in surprise as my eyes jumps on Adam. "Hi, it's nice to meet you."
Adam smiles and exchanged a hug with me. "You look gorgeous in that dress, Talia." he commented. He is also not your typical gay that wears women close. As a matter of fact, my brother and Adam are both wearing a button up shirt and pants. They are both handsome and I support their relationship very badly.
"I am on my way to the bar, would you like something to drink?" Adam asked us.
"Daiquiri." I replied.
"Nah, I don't want any." Nate replied then we both watches his boyfriend to disappear. "So, what do you think of Adam?"
I watch him go to the club and think of something to tell. "He has a nice butt, I'm impressed." I joked.
Nate laughed at me. "Seriously, Talia?"
"He seems nice, very different from the first one you had." I replied, biting my lip then roam my eyes across the whole place. "This is the first time I've been in this club."
"Really? Do you often go clubbing in Paris?"
"Parties are my life, darling." I stated.
"Then you have a good life." Nate joked. "So, how things hanging?"
"I'm adjusting to it, had this little homesick and miss my life in Paris." I answered, leaning my lower back at the railings. "I didn't know that it is possible that I will get tired of my real home. I mean, I want to go back Paris again."
"You started your life there so I wouldn't be surprised." He replied.
Adam arrives with my drink and his before joining our talk. I took a sip of my drink and asked Nate for a smoke and he gives me one. I light one and heads downstairs at the dance floor, they don't want to dance yet so I went on ahead, stopping at the corner of the club and just finishing my smoke when I noticed a familiar face walking out of the ladies' room.
I wasn't going to call her but she noticed me right away.
It was Eleina.
"Talia...?" she comes to me.
"Hi, Eleina. What a coincidence to see you here." I murmured, looking around if another familiar person lurking around.
"Um...Zephyr actually owns this club." Eleina replied.
"Seriously?" my jaw dropped but I quickly recovered from it. The world is really too small for us and by any moment now, Lucas might be here too.
"Yes, the boys are here upstairs at the VIP longue. Come and join us." She invited but I really don't want to. One is enough to hang out with them because I don't want to involve myself again with Lucas and Silvia. I'm done with them.
"Im sorry but thank you for the invite. I'm with someone right now and I just felt leave him alone." I mentioned.
"Oh, that's sad. But just come up whenever you want, okay?" She kindly responded before leaving me alone.
There is nothing wrong with Lucas's friends but you know the saying goes, it's one against the bunch. These boys are surely on Silvia's side because they knew her better than me and even if they don't like her, I don't have a room in their party. There is ko need to involve myself with them but if fate decides, I don't have a problem with them. It is just not right to stay there when the person that I was involve with must be out of my life.
I am standing at the corner part of the club, only a few people are here. Some of sitting and drinking at the couches, some are already drunk and making out but I am just here quiet and alone, puffing out a smoke and drinking an alcohol.
It is nice to come here but I don't want to interfere the time that Nate has with his boyfriend. I'm sure he cannot bring him with him at the hotel because it will just cause the pop of the veins in my Dad's heart. He will not like this so this is their only chance. If they decided to leave, I'm sure Nate will call me and offer me a ride home.
I grab more drinks at the bar and it made me miss Valentin more because of the bartender. I sat down on the stool, a cigarette stick between fingers while the other hand is drowning me in alcohol.
"Such lovely creature is alone at a club. Hi, what's your name?" a man spoke beside me but I didn't bother looking at him and just swallow my drink.
"Fuck off." I scoffed for the third time.
Yes, that was the third man that approaches me since I stayed here at the club and these men are desperate to take me home. All of them are asking if I'm alone or if I want to go home with them. Such men are just irritations in my life. I am just finishing my stick then I will tell Nate that I will go home ahead. I just want to get out of my house for a while and now I already did, so I'm done with the crowd.
"Are you here alone?" hearing that voice is enough to send shivers down my spine. Damn, just the sound of his voice is enough for me to know who he really us.
Lucas appears beside me while placing a glass on the counter and eyed.
"No, I came with someone." I puffed out the smoke right on his face to irritate him.
Lucas fanned the terrible smell and came even closer to me, looking at the distance as if he was looking for something.
"What do you want, Lucas?" I slurred, dipping the excess of the stick on the ashtray before placing them back between my lips. "I am not the mood to fool with you."
"I want you to stop drinking if you are alone." Lucas swiftly removes mt glass from my hands. "...and who the hell are you with?" his voice roared.
I let out a teasing laugh and grin. "Why? You jealous?"
Lucas grunted, stopping my hand before my glass could touch my lips. Halting the alcohol to be drunk. "Tsk, never ever wander around the club alone wearing something like that. It wakes up all the living creature in here."
I laughed mischievously. "Does that include you?"
All of sudden, he turns his face away and a deep shade of red comes rushing to his cheek causing my eyes to pop.
"Crap, are you seriously blushing right now, Lucas?" I gasped, grinning like a fool at the view. Who would have thought that the great and stiff Lucas Saavedra is blushing with just a little flirting. "Jeez, do I still have that effect on you?" I giggled loudly and momentarily pushing him. "Come on, admit it. You still want me, still want me in your life but you just can't. You missed me."
Lucas snorted and brushed his hands through his hair. "Of course, I missed you more than you can imagine, kitten." he murmured before scanning the crowd again. "I will talk to the person you are with, I am taking you home. I can't stand these men lurking and asking for your attention."
I slyly turn my head if I can catch a glimpse of my brother and there he is, dancing happily with Adam.
"Just leave me alone, Lucas. Don't come near me or I will really continue my plan to sue you. Wait, is your mistress here? Should I leave you two alone already?" I asked, faking a concerned look.
"She's not here."
I snorted and laughed. "So, that's why you lurking back to me? Or just becsuse you don't have anything to entertain you so, here you are. Huh, which one is it?"
"It's not like that!" Lucas hissed, out of patience. "Damn, let's just go home. You're drunk."
He started pulling me off my stool but I quickly push his hand away, making it like we are playing some tug of war but once I was disposed out of my chair, my mind stars spinning and became so dizzy for a moment. Good thing Lucas immediately caught me on time and like an idiot, pulled me up and started carrying me out of the club. I keep of wiggling out of his hold, screaming to make his ears burst but no can do.
As if he blocked all of my complains and silently carried me out.
"Lucas! Put me down!" I yelled, doing everything in my power to escape his grip but nothing pushed him. He continued carrying me outside and I was screaming bloody murder. "In how many ways does Leave me alone do you want so you could just understand?" I snarled, eyeing him coldly but failing miserably because I will end up giggling so hard like a drunkard bastard. "Oh, I know! Laisse-moi tranquille! That's French for leave me alone!"
"You're bursting my eardrums, Talia." Lucas and I finally reached the exit of the club and talk about being lucky, it is freaking raining.
"Could you please put me down?" I ran out of words to shout because no matter what I do, he will just ignore me. "I can walk, ya know."
"Nah, I like carrying you. I don't want to lose the chance." He smiled boyishly before pulling me tighter to him, causing me to grip his shirt by his shoulder. "Hold on tight, kitten. I'm going to run towards my car."
"Then put me fucking down!" I blurted out but as if talking to a tree there. Lucas ran as fast as he can and lucky didn't slip at the wet street. We reached the parking lot and he is soaking wet! He opens his car door with one hand and I don't know why it wasn't lock but I didn't bother to ask. He placed me in the car seat and put on the seat belt before running around to enter the driver's seat. Yes, we are dripping wet inside his car. Now I'm awake but he's wetter than I am.
"Put this one." He reached something at the back of his car and placed a white plain shirt and boxer shorts on my lap. "Don't stay in those dress or you might get sick."
I quickly refused because if I do, it is like things are going smoothy with us now and I don't want it! "No, you put that on. I'm fine." I fight the freezing sensation that I'm feeling right now.
"Don't fight with me, Talia. Please, not now." He removed his wet shirt and drove naked, the heat rushes to my face upon seeing him like this. Shirtless and those ripping muscles are causing me to gawk at him. I gulped when my eyes roam up from his abs then up to his neck and I jerk when my vision goes to his face and noticed that he was looking at me with amusement causing me too loom away.
Jeez, alcohol will never do good for me. I laughed stupidly and started removing my clothes, I don't know where I get my courage but maybe from the alcohol. I was halfway to zip down my dress when I smirk at Lucas who is now gawking at me as well. "Turn around."
Lucas laughed and gripped his hand on the stirring wheel. "Don't act as it I didn't see those. We shared the same bed before, right? We even shared the same ring and shared moans so why are you still embarrassed."
I rolled my eyes and just removed my dress right on the spot. I can see how the his adam's apple wobbled when there was nothing left. Yes, I didn't wear any bra and I quickly put on the shirt and slips the boxer shorts on. My head still feels spinning but my cheeks are about to burst out in heat like a balloon. I am so flustered and this thing inside me is screaming to get out.
The happiness that was buried inside the deepest part of my heart comes back to life and I want to treasure this moment. Just this once.
I don't want it to end but reality sucks. I might get back to my normal senses later on or tomorrow but I know where I should put my place. But for now, I don't want to.
"Do you remember that night that you came home drunk?" I stated, one eyes closed because I'm really dizzy right now. As if I want to throw up. "Pfff, if you still remember that." I laughed and playfully slap my head.
"I remember, Talia. I never forgot a single day of our life together." He replied huskily and monotonously. "The first one I came home drunk, it was from a Logan's birthday. You got so angry at me that you told me to sleep on the couch and so I did. The second time I got drunk, it was also a birthday party and you and I had a very hot and wild sex then the third and last time, I went drinking with Logan at a bar and that time, you and I also made one hot sex behind the door. So, which one, kitten because I remember all of them."
My jaw dropped in shock. How can he remember all of that? Well, he was right. Sex was different when he's drunk, he was so wild and he wasn't gentle. Is it my fault that I like it? He was my husband and I thought it was so hot to have a mind blowing sex though.
I decided to stop the topic because I'm afraid it will just backfire at me. I might regret the decision of bringing it up because it sure brings the wonderful memories we had.
I closed my eyes because of the dizziness and before I knew it, we are already at the apartment. I got out quickly and sprint my way towards the elevator. My steps maybe are woobly but Lucas caught up with me and nearly pushed me inside the elevator.
Okay, that was hot.
Once the elevator was closed, the tension inside is kinda different. I closed my eyes and prayed silently that things won't go awkward because Lucas had his back on me but where is this raging desire inside me coming from? This is hilarious and my eyes won't stop from roaming at his back.
Damn, why is my body heating up? Is this because of the alcohol? I was fighting inside my brain when Lucas turns around and the same fire I have in my eyes, he has that to and before I could even move or do anything, he pushed me back to wall and kissed me feverishly.
And what surprises me, I quickly kissed him back with the equal amount of intensity. We were making out inside the elevator and he had had his arms wrapped around my waist tightly while mine were on his neck while the other one was on his hair.
A slight escaped my mouth and I was so embarrassed. But my head is in cloud nine and protests are not building from me. I wanted this and I wanted more but this isn't right. It was never right to be with him.
My mind is going ballistic and I don't know which one is the right thing to do.
When we reached the floor, we were interrupted by a ding but it didn't stop Lucas from kissing me. He raised me from the ground and let me wrap my legs around his waist.
But he puts me down and like a hypnotised freak, I open my own unit and he takes me inside. Still sucking each other's faces and I was panting for air when his kisses went down to my neck, leaving love bites in the process.
I was pulling him closer but he pushed me away slightly and leaned his forehead on mine.
My heart sank at that gestures, reminded me of his signal to me before that he gives me and surrender to me. My eyes nearly tears up as I remember how much I missed him. He kissed my forehead and he carries me to my room. He did a good job for knowing that the door he opened was my bedroom and he carefully placed me down.
"Sleep now. I don't want to do anything to you if you are drunk. I want us both in clear minds when we make love once again." He kissed my forehead again and again. Planting one then around my face. "Tomorrow, I'm sure you are screaming curses at me for doing this."
I felt lonely hearing that. "I don't think so." it came out like a whisper.
"You will, Kitten." Lucas whispered. "One day, Talia. I shall explain everything to you why we ended up like this. When the right time comes. I will tell you everything and I will not leave even a single thing behind. I love you." He whispered, kissing my eyelids then it made me frozen for a moment.
Did he just...?
"Yes, I never stopped loving you, Talia. But I made a decision before that will save you but will not save our marriage. It was all my fault." He whispered before caressing my hair and the touch made me sleepy in an instant.
I want to ask more questions but I can't anymore.
I already fell asleep at the worst timing ever.
Wait, am I even hearing right? Or thesr are all effect of my drunkeness?
Tsk, I will just know tomorrow then.
To be continued...
So, what are the thoughts now, my hearties? Did you like this chapter or you are still mad at Lucas? Comment down below! Looking forward to read what you felt.
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