Chapter 16: Grief Of An Angel
"So, you are not staying here?" Nate questioned while I get ready inside my room. I had my things transfered to the aparment that I bought somewhere close by. I don't want to live here in the hotel because I will just feel that I'm too sheltered. I want someplace where I can relax and paint wherever I want.
"No, Nate. I mentioned this to you already." I stated, putting on my diamond dangling earrings and then a marching collar next.
"Yeah, I thought you meant that you are not staying here in Crimson City long because you will be back in Paris for the whole month." he pouted and helped me zip my dress up.
Tonight is the gallery opening and I'm excited more than anything. Many collectors will be at the opening so I am looking forward to meet new artists and new people who shared the same interest as me.
So, I'm dressed in a body hugging, deep v burgundy dress. It was a gift from Mercedez from the clothing line she owned. After graduating from the university, she said she wanted to use her art skills through fashion.
So on the way to the art gallery, I was so excited. My hands are even sweating in nervousness because I fear that I might humiliate myself here because no body wants that to happen so I must maintain my composure.
I inhaled deeply, thinking of positive thoughts and praying silently for this gallery to be a success. So, once I step out of the car...the unfamilair feeling washed over me. As if I'm scared or nervous about something that is not relating to any current events. My heart is beating too fast that I worry that I lost something or I have done something wrong. Jeez, I cannot make up my mind.
Inside the gallery, I was able to greet the other painters. Most of them are really famous while the others are unfamiliar to me. It wasn't hard to talk to all of them because since we are on the same field, we got along the boat without sinking. When I reached the areas of my paintings, I couldn't help but shed a tear a little. It is short and quick and no one notices.
My paintings are all from the depths of my heart and every shed of color symbolizes something in my life.
Stepping closer to my artwork, I let the tips of my fingers feel the slight curves of the paints. Just taking my time to admire it because this one is really important to me.
Because it is me...
Symbolizing the first time I held Ezekiel in my arms without any apparatus attached to him.
He was just an angel in this one and I couldn't help but be moved at the memory. Such memorable highlight of my life that will be stuck inside my brain and my heart. Being the mother of my angel is the best feeling that happened to me and it is such sorrow and regret that I will never see him grow to be a young kind man.
Grief of an Angel
"Ms. Berkeley." suddenly a man spoke behind me which woke me up from my inner thoughts.
It was the director of the art gallery, Mr. Shin Chao. A Chinese collector and the one in charge of the whole place. He came to greet with a kind smile. "I am so happy that you were able to get here even thought you are in Paris." he shakes hands with me.
I gave him a grin, my eyes glittering with appreciation. "It's an honour to be invited here, Mr. Chao. Thank you so much for making me a part."
"Oh no big deal, who wouldn't want you? The works you have here are splendid. Every painting is a perfection and the story all of them hold, strikes deeply into our hearts. You have an amazing gift and I want to congratulate you." He seems to be overwhelmed to meet me which I appreciated.
"Oh please, I am just expressing myself." I replied, feeling a little embarrassed. The whole place is already packed with guests, admiring every piece of artworks. There are various types of artwork here; sculptures, paintings, and even the whole architecture of interior is amazing.
"Well, I hope you enjoy and talk around with some people, I will back to you." He winked me and kissed my hand before turning to leave.
Hmm, gestures like that don't really affect me anymore because I got used to in Paris. Usual men there seems like they are seducing or flirting you but to be in fact, they were just being friendly. Well, French people are known for being affectionate so I am not surprise.
I manage to talk with the visitors, most of them are impressed and many wanted to know the background of the painting but I really gave them the honest one. They do not need to know what happened to me.
"I saw this scene in Paris in a hospital, it captures my heart especially when the mother started crying as she looks down to her sick child. I was so touched and manage to paint as a remainder of its sweetness and the love of a mother will always be unmeasurable." I explained and they all nodded in agreement.
" It is a beautiful work, great job. Now I understand why most of the people here came here to meet you in person." one of them stated with obvious impressed look. "Are you based here, dear?"
"No, I'm actually based in Paris but I will be staying here for a month." I replied.
"Good, can we have a contact to reach you? I badly want an artwork from you."
"Sure, just email me here and this is my contact number." I told them while handling my business cards to each one who asked.
A few moments later, I was slightly scanning everyone in this part of room and happens to stare at my three paintings. Greif of an Angel, The Woman in Notre Dam and Scattered Lady.
Most of my paintings that I showcase are about sadness, grief, longing and terrified. Most of them are personal feelings but I tried to make it livelier and less personal. More people came in to meet me and took photos of me while I hang out a little bit more.
Honestly, I am really impressed at the stractural design of the whole place. Starting from the features that the building has from the outside and inside, it was amazing. Being an artist, I always admire the beauty of the things people are building and this one is really great. It is very modern and classic that really attracts more clients to come.
I was talking to someone when suddenly, one of the person in charge poke my shoulder slightly and whispered. "A client is really impressed at your work and he wants to buy all of your paintings."
My eyebrows touched in confusion and turned to face her, excusing myself to some clients. "I thought we made it clear that the paintings here are not for sale."
"Thats what we said but he is willing to donate a million in the foundation of the building just to obtain your three paintings."
Whoa, half a million? That's too much for someone who just needs to buy just three paintings for a million. I don't really sell my works at a high price but if it is really needed, I let it reach the standard but for now, I don't want anyone to buy the paintings because they mean too much for me.
"Where is this buyer?" I asked.
"Over there by your painting."
I sigh and finished the glass of champagne that I'm drinking before excusing myself to the people then approach my painting, striding softly. When I caught the glimpse of the buyer, my whole system immediately stoned.
My stomach went upside down at the sight.
The inside of my mouth dried and no words can process. My whole body cannot process on what I must do. Slapping myself, I blinked several times just to make sure.
Blink. Blink.
Then paces closer, making sure that he is just what I think he is.
Such an early encounter when I just told myself to be ready last night when the day comes that I will finally see him again.
At that moment, everything around me seems to be gone and it was me and him left. I look around and I was right. We are left alone while the man had his back facing me, staring deeply at my paintings.
Shit, this cannot be.
This can't be my buyer.
My heels clicking at the marbled floor and that probably caught his attention or alerted him that I am here.
Yes, this is him.
I cant be possibly wrong because I know my husband from head to toe.
I don't know if I should approach him with head high or should I let him face me first to make sure that it is really him.
But from that brown shade of hair, that curve of the neck down to that butt. I only know one person who inherits such charisma and appeal that he gives like this. I gulped and pace towards the man, my ears pounding in anticipation but I don't think I make it it to his side, I might get a heart attack immediately.
He is currently staring at my masterpiece which is the Grief of a Mother.
I bit my lower lip and stood there, gathering all of the guts wondering inside me.
All of a sudden, I feel like this picture of him standing near my paintings has been capture inside my mind before. A vision that the man that I love, a huge smile in his face will be supporting me to the day that I get my own gallery. It's been a dream and now here it is.
But the difference here is that he may no longer have a huge smile plastered to greet me.
"Hi." my voice came out to be weak and crack but there is somehow gentleness.
The man turns his face and that moment, my world stops revolving around me.
My dream and my nightmare came together in one night.
I was only asking to meet him when I'm ready but I didn't expect it will happen too soon. As in, right now.
My husband...
God, I know how much I missed saying that to my head especially when referring to him.
The way his lips crooked upon seeing me, his grayish eyes that once hold passion but now they were blank, and his features somehow looks more mature. Even though he is covered with in a business suit blazer, white shirt underneath and black pants, his muscles are screaming to be noticed.
Damn, I nearly flip myself over hearing my name with his husky voice. The once boyish gestures are now manly as his eyes intently gaze at me. As if he is scanning right through my soul.
Seven years...
And now we are back.
"H-hi." shit, did I just repeated myself? This is self humiliation, Talia. Get your feet back on the ground and keep using your head. I cleared my throat and let out a weak smile. Should I run and hide?
"So, living in a dream come true." he muttered, his smile shows happiness but his eyes do not reflect it at all.
"Yep, dream come true." I muttered, scratching my arm and black with any idea to continue the conversation. I don't think it is good to use my bitchy attitude on him because I am trying to put the past behind us. "So, I was told that someone is buying my paintings. Is it you?"
Lucas buries his one hand inside his pocket before letting out a small chuckle. He lightly turn his head to the painting then went back to me. "Yes, this painting beautifully made and I wanted to buy it."
"I'm sorry but, this painting is not for sale. None of the paintings here are for sale. If you like, I can make you–"
"No, I want this one." He butted in. "This is what I want."
I fight back not to pull off a grunt or frown. "I am really sorry, Lucas. I'm not selling this one because it means so much for me."
For a moment, there is a dark expression on his face that cannot be pointed out what kind it was but it was quickly overlapped by something. Instead he gave me another boyish smile. "I'm sorry, it was so rude of me to be like this. Can I invite you for a dinner or something? Is that okay with you?"
Something got stuck inside my throat, unable to reply. Me? Hang out with my ex? Is this a good thing???
" want to have dinner with me?" my voice sounded like I was too surprised but to be in fact, I am more than shock. "Is that okay with you?"
Lucas frowns a bit then gave me a 'why not' kind of look. "Yes, I'm fine with that." he smiles. "Whatever happened between us, let us put it behind us. So, would you like to go out with me for a dinner?"
I cleared my dry throat once again, rubbing my hands because my hands are becoming sweaty in nervousness. My heart keeps on pumping wildly and in any minute now, I might pass out right on the spot. It's like two options ring inside me and I must pick the right choice.
But for the path of moving on and he's right, let us put them behind us so we can be both he happy. I opened my mouth to speak in a crack voice. "Erm...sure. How about lunch? I'm not sure about dinner because I have some plans." I don't think I can manage a dinner with him.
Lucas nodded and shrugged. "Sure, lunch it is. Where do you want to eat?"
I was about to say a restaurant but I remember, do that one still exist? The last time I ate there was before I even married him. "Uh, you pick. I am not sure or familiar with the new ones around here." I told him.
"Oh, then how about Cafe Nueva?" He suggested.
"Huh?" I blurted out a laugh. "You are taking me in an Italian coffee shop?"
Lucas seems to find it a little funny. "Yeah, I am. So, you in? Shall I pick you up?"
I shook my head. "I know that place. Let's just meet there." it is not the right time for us to be alone in one place so it's better to just meet there. And I don't want to be too comfortable around him yet because he might have some hidden intentions so, let me do this lunch first then let me judge from there.
"Good, see you there at 12." Lucas suddenly walked closer and was about to lean in near my ear when suddenly, someone spoke behind us, causing me to jump and distance myself from him.
My eyes fixed on Mr. Chao who was on his way towards us and Lucas immediately puts on a kind aura and greeted the director.
"Mr. Chao." Lucas accepted the hand that the director is offering.
The director seems to be very happy to see him which leads me to my curiosity. Do they know each other? "Architech, it is so nice to see you come and join us here."
"Of course, it is nice to such creation." Lucas replied, looking around the place.
"So, you met one of the finest artist." the director stated, referring to me. "Ms. Berkeley, this is Architect Saavedra. The person who designed and the brilliant mind behind this place."
My mouth fall open for a second then closed it before I could look like an idiot. "Architect?
Lucas hinted a soft smile but questioningly, without anything sort of emotion in his eyes. "Apparently, Ms. Berkeley is new here."
"Well, I'm just got back from Paris." I murmured weakly then bit the inner wall of my mouth. Fighting the urge to squeal or make any sounds learning knowing that he finally became sucess at his field of interest. The sudden heavy weight on my chest is making me hard to breath. The day he told me he wanted to be an architect flashes inside my mind is slowly killing me. He and I shared a dream that we thought that will never come true but here we are now.
Successful and dream come true.
But no longer have each other.
My eyes couldn't stay away from for even a second as he talks with the director. When he turns his face towards me, I can't bring out any emotions but instead, his smiles keep on appearing and it is making me so irritated.
This is not his smile.
This smile is a fake and I hate it.
I didn't notice that he was mentioning my name. "Yes?"
"I will be going now." He replied, "Let's continue our chat tomorrow?"
I nodded rapidly. "Okay."
"Good. Nice seeing you again." He nearly whispered the last part before turning to his heel and walks out, disappearing through the crowd.
I gulped and remained my composure because my weak feels jelly right now.
Breathe in... Breathe out, Talia.
Do not fall for his charms again, Talia. No more weak heart because you are strong now.
You don't need him.
Besides, you will ask for a divorce tomorrow when you meet at the café. It is better for the both of you so you can finally be free from the pain. You can be free and move on from everything.
Yes, that's it.
Keep saying that to yourself.
Maybe someday, my heart will finally admit it.
To be continued...
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