Chapter 10: Choose Which Side
"What the fuck just happened?!" I shouted first thing in the morning when I woke up, not in my bed and wearing only my underwear in Philip's room.
Holy shit, I'm a horrible person. My ywhole body was drained after realizing what I just did last night that totally can mess my life. I got drunk while I'm pregnant! I'm the most horrible person on earth and I am only the one to blame. Fuck.
I literally want to kill myself right now for being stupid.
Can my life get any worse? I have never felt so horrible in my life. I was too upset and got lost to the emotions and forgot to think that there is someone who really needs me at a time like this. Shit.
I can't say how sorry I am, angel.
I will never forgivd myself if this baby dies because of me.
Add up to that is that I am wearing only my underwear when I woke up, under the covers with Philip. I checked myself and remember all the things that happened last night at the pub.
I was horrible as always but I was very sure that Philip tried to kiss me but I pushed him away. I was too drunk to even speak correctly and I accepted his offer to go here and sleep. Then I felt hot last night so I took off my clothes but it happens that Philip was here when I was taking them off. He didn't do anything stupid so I just hid myself under his covers. I didn't know that he even followed me there.
I jump off the bed to pick up the clothes that I scattered on the floor last night. Philip scoots and was about to wake up.
"Oh shit." he hissed and jumped out the bed as well, realizing the situation. He seems to be a bit worried, adjusting to my reaction.
"Whoa, it's alright." I tried to cool him down because it seems like he got scared for a moment there.
Relief flashes his face when he saw me as I slowly pick up my clothes but still not putting them on, just using it to cover my body. "Nothing happened –"
"Yes, I know." I nodded my head and bowed my head apologetically. "I was a pain in the ass last night, I'm sorry." I was putting on my clothes but then the door bell suddenly rings, catching our attention.
"I will be right back, Talia." Philip raised his hand to shush me for a moment then head towards the front door. He picked something from his closet and offered it to me. "Wear this one and don't leave yet."
It was his shirt. He wanted me to wear it but before I could even wear it, the door of his bedroom springs open, causing me to flinch and automatically covered myself.
My mouth dried as my eyes widen to see the unexpected visitor.
Lucas came barging in, obviously that he was not pleased to see me in another man's crib...addition to that, I am only wearing my underwear while my hair was a nest. I have to admit, it seems like Philip and I did the nasty last night.
"What did you do to her?!" Lucas groaned as Philip follows behind him. I quickly slide my head into the huge shirt, that looks like a dress to me. The tension needs to go down a little or else, things might end badly here.
"Lucas, what are you doing here?" i closed the distance between us but there is coldness in his eyes that gave me the shivers.
"Shouldn't I be the one asking that question?" he was fuming with anger as he was spitting acid to me then he gripped the shirt before glancing at Philip with menace. He let out a husky low roar before attacking and gripping Philip on the collar, pushing him onto the wall. "You were helping them with the plan."
There is not even a sign of fear in Philip's face and eyes. In fact, he was looking directly to him and it just adds up to the tension. I badly try to break them up but Lucas really is lost in his anger to even listen to me. He is blocking me as he continues to grip his neck tightly and punched him.
"Lucas! Stop it!"
"Was it good?!" Lucas grunted, while fighting with Philip. Neither of them are planning to back down from it but the death in their eyes are too intense that even I are dcsref to come near them.
"Lucas! Please! Stop this!" I continued to shout at them but my voice cannot reach them.
Philip manages to block his next punch and manages to get out of his grip. They are now apart so I run to Lucas and hold him with all of my strength. His body is made up of steel so what I did was useless compare to his built. Shit, he thinks that I slept with Philip, causing him to react this way and I need to clear it with him as soon as possible.
My whole body froze when Philip is about to launch another combat to Lucas but there is where I screamed, "Philip, please don't!" somehow, he snapped back his senses and stopped midway. They continued the death glares like nothing else matters to them.
"I let you out of my sight last night and you just slept with Mr. Perfect." Lucas spoke as his eyes went look down on me. "Are you trying to play with me, Talia? Just because I lied to you and now you are competing with me at who cheats better? Huh, is that it?!" He snarled at my face and my eyes flooded with tears immediately.
I was about to correct him at what is the truth but because of my tears, something got stucked in my throat because I am already wailing and testing like madness. It frighten me so much to see him act like this.
"Don't act as if you didn't do anything wrong here too, asshole. You left her behind and you're gone with your slut so you can finally feel how to be rich! You are a gigolo, Lucas. A fucking trash!" Philip was panting as he shouts at my husband.
My chest tighten at their exchange. Things are still not clear with the situation here.
"Philip, I know it is rude for me to ask but can you please give us a moment? Please?" I softly asked Philip with begging eyes.
I thought he will argue with me but his features soften and simply nods his head before leaving us me. Now I was left with an angry Lucas and I have to deal with him first. His eyes never left Philip, shooting daggers at his back and was only stopped when he disappears from his vision.
"Lucas, I just got drunk last night. We didn't do anything wrong." I manage to speak as my voice cracks through the end.
Lucas turns to me and scoffed, bitterly. "And you expect me to believe that? With that thing that you are wearing and this man always wanted to score with you. I am sure he wouldn't waste such opportunity." there is darkness in his voice that pains me more.
He acts as if he couldn't trust me and that fuels my anger.
"Are you trying to imply that I would let him sleep with me even I'm married? Lucas, I am not like you! I know what I'm married and I plan to stick with my vows. I didn't cheat on you, if that's what you want to know. You are the one who cheated here!" I shouted at him, poking my finger to his chest hard. "So don't you dare turn the tables here when you are the real one who crawled on another women's lair. Not me. You cheated on me and you hid things from me! You're own wife!"
But he remained unflinch at my retorts. "I did it to protect us, Talia! We are going down because of your amazing Dad that keeps on ruining our lives!"
"Wait, being that woman's boyfriend will protect me? Is that it?" I snapped, pushing him away. "Protect me? Help me? Us? Bullshit. You wanted agood life without any pain so you string along as well." I sarcastically replied, matching his glares.
But now more steams are coming out of his ear. "So, what do you think this is? A competition? Getting revenge on each other?"
"Yes, and you just won." I cleared and brushed my face using my hand. "Let me be clear to you. Believe it or not, I don't care but let me tell you what really happened here. I was broken last night because of what I 09found out about you. I went to have a drink with Philip and I made a terrible mistake." I had an alcohol while I'm pregnant. I know you won't be happy aboht this and I don't know if telling you right now will just make it worst.
Lucas let out a deep breath, not a hint of improvement was evident in his eyes. He's still angry, I know. He looks at me and Philip then lowers his head. "You two have been seeing each other while I was away too, right?"
My eyebrows touched in confusion. I dumbfoundedly stare at him and wondering where the heavens did he thinks that?
"A photo was given to me at the same day that men came to beat me up. They left a photo of you two kissing just outside Logan's house. You two also went out on a date that day. How sweet."
Wait, that was the day that Philip let me go. He was just saying goodbye that night when he suddenly kissed me out of nowhere. Wait, we are being played here.
"I also received photos of you and Silvia kissing, smoothing and being so sweet as if you do not have a wife eagerly waiting for you at home." I spat.
Are we trying to get even here? I am angry at the fact that my Dad is the reason of these photos but I wouldn't find out about the truth if it didn't reach us. But still, having us watched? And the kiss was only quick and it is not a real make out.
This is toxic. This argument has to stop and it is just making it so worst.
"What's that kiss, Lucas? You told me that you are just her bodyguard and now, does kissing her also your job?" I abruptly shove his chest away. "Are you enjoying your time kissing her?"
"This kiss was nothing, Talia–"
"Oh, so I should just let it through? My husband kissed another girl just for nothing?!" I snapped. "You just can't kiss another woman for nothing, Lucas. When you hid this from me, did I get angry? No. When I found out that you are with Silvia most of the time, did I get angry? Yes, but still, I trusted you so I have no choice but to let it be. And now, kissing her and lying to me that you are just his bodyguard, that's a different story, Lucas. I'm not made up of stone that I won't feel anything. I'm the fucking wife! And my husband is just with another woman! Oh not to mention that, that woman likes you. Hell, his father even approves about your relationship. Great, did he even know that I exist in your life?" my voice starts to crack due to the intensity in my voice.
Lucas stares at me, watching me try to steady my breath but he remained silent. And it is not helping with my patience.
"What? Now you are just going to stand there and let me blabber to you?" I raised an eyebrow and turned my back to him for a while. I don't want him to see the tears in my eyes this time. I will never show my weakness to him. Ever again. I wiped my tears and faced him once again witb bloodshot eyes. "We should...maybe we should give each other some space. This is are all traumatic for me and I can't take everything at once."
Now, the wall separating me from him was finally taken down. His eyes finally soften and he tried to take a step closer to me but I quickly shiver when he did.
"Don't." I placed a hand in front of us. "Stop. This is good for the both of us."
"Come on, Talia. Let's settle this here." He continues to step but I was the one who walked back a few meters from him. "Don't act as if I'm the only cheater here."
"Dumbass, you see the only cheater here." I snapped, hugging myself and turning away. "Leave."
"Just leave." I begged, softly but my tears are now pouring out from me that I was unable to say those words clearly.
Lucas made one pained expression at me, battling with himself to hold me or leave me but he closed his eyes and turned to walk himself out of the house. "I will be waiting at our home if you decided to come back to me."
Could this be the right one?
Am I too exagge to give us some space? Yes, this is the first time he did something to heart me and he hit the jackpot. He cheated on me and that is something that I can simply forget and move on.
Cheating is something awful. I always known that my own Dad is capable of doing that because he was never a loyal husband to her as well. He had mistresses hidden everywhere and my Mom chose to be blind about it. But not me.
I will never tolerate such thing.
And this is the consequences.
Should be I like my mother? Just forgive my husband who cheated on me and move on?
Lucas never said that the kiss was forced or unplanned. My gut is telling me that he knew it was coming but he just let it happen. But after this, will he still be seeing Silvia? Or they are finally done with their secret affair now that I knew about?
Hard but I have to...
Days passed by and I'm currently staying at our hotel, wishing that my heart heals up faster. I was to return and go home with him but I can't bring my legs to do it. I just can't.
The pain is still here.
I badly want to forget but its just hard. It is hard because I never thought that Lucas has the capabilities to do this to me. Never in our whole marriage that I doubted him and this is the first and its hard to forgive.
I want to give him a chance. I really do...
But my heart is not ready.
I love much.
And that's why, it hurts so bad.
This was the start of our failing love.
To be continued...
Hi everyone! What do you think Talia should do? Forget and be with or him, or give herself more to heal? Do you think her decision was a good idea or not? Comment all your thoughts and expectations for the next chapters. Don't forget to vote and thank you so much for supporting this story. Have a great day everyone and God bless!
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