Chapter 2
I am slightly confused as to why i am listening to Death Note theme whilst writing a story based on FairyTail...?
Gray Fullbuster, eh?
"Who's that?" Natsu asked eagerly. Lucy walked over to the door, glancing around to see if anyone was watching before shutting it firmly. She sighed.
"No one knows much about him to be honest. He always stays shut behind his door," Lucy told Natsu, who was listening closely. "According to Gajeel, he was a criminal that finished his sentence and had no where else to go. But Gajeel comes up with hundreds of crackpot theorys every day so I seriously doubt that's true."
Natsu glanced at the closed door. This Gray person, from what he had heard, seemed very, very intresting. He was determined to at least catch a glimpse of him. Who knows, maybe there was a criminal living just a few steps away!
Natsu swung round to look at Lucy, who was still sat on the bed, staring at the palms of her hands.
"Promise me you won't try to go in his room, okay?"
"Okay!" Natsu promised, his fingers crossed behind his back. No way was this room going to go unexplored!
Step 1 of mission "See What Is Behind The Door" is a go!
Natsu had chatted with Lucy for a while longer until they were inturrupted by the bluenette with glasses who was introduced to Natsu as Levy. After exchanging phone numbers, Lucy then excused herself and ran off with Levy to god knows where.
It was perfect timing. Natsu's curiosity was getting the better of him, and if Lucy had stayed a second longer he may have gone full on Hulk Mode, and attempted to smash down the mystery door.
Sneaking across the hallway without making a sound is harder than it looks. Seriously. Especially when the floorboards are so creaky it is virtually impossible to play spy. And Natsu wasn't exactly Sherlock Holmes when it came to snooping around.
After prancing across the hall on tip toe murmuring cuss words and almost tripping over a loose section of carpet, Natsu finally made it to the door along the corridoor.
He pressed his hand against the door and pushed. Locked.
Natsu sighed. It was such a shame. This Gray fella seemed so intresting. He tried one more time, pushing with all his might but it didn't budge. This guy must really hate socializing. Why was he shutting himself away from the rest of the world?
With all his questions unanswered , Nastu turned and walked back into his room and fell face first onto his bed. He was determined to get into that room and meet Gray Fullbuster and he was going to succeed even if it meant wasting all of his free time on an anti social guy who didn't even know Natsu existed.
Natsu screeched the blondes name as loud as he could. This was a desperate moment and he needed her help. And quickly!
"What is it Natsu?" Lucy sighed, exasperated. The foster homes playboy, Loke, had just been flirting with her and was refusing to take no as an awnser. It was getting boring. She walked in on a sweating pinkette who looked close to panicking clutching a box of washing powder.
"I can't open the little hatch to put the powder in!"
"You're not even kidding, are you?"
"Ugh," Lucy groaned at Natsu's stupidity and pressed the button which allowed the hatch to fling open. She took the box out of Natsu's hands, poured in the correct amount of powder and put the box on the side.
"Can I get back to reading now?" Lucy asked impatiently. Natsu nodded and stuffed his pile of clothes in the washing machine then followed her back into the living room, where the redhead, who had recently been introduced as Erza, sat flicking through the TV channels.
"There is nothing on TV today!" She complained wearily, shaking her long scarlet hair out of her face. Lucy agreed and the two girls struck up a conversation about how terrible TV was on a Saturday, how useless Loke was, ect.
Natsu quickly got bored of the girl talk and wandered off to go find something else to do. He walked past Mister Mackerov's office on the way to get some food from the kitchen.
"He just isn't getting any better..."
Natsu stopped and listened closely to the hushed voices.
"I mean, he just stays shut behind that door, never comes out. He hasn't eaten in days, and don't even get me started on his refusal to change out of that dirty old jumper..."
Natsu gaped at the closed door. Who could Makerov be talking about? And why did he seem so worried? Most importantly, who the hell would stay away from food for that long? Natsu couldn't go an hour without having a snack to keep up his energy!
He walked into the kitchen in a daze, not looking where he was going and he walked straight into someone.
"Ow! Ugh, sorry."
"Look where your going pinky!" The guy Natsu just slammed into scowled down at him, towering above him. Natsu recognized him as Gajeel, quick tempered and easy to pick a fight with. Natsu gulped.
"I said sorry!" Natsu protested, backing away from the seething teen. Gajeel clenched his fists and advanced slowly. Natsu flinched as he raised his fists, waiting for the punch.
Levy stormed over and stood between the two and glared at the burly guy. Gajeel growled and lowered his hands. Natsu relaxed and sighed with relief. Thank god for little smartasses.
"You're lucky that shrimp was here to save your butt, otherwise you would've been pounded into the ground," Gajeel grumbled and slouched out of the room, grabbing a packet of crisps on the way. Levy turned round to face Natsu and gave him an apologetic smile.
"Sorry about him. He's a sweetheart really!" Levy apologised.
"Mmm. I'm sure he's just sunshines and rainbows," Natsu retorted. Levy laughed and began searching through a small cupboard beside him. After a few moments of rumaging she found what she was looking for and turned to leave the room when a sudden thought hit Natsu.
"Hey, Levy"
"Do you know anything about Gray Fullbuster, the guy in the room oposite me?"
Levy stopped, thinking hard. She fiddled with the little flower on her headband and frowned, concentrating.
"Now I think about it... I do know that Mister Mackerov goes to see him everyday, around about 1:00" She said, looking pleased with herself. Natsu checked his phone clock quickly. 12:56. Perfect.
"Thank you!" Natsu cried, grabbing hold of Levy's hand and shaking it wildly. She giggled and saluted cheekily and went to join Lucy and Erza infront of the TV.
Natsu sprinted up the stairs, making sure to watch out for anyone else. He didn't need a repeat of earlier. Mister Mackerov was just descending. He dipped his head politely as he passed Natsu and retreated back to his office as the pink haired teen rocketed up the stairs as if he was on fire.
When he finally reached the top floor, Natsu was redfaced and gasping for air. He staggered over to the deep blue door and pushed gently.
The door swung open.
And laying on a bed in the middle of the room was a raven haired boy, wearing a long sleeved black hoodie and nodding his head to his headphones.
Gray Fullbuster.
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