~Author's Note
Chapter may be longer than usual
And personally, one of my favorite chapters so far. 😊💕✨
Being in first period made me feel safe, until I go to lunch, then I'm screwed. Who knows what Brooklynn will do to me? She's capable of anything, I heard last year she filled Louise's purse with hair dye. I really don't know why and how she did that, but that just shows how cruel she can be.
I'm trying my best to avoid Gavin, because if he knows that I haven't started my article yet, he'll probably get annoyed, and you don't want to see what happens when Gavin gets annoyed, trust me.
I know I can't hide forever, I'll just have to face whatever Brooklynn has coming for me. But first I must tell the Math-Club that I can't sit with them today. Hopefully they'll understand.
The lunch line was incredibly longer than usual, was it Nacho Tuesday? This school goes crazy on Nacho Tuesday, I don't know why, but they just do. I was all the way at the end of the line and there's no way I'll get lunch, by the time I get up there, lunch will probably be over.
I heard my name from the front of the line, it was Cameron and Nash. They were gesturing me to come to the front of the line with them. I couldn't, I really couldn't. That wouldn't be fair. All these people have been waiting for a really long time and it just wouldn't be fair. But I think Nash thought differently. He went out of line, grabbed by hand, and brought me to where Cameron was standing. He already got me nachos, what a sweet guy.
"Aww, you got me nachos already?"
"Of course, I had to before they were all gone, you know how this school loves nachos."
"Aww Cam, that was very sweet of you."
"Sure thing." He said smirking at me.
He walked me to where Matt and Carter was sitting, and when I say everyone in the cafeteria was staring, I meant EVERYONE, even Brooklynn, which kinda frightened me a little. Is this what popularity felt like? Hundreds of eyes all on you and people gossiping about you and- wait, what am I saying? I'm not popular, I was just invited to sit here with Cameron and his friends. Nothing special.
"So Madison, how did you and Cameron meet anyways?"
"Well, I was walking to the trash can, and Cameron bumped into me and spills his lunch all over me."
"Ha, typical Cam, he's so clumsy. Do you know how many times he fell down the stairs?" Carter said exposing Cameron, leaving me blushed.
"Dude, chill, I don't fall down the stairs that much. Don't listen to them Madison, I'm not that clumsy."
"Yeah, you're right Cameron, because only a really clumsy person would trip over a rock on their way to their car."
"Wait what? Who tripped over a rock?" Nash said laughing hysterically.
"Cameron; yesterday when he was supposed to drop me home." The whole table started laughing, it felt good to sit here. I felt like I belonged here. Like I could be myself completely and not get judged, but entertained by really cool guys.
"Wait, you was at his house yesterday?" Matt asked us confused and shocked.
The whole table went silent.
"Well, yeah, but it was only for a few minutes." Cameron said stuttered and nervously,
***"Why was she at your house, I thought you said you were busy?" Carter said confused as well.
"W-well I was, but she had to interview me for the paper."
The silence continued for several more minutes. I had to break the silence.
"So guys, I was just wondering—"
I got interrupted by no other than Brooklynn, who else would interrupt me at a time like this?
"Hey Madison, Cameron, boys." Brooklynn said smiling to all of us.
"What do you want Brooklynn?" Nash asked annoyed. I guess he didn't like Brooklynn either.
"Why, can't I just say hi to Madison, and all of you guys?" I knew something was going on, just wasn't sure exactly. "Well, if I'm not wanted here, I'll just be on my way and... WHOOPS!" There it went. The torture, the horror. She spilled her nacho cheese all over me. My hair, my outfit- everything! Plus, I was wearing white, are you freaking kidding me?
"Oh Madison! I'm terribly sorry I spilled all this nacho cheese all over you!" She said loud enough for the whole cafeteria to here, in fact, she did it on purpose. I believe so.
She bent down to whisper something so no one could here, "Stay away from Cameron, or it'll just get worse. You don't know what I'm capable of Walters."
***Poor Madison, lunch was going great until Brooklynn had to humiliate her in front of whole cafeteria. I'd help her clean up but I can't go into the girls' room.
"So guys, what do you think of her?" I asked my friends nervously, hoping that they'll like her just the way she is.
"I like her, she's cool, really cool." Said Carter.
"Yeah, she should sit here every day, she's fun." Said Matt.
"She has pretty hair." Said Nash.
Well, at least they like her.
"But Brooklynn can be a real bitch sometimes." Nash said sighing and he was right, that's very true.
"I know, poor Madison, why did she have to pick on her." Carter said giving Madison sympathy.
"I don't know either, but I tend to find out." I said in my head, and aloud.
Now that I know what my friends think of Madison, I had to talk to her. I walked to the girls room, while being talked about in the hallways by a couple of freshmen girls, and there I was, standing in front of the girls bathroom, not something I always thought I'd do, but it was bound to happen sooner or later I guess.
"Hey Madison come out I'm sorry about what happened with Brooklyn, I said I would protect you, and I let you down."
She did come out the bathroom, but she was a hot mess honestly. Her hair was cheesy and sticky, her jeans now had a huge yellow-orange stain, and her face looked just terrible.
"Madison, I'm sorry about all of this. Today didn't go as planned."
"No Cam, you're fine. She warned me and I didn't listen."
"What do you mean she wanted you—"
"Plus, everything happens for a reason. But I have some gym clothes in my locker, do you mind walking me?"
"Sure, I'd love to walk you." I grabbed her hand and I could feel her body tingle, it was good feeling. Mine did too though. I think they're called sparks.
After walking her to her locker, I waited for her to put on her gym clothes, poor Madison, she really didn't deserve this. Brooklynn is just a sick person, how could she do this to Madison, and what did she ever do to her?
"Hey, I'm all done." Madison said coming out of the girls' locker room.
"Cool, but I've been meaning to ask you something."
"Sure, spill it."
"Well, why exactly did you mean about Brooklynn warning you?" She looked disappointed, like I wasn't supposed to ask that question.
"I'm sorry if I'm being nosy, I just wanted to know why she was threatening you."
"It's okay, and she's been threatening me because she doesn't want to see me hanging out with you. She warned me before you and the guys came to my locker, and afterwards she saw us walking to class together. She warned me and now I have faced the consequences, but don't worry, you don't have to take pity on me after we're done the interview."
"What? What's that supposed to mean?"
"Cameron, I'm a loser, there's no other reason for you wanting to hang out with me other than feeling sorry for me. So you don't have to after the interview, we'll just be classmates after that."
Did she really feel that way about herself? A loser?
"Madison, that's a total lie. You're beautiful on the inside and outside. If Brooklynn is threatening you, you should tell me okay, think of me as your guardian angel." I hugged her tight in my arms for several seconds, and I didn't want to let her go.
"And you're definitely not charity work to me, I love hanging out with you. Don't ever forget that."
"Thanks Cameron. That means a lot." She hugged me really tight and looked deep in my eyes. I know she wanted to kiss me, because I wanted to do the same to her.
She had the most genuine beautiful eyes and lips I've ever seen. I could be crushing on her, but I don't know, is it possible to like someone within two days?
~Author's Note
Aww, one of my favorites so far into the story.
Thanks everyone for reading it, it means a lot.
What do you think of Brooklynn, and was the chapter long enough?
Thanks for reading 💋💋
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