After the mall, we went to Cameron's place to do the interview, which made me kinda shaky, because I didn't know what to expect; what if his parents are home? What if they don't like me? What if I make a total idiot out of myself?
"Well this is it, Casa de Dallas." Cameron said pulling up to the driveway. His house was huge, like the ones in the movies, I didn't think they had houses like this around here. I lived in a two-bedroom house, so compared to my house, his house was like the White House.
When I walked in, and I was blown away. It was like I could hear classical music being played on a violin, but only to see a radio playing violin music.
"Cameron, honey!" his mom said approaching us, what will she think of me?
"Hey mom." he said hugging his mom, looking a little embarrassed, but I thought it was adorable.
"How was school today?" She said putting her hand on his head, rubbing it in a weirdly manner.
"It was good. But Mom, this is Madison, she works for the school paper, and she's interviewing me."
"Madison, what a beautiful name. It's very nice to meet you. In this house, you're treated like family. So make yourself comfortable." Cameron's mom said shaking my hand. She's a bit too friendly for my liking.
"Well, we'll be in my room." Cameron said directing me upstairs to his room.
"Okay, well I'll make you kids some snacks."
***She's a little too friendly, but she's okay. She and my mom would be great friends.
When you think of going to the Cameron Dallas's house for the first time, you'd think his room would be grand, or ostentatious, but his room, was actually very average. His room looked like a normal boy's room. But there was a small photo in a frame on his dresser, I assumed it was him and his dad back when he was little. He looked so happy. But I looked away as sudden as I could without appearing as nosy whatsoever.
"So, shall we get started?" He said tossing his book bag onto the ground.
"Yeah, sure." I said sinking into one of his bean bag chairs, which it was lower to the ground than it looked.
"I made you guys some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches." His mom said bringing the sandwiches into his room.
"Thanks mom."
"I'll leave you two to your assignment, if you need anything, I'll be downstairs."
I like his mom, she's not intrusive, but not careless. Unlike my dad, who can be a little bit of both sometimes. Ever since the divorce, he can be a little clingy, and inattentive.
"So shall we start this or what?"
"Maybe we should eat first, I don't need you being clumsy and getting more peanut butter in my hair." I joked but hopefully he didn't take it as an insult.
"Oh really, well let's see who'll finish the fastest?"
"Oh you're on! You're so going to lose because I've seen you eat, and you tend to miss your mouth sometimes." I think that was a good comeback, nerdy, but good, exceptional maybe.
"Oh whatever."
"Ha-ha, don't be jelly because I'm butter!" Okay maybe I took it too far.
"Wow, you're really funny, but seriously, I challenge you."
"Okay, loser gives the winner ten bucks."
That seemed fair, since ten bucks was all I had anyway.
So not only was I eating snacks with the Cameron Dallas, but I won ten bucks as well. The day couldn't get any better.
"Well, looks like you are a faster eater than I am."
"Well duh, but you-"
I got a text which distracted me from I was going to continue. It was my dad.
"Cameron, I'm sorry, my dad wants me home, like right now. I gotta go. I'm so sorry, we'll have to finish this tomorrow."
"No problem, it was fun while it lasted. I'll drive you home."
About ten minutes later, Cameron pulled up to my driveway and there was a bit of an awkward silence for us so I just had to say something.
"Well thanks for driving me home and thanks for the clothes, maybe I'll wear one of them tomorrow."
"I hope you do. They'll look great on you." He said winking at me.
I saw my dad through the corner of my eye, peeking through the window staring at us? Don't you hate when parents do that?
"Well, see you in first period tomorrow."
"And lunch."
"Right, I'll try not to drop your lunch tomorrow. Bye." I got out his car and was ready to be annoyed and humiliated by my overprotected father. Unlocking the door, he was waiting right there for me, but i didn't pay him any mind.
"Madison, where have you been?"
"Well, I had to interview Cameron Dallas for the school paper and-"
"And it resulted in shopping? Who gave you money?"
"Well Cameron offered to pay - but I tried to talk him into not doing it but-"
"Madison, you have to be more responsible, you're sixteen. I can't do everything myself."
I totally zoned out to what he was saying. He says the same thing every day. If mom was here, she'd totally understand and wouldn't be so bugged out about this.
I went straight to my room, and totally had to block the world with my headphones, though I should be studying. I wish mom was here, she'd make everything okay. She'd make sure of it. But unfortunately, there was nothing I could do about it. Just had to accept it.
~Author's Note
Sorry for the short chapter guys. I'm trying to improve.
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