"Okay guys, first task of the new year..."
I loved being a part of the Newspaper Crew. Journalism has always been a dream of mine. I love exposing the truth to everyone, that actually cared. My mom's a news reporter. I watch her on channel five every day. I miss her so much. Living with my dad since the divorce isn't really the life of the party, but at least I have one of my parents by my side through everything. I talk to her every night before I go to sleep. Sometimes we even video-chat, or just email because it's hard to reach her sometimes.
"Okay, so I have created a better way to help you guys think of a topic for the next paper since your brains has been down in the dumps. I've written down topics and threw them all in this hat, so whatever you pick from out of the hat, that's gonna be your topic for February's paper, whether you like it or not." Even though Gavin was the one in charge of the newspaper team, he never really had good ideas, but this one, was actually pretty good, mostly because I was a bit scared to tell him that I never thought of a topic for the paper. I hope I get a topic relating to the new replacement for Mr. Bezidi, because that's something everyone will want to read, and once Gavin sees how much people loved my article, he'll probably give me higher opportunities.
"Madison, you're up." Gavin gestured placing the hat in my face.
This was it, the moment of truth. I swirled my hand around everywhere in that, hopefully thinking I'll pick the card. But I didn't.
POPULARITY (pick one):
-being popular
-the history of popularity
-the popularity list (the top ten most popular girls and guys of the school)
I certainly did not want to do the history of popularity. If I-do the popularity list, everyone will be very furious with me as to why I did not mention them on the top ten. Looks like I'll just do an interview with either Cameron or Brooklynn. Bad enough I stink at talking to people, but now I have to hold a conversation with them as well.
Lunch was my least favorite part of the day. Why would I want to be surrounded by boys throwing food everywhere and Brooklynn and her posse dancing on the lunchroom tables so everyone can drool and feel even more insecure about the way they look?
I thought now would be the time to hike up my skirt, and ask Brooklynn. I had to get this over with, just remember not to look in her eyes. I heard that see can sense fear. "Uhm, Brooklynn?" I said very nervously.
"Girls, did you hear a mice? Or was that just me?" Brooklynn said giggling to her posse as the laughed along with her. **Not realizing she used the wrong noun for a mouse.
"Brooklynn, it was me, Madison. I'm in your class? You shoved me out of your way this morning to talk to Cameron."
"Oh yeah, I wouldn't have pushed you if you weren't interfering with my soon-to-be-boyfriend and I, but what did you want? Can't you see I'm busy?" I thought now would be the time to hike up my skirt, and ask Brooklynn. I had to get this over with, just remember not to look in her eyes. I heard that she can sense fear.
"I was just wandering if I could interview you for the paper? The subject is on popularity, and how you rose to the top. Would you be interested in-?"
"Okay, first off, stop talking, your squeaky voice is giving me a sharp pain in the back of my head. But sure I'll do the interview, more publicity for me and my girls."
"Okay, well, you can meet me in the library after school so we can start."
"The library? That smaller version of the school across the street? No thanks, that'll ruin my reputation, just meet me in the gym, immediately after school— and if you're late, you're gonna pay. Got it?"
"Got it. See you in the gym."
That was frightening, she's even nastier than she seems, and is it just me, or does her posse just stand there and do nothing? They're like robots. Brook-bots. But that's none of my business. I decided to sit with the Math-Geeks today, sitting by myself near the smelly trash can makes me feel even more pathetic than I already am.
I wonder what it was like sitting with the 'it-boys'. They seemed like just regular guys, and their table looked really fun. But I didn't think about it for too long, because that's just a dream, a fantasy, something that'll never happen.
I tried not to tune in to what the geeks were saying, because I was focusing on the questions that I was gonna ask Brooklynn.
"Madison? Hello? Are you listening?"
"Oh, no, sorry, I was doing my newspaper article, what were you guys saying?"
"That we should study for the trigonometry test next period, did you want to join?"
"Sure, that's a good idea, but let me throw my tray away first."
I got up, strolled to the trash can right across, and then, it hit me- actually, he hit me. Cameron bumped right into me, and his food crashed right onto me, making me collapse onto the floor. Talk about embarrassing.
"Aw man! I just bought this shirt!" I said pouting into my shirt. Not actually crying, but I was a wreck.
"Oh man, I'm truly sorry, I didn't see you Madison. This is such a bad first impression; I'll make it up to you! After school, I can buy you a new shirt, whadda say?"
Wow, the Cameron Dallas want to buy me a new shirt? Plus, the Cameron Dallas was actually talking to me. What a dream come true.
"Cameron, that's awfully sweet, but you—"
"No really, it's fine, I want to buy you a new shirt."
That gleam in his eye was beyond beautiful, but a bit too shiny, but still beautiful.
"And I'm sure you do, but I have to start on my article for the school paper-"
"What's your paper about?"
"Well, Gavin wants me to interview someone who's insanely popular."
"Well, what do you think of me?"
His smirk was too cute to deny, I still couldn't believe I was talking to him yet again.
"Well, you are insanely popular, but-"
"Problem solved! You can interview me! Please? I want to get to know you more. After all, we sit next to each other first period, so that gives me an advantage right?"
I did have to admit, talking to Cameron was easier than talking to Brooklynn, and besides, I did want to get to know him, and he's Cameron Dallas for crying out loud.
"Okay, I'll interview you."
"Great, meet me in the school parking lot. I'll be waiting."
Wow, he was smooth, and very persuasive I can't believe after school I'll be interviewing Cameron Dallas. I don't know why I was so worked up about this though. It's just an interview. Afterwards, we'll just be nothing more than classmates.
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