Chapter Two//Compromising Positions
Travis was more persistent than I remember. For the next week, whenever he came over would be a new opportunity to punch him. Whether it was that he made a remark about my butt or he made some sick pick up line, he always ended up with one more bruise than he did when he came. I wish I had never looked up from my fanfic.
"Heeeeeyyy Katelyn!" Travis's licks into the air. I growl softly. "Go. Away. Travis." I bark, not looking around. I feel his arms wrap around my waist and I attempt to punch him, but he dodges it quickly. "No can do, cutie. Aphmau said we're going to the beach today and it's time for you to get ready." He smiles. I roll my eyes. I had completely forgotten about the beach.
"Fine, just get out of my room." I grumble. That eerie smirk replaces his smile. "I would be fine just watching—" I punch him in the gut. He makes a noise that sounds like a 8 year old girl screaming and hobbles out of my room. I roll my eyes and get ready.
I stare at myself in the mirror and wonder when I even bought this bathing suit. It was a light blue bikini that crossed in the back. It was not my favorite but it was the only one I had out of storage. I throw a white volleyball jersey and black Nike shorts over the bathing suit, slip on sandals and run down stairs with my beach bag.
"What beach are we going to?" Lucinda asks. "Blue Lagoon Beach." Aphmau replies. I almost break out into a laughing fit when I see Garroth and Laurence staring with their mouths dropped at her butt. I walk up behind them and slap their heads.
"Ough!" Garroth yells. "Mother of Irene!" Laurence cries. I smile at my job as they fall on their knees. "Keep your eyes clean of her butt next time boys." I smile. Aphmau laughs at their pained expressions and gives me a cute smile. "Thanks Katelyn." She says. I smile back at her. "No problem."
The ride there is painful. Aphmau's car didn't have anymore space since only her, Kawaii-Chan, Lucinda, and Nicole could fit in it. Garroth's car could only fit him, Laurence, and Dante because they we taking all the bags. The only other car that I could take was Travis's. The whole time Travis kept trying to grab my hand or thigh but I kept smack his hand away. I would've punched him but I didn't feel like dying in a car crash.
I felt pretty awkward when I took my shirt and shorts off. All the boys just kept staring at us. Travis especially. He kept wolf-whistling at us. Nicole had to restrain me from punching him. "Let me at him!" I yelled. "Katelyn! Calm down girl! He means well!" She spoke softly. "He's being a pervert!" I tell her. She rolls her eyes. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of him." Lucinda purrs as she walks seductively over to him.
I feel a burning desire to punch Lucinda. How dare she—what was she even doing? Flirting with Travis? Why should I care? He was a dork. But I still feel this hatred flowing through my veins. I broke from Nicole's grip and I tackled Travis. I landed harshly on top of his bare stomach and I immediately felt my cheeks go red. This was a horrible idea.
Travis looked confused at first but then soon realized the compromising position we were in. A huge smirk appears on his face and he grabs my waist pulling me closer. I would have pushed myself off, I really would have, but the close proximity was making my muscles weak. His face was centimeters from mine. "You're so beautiful, Princess." He coos as our friends scream 'Oooooooo'. He begins to lean in when I realize what he just called me. Princess.
I slam my fist into his nose and get off of him. "You sick pervert! No body calls me princess!" I yell as I rush to the girls bathroom. Nicole, Aphmau, Kawaii-Chan, and Lucinda all rush after me. I slump down on a bench. "Oh my Irene, are you okay?!" They ask, Nicole wraps her arm around me. I feel tears well in my eyes. "Jeffery used to call me Princess..." I whimper, trying not to let a tear slip. "Katelyn it'll be okay..." Aphmau's voice sing as she takes my hand. I give her a weak, forced smile.
I wipe my eyes quickly and stand up. "It's whatever, I'm fine. Let's play volleyball. Kawaii-Chan, do you mind getting the ball from my bag?" I ask, trying quickly to change the topic. She smiles and nods. "Sure, anything for Katelyn-Sama!" She smiles before rushing off across the sand. I quickly dart over with the girls as we head over to the court. In the corner of my eye, I can see Travis watching me, stealing glances my way.
Me, Nicole, and Lucinda dominate Aphmau, Kawaii-Chan, and Dante, in volleyball. At first we were just going to have it be all girls, but when the teams were uneven, we needed someone else. We didn't pick Laurence or Garroth because they would be a unfair advantage to my team, with them staring at Aphmau 24/7. thank you. Dante was the only one who wasn't awkward around us.
"Swimming time!" Aphmau cheers as they all run into the water. I smile and laugh a little at their faces when they're completely submerged in the icy cold water. Laurence's face stares over at me. "Katelyn, come in!" He yells. Everyone looks up at me and pleads the same thing. I smile and shake my head. "No guys I'm—" I'm cut off by someone picking me up bridal style and running at full speed towards the ocean. I look up and see that smirk—Travis.
I scream and try to make him release me. But it was no use. By the time I had made him release me, he was dropping me into the the water. A icy cold sensation fills my body and numbs me. I pop my head up and see Travis dying in laughter. His smile fills me with something.....unexplainable. I splash him with water and laugh along with him. "Not funny!" I yell with a laugh. He smiles. "That was the funniest thing ever!" He cries out. I roll my eyes with a smile. "You're a dork." I laugh.
The rest of the day's a blur. Me and Travis prank people, I play more volley, and I swim with everyone. Finally, the night has taken its course and it's time to go home. I'm the first one changed—probably because I don't wear makeup like the other girls—so I decide to sit on the cliffs edge right next to the beach and look out at the view. It was beautiful. I hear someone come up behind me and sit down next to me. "It's beautiful...." Travis whispers. I nod. "Very."
"You want to know a legend?" He asks after a few moments. "Sure." I reply. He smiles to himself. "My father used to tell me that the person you think of when you stand in front of the ocean is the one you're meant to be with." He recites. I smile. "That's adorable..." I whisper. He nods but a frown crosses his face. "That's how my dad knew he didn't want to stay with my mom. He never thought of her when he was near the ocean." He whispers.
I grab his hand and squeeze it. He looks up at me. "Hey, it's okay..." I whisper. He smiles and nods his head. "Everything's ok when I'm with you..." He whispers. My cheeks flush red. I feel his arm snake around my waist as he points to the stars.
"Ya know, for a star to be born there is one thing that must happen: a gaseous nebula must collapse. So collapse. Crumble. Because, scientifically, this is not you're death—it's your birth."
I smile. "You're a dork." I whisper. He smiles. "Hey guys! It's time to leave!" Aphmau calls. I smile and get up. As I walk away, I hear Travis mumble a few words.
"Oh Irene, I love that girl..."
Author's Note
Hey lovelies! I hope you guys have enjoyed the chapter! It took some extra TLC for this chapter, but I hope you all like it!
Love, Blue💙
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