Chapter 30: Stand by me
When we were younger Lucas and I would always go to the small amusement park just twenty minutes from town on the edge of the beaches boardwalk. I forgot how much I loved it here, watching the waves crashing in while on the Ferris wheel. Getting so full off of corn dogs we'd get sick and do it all again the next day, we were always two pees in a pod I missed that effortless connection. The life we shared before things got rocky. Before life got to the both of us and crumbles us up.
"We're going to do something a little different..." he said with a spark in his eyes as we passed the amusement park. "We're finally going to kayak to the cove and jump."
I started fiddling with my seat belt, "I thought we were just joking when we talked about doing that." I'm an adventurous person but jumping off into a cove sounded a bit unsafe.
"We were... till I found out it's completely safe to do. Come on Mar don't chicken out on me! You always wanted to swim there to see if there were mermaids, remember?" he teased as he parked the car in front of a dock with two kayaks already set up for the journey.
"I was ten," I rolled my eyes taking in a deep breathe. "You sure this isn't another ploy to see me in my bra?" he could have told me to bring a bathing suit.
"I didn't think about that," he frowned to himself as a slow sneaky smiled then appeared. "Now that's all I'll be able to think about, thanks."
I socked him in the arm and put on my sunglasses flipping my long hair behind me, "Dog."
After an hour of paddling around and thinking we were surly lost Lucas found the entrance to the cove. And as always he was right, it was worth the trip, almost drowning from a wave and losing my shoe. We pulled our kayaks onto shore and looked up at the rocks above us. We were at the bottom of the cove where the pool of water was, we still had to climb up to the top of the stairs to jump in.
"It's so magical and closed off," Lucas said in awe still taking it all in. "Why haven't we done this sooner?"
"I won't lie I'm glad I came," I said as we began to climb the steep stairs that creaked underneath our feet. "We'll have to
Lucas grabbed my hand helping me up the steep climb as the stairs disappeared half way through our climb to the top. "Perhaps they need to rebuild this is a sketchy hike up," he said as we finally made it to the top. The scenery up here was even more breathtaking I could see the water, the entire island perfectly. "I dont want this to be goodbye," Lucas said finally as I turned to him, was he watching me the entire time? "I want this to be a fresh start because I'm not the same person as I was when I left. I came back with more love to give not only for everyone else but myself and I want to show that to you. That you could one day trust me."
I was so used to Lucas manipulating people, pretending like he was a changed person but it was always the same game. This time was different, this feeling is different. When he looks into my eyes I dont see the guy who smiled all the time because he was so angry, he was smiling because he was free. Thats what I was still searching for, the feeling of place and contentment. "Maybe I need to have a track with Clara she definitely did something right."
"I think it was the new surroundings," he said now looking back at the water. "Learning new things, meeting new people and forgetting myself enough to work on myself. Thats why going to Scotland would be the best thing for you."
"You think so?"
"You have some thinking to do and decision to make," I did. "Why not do it with a guy you like in a city that never sleeps?" he smirked at me his dimples poking through slightly.
"I missed you," I said finally kicking the sand around nervously. "Not just us but you, so many times I would think of the most random things and want to call you but-" I cut myself off.
"I got the voicemails," he said frowning to himself. "Each day they got fewer till I received the last one and it wasnt angry, sad or helpless but foreign. I knew you detached yourself completely."
A bit ashamed I said, "It was the only way to get over it."
"And now your over it," he turned to me his dark hair gliding in the wind and his glass blue eyes flickering at me.
"No," I said licking my lips. "Like you said I have a lot of thinking to do."
"You care for Henry."
"I think you know the answer to that."
"Do you love him then?" He cocked his head to the side.
"No," I answered honestly as he smirked down at me.
"Well then I believe theres still hope isnt there?" Without letting me answer he backed away and just dropped down into the cove making my heart leap out of my chest. I scurried to the edge just in time to watch his head bob backup after hearing the splash. He howled rubbing his face and shaking the water out of his hair, "Lets go slow poke."
"We were supposed to do it together," I scolded.
"To dangerous what if we both had broken our leg," he shouted back swimming to the dock where the stairs were.
"I thought you said this was safe!"
"I did say that didnt I?" He scratched his head giving me a lopsided smile. "Come on puss," he taunted me, "I thought you were all about trying new things."
I closed my eyes and tuned Lucas out as he was making me more nervous. I stepped forward to feel the edge of the rock I was standing on and leaned forward, once my feet left the ground I opened my eyes. A small cry of fear hit me right before I plunged into the water feeling the coldness hit me all at once. I swam back to the surface and searched around for Lucas but he was no longer on the dock, "Lucas?" I called out. When he didn't answer I swam to the dock to get a better look at the cove, since it was still daylight out the sun shinned perfectly through the top of the cove.
"I'm going to do a flip," my heart steadied as I looked up through the hole where Lucas stood ready to drop again.
"Be careful," I warned. Lucas is the definition of a daredevil he always kept me and everyone he knew on the edge of our seats, his chucked off his soaking wet shirt and while he did a back flip in I decided to take off my own. It was starting to get hot with the sun beating down and me no longer in the water, I dipped in my feet and sat on the edge of the dock leaving my shorts on.
Lucas head bobbed back up to the surface, "To chicken to go again?"
"I'm a one and done kind of girl," I reminded him.
He waved me off as he swam up to the dock once he reached me he floated on his back and looked up at the coves rocks. "What do you think its going to be like meeting a royal family?"
"Well I'd think it would be amazing," I answered honestly. "Ive never been out of this state let alone country Henry is so different I wonder if all of Scotland is as different."
"I heard it's magical there."
"There's so much history," I said as he closed his eyes and glided his hands through the water keeping him afloat. "Though we wont be going to the UK till the second week so the first week is all sightseeing." Henry knew me entirely too well, he knew i was already nervous so he saved the most intense park of the two weeks last. Of course I was excited to stay with royals, to even know one but I wanted a bit background history on Henry before I was to meet anyone he looked up to.
Lucas didnt say anything for a second as we both floated staring above at the clouds we could see above us. "I was ignorant," he said finally. "I thought you would wait for me and when you stopped calling I almost came back then you called a few days later and it was about my sister. I've never been so scared in my life to loss someone all because I couldn't handle my own life. It made me realize I don't want to miss a second you know?"
"Yeah," I said lightly looking over to him as he closed his eyes and let the sun soak onto his tanned chiseled face.
"It also made me think about the last thing I had said to Vera before I left and it wasn't something I would be proud of if I had lost her. I dont want to live a second with any regrets or shame I cant hold it all in anymore," he was now swimming up straight so close to me his hand brushed mine under the water a few times. "I love you more then I have loved anyone in my entire life and it scares the shit out of me. I knew I didnt deserve you but I always knew I had to protect you especially from me. I'm not good for anyone or at least I wasn't."
I couldn't lie, "I love you too," but I also couldn't think straight maybe this wasn't a good idea. "We should go," I said swallowing hard swimming backwards. All I could think about was Henry and this felt wrong, hearing him say I love you felt wrong. "The clouds are getting dark and the wind is licking up-" when i looked over to the kayaks we had tied to the dock I realized they were gone. I looked around the cove frantically, "They're gone," I started to panic my phone was in there. Any means of contact we had to anyone, plus our clothes were in those kayaks.
Lucas swam to the dock, he always was a faster swimmer. He ran a hand through his hair and grumbled a string of curses, "Its fine."
"Its fine?" I asked already shivering. "We're practically naked and you lost our kayaks because you failed Boy Scouts," I knew I should have done it my damn self. "We're going to die in here," I said all of a sudden feeling dizzy.
Lucas steadied me as I sat on the stars focusing on my breathing, "My mom knows we're here someone will come for us eventually. We need to get out of this cove before the tide comes up and get warm, can you walk?"
I looked up at him and frowned, "Yes I can walk," I snarled getting up and stomping off to walk the steep stairs.
"You know this is kind of cool if you think of it, fending off for ourselves for the night."
I stopped cold, "Did you just say the night?"
"It could take the night," he averted my gaze as he walked past me.
"I will freeze to death!"
"Stop being dramatic," he groaned. "Live a little."
You've got to be kidding me.
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