Chapter 20: Speak on Me
For the most part my first week back to school has been uneventful and torturous, having barely any classes with my friends was boring the mornings seemed longer. But then my nights... that was a different story. As much as Lucas doesn't want to go "too far," I've been stripping his resistance layer by layer. Its not like I'm a virgin and well neither was he but he wanted to be careful when it came to us, which is shocking and completely not like him.
It almost feels wrong jumping his bones... every time I try to take off my shirt or let my hands stray he scrambles out of my grasps and offers a game of cards. I dont want to play cards, who wants to play cards when they could be getting some? I know its insane but I was starting to think he was scared to ruin things, what if I was no good? What if our chemistry fades? Having an overactive mind was like watching your life from behind bars.
"You are totally overthinking this," Ralph chuckled for once he decided to sit with us at the lunch table, only cause it was Veras birthday. "Lucas is crazy about you and believe it or not most guys who are really into a girl like to take things slow, right Henry?"
Henry seemed to be in a mood today and I could guess why, Ava and Isabell have been spreading all of Henrys business. Somehow the two found out where Henry came from, who his family was and spilled the beans. I'm not happy about it but there wasnt much I could do they were both my friends, Ava was reacting out from pain no matter what I say she will do anything she can to hurt him. On the bright side Ava cant come to the cabin tonight because her mom is sick and she has to take care of her brothers.
Lucas is sick today as well when I woke him this morning for school he was sweating so bad and throwing up, must be a nasty bug going around. "He's right," Henry said stuffing his salad in his mouth and swallowing it down, "I mean some guys our age are still virgins."
Ralph and Erin both looked over to Henry and Vera choked on her hot dog slightly, "My man, do you still got your V card?" Erin asked a goofy wide eyed smile on his face.
Henry just gave us a side ways glare stuffing more food in his mouth, "Guys lay off," I scolded them as they chuckled I was more disappointed Vera was laughing as well, childish.
"How does someone like that not have gotten laid by now?" Ralph gapped at Henry.
"I have a type."
"My type is any girl with a pretty face and nice boobs she could be as dumb as they come and she'd still be a babe."
"We know Erin, you have no self respect you dont have to tell the world" Vera said curling her lip. "Why are you even sitting here, Lucas isn't here." Oh boy.
"Every time you open your mouth I begin to wonder if you even have a brain?" Ralph scuffed.
"We are not doing this, its supposed to be a good day remember?" I hated having to be the peace keeper, the glue that keeps everyone holding on.
"Ava still wont sit here," Isabell complained setting down her food tray. The awkwardness between Erin and Isabell faded fast the anger turned into laughter, they find it moronic and funny that they even got together. I wish Ava was like that...
"I can eat at another table-"
"Dont be ridiculous," Isabell said shaking her head. "This is just how Ava is, in a few months she'll just hate you by pretending you dont exist."
"Can we talk about me now?" Vera groaned. "I'm thinking we should ditch our last three classes and just head up there already!"
"Jasmine would kill me," I groaned not only was I dating her son I was supposed to be a good remodel to my best friend. "You can tough out three more hours."
"So how are things in Lucas land?" Isabell asked giving me a flirty smile. "Have you guys entered the love making stage yet?" Ugh another problem I didnt want to address, how much longer is Lucas going to need?
"Not yet," I said uncomfortably as Henry got up abruptly with his tray and walked off. The past two weeks Henry has been too quiet even at rehearsal and our shows in Devdas. When I try to talk about how he's doing he tries to change the subject, when I ask about home he squirms. Usually I'm good at figuring people out but Henry was not an open book and he was also not from here. I could imagine how lonely he must feel how much lonely it would be without us to pass the time.
The cabin we rented out just two hours from town was just as mysterious and beautiful as the pictures. Spiral stairs, fireplaces and even a wrap around balcony that connected to all the bedrooms, "We really outdid ourselves," Isabell said as she hung up rose gold confetti balloons, Ralph already setting up the drink bar.
"So you are officially eighteen," I said pouring Vera a mixed drink. "I think it's time we start this night."
"Everyone hasn't arrived," Ralph pouted.
"I know I said you could invite who ever for the party but who exactly did you invite?"
"Well we all know Ralph isnt getting any so to insure my future i invited the entire wrestling team and football team. I also might have said something it the drama club-"
"No not those hippies!" Vera groaned taking the drink from me.
"They have the best weed in town and they wouldn't sell to me unless I invited them, oh yeah Henry you have a fan base," Ralph laughed to himself but Henry only shook his head in annoyance.
"Ralph can I speak with you?" I said clenching my teeth, "In private," before he could respond I dragged him into the next room. "What part of its Veras day did you not understand? When we talked this morning you promised you'd only invite the inner circle."
"You know just as well as I Vera will have a bawl tonight maybe even she'll meet a guy! Wouldnt that be nice?"
"You know Vera isn't dating," I crossed my arms. "Strangers dont equal fun."
"Maybe not to you but Vera likes crazy parties dont you remember? Plus its not like they're staying the night."
"I guess she didnt seem too upset, still you should have told us on the way here," I scolded.
He put his hands up in defense, "I'm sorry dont kill me."
The front door rattled with a bunch of knocks voices carrying through the open windows, "They're here!" Henry called out as music started blasting through the entire cabin, I could already feel tonight was going to be a crazy one.
Turned out all the people that Ralph invited Vera warmed up to not even two hours into the night she was showered with so much gifts and alcohol she didn't know what to do with herself. Vera was always the quiet wild one in the group, Isabell the sweatheart, Ava the mother hen, Ralph the jocker, and well me I was the glue that kept us all together.
"I didnt even know Vera knew this many people," Henry said sipping on a drink as he walked out into the balcony where I escaped to.
"Where did you get that?" I asked trying to take his drink but he dodged me, "You arnt a drinker remember?"
He frowned in protest, "And today is a special occasion, relax I wont drink to much just enough to take off the edge," he stumbled a bit as he sat next to me. "Why arnt you enjoying the party?"
"I am its just a bit crowded in there is all."
"Your upset."
"You are too," he shook his head. "Then why are you drinking?"
"I'm bored," great excuse. "Passin the time I guess."
"Thats not a reason to drink, you have friends."
"Lets face it I have you, nobody else really likes me. Sure Vera is nice but that's only because she loves you she'll never like me as long as Lucas doesnt like me, Ava and Isabell hate me, Ralph might like me too much and Erin we have nothing in common. I dont think the dude even has a brain," no one was really sure of that. "My only friend is a girl I'm not even sure I wanted to be friends with."
"I dont mean it like that,"he sighed rubbing his face and leaning back. "The closer we get the more I cant fight this feeling-" oh no this cant happen.
"You're just lonely-"
Looking me dead in the eye he said, "I liked you from the moment I met you and I guess I could have faught harder but I didnt. You love Lucas its clear but I cant help but feeling I could love you better," this is not what I wanted to hear and if Lucas knew he would lose his top.
"You drank too much," I said softly putting my hand in his. "I like being your friend Henry and maybe id it were different timing things could be so much more different but like you said I'm with Lucas-" I didnt know what to say I didnt want to hurt his feelings and push him away.
"But if you weren't? If he was here with another girl tonight would you have picked me?" he leaned forward his face so close to mine, for some rare reason I didn't feel like drinking tonight and I'm glad for it. Theres no way you couldnt be attracted to Henry he was both kind but in charge he knew what he wanted and who he was thats attractive on anyone. Then there were those honey brown eyes, his thick lashes and boyish grin that you couldn't get out of your mind.
"I'm with Lucas you cant expect me to answer that," I couldnt believe we were having this conversation right now.
"Amuse me?" He rolled his eyes.
"You wont like the answer."
"Just say it," his lip almost curled.
"Its Lucas its always going to be Lucas just like you said I love him," this isn't exactly something you want to tell somebody that cares about you but he needed to know. I know what it's like not to feel wanted, to care about someone you couldn't have I was in his position not too long ago. "You couldnt possibly begin to understand what we have its not something I would even consider ruining."
"Your right I couldn't possibly understand the guys a leech and while you think he's mister perfect he's actually playing you behind your back."
"What exactly is that supposed to mean?" I narrowed my eyes.
"Why dont you ask Lucas why he really didnt come tonight," with that he stood up just in time to dodge Vera as she stumbled through the sliding balcony door.
"What was that all about?" Vera asked as Henry disappeared.
"I honestly have no idea..." I said my mind a bit shaken.
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