Chapter 17: FreeFall
Devdas was packed this morning with college kids and even some people from school, everyone was here except for Lucas and he still hasn't answered my texts. If he wasnt coming then that's fine but I would have liked a heads up. After a few minutes Vera came back stage, "He's still held up at the bar but he said he'll pick you and Dixie up for your dads engagement party."
"Why didnt he call?"
"He didnt even call me Dixie told me when she got here he doesnt even have his phone on him, your mad arnt you?"
"Not mad," I sighed sitting down on Henrys stool who had sneaked out to probably play kissy face with Ava. "I was just excited for him to be here this morning but I guess the real show isnt until tomorrow night." Thats when I'll be singing.
Finally Henry was back from his "break" but he didnt look too happy, "Whats going on?" I asked Henry.
"I think Ava and I got into our first fight..."
"I'll let you two talk," Vera said scurrying back out of the curtains.
I held out my hand and he took it, I pulled him down next to me and he sat, "Couldn't have been that bad, spill."
"It was bad... She's basically giving me an ultimatum if I dont take her to Scotland she doesn't want to be with me. She thinks I dont really like her all over a trip back to my hometown."
There was so much I could have said but I said this, "To Ava she sees it as you dont know if you want to be with you her that long... and to a point I see why she would think that, if she's your girlfriend you should want her to see your home."
"That's the thing... I dont," I was a bit shocked to hear this but then again not so much, he's an adopted prince from UK and he hasn't told a soul. "Dont get me wrong we crack on like no other but I guess we're just too different being friends was so much simpler," he groaned tiredly.
I didnt know when I was going to bring up his family in Scotland or if I ever would because if he felt comfortable enough he would have told me and maybe one day he will. "Well then I guess you know what you need to do," I said lightly.
Henry stood up and stretched holding his hands behind his head his honey brown eyes a bit distant, "She's going to hate me."
"Better now then later," I said. "Now lets get this show on the road I cant be late for my dads party."
"On it," his effortless smile returned as he went to get his mic and my music sheets for his songs.
Watching Henry sing and being on stage with him were two completely different feelings. When he sang on the stage beside me most of the time we couldn't rip our eyes from each other. Though I was only his backup tonight our melodies were flush, our performance stellar at least that's what Raegan said when we wrapped up. But I could feel our connection through music stronger then ever, making beautiful harmonies that sounded to meant to be.
"You two seemed pretty cozy up there," Raegan said as I walked behind the counter while Henry was ate up by the crowd. "Dont look at me like that you and Henry are definitely work lovers, you compliment each other. A perfect balance its like you feed off of each other's emotions and you preform it effortlessly. I mean it Devdas hardly ever sees young faces."
"Thanks," I smiled awkwardly grabbing my coat. After the show I changed out into the blue tight mid thigh cocktail dress and scrappy black heels. "How do I look?" I asked fixing my wavy hair.
"Like a goddess," She smiled warmly. "Its so crazy how much you've changed since last year, you used to be so shelled in."
"I told you it's something about senior year," I grinned grabbing my purse. "See ya tomorrow night?"
"An hour early don't forget," she called out to me as I pushed through the crowd to wait for Lucas outside. I was excited to see him especially since our date went so well last night, though I'd like a few more dates... to prolong this moment I just wanted to be his. We've already waited so long and for the first time I knew what I wanted without feeling a slight doubt. He is my person he always has been.
While I sat on the bench watching cars pass by Henry came out looking over to, smiling hesitantly. "You didnt say bye?"
"You were preoccupied," I reminded him.
He sat down next to me his long ash hair being tossed around by the wind, "You look decent," apparently thats a compliment in the Uk.
"Thanks, thats what I was going for," I joked giving him a hard time. "So whats your plans for today?" I asked trying to make time pass.
"Nothing till the we meet up at Ralphs house, I dont even know if I'm going tonight to be honest..."
"What? You have to!"
"Avas been in her moods and if I come I may only disrupt the mood-"
"Nonsense the last thing Ava is going to do is fight tonight she's not one to make a skeptical besides, other then rehearsals we havnt had much time to talk. Have you made any friends at a school?"
"Not one besides Ralph and I'd say Lucas but he dont like me much doses he?" he gave me a knowing look, I shook my head as we shared an outburst of laughter. "It must be the accent aye?"
"If it makes you feel better he doesn't really like anyone unless he knows them and even then its hard for him to warm up."
"Got it, he's got trust issues," he clasped his hands together hunching forward and looking up at me, "There is something I do need to talk to you about tonight-"
Before he could finish that thought Lucas pulled up and strutted out of his truck, taking off his shades and smiling at me his bright blue eyes drawing me in. As I stood up his gaze wondered over every inch of my body slowly, "It should be a crime to look that sexy," Lucas purred slipping a hand around my waist as he kissed me. Whispering in my ear he says, "I missed you."
"You dont look to bad yourself," I said shifting out of his grasp and looking over to Henry. "We were just talking about going to Ralphs tonight, you are coming to that right?"
"Yeah but I cant stay as late as you guys I have to work early in the morning, I had to switch shifts so I could make it to your show tomorrow." I couldnt help but blush, for a second I did think he was just making excuses but this just proves he really wants to support me. "Nice seeing you man," Lucas said steering me away.
I looked back at Henry who was stuffing his hands in his long black coat pocket, "See you tonight!" He gave a little wave. "You didnt have to be so rude," I scolded Lucas.
"The guy still likes you," he snorted. "Maybe you dont see it but I do and so does Vera."
"How do you know what Vera thinks?" I asked as he opened my side of the door, "You two have secret meetings I dont know about?" I crossed my arms over my chest.
He rolled his eyes, "Dont be ridiculous she's my sister we do talk here and there all I'm saying is the guy has feelings for you and I'm not backing down." Thats always been Lucas, he held onto things, people so tightly sometimes he'd suffocate them.
We got into the car and he drove off towards the hotel banquet that my father rented for the party. "Its not a competition you've already got me I want you to know that."
"But do I? You said yourself you dont want to officially get together which is fine but I know you Mar. If you say your just friends I believe that but you havnt told me that you'd dont still think about him."
Ouch. "Well I dont."
Emily, my fathers fiancé wasnt all that bad... maybe she asked too many questions but other then that she was tolerable. I hated to admit she actually seemed to like my dad, I knew better then anyone my dad isnt funny but yet she's the only one who will laugh at his jokes. If that isnt love then I do not know what is.
We had yet to see my mom and Dixies dad Raymond usually they were always on time or early."Maybe she's not coming," Dixie said downing her second drink and setting it on a waiters tray. "Which I would see as a win, no offense."
"None taken the only reason she would come is to trigger my dad," she was a bitter woman at heart.
"Its weird seeing him like this isnt it?" Dixie said thoughtfully. "I mean I'm happy I'm just shocked I guess."
"Not weird, shocking yes. Last time I saw him he was just lost with no connection to himself or life now he's better... I just hope he stays this way especially if he wants me back in his life."
"All I'll say is be careful..." her voice trailed off and I followed her gaze.
My mom and Dixies dad came strolling in arm in arm and my mother had the nerve to wear all white, of course she would and she was coming straight for me.
"I know we're not close or anything but you guys are the only people who really will talk to me," my mother pouted fixing her curly hair.
"I wonder why that would be," Dixie said giving me a wide eyed look. "Half of this town either can't stand you or know enough about you to run the other way."
"Jealousy doesnt look good on you darling maybe thats why your manager dropped you," my mothers red lips curled up in disgust she then looked over to Lucas and I. "So you weren't going to ask for my permission to date my daughter?" Vile and cruel as always but Dixie seemed unfazed she's gotten really good at controlling her emotions.
I thought I would need to speak up but Lucas only stood taller and said, "To my knowledge you've never cared about what Marisol does let alone who she dates."
My mom didnt like to lose so I knew she would dig deep, "The two of you are fitting in a way, I mean Jasmine and Marcus loved each other no shit you two would find each other. Its like history repeating itself..." her face then turned stale and pinched. "I'd be careful Mar he's a bad seed... You will either end up hurt or forgotten. You dont want to run with the wolves darling trust me. I been there with your father," she wasn't looking at me anymore but Lucas.
"You think you know everything..." I scuffed. "How sad your life must be for it to revolve around everyone else's lives but your own. I'm so glad I left you and so is dad you just cant stand that we're so much better without you. Do you get that now? You are the problem it was always you." With that we walked away because for once I wasn't going to let her put me in a bad mood.
"That was good," Lucas said rubbing my back for comfort, "For a second there I thought you were going to pummel her."
"Oh I wanted to, this party is dying I'm going to say bye to my dad and then we should head out," I said to Dixie and Lucas, "I'll be right back."
"Me too... I have something I need to do real fast," before I could ask what Dixie walked off.
I found my dad out in the hall way of the banquet room looking out the tall glass window at the end of the hall, "How does it feel to be an engaged man?" I asked, "Again."
He chuckled turning so he could look at me, "I'm glad you decided to come today and to be in the wedding I know you didn't have much choice but I hope this is a start. You are my daughter and all I could hope for is that you could find it in your heart to forgive me."
There it was again, the tears that have been bubbling up all day. "I forgive you," I said trying to keep my voice steady. "I dont have any more room to keep things bottled up and if you say you're happy and back for good, I believe you."
"You mean that?" His dark eyes warmed up with admiration.
"Of course I do," I smiled wiping away my tears, "I'm glad you're back and I think its better we start new you know?"
He pulled me into a bear hug, "I dont know what I did to deserve a daughter like you," he mumbled.
"I just want you happy, mom too but i dont think she can let herself," I said as my head laid on his chest, I watched as the trees rustled in the winds soaking up every second of this.
"She needs to heal but she doesn't know how, your mama didn't have the kindest childhood," he reminded me. He was right sometimes I forget before me there were battles my mother had to fight alone, sometimes the past still haunts her. "You should be more patient with her it doesn't seem like it sometimes but she does want the best for you."
"I'm sure somewhere deep, deep... deep down she does." Shifting backwards so I could look at him I said, "I'm about to head out if that's alright with you I'm afraid me and mom in one room together won't go well tonight."
"Of course, I didnt want to invite her but Emily insisted if we didn't it would be shady?" He shrugged, "All this new age lingo lets me confused, anyways I'll call you soon okay? No more cat fights at school," he warned then giving me a wink he said, "I'm glad you didnt lose."
"I'll see you later," I said smiling to myself as I turned around to go find Dixie and Lucas. I never thought my dad would remarry but I also didn't think he'd ever get sober either I guess I'm not right about everything. Growing up he gave countless promises that he'd quit but he couldn't go a day without the alcohol. Now he was a whole new person, maybe still a little but of a coward but there was a glow in his eyes I have never seen. My father had always been a simple quiet man, even the way he talks to me now is so much more different.
Its hard not to think that my dad was better off without us, that's exactly what it seemed. His life here wasnt his own and he felt unloved, a feeling a lot of us could relate to. I felt that way all the time and maybe that's because its hard for me to believe people will keep their promises. I set people up for failure so when things go south it doesn't hurt as badly.
Everyone has there own ways of surviving. I had to remember that.
"Dixie just spilled wine all over your mom we need to go!" Lucas said trying not to laugh my father behind us bursted out with a belly deep laugh.
So much for being able to control her emotions.
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