Chapter 14: My guy
I didnt know what to expect when I climbed up into the treehouse but I did not expect this... There were candles all over the window ledges, a blanket sprawled out with pillows and stuffed Disney animals and a tray with pop, popcorn and a bunch of candies and chocolates under a bouquet of sunflowers. Lucas and I havnt had a sleepover in here since middle school I had almost forgotten we even had a tree house.
He even brought a speaker and played my favorite song "coffee" by sky grace setting the entire mood, "You did all of this?" I asked sitting next to Lucas who beamed down at me proudly as hw fumbled with the projector.
"Thought I'd get started right away, you like it? I figured after today you'd want to just chill for the night so I have a night of Disney movies planned starting with Aladdin." My favorite Disney movie, Lucas and I used to be terrible when it came to Disney movies I think we've watched every movie at least twice. Vera even loved Disney and she hated anything that involved music, she was a weird one growing up.
"I will show you the world," I said finally putting the pieces together as he took off the speaker and started the projector. "I guess I was wrong about you," i said leaning into the abundance of pillows.
"You are wrong about a lot of things," he rolled his eyes handing my a twizzler. "Why did we stop coming up here?"
"You got too cool for me," I teased as commercials for the movie came on the projector screen. "The summer of freshman year was the worst you got all cool on me and forgot me for a while there, remember? If it wasn't for me and Vera getting closer after freshman year we probably would have drifted."
"Nah, we promised we'd be in each other's lives forever no matter what," he said looking over at me, easing the tension I threw a popcorn at him and impressively he caught it with his mouth.
"Things change, you were changing."
He shrugged, "Yeah but at the end of the day I knew who my people were."
I smiled as the movie started, "I'm your peoples?"
Putting an arm around my shoulder and snuggling me closer to him he said, "Always." I laid a hand on his chest and we laid there, occasionally he would brush a hand through my hair as I listened to his heart beat, my eyes slowly opening and closing. I wanted to be alone tonight or so I thought I did, its crazy how moments you think you need something you actually could use the opposite. Friends, best friends, enemies, lovers it didnt matter what label was on us, we made a promise.
Lucas and I jetted up to the sound of his alarm, "Shit we fell asleep..." I mumbled rubbing the sleep out of my eyes as Lucas stood up abruptly putting on his shirt. Not much went on last night, we didnt even kiss and that might be my bad halfway into the movie I fell asleep on his chest. I couldn't help it I was still exhausted and being in his arms made me even more at rest, apparently he had fallen asleep as well.
"If my mom finds out she will flip," he wasn't wrong. Jasmine and her husband always warned Lucas to stay away from me and for the most part he listened. "They wont even trust us in the same room alone."
I grabbed my hoodie and put it on over my tank top looking down through the doorway of the tree house to find no latter, my hand swung to Lucas chest gripping his shirt. "Someone took down the later," I gulped hard. Of course Jasmine would notice Lucas and I missing from our rooms, so much for being sneaky.
"She already knows..." Lucas ran a hand through his dark wavy hair. "Ill climb down the tree and get the latter." I couldnt help but start laughing and for a second Lucas just watched me curiously, "You find this funny?" He frowned to himself.
I held my stomach trying to calm the fit of giggles, "It could be worse couldnt it?" I asked wrapping my arms around his waist looking up at him while he held me close. "It just feels nice I guess, normal," I said drawing little hearts with my finger on his chest feeling my cheeks warm up from the simple glee I felt this morning.
"I dont remember you being a morning person," his frown was now gone and his body was relaxed as our bodies pressed against each other. "My mom has a wicked sense of humor doesn't she," he gave me a lopsided smile. His head leaned into mine his lips softly brushing mine, "I want to be with you Marisol thats all I want," he kissed me gently but all at the same time intensely.
"I just need time," I reminded him. Lucas deserved all of me and well right now things were just too messy. "To figure things out between us, my dad I just need a clear head you know?" I didnt dare mention Henry.
He cupped my cheek in his hand and with his other he moved the hair out of my face, "I've waited this long whats a few more?" He gave me an encouraging smile one I wish I could share latter," He kissed the tip of my forehead and climbing down the tree branches.
My feelings for Lucas was both easy and complicated, scary but promising. Even though we knew each other and cared about each other now was time to explore a romantic connection and lets say I have not been disappointed.
I had waited till I knew Henry would be at Devdas to talk to Reagan over the music we'll be learning for Friday night. I didn't know why but I sort of wanted to see him because we were friends and though we've texted here and there I wanted to hear his voice.
I sat on the stool infront of the cafe bar looking over the four new songs and two new piano sheets I needed to learn. Of course Henry was the main attraction not only was he nice to listen to but to look at as well.
"Hello scraper," Henry smiled down at me as him and Ava both walked in, I didn't know she'd be here.
"Hey guys," I smiled as Reagan turned around awkwardly, I still hadn't told her what happened.
"Were just stopping by for his music," Ava said making sure to loop her arm in Henrys, "He just told me the good news that you decided to start singing."
I could tell she was upset that she had to hear it from Henry and to be honest I would too, "It was a last minute thing," I said apologetically. "I was just heading out though so I guess Ill see you tomorrow for rehearsal?"
"Yeah," Henry said giving me a half smile.
"Can I come?"
This time Raegan interrupted, "I dont have the shop open durning rehearsals," a clear no. Ava rolled her eyes and looked up at Henry.
"I guess I could just come get you after."
Henry scratched his head, "Um yea."
I was not going to stand here for another second I felt too awkward, "Ill see you guys later," I gave Ava a hug and walked off without looking at Henry. As I began walking down the street I heard someone call my name, I turned around to find Henry jogging up to me a deep frown on his face. "What do you want?" I didnt mean to sound so annoyed but I couldn't hide it.
"You're mad...."
I crossed my arms over my chest and scuffed looking away to the road while I concocted a lie, "I'm not mad," very convincing.
He frowned down at me as the sun beamed down on us, "Doesn't seem like it Ava actually said you looked a bit off herself."
"I just have a lot going on right now is all," I said tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. I didnt want Ava feeling bad, I was starting to regret not coming in the morning.
"Well either way I just wanted to say I've missed you and I wanted to know if you'd want to go to the apple orchard with me this Saturday, as friends," he was tripping over his own words making me smile.
"I grew up with Ava and I know for a fact she would not be okay with that," and I wouldn't blame her. "But... You could bring Ava and I could bring Lucas?"
His eyes widened a bit, "The two of you are together now?"
"Not exactly we're still working some things out..."
"Oh good, right on! Thats great..." he laughed nervously shoving his hands into his shorts. We stood there just looking at each other, "I guess I'll go tell Ava then," he said backing away. "Text me?"
"Yeah," I smiled clearing my throat as he finally turned to go back to the cafe. Weird.
As soon as Lucas had gotten home from school Jasmine sat Lucas and I down for a "talk."
Both of us sat side by side watching Jasmine pace back and forth, "I knew this would happen," she stopped for a second to give Lucas a disappointed look.
"What did dad say?"
"He's actually taking this a lot better then me," she said finally sitting a crossed from us, "You know this makes things so much more difficult," she rubbed her forehead in slow circular rotation.
"It just happened," Lucas said leaning back into the couch.
I nodded, "Nothing has to change-"
"Oh thats where you are wrong lady if you think for one second ill let the two of you sneak into the tree house overnight then you are mistaken. Till you leave this house it's my rules and here they are: Doors always open if you are hanging out and you are not allowed to go overnight anywhere with each other ever again," that part seemed to terrify her the most. "I want grandchildren but not any time soon!"
Thats when Lucas started to squirm, "It hasn't gone that far relax ma."
"I figured. Mar over here has always been a careful, I cant say the same for you," she said her smile fading away as she eyes Lucas. "Lastly please dont let this become a problem I love you both but sometimes things dont work out, you both know that right? You can be mature about this?"
"Yes ma,'" Lucas groaned getting up, "Now are we done here? I have to go to work."
"For now," she said. Great I'd be home alone with Jasmine, unless...
"Ive got to go too," I said getting up abruptly. "Dixie texted me about going to the mall and I think I'm going to go."
"I thought you and Dixie hated each other?"
"We still might," I said honestly. "She left her dads house I think she's just trying to get back to her old life, you never know with her. Hot then cold," like someone else we knew.
Lucas and I practically ran out of the house trying not to laugh, "You know that didnt go half as bad as I thought it would."
"Define bad?" I laughed holding his hand as we walked to his truck, "She'll be watching our every move now."
Swinging me into his arms and cupping my face he said, "Then maybe she shouldn't watch," he leaned in to kiss me softly, soft little pecks as he held me tight in his arms tense arms.
"No making out in the driveway please," I heard Jasmines voice through the doorbell speaker.
"Maybe we are in trouble," he chuckled giving me one last bear hug before he had to go. Folding my arms over my chest I watched him pull out with a ridiculous smile on my face I couldn't suppress. I didnt often feel giddy or unnerved around guys but Lucas made me feel everything at once and I was buzzing.
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