Somebody Mad
Somebody Mad
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Peter.Stark: You didn't even break sweat when she came out
Queen_Black.Widow: I fear no one
Valkryie's.That.Bitch: I'm sorry for the out brust.
Queen_Black.Widow: Apology accepted.
Clint.Avengers_Best: Are we going to talk about the fact that Valkryie can sing
Tony.Stark: Since when cam you sing
Stephen.Strange: And why don't you sing more
Loki.Friggason: She sings all the time, just not around you mortals
Valkryie's.That.Bitch: First, I could always sing. Second, I don't sing around ya because I'm a dangerous person, why would I show my soft side.
Tony.Stark: Makes sense
White.Wolf: Are we just going to skip over the fact, Natasha didn't even flinch when Valkryie came. She literally found every thing amusing
Star.Spangled: Yeah what is up with that. Nat she could kill you in a instant
Queen_Black.Widow: Peter already talked about that but anyways... Nothing scares me
White.Wolf: everybody is scared of something
Queen_Black.Widow: Welp, not me
White.Wolf: Challenge accepted
M.Fucking.J: She's scared of one thing only. And that is loseifndkcnrkffnfkf
Peter.Stark: WTF just happened
Tony.Stark: Nat just attacked MJ
Peter.Stark: Auntie Nat WHY?!?!?!
Queen_Black.Widow: She was going to say something
Peter.Stark: So you don't attack her
M.Fucking.J: I'm fine. Thanks for asking.
Peter.Stark: What did she do to you.
M.Fucking.J: She threatened me
Peter.Stark: I understand now
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