Press Conference
The Press conference had started. Pepper was in the middle of the stage behind a podium. "Hello people, I'm Pepper Potts, and we're here today to sort somethings out that happened in the media" Pepper looked to side to see if Tony, Strange and Peter were ready. Once they nodded she said
"I welcome Tony Stark..." He slowly walked to his seat behind Pepper. He was wearing a all black suit with a blue tie and a white button down shirt. With a Rolex and a pair of sunglasses on.
"Stephen Strange..." He simply did the same. He had a dark blue suit on, with a whute bottun down shirt and a blue tie. He also had a Rolex on.
"And lastly Peter Par- sorry Stark" Peter walked out with his head up looking proud. He was also wearing an a dark blue suit with a light blue button down and a tie with a pattern of dark blue and light blue. He had on a simple watch with a pair of sunglasses.
When Peter sat down everyone started to scream questions. "EVERYONE SHUT UP" Tony screamed when he notice how Peter wasn't doing well with the noise. "Raise your hand and Pepper will pick you" He finished looking at Pepper.
"The person with the red shirt that says 'press'"
"Hi Brenda from BuzzFeed, my question is, Is Peter from a one night stand or for charity?" Brenda saud with a smug look on her face.
"Actually, No I'm not from a one night stand nor am I for charity. So wipe the smug look off your face" Tony and Stephen were shock to hear that come from their sweet innocent Peter.
"Ok, next question?" Pepper ask not wanting to continue on that question. "Uh... you with the all black suit"
"Hi my name is Greg, from channel 6 news, and I was wondering why did you adpot Peter?" He said curiously, it wasn't like a hint of being a smart Alec.
Tony looked at the reporter then said, "I first found Peter at this MIT science fair, he had made one of the best and smartest project, that I didn't even think of. So I asked if he wanted to work with Stark Industries and he said 'yeah'. so from then on we just some how got closer. He met all the avengers, they loved him. Then one day he came to the lab with the saddest face, which isn't usual for someone who is always jumping from excitement and has the biggest smile on. So he came and I asked him what's wrong and he told me his last living relative died. I felt so bad for this kid so I took him in. It was easy for me to adpot him since I was starting to think of him as a son" Tony ended looking at Peter who was smiling at him. Tony returned the smile.
The crowd aww'ed at the father and son duo. "Is there another question?" Pepper asked. She knew they wanted this to be over. "Ok, so you with be dark blue shirt and Black hat"
"Hi my name is John Watson, and my question is, How did you and Stephen come out to your friends?" He spoke with a nice relaxing tone.
Stephen looked at Tony then the crowd again and said " Well we didn't really come out our friends, somebody else did it for us on a Instagram comment" He said while giving a playful glare to Peter.
"I said I was sorry" Peter pouted and crossed his arms try to be sad.
"Aww your so cute when your sad" Stephen punched his cheeks.
"No I'm not" Peter rolled his eyes and just face fowards.
"Ok guys we still have time for one more question so can you not fight" Pepper interrupted before they continued. "Ok next and last question will go to... You in front with the purple bottom down"
"My name is Megan, and I wondering if there is a wedding in the future?"
Tony answered this with a simple "maybe"
"That is all for today. (AN: Because the author has writers block and isn't in the mood) Hope you have a happy day, good bye" Tony, and Stephen got up and walked away with they holding hands. And Peter following behind cooing at the couple.
Hey people, it's the author, I just wanted to let you know that, I'm struggling to write. I can't find it in me to write long chapter so it will be Mainly Instagram post. But anyways it might take me longer to upload chapters and if I do, it's gonna be trash like this one. I'm sorry to disappoint.
Daily gif
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