Chapter 3
Private message: My China King
Baekkie: Hey Lay do you have time to talk right now it's important
My China king: I can but can you call me I hate texting
Baekkie: Yeah one second!
Calling My China king
"Hey Lay hyung" Baekhyun grins checking down the hallway making sure Suho couldn't hear him as he closed the door to his dorm room.
"Hey Baek, you said you needed to talk?"
Taking a deep breath Baekhyun settled himself down on his bed. "Lay you might need to sit down for this"
There was silence from the other one before he spoke again "I'm scared now what's wrong?"
"Are you sitting down?"
"I am now"
"Lay it's about Suho"
"What's wrong with my hyung"
"He's has not come out of his bedroom in awhile, and when he does it's only because he needs to use the bathroom. He stays in bed all day"
"That doesn't sound like Suho, he's never been like that before.. he must really be hurting if he's acting this way"
"I think I know why he's like this"
"He's misses you"
Lay Pov
Hanging up the phone with baek I lean my head into my hands as my Dance teacher joins me. "Hey Lay, are you ok?, you look like you have been told the worst news in the world". I turn to look at him with a worried look on his face as I stand up and grab my bag. "I need to go" I tell him as I lift the strap of my bag over my shoulder before I head for the door. "Lay you can't leave we need to finish this" he shouts after me making me turn around to face him. "There is something really important I need to do, I promise I will make it up to you" I hurry outside to reception seeing my driver sitting reading the newspaper. "Sir is everything ok?" he jumps up from his seat dropping his newpaper onto the chair beside him. "Call me Lay please, and can you drive me to SM offices please, there is something really important I need to speak to them about.
With a nod he hurries me out into the car as I wave to fans showing them a smile and some love. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be where I am today in life and I owe it all to them. I climb into the car as we head off in the direction of Sm offices. I just hope they will hear me out and listen to me.
❤️C ❤️
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