Where Are They?
Requested by GeetRVR
It was Yoongi's birthday. He personally didn't care for big celebrations, but it had become a tradition for the members to always celebrate when it was one of the their birthdays. Whether it was cake or going out for drinks or exchanging presents. Yoongi remembered last year they were on tour during his birthday and the members had snuck into his hotel room to decorate it and fill it with presents. Jungkook also decided to shoot off a confetti canon and told Yoongi that was his present to him. He was annoyed at the time, but thinking back to it made him laugh. Another tradition during birthdays used to be pulling pranks on eachother. Although they decided as a group to not do that anymore considering their last prank had been to scold Jungkook making him think he was in trouble. They didn't mean to make him cry that day. It was many years ago but they still vowed to never pull pranks again after that, as none of them cared to face that kind of guilt ever again.
The morning in the dorm was loud. As soon as Yoongi stepped out of his room he was greeted by Taehyung and Jimin wrapping him in a hug screaming happy birthday at him. Jungkook wasn't far behind.
"Aish!!" Yoongi yelled as he tried to push them away. He always gave off the vibe that he hates physical contact, but he secretly enjoyed it. No way would he admit that, though.
"Happy Birthday Yoongi-Ah!" Jin yelled as he came over and patted the rapper on the back. Namjoon and Hobi came over and told him they helped Jin cook up a special birthday breakfast just for him. It felt weird being celebrated. As a child his birthday always went ignored, and as an adult he really appreciated the effort from everyone to make him feel special. They definitely succeeded. Especially Jungkook and Taehyung. They always got extra clingy on birthdays and didn't fail to announce how happy they were that "You were born." It was cute.
Everyone gathered around the table and ate, discussing todays events.
"Hyungie are you going to do a birthday live today?" Jungkook asked.
"I probably should, huh? Army's will be expecting it," Yoongi replied.
"Hyung, Hyung! Can I make an appearance?" Taehyung asked excitedly.
"You can do whatever you want." Yoongi wasn't strict in the slightest. He had a reputation with people he didn't even know of being cold and mean, yet everyone who knew him knew he was soft. Especially with the maknae's. He never scolded , or told them no.
"Are you going to leave the studio early today?" Namjoon asked with a mouth full of food.
"I'm not sure yet. I probably will though," Yoongi sipped his coffee. Their manager had made a rule that when it was anyone's birthday they were allowed to leave work early if they wanted to. The members always jokingly called it the "Get Out of Jail Free" card.
"Hyungie!" Jungkook came out of nowhere holding his BT21 Cooky pillow, "Happy Birthday To You!!" He started singing, pretending that the pillow was singing it. Yoongi blushed, he wasn't good at handling so much undivided attention.
"Haha cute," Hobi told Jungkook. The maknae took his pillow and threw it into the hallway leading to the bedrooms, he was feeling too lazy to bring it back to his room. He sat back at the table and they continued eating breakfast and having some nonesense conversations.
While the members were at home eating, a plan was brewing between some of the staff members at the HYBE building. Three staff members decided they wanted to prank Yoongi today. They knew it was his birthday. They were newer staff and actually didn't even like the rapper all that much, so they wanted to pull a prank that would really mess with him. Even if just for a few minutes. They knew the members themselves didn't do birthday pranks anymore, but these staff members wanted recognition as pulling the best birthday prank in BTS history. They knew they were going to tell Yoongi that the members were killed in a car accident. They just needed to figure out how to make it believable. They needed Yoongi and the members separated for a really long time, with no contact. They also needed some kind of "proof" to show Yoongi to make it more believable.
The biggest issue was getting the members and Yoongi separated. They knew on birthdays members could go home early, so they wanted to use that to their advantage. They also devised a plan to keep the rest of the group at the building longer and take their phones somehow.
One of the staff members had a background in web design and development and decided the best way to show proof that the members had died was to create fake news articles online about it. This staff decided to create various webpages incase Yoongi didn't fall for just one of them. To their advantage, the staff member knew how to make the websites completely private so that nobody else would see them, they'd just personally show Yoongi it on their own phone, somehow. They continued getting their plan together and they were satisfied with it. Next step was to execute this plan.
The members showed up to work rather early. They had a quick meeting in the morning and manager Sejin stepped in to wish Yoongi a happy birthday. After the meeting the rapper started his birthday VLIVE for ARMY's. He had a cake with strawberries prepared and got a visit from all the members at different times throughout his broadcast. Yoongi made Jungkook wear his sunglasses while he sang, he thought it was cute.
After the broadcast, the members got back together for another meeting about an upcoming interview they'd be doing. Once that was over, Yoongi had the option to go home or stay. The staff members who had planned the prank were present, and persuaded Yoongi that he should take the opportunity to go home, it wasn't often he "got a break."
It didn't take much convincing, Yoongi packed up his stuff and was ready to head out.
"Do you guys know when you'll be home?" Yoongi asked the rest of the group.
"Probably not long after 2 or 3," Namjoon informed him.
Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook ran up and hugged Yoongi and gave him some light birthday punches before releasing him from their grip so he could leave. They all said bye to eachother and the members started shouting how much they loved Yoongi as he walked out the door, he felt his face turn red, he knew they were doing it on purpose. He loved them anyways.
The staff members involved in the prank turned and smiled at eachother.
So far, so good.
The rest of the guys attended more meetings and then they had some dance practice afterwards. Their dance practice was the last thing they had to do today before they also got to leave. They were all hyper and excited because Yoongi was unaware that the members were planning a surprise party for him that night.
Dance practice was almost over when one of the staff members came in, "Guys, manager Sejin has asked that you stay and practice your dance routines for a little while longer. Maybe a couple more hours."
The members all groaned, "What? Why?" Hobi asked. He was the dance leader and he thought they were doing great already, he didn't see the point .
"It's per request of the manager," the staff shrugged. They half halfheartedly agreed. The surprise party would have to wait.
"Also, I need all your phones. The tech guy said there is a new program out that needs to be installed in all of your phones and it could take a few hours for the install, so it's best to get it done now while you're working. They should be ready when you leave," the staff members told them. They really hoped the guys would agree.
And they did. They all handed over their phones and figured it only made sense for the tech guy to do the update when they were least likely to be using them. The staff member collected all the phones from them and left, smiling. The three involved in the prank met up, " Show time."
Yoongi was back at the dorm, finding himself to be a bit bored. He usually enjoyed solitude and being left alone, but the dorm felt so empty. He couldn't help but keep glancing at the clock, it was already almost 4:30.
Shouldn't they be back by now?
He tried calling all of the members but was confused when all of their phones went straight to voicemail. He sent a text hoping one of them would reply eventually.
Yoongi: I guess we aren't famous for being punctual huh?
Yoongi: Will any of you be home soon?
He figured that was as a good enough text as any. One of them would reply eventually. However when 5 o'clock strolled around he couldn't ignore the fact he was getting a bit nervous. Nobody was picking up still and nobody had replied to his texts. He was caught off guard when he heard knocking at the door. He wondered why his members would bother knocking.
He opened it, "Damn about ti--"
He froze when he saw two staff members standing at the door instead, crying. They were also holding a small plastic bag. He couldn't tell what was in it.
"Min Yoongi.." One of the staff said through their tears.
He gestured for them to come in as he tried to suppress the anxiety that was starting to spill out of him. Something was wrong.
"What's...what's wrong?" He asked the staff , hesitation in his voice. Part of him didn't want to know what the problem was.
"We're really sorry," one staff held out the plastic bag, gesturing for Yoongi to take it.
"What is this?" the rapper asked as he reached out a shaky hand. He inspected the bag, it had two cell phones in it. He pulled them both out. The first one had a completely shattered screen and the back of the case had a polaroid of a puppy and an outfit. It was Hobi's phone. He pulled out the second one and it was completely snapped in half. There was a sticker on the back of the whole band. It was Jungkook's phone.
Yoongi started shaking hard, " Why do....what happened to their phones? Where are they?" he gulped.
"Yoongi...We wanted to tell you first before you found out online. The rest of your members were on their way back and got into a car accident.." the staff member wiped their tears with their shirt sleeve.
Yoongi stood there frozen, not knowing how to respond for a moment, "...Are they..okay?"
"They didn't make it. I'm sorry. Police were only capable of finding these two phones at the accident site."
"You..no... you're lying..." Yoongi refused to believe for a second that something so horrible would be true. No way would all six of his members be dead right now. There was absolutely no way it could be possible.
One staff member pulled out their own phone and began showing Yoongi the 'websites' that were covering the story. Each website discussed how the members were in their van when it got crushed by an 18 wheeler. One article even went into detail about how six unresponsive bodies were all pronounced dead at the scene, and how "The Baby of Bangtan," had been ejected out through the cars windshield.
Yoongi smacked the phone out of the staff members hand.
"No that's not real! Where are they?!" Yoongi screamed, tears running down his face.
"We're really sorry.."
Yoongi looked at the two phones he was still holding in his hands. His hands were shaking to the point where he was on the verge of dropping them.
The staff members planned to only yet Yoongi believe this prank for maybe 5 minutes at most. However, once they saw how upset he had gotten, it freaked them out and none of them wanted to be the one to admit they were just kidding. They didn't want to face how mad he might have gotten. They decided to leave, without telling him it wasn't true. They told him they were really sorry one more time and ran back to their car and left.
No no no no no . It's not true.
Yoongi ran to his phone and tried calling them all again. Every call still went straight to voicemail. He stared at Jungkook's and Hobi's broken phones. He started to scream and hit all the cabinets before running into the bathroom to throw up. He tried to make his way back out of the bathroom but tripped over the Cooky pillow Jungkook had thrown earlier. He dropped to his knees and picked it up, hugging it before screaming and sobbing right into it.
This isn't real. They can't be gone.
Not my hyung.
Not my leader.
Not Jiminie.
Or Taehyungie.
Or my sunshine.
Or my maknae.
He sat there and continued to scream. He didn't know what else to do. A million thoughts flooded his mind, the main one being that this had to be a joke they were pulling and they were all going to walk in the door any second. Then he realized he was just given Hobi's and Jungkook's actual cell phones, that were actually broken, he knew the two would never go that far for a prank. He sat there. It felt like time wasn't moving but like it was speeding by all at the same time. He was just with his members a few hours ago, they were just screaming that they loved him a few hours ago. They were alive a few hours ago.
And it's his birthday. There's no way they'd die on his birthday.
As the minutes passed, the pain became more unbearable. He still didn't know what to do. Was he expected to keep living without them? The thought of that was too painful. He stood up, still clutching the Cooky pillow, and made his way to the alcohol cabinet. He took out a giant bottle of vodka and slumped onto the kitchen floor. He chugged it. Ironically, the more he drank, the more he realized reality.
They're gone.
They're dead.
All of them.
He stared at the Cooky pillow and began screaming at it.
"Why?! Huh?! Of all people, why did you have to go and get yourself killed?!" To Yoongi, he wasn't screaming at just a pillow, he was screaming right at his maknae.
"You're the youngest one! You had an entire life ahead of you!" He took more gulps of his vodka. The more intoxicated he became, he felt like he could see all of his members faces in that pillow.
"What the hell am I supposed to do without any of you?! Just keep going?! I don't fucking want to! You have to come back!" he cried.
He realized not only did he not want to live without his members, but he realized he simply couldn't. He couldn't go on without them. They were all one soul. How was a broken piece supposed to keep going when it was missing the rest of the pieces it needed to even operate?
He stood up, throwing the vodka and pillow down onto the floor. He decided there was only one thing he could do.
Mapo Bridge.
Otherwise known as 'Suicide Bridge' because it was notorious for people jumping off and killing themselves. Which was exactly what Yoongi planned to do. He got into one of the extra cars they had and began driving. He was heavily intoxicated and figured if he was really lucky he'd also die in a car accident before he even got to the bridge. Somehow, he managed to make his way to it. It was currently under construction and shut down to traffic, however people were allowed to walk it. To his ease, it was empty. He stumbled his way down the sidewalk, his vision still blurred by his tears. He stopped in the middle and grabbed the rails, slowly hoisting himself over it. He was now standing facing the water below, with nothing and nobody there to stop him. He gripped the rails behind him and leaned forward, closing his eyes as tears trickled down his cheeks.
"I'm coming," he whispered.
At the studio, the members were exhausted from all the extra practice. They were sitting around drinking water when manager Sejin stormed in panicking, "Can someone please explain to me why there is a rumor going around online that all six of you died in a car accident?!" he screamed, holding his phone in the air. The staff members who had pulled the prank had been back in the room and looked at eachother. They panicked when one of the staff members realized they'd forgotten to make one of the fake websites private and the fake news had spread like wildfire, apparently across the entire planet.
"What the hell?" Jimin asked confused, he walked over to Sejin and the rest of the members followed, asking to see. They were shown news of them being hit by an 18 wheeler and how apparently Jungkook even got thrown through the windshield.
"Who the hell started that?" Jungkook asked, annoyed. They were looking through more of the news when the article mentioned Yoongi not having been in the car.
"Oh my God, Yoongi! Someone needs to call Yoongi!!" Jin screamed. Sejin asked why none of them had been in contact.
"Staff said our phones needed some upgrade and took all our phones. They said it'd take a few hours and they'd be done when we were out of practice!" Taehyung informed his manager while pointing to the staff members who originally took their phones.
"I don't know anything about a phone upgrade. Why are you all still here, anyway? Your practice ended hours ago," Sejin asked confused. The members looked just as confused. Namjoon pointed to the staff again , " They said you wanted us to practice longer."
Sejin turned to the staff, "What the hell is going on?"
One of the three staff members broke down, " We're sorry! We're so sorry! It was supposed to be a prank and it went too far! We're so sorry we didn't mean for it to spread like this! It was a prank on Yoongi, we're so sorry!" they cried.
"YOU started this rumor?" Hobi asked angrily, " And what the hell do you mean prank on Yoongi?! What does that mean?!" Hobi yelled.
"For his birthday we were pranking him making him think you died in an accident. We're so sorry. It was just a prank though. Yoongi knows it was just a prank, right?" the staff said, gesturing to the two who actually went to the members house.
They hesitated answering.
"Yoongi knows we aren't dead, right?!" Taehyung yelled.
"Well you see he had gotten so upset that we left before getting the chance to tell him it was a prank..." one staff member said, looking at the floor. The members broke out in a panic. They needed to get in contact with Yoongi. They demanded their phones back, and Hobi and Jungkook were livid when they found out their phones had also been used as part of the prank. They all ran out of the building and raced home, they all tried calling the rappers phone their entire way home but got no answer. When they arrived home they saw their other car was missing. They ran inside to see a broken vodka bottle and Jungkook's pillow on the kitchen floor. One of the cabinets was also chipped at the corner.
"HYUNG ARE YOU HERE?!" Jungkook screamed throughout the house. They quickly realized Yoongi was nowhere to be found.
"Where the hell would he have gone?!" Jimin screamed.
"If he thinks we're dead. Maybe the hospital?" Namjoon suggested.
"No," Said Jin, " Think about this. If he thinks we're dead, he isn't going to drink and drive to the hospital. What would we all do if we were in his shoes right now? Probably want to be dead too, he probably wants to be de-"
All the members froze and looked at eachother, " THE BRIDGE!" they all screamed. If someone wanted to die, Mapo Bridge was the place to do it. They all ran back to the car and Jin sped there. They pulled up next to another parked car. Which belonged to them. Yoongi definitely had to be here. They all hopped out and started running, they could see Yoongi leaning forward with his eyes closed, clutching the rails behind him.
They were all trying to get his attention.
Yoongi continued to lean there with his eyes closed. He was so close to death, he thought he could hear his members yelling to him. He was so close to being with them again. He let go, but instead of falling forward, he found himself being pulled backwards instead. Before he could comprehend what was happening, he found himself on the ground being cradled between six people. He slowly started to recognize them as his members.
"Hyung what the hell do you think you're doing?!" Jungkook cried, holding him tightly.
"It's not real, Yoongi. It's not real," Jin cried while stroking the rappers hair.
"Am I...dead?" Yoongi asked. It was the only thing that made sense to him. He had let go and must've died immediately because he was wrapped in his members arms before he even knew it.
"No no, you're not. And neither are we hyungie!" Taehyung cried. He clutched Yoongi's cheeks in his hands, "Neither are we."
"You all left me," Yoongi mumbled.
"No we didn't. We're all right here," Jimin said reassuringly.
They all sat there and cried together. Yoongi was still too drunk to determine if this was real life or if he had also just died. He didn't care right now. He was with his members again either way, and that was all he wanted.
"Lets get you home," Namjoon ended up carrying Yoongi back to the car. The older couldn't walk straight, or at all for that matter. By the time they got back Yoongi was passed out in the car, so Namjoon carried him right to his bed to sleep for the night.
The rest of them gathered back in the kitchen to clean up the mess that had been left.
" I can't believe he was going to do that," Jungkook pouted.
"I would have done the same thing," Jimin admitted. They all ended up admitting that they didn't blame Yoongi for it, they all would've found themselves on that bridge if the roles were reversed . They called Sejin to let him know Yoongi was okay, but they needed to decide what to do about the staff members who started the rumor and how they needed to quickly shut the rumor down. They all went on to WeVerse to let everyone know they were okay. Jungkook and Hobi had to use others phones. Sejin said he'd buy them new phones asap.
They were all extremely disappointed in not only their staff members, but also disappointed that Yoongi's birthday had been ruined. But Hobi being the man of optimism said how great it'd be for their second oldest to wake up to them still throwing that surprise birthday party. They all agreed before deciding to call it a night. Today absolutely exhausted them.
The next morning Yoongi woke up in his bed. He had a pretty bad headache and was extremely confused as to why he was in his bed to begin with. Didn't he jump off that bridge yesterday? He had been with his members again, where are they? Wishful thinking made him get up and walk out of his room, hoping maybe everything had been a dream and none of them had died. He was having a hard time separating the real from the fake right now. When he walked around the dorm and peeked into everyone's rooms, nobody was there. He felt a pit in his stomach and his heart seized. They're actually gone..
He flinched when he heard the bathroom door open and saw all six of his bandmates run out. They all started singing and shouting and Namjoon was holding a giant cake. Jungkook had a confetti canon, again. But Yoongi wasn't mad this time. He stood there in disbelief. Could this be real? The members surrounded him and even wiped cake on his face, making him laugh. He held them all tighter than he knew was possible, never wanting to let go.
"Is this just a dream?" Yoongi asked, somewhat afraid of the answer.
"Of course not, hyungie," Jungkook grabbed Yoongi's face, " Those jerks at the company faked our deaths to try and prank you but took it too far. And because of them we were the ones to almost lose you. This is real. We aren't dead. And neither are you."
Yoongi started crying a heavy flow of tears as he embraced them in a hug again.
"I thought I had nothing left. I didn't know what to do. I can't imagine life without any of you," Yoongi was completely sobbing.
"We understand. But since we're all here! If you could have anything for your birthday, what would it be?" Hobi took the cake and held it up to Yoongi's face, lighting the candles.
"I already got my wish," he told them as he blew out his candles.
He looked up and looked at the smiles on all of his members faces.
All I wanted was you.
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