Chapter 8
I could feel the touch of the disgusting woman all over my body, I couldn't do anything because dad would have put me back in the closet. I don't know why I came out to him, I just figured that we were close and that maybe just maybe he would accept me for who I was now I'm sitting here tears rolling down my face this is my fault I brought this upon myself!
I sat up with sweat rolling down the side of my face the bed was drenched, I hadn't had that bad of a dream in a while but that is what this place will do to you it has been 3 weeks and it is the same routine. Wake up, eat, roam only around the house, eat, have nothing to do but read since they have a big library,nap because you're so bored, eat, take a shower, then go back to sleep only to wake up again and do it all over again tomorrow. I was so sick of this hell hole I wanted to go back to my realm of course I had nothing there but maybe we could plead our innocence, isn't it innocent until proven guilty or something like that all I know is that I wanted to go home.
I got up went and took a shower, then changed into some clean clothes me and my friends are leaving this place come hell or high water, we are already in hell so bring the high water.As I was walking out of the bathroom I saw that the rest of my friends were awake.
"Good Morning guys, I am going to be talking to the 4 brothers so they know that we want to leave" I told them as I went on to making my bed
"But they said that we were never going to leave and I don't know about you but I don't want to go to prison for the rest of my life" Toby said
"Listen I know what they said but who is to say that they aren't saying that so we will stay here and we can prove that we didn't kill that girl because no one touched the knife and we have people who know where we were when it happened" I told him like he was dumb, this isn't really rocket science
"You are not going to leave" I heard a voice say behind us
Turning around I realized it was Evan he always had to add his two cents in
"Yes we are, you can't keep us here we are going to die anyway, we aren't allowed outside, we have seen the same thing's over and over again, you guys are barely around oh and did I forget to mention YOU ARE FREAKING KILLERS AND WARLOCKS" I yelled angrily "This is not fair our life was fine before you brought us here yes it had it's ups and downs but we had each other and we weren't prisoners to demons" I said
"Listen here human, we have done more for you then anyone has your whole life so for you to stand here and disrespect us is unacceptable, I could snap my fingers and you would be dead but no I won't because for some damn reason I don't want to hurt you more than you have been hurt before" Issac's cold voice hissed at me
I was so scared nobody had ever talked to me like that since since, I didn't even realize I was crying until I saw Issac walk over to me through my hazily vision as he put his hand on my cheek and wiped away my tears I felt all my hurt disappear "Listen we are trying to find away for you to go out and a way for you to stay here forever but it will take time all I ask is that you be patient" he said so softly
I was honestly stunned I never knew the cold Issac would be so sweet and kind to me yet here I am being proved wrong yet again, I nodded to him as he softly smiled at me turned and walked away not without closing the door first. I could feel the stares of my friends on me but all I was focused on was the fact that he is making me feel things that I vowed I would never feel.
Why am I feeling this way about
a killer
and a demon
Hi loves guess who is back *whisper yells(meee)* I hope you enjoy this long update, I will be trying to get back on my schedule so please be patient!
Q: Favorite drink
A: Mine is Bubble tea/coffee
Bye Loves
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Until Next Time....<3
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