How it happened
Your point of view
I was sitting up in my hospital bed, pondering what on earth had happened?
Two hours ago
I went for a walk as the twins were leaving because I didn't want them to see me like this. As I was walking I heard an evil like laugh.
'I FOUND IT!!' That sounded like Gidion! I ran to where the voice was coming from and could not believe my eyes. There, in front of Gidion Gleeful, was a stone statue of The dream demon Bill Cipher.
'I'm ready to make a deal!' Gidion said as he took the statue's hand. A blue flame erupted from the statue and the stone melted away like lava. And in its place, floating in mid air, there he was.
'Oh yeah! Two days trapped as a statue and I'm already free! Nice to see you again Gidion. I see you still have that freak show haircut. HaHa!' Bill Chuckled. And being myself, I couldn't help but giggle at his choice of words.
'SHUSH DEMON! Now I have a job for you!' The small baby man screamed.
'Sure kid, what is it?' Bill asked.
'I need you put a persuading love spell on
Y/n L/n. She will be my queen in the down fall of Gravity Falls! And you can get your revenge on the pines!' He Chuckled.
'Um.. gonna have to say no to that freak show.' Bill said with a cocky tone.
Gidion stoped laughing. 'What did you say cipher?!' 'I said, no! A word that's clearly not in your vocabulary!' Bill said starting to get upset.
'I know what will make you say yes!' Gidion grabbed his lucky bowtie and it glowed. I felt a strange tingly feeling as I was lifted into the air and I floated over to Gidion.
Third point of view
'What do you say now?' You felt a tight grip around your throat, he was strangling you! You saw Bill's face go sad and fill with worry. Your face was now going red as your breathing slowly stopped. Bill gasped and snapped his fingers so you were out of Gidion's grasp. He put you on the ground and sat next to you. He then turned red and grew bigger.
'YOU DONT LOVE HER!! YOU JUST TRIED TO KILL HER!! IF SHES DEAD, IM COMING FOR YOU GLEEFUL!!' He yelled. He then put two fingers on her neck to feel for a pulse. It was there, but it was getting slower by the second.
'Hospital...' he muttered. 'Bye freak show!'
Bill teleported to the hospital and changed to a human boy the same age as you.
'Don't worry raindrop, I've got you.' He whispered.
'And I will always protect you.' He took you in and gave you to the nurse and went back to the dreamscape. Watching over you as you slept. Not knowing when he can see you again.
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