im tagging the lot of you in the comments bc wattpad's not letting me tag you here
anyway, i said i had an idea
and here it is
this may seem rude at times, but its intended nicely and isn't sugarcoated. don't scream :)
i don't like you guys arguing. its unnecessary. and im not taking sides in this, this is all from an unbiased point of view. ive talked to both of you, and i found a few problems.
if you're not happy with this, talk to me and i'll see if i should change it.
but if either of you accuse me of taking sides, i promise, you won't have me as mediator anymore.
and considering darko is on john's side, panini is on pennie's side and noone else wants to be involved (for good reason), i think you should follow this if you want anything to get better.
or atleast try, and you can be rest assured that i will warn you if its not showing or working out well.
don't get pissed at me for doing this. that would be stupid.
very, very stupid.
anyway, introductions and friendly threats aside, let's move to the actual thing :)
HERE ARE YOUR PROBLEMS WITH EACH OTHER - correct me if im wrong here :
pennie, your problem with john is that he won't let you do what is, according to you, sensible. you also originally thought john was being op.
john, you think pennie is being op now and not letting you have any freedom with your roleplaying.
HERE IS HOW I THINK YOU SHOULD SOLVE IT - i don't want to give any opinions on what i make of the situation, because its guaranteed atleast one of you won't like it :
pennie, you didn't actually specify when magnus moved to protect luke (idk whether i should be annoyed for having to read back that far on a glitchy phone in a foreign airport or not). you just said he took the shot for luke. so perhaps next time specify things like that.
john, you should make what your ocs do clearer, and give the other person time to dodge the hit.
just... cover every part of your character's movement, i guess, pennie. i don't really know how to put it - moving a hand from their side to someone's shoulder and back again should be fine, but when it comes to walking/running/teleporting to places, that should be specified for comprehension purposes.
john, maybe try not to be so literate. save the skill and energy for literate rps. don't use too many complicated words and add in the names of various guns, ways of jumping and stuff like that because noone gets it and it extremely complicates your simple jump.
also, when you rp, say for example cirus is punching someone. you tend to say something along the lines of
'Cirus punched him in the face. In quick succession, he used the man's recovery time to knee him where the sun doesn't shine and snap his arm back, adding in a few more punches and kicking the back of his knee so that he fell to the floor and his arm was broken so he couldn't defend.'
that's not fair on the other roleplayer, though to be honest i kind of exaggerated that one a bit. just do one, maybe two punches, and give pennie time and opportunity to block or dodge the punch.
if she blocks every punch, then that's a different problem. fine, i accept that could happen, but that's for later if it does happen.
also, both of you, don't shoot each other for every small issue. fine, if someone missed walking to a place, they missed it. deal with it. continue roleplaying, unless you really have a problem with it. in that case, don't yell. sort it out like mature, nice people.
just warning you though, someone watching might start to think of you as always having a problem with things.
but if someone says there's a limit to something, then there's a limit.
three paintballs. and three paintballs only.
now i can't tell what goes on in your pms, but i hope its not rude. because if, in roleplays, you're all sweethearts, and in pm you're bitches, then quite frankly im going to be very pissed.
if i put in the effort to try and solve this, you can try and help me fix it.
without making each other upset.
and i just want to say, very nicely
STOP ARGUING - no one else likes it, it makes it awkward and unpleasant to roleplay for them.
im pretty sure there's a lot ive forgotten, but hey, i was in a rush. and its past midnight.
appreciate the beauty of it, suckers.
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