the fight part2
Narrator: after a long fight this are the results.
Place:in the middle of the battlefield
Queen(Rius).its over brother you have lost and fail to kill me and take the hybrids.
Rius.exe:ohh well would you look at this it looks as if I have lost however I think this is youre end of the road*attcks rius with a type of dark ice*sayonara brother.
As he leaves mike,sparta,mayo enter and see their fallen queen the others leave the bunker ib search of their love ones.
Mike.player are you alright.
Player(queen/rius). Mike listen we won however this is the time that the worst outcome has come to a play so you must take me back there to my kingdom they will know what to do.
Mike-sparta-mayo. Alright opens a ice portal
Trollino-raptor-invictor-timba. Wait we will come to.
After they enter the portal they appear in a entry
Soldier(1). State your proupose and name.
Mike.soldier alfa 001 plan b worst outcome.
Sparta.soldier beta 002 plan b worst outcome
Mayo. Soldier omega 0003 plan b worst outcome.
Soldier(1). Hurry we must reach the castle but I must warn you if you enter you will be needed at the court for further proceduer.
In the casttle
Medic(1). Hes stable for now however its time to inform them*severus*.
Severus.yes medic?
Medic(1). Its time to go fetch the children.
*pause* has been 9 months in which all the set of twins have grown.
*play* sure??
After severus went to fecth all the twins from the playing room they went back to the medic/hospital wing to reunite with their families.after a wile all members of the compas tribue were called for furhter planning.
Place.court room.
Millie. Welcome compas tribue specially our fallen soldiers.
Jason.we have called this meeging becuase our lovley queen plan b has come to the worst case so in order to proced we may need to uncover his name against his will.
Diantha.never we all promised to keep it a secret.
Marcos. Yeah your right diantha hiwever we cant proced to tell them however we would be able to tell the soldiers cuase we promised to never tell oustiders but they have been in thus kingdom army for years so its only fair.
Millie.well then trollino-imvictor-raptor-timba you may leave.
Mike.what identity youre talking about?
Marcos.well you see our queen is non other than rius play and more specially the last ice queen . you mean that rius our friend is in a stable/critical state without a soulution?
Jason.that were youre all wrong you see the other plan for this to happen is telling the ice king to accept his duty if hes to deny we should fear that our queen be in a coma.
Mayo.but who is this ice king your talking about it has to be the father of rius kids right.
Milie.yes the ice king is non
Jacob.other than
Mike-sparta-mayo. What.
What is going to happened next find out in the next chapter called
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