Bengal, Chakravarty House
"You're kidding me, right?" Anirban gradually stood up, with an anticipated expression on his face, his heart thudding faster.
"Unfortunately, I ain't Mr. Chatterjee," Saudamini crisply answered, raising a brow, "I am not interested in you or your proposal."
"No wait," The latter blinked, licking his lips, "Mr. Chakravarty told me they are looking for a suitable groom for you isn't it? And he only said you wanted to marry!"
Saudamini rolled her eyes, stealing her gaze from him. She knew everyone in the household was in a hurry to marry her away to the richest of the households, and already sent three proposals for her. Marry her away, because she could be. And she denied them all, straightaway. Her current in-laws too would be in a benefit, and of course—a part of their daily income would be forgiven after she leaves. Subtle ways. The pretended to love her and all, due to her status, but deep down she their underlying notions. But it wasn't surprising.
A widow is someone who couldn't call their in laws her home not her maternal house her home. She is just somewhere between.
"Look, I really want to marry you!" Anirban gasped, "I have rejected two proposals for you as well! You know how difficult was it to persuade my father?"
Saudamini sharply gazed at him.
"In that case, ask your father to look for further proposals for you." She breathed in, wrapping the edge of her saree around her back and drag it over her head.
"Mini, think aren't going to get a better family than ours!" Anirban's brows furrowed as he pressed his lips. He still was unable to accept that she had denied him, that too in this manner. More than his heart, it seemed like his ego was trying its best not to get shattered. Families were dying to tie their bonds with the Chatterjee household. And that girl was proudly rejecting his proposal?
"You are going to be happy, trust me." His tone softened a bit, he still had a flicker of hope that she will give in after a bit of persuasion. Saudamini exasperated, looking away with a sarcastic smile on her lips, "What do you think?"
"You are going to brag about your status and wealth and win me?" Taunt dripped from her words, "Go and try this to any other woman who loves wealth more than you!"
Anirban's lips twitched, a sense of vexation pulsed through his veins, "Then be better off without me, Miss Saudamini." He spun around after giving her a lasting look and strode away from there, his jaws clenching.
Saudamini exhaled deeply, walking away from there.
"Kaaki, why did you do this?" Shiuli crossed her brows, looking away with an angry pout, "You didn't give him a fair chance!"
"I don't want to give that proud head a chance," Saudamini jerked a bed cover repeatedly with her forehead scrunching, and laid it over the mattress over her little cot. Night had already fallen with the faint moonlight from the crescent celestial faintly seeping through the wooden panes. She crouched, tucking the cover on both the sides. Shiuli continued gazing at her with a frown, "This is not fair, Kaaki."
"Don't argue." Her fingers faltered while striking the matchstick against the rough corner of it's packet. A tiny part of her was already feeling a bit guilty with the way she had spoken; thinking after a while that she could've rejected him in a bit better manner. But even a part of her felt that he deserved it. What the heck did he think about himself? Was it so easy to win her hand?
"What is all this Mini?" Shiuli and Saudamini instantly stood up, surprised at the familiar feminine voice. The latter's eyes widened at the elderly lady who was standing at her chamber.
"Maa," She lowered her lashes, and sat down on the cot. Her mother furrowed her brows, with a slight look of disappointment on her features, "Is this true?"
"Mr. Chakravarty told me that you misbehaved with Anirban?"
"I did not misbehave with him, Maa." She softly answered, trying again to rub the tip of the matchstick. It broke, which led her to open the box and try with another one, "He got what he deserved."
"Really, Mini?" Mrs. Choudhury strode up towards her and sat on the cot beside her. Saudamini gulped slightly, not lifting her lashes, "Why did you talk with him like that?"
Her mother kept on visiting her in-laws quite frequently.
Saudamini kept her mouth shut firmly, finally lighting the matchstick and burning the hurricane.
"I am asking you something." The crisp voice from the other side made her bite her lips.
"That's because she thinks he is faking his love," Shiuli meekly answered, causing Saudamini to snap a look at her of surprise. Traitor. Mrs. Choudhury clicked her tongue, slapping her forehead. She knew her daughter's nature very well, she was a bit stubborn and not everyone can appreciate her boldness appropriately. But still she felt that she had said too much to Anirban.
"Look at me," Her fingers caressed Saudamini's cheek softly, making her turn towards her, "How long are you going to hold on to your past?" With that, Mini's heart gave a slight jolt, as she looked down further.
"I, I ain't holding on to my past....."
"Then why aren't you accepting any marriage proposals?" The latter sighed, "Not everyone gets this chance!"
"Now you are talking like Anirban, Maa-" She slightly whined, turning the other side.
"But that is true, why are you denying this?" Her mother gripped her shoulder, pressing her fingers over it assuredly. She cupped her elbow with her free hand, staring down at her feet. As much as she wanted she couldn't deny it. Her bed was visibly replaced by a little cot, her residence being the small chamber beside the kitchen. Gone was every luxury she had been brought up with, and the servants who performed every chore of her. Her palms which were as soft as cotton had turned slightly calloused, lines marring the corners of her feet.
It wasn't a piece of cake for a girl who belonged from a mansion once, to adjust to this household.
"Anirban is from a very good family! Think about it!" Mrs. Choudhury grabbed her both her shoulders, "He will keep you happy dear!"
"How do you know he is going to keep me happy?" Saudamini sharply countered.
"Oh God, why are you cynical about everything?"
"I am not cynical. It's that just I don't wish to...." She crossed her legs on the cot and sighed deeply.
"Look at yourself, you are just eighteen and you deserve a happy family Mini," Saudamini felt her mother gently squeezing her palm, "Why are you punishing yourself? What will you get being a widow throughout your life?"
A brief silence followed.
Saudamini gazed at Shiuli, who made a helpless face and shrugged. Her mother was adamant just like her. And could she blame her? After what her naivety had got herself into once? After her father passed a year ago, Mrs. Choudhury had turned more protective of her instinctively. Though she desired to take her away back to the Choudhury mansion, her in laws in turn were in denial. A widow technically shouldn't desert her household, it's not considered nice.
So marrying her off again was the only option.
But was it easy?
Not for every widow, definitely. Any family would straightaway reject them, mostly. But Saudamini had an upper hand, due to her maternal status, and of course her captivating beauty. She could make heads turn easily, attract attention and was desired by many. Within one year of her husband's death, she had received three proposals of marriage, which was too much for a widow.
Two from rich merchants, one of them who had passed his prime. Saudamini had scrunched her forehead witnessing how lewdly he was gaping at her bosom. And the others didn't catch her interest; or rather she didn't want to. Her mother too wasn't interested much in getting her married to them, but Saudamini was a bit amused witnessing her defense regarding Anirban. Just because he was very attractive, a sweet talker and extremely rich?
Saudamini felt she could see right through, that he didn't love her but desired for her.
Or somewhere, she knew what attraction can lead to at times.
"The point is, Anirban wants to marry you. He loves you!" Mrs. Choudhury's eyes turned hopeful.
"He desires me, it's clear and simple." She mumbled back.
"Whatever it is, he is interested in you, isn't it?" Her mother responded solemnly, "And love can happen even after marriage! And desires do get converted into love my dear!"
"Look, Mini. You have already made a disastrous choice in your life." Mrs Choudhury's voice turn grim as she pressed her lips, "I am not letting you this time mess up. Did you get me?"
Saudamini's fingers curled against the garment of her saree, her breath turning shaky. Not her past, again.
Lagta hai MOYE MOYE dono ke saath hoga ab 👀✨
Signing off for today!
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