"Hey, Hon, have you seen my socks?" Matt called from the kitchen.
"In here," Catherine sighed from the bedroom.
"The black ones," Matt yawned, rubbing his eyes, "with the gold ribbing."
"Here," Catherine said through gritted teeth, holding a hand to her stomach as she brought him a pair of socks.
"Thanks, Babe," Matt grinned, pecking her cheek. "I got that big important meeting with Josh today. We're proposing a rental plan to the advisory board. Gosh, I wish it would stop raining. It's gross outside."
Catherine nodded. "God, I wish these contractions would stop."
"And then!" Matt said, bouncing around the room and stuffing things into his bag. "We're talking about building a new concert hall! The Steele Hall. Once you're back in action -if it works out- it'll be gorgeous!"
"Ignoring the problem, just like always," Catherine muttered under her breath. "Have fun, Babe."
"I love you," Matt sighed, giving her kiss. He dropped to his knees and grinned at her stomach. "Love ya too, rascals. Back by five, I promise."
"Alright," Catherine smiled. "Love you too. Remember that we have dinner with Emily, Ash, and Scarlett at six. Maddie's coming too."
"Perfect. See you later."
Mari came in just as Matt headed out. "Hey, I bought you groceries while I was out. You like green grapes, right? I forgot Isaac only eats the purple ones, and now I've got two bunches no one will eat."
"I'll eat anything at this point," Catherine shrugged. "God, I just want these things out."
"I don't think you'll have much longer to wait. Yesterday was your due date, right?"
"Yeah," Catherine sighed. "Ash and Scarlett are coming over and we're going to look up a bunch of ways to induce labor and try them. That should be fun. I'm not sure how that works, though, since I'm already having contractions."
"Yeah," Mari said weakly with a shudder, "lots of fun. I'm just grabbing dinner by myself tonight. Josh is working late. He has been these past few weeks."
"You should join us."
"Thanks, but you know how I am with that stuff," Mari laughed. "Besides, I should start practicing the new script."
"I meant for dinner," Catherine chuckled.
"I don't want to impose," Mari smiled softly.
"You're my best friend. You wouldn't be imposing," Catherine laughed. "Well, best friend aside from Matt, but you get the idea...Love you."
"Love you too," Mari chuckled. "You nervous?"
"About having two human beings come out of me or about becoming a mother?" Catherine chuckled.
"Gosh, Cath, are trying to make me pass out?" Mari gagged. "No! About going back to work. For goodness' sake, did you have to phrase it like that?!"
"Yes," Catherine laughed. "Hey, I didn't come up with the process. If it were my decision, I'd let Matt be the one to give birth. Unfortunately, it doesn't quite work that way."
"Let's not argue," Mari sighed, her face pale. "You won't be mad if I wait until you're home to visit, will you?"
"Not at all," Cath smiled.
"Thanks," Mari nodded. "Can I see the baby room before I head out?"
"Of course," Cath grinned.
"And then we jumped on the trampoline!" Scarlett grinned.
"Let's hope doing all that worked," Ashley chuckled.
"Well, it sounds like you guys were busy," Emily nodded.
"Bought two bottles of hot sauce," Maddie laughed. "I figured you could try that. That's how I got Lexie out. I also figured we'd want some with dinner."
"Is that Korean beef?!" Mari gasped. "It looks amazing, Maddie."
"It's my specialty," Maddie grinned.
"I'm really glad you could come," Catherine smiled. "I feel like it's been forever since we've seen each other."
"Yes, well, I know that getting out of the house while you're nine months pregnant isn't the easiest," Maddie chuckled.
"You can say that again," Cath nodded.
Maddie laughed and turned her attention to Matt. "Are you ready to become a father, little bro?"
"No," Matt shuddered.
Catherine sat down beside him and rested her head on his shoulder. "You'll be fine," she smiled.
Catherine groggily got out of bed to use the bathroom. As she dried her hands, she felt a popping sensation and a big contraction. "Great," she moaned through clenched teeth, gripping the counter tightly. "This is exactly what I wanted to happen at three in the morning." She hastily went into the bedroom and put a hand on her husband's shoulder. "Matt," she whispered, "Matt, wake up." She let out a small wince as another painful contraction overcame her.
"What's up?" Matt moaned, turning over and shoving his face into a pillow.
"Babe, my water just broke. We need to get to the hospital," Catherine said quickly.
"What?!" Matt stammered groggily. He sat up, eyes wide awake. "When?!"
"Just a minute ago."
"Where's my bag?" Matt groaned, standing up.
"By the door. Hurry please," Catherine moaned.
"Okay," Matt nodded, trying to blink himself awake. "We have everything? Keys? Bags? Toothbrushes?"
Catherine nodded. "God, it hurts so bad."
Matt set down his duffle bag, placed two comforting hands on Catherine's shoulders, and gave a smile. "It's going to be okay. Just breathe, alright? I'm with you every step of the way," he said softly, kissing her forehead. "I love you."
"I love you too," Catherine smiled weakly. "Now can we please get to the hospital?"
"Go," Matt laughed, opening the door and grabbing their bags once more.
Catherine nodded and complied.
The couple quickly made their way to the hospital and were brought to a room.
After a few hours, Jack checked Catherine and told her to begin pushing. "Oh god," she moaned. "This is really happening."
"I think I'm gonna be sick," Matt mumbled, biting his lip.
Catherine grabbed his hand tightly. "Don't let go," she winced.
"Just try to breathe, alright?" Jack said softly.
Catherine nodded slowly and tightened her grip on Matt's hand as she felt another contraction.
"Alright, Cath, push," Jack nodded.
Catherine took a deep breath and pushed hard as a nurse counted to ten.
"Good," Jack smiled softly. "You're doing great. Again. Come on."
Catherine moaned. "It hurts."
"I know, kid, but you're doing awesome. Push again for me, okay?"
Matt kissed her forehead. "Come on. You've got this, Babe."
After a little while of pushing, baby Charlotte was placed gently in Catherine's arms. "Oh my god," she whispered, breathing heavily. "Hon, we just had a baby. We did it."
"The other should be along at anytime now," Jack nodded.
As it turned out, he was right, and ten minutes later, Logan was born and placed on Cath's chest. "They're beautiful," she said softly as tears welled in her eyes, partly from joy and partly from pain.
"They're gorgeous," Carlos smiled. "I'm proud of you, kid."
"Thanks," Catherine chuckled.
"Has Matt gotten to hold them yet?"
"No. He's been too busy talking with Josh."
Matt snuck quietly back into the room, his face red. "J-Josh is g-g-gonna grab some stuff."
"Are you alright, Babe?" Catherine laughed. "Have you been crying?"
"Josh just- he just-"
"What is it, Hon? Talk to me."
"He said some stuff," Matt laughed, wiping away a few tears. "Some really nice stuff."
Cath made room for Matt in the bed. "Come sit down and you can hold the twins," she smiled. "Tell me, what did Josh say?"
"Stuff," Matt sniffled. "Really nice, wonderful stuff."
Catherine smiled as the nurse rested the twins in her arms. "Matt, come sit," she whispered excitedly.
"I-I don't know if I can do this, Cath. I might drop them, or- or-"
"Calm down. If you sit next to me then I can supervise."
"Okay," Matt said softly. He joined Catherine in the bed and she gently placed Logan in Matt's arms.
"Okay, now, support his head," Cath said softly. "Do you want to hold Charlotte too or would you rather wait?"
"I-I can take her."
Catherine placed their daughter in Matt's other arm. "There you go," she grinned, kissing her husband's cheek. "They both have your eyes."
"I-I can't believe this is really happening."
"I can't either...It's wonderful to hold them, isn't it?"
"Yeah," Matt nodded as a tear slipped down his cheek.
Cath wiped it away gently with the pad of her thumb. "I love you so much."
"I love you too," Matt smiled. "Gosh, they make the weirdest expressions."
"They do," Catherine chuckled. "I wonder what they're thinking."
"They think you're pretty amazing," Matt said softly. "Way stronger than me, that's for sure."
"There," Mari said proudly, stepping off the ladder. "Perfect."
"That looks amazing," Josh grinned proudly.
"They'll love it."
Mari bit her lip. "Did you see them?"
"Were they amazing?"
"Phenomenal. They're gonna change the world someday," Josh laughed. shaking his head.
"I don't know why I'm so nervous," Mari moaned, wringing her hands together.
"Probably because you're meeting your best friend's kids," Josh shrugged.
"What if they hate me?" Mari whimpered. "And then Cath never has me over again and we end up arch enemies?"
"Relax," Josh laughed. "They're just newborns. The can barely open their eyes, let alone have an opinion of someone."
"It's so good to be home," Cath sighed, opening the door.
"Hey!" Mari said softly, her voice full of excitement. "You made it!"
"Mari," Catherine smiled brightly, "it's so good to see you."
"Cath, I can't believe it," Mari stammered.
"I can't believe it either," Catherine smiled, kicking off her shoes. She embraced her friend tightly. "That was an experience that will scar me for the rest of my life," she chuckled.
"You're amazing," Mari gaped. "I was so worried when Matt called."
"Well, aside from the obvious, everything's okay," Catherine smiled. She whispered, "I have stitches in places you don't want to imagine."
"I am so sorry," Mari said slowly, her eyes wide.
"About what?" Matt laughed.
"You don't want to know," Catherine chuckled.
"C-can I see the babies?" Mari stammered nervously.
"Sure," Catherine nodded. "Come here."
"They're so small," Mari said with a gasp.
Catherine smiled. "It's amazing, isn't it?"
"I want one," Josh moaned teasingly.
"No, you don't," Mari laughed. "You just wanna put them in little superhero costumes."
"You're not wrong there," Josh chuckled, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
"Cath, I'm honestly so happy for you," Mari grinned.
"Thanks," Catherine smiled, resting Logan in Josh's arms and Lotte in Mari's.
Josh grinned. "Matt, I never thought you could be this awesome."
"Shh," Mari chuckled, "you'll wake them up. She's got your nose, Cath."
Catherine grinned. "They both have Matt's eyes."
"And Matt's looks," Josh grinned. "You guys are fortunate. Usually when two attractive people have kids, they look like baboons."
Catherine laughed. "Yeah, we definitely are. Did I tell you what we chose for their middle names?"
"No, tell us," Mari said enthusiastically.
"Their full names are Charlotte Lyrica and Logan Lyric," Cath smiled proudly.
"That's a lot of lyrics to remember. Have fun with that, little buddy," Josh chuckled as Logan made a small noise in his sleep.
"We thought it'd be cute if their names were similar," Matt nodded with a smile, wrapping an arm around his wife.
"You know," Catherine smirked, "you guys look good with kids."
"They're like hand bags," Mari laughed. "Good accessories, but not very practical for the broke."
Catherine scoffed. "You guys aren't broke."
Josh gave a nervous glance to Mari. "Kinda broke."
"We decided to donate some money," Mari laughed, "and Isaac added an extra zero on accident."
"Oh goodness," Catherine chuckled. "I guess there's never a dull moment in the Taylor house, eh?"
"No," Mari chuckled, "I'm just glad we handled Violet's college fund first."
"Still no sign of Jane showing up?"
Mari gave a glance to Josh who stared down at Logan blankly before shaking her head.
"I'm sorry," Catherine sighed. "Can I get you guys anything?"
Mari checked her phone with her free hand. "I think we're good. Jack's calling like crazy and I don't know why."
Charlotte began to fuss, so Catherine took her gently from her friend. "You should answer him."
"Her cry us adorable," Mari gasped.
"I can already tell that we've got a little Christine Daaé here," the proud mother smiled.
"It's always the quiet ones that change the world, though, Cath," Matt smiled, glancing proudly at Logan.
"No favoritism, Matt," Catherine chuckled. "They have equal chances of changing the world."
"Right," Matt nodded. "Logan's winning," he whispered to Josh with a grin.
"I heard that," Catherine frowned, walking into the kitchen with their daughter. "It's alright," she whispered. "He doesn't understand us girls. Mommy's gonna teach you to sing better than the rest of 'em."
"Josh," Mari said softly, "sit down."
Josh's expression went serious. "What happened?"
"Nothing, just...sit down, alright?"
Josh handed Logan to Matt and sat down.
"Jack wants to file for adoption," Mari said slowly.
"That's wonderful," Josh smiled.
"For Violet," Mari finished, her eyes troubled. "He wants to take full custody of her."
Josh's jaw dropped. "Alright," he nodded. "It's what's best for her."
"Are you okay?" Mari asked softly, slipping her hand into his. "Look at me and tell me you're completely fine with this."
"I'm fine with this," Josh smiled.
"It's going to be so quiet," Mari sighed, sitting on the opposite side of the couch.
"Yeah," Josh nodded.
Mari tried to choke back tears. "And...and it'll be just us again. Just like we wanted."
"Right," Josh smiled. "Just like we wanted."
Author's Note: The picture to follow shows Logan and Charlotte.
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