Chapter 2
~Anissa's POV~
I put the last of my pictures into the large, cardboard box on my bed, and shut it. It was a quarter after 9:00, and it was a school night, so I probably should had been in bed by now. But with so little time to pack everything, the less of rest I got. How could I face my friends tomorrow? There was absolutely no way I could tell them I was moving. Zach was going to be heartbroken, and Jacob? He was my first friend ever. Saying goodbye was never fun. I switched off the light, and crawled into bed. Tomorrow was going to be hard enough without getting a good night of sleep. Not that there was any chance of that happening.
When I woke up, the pounding of rain hitting my window was the first thing I heard. "Great, what a beautiful day to accompany my last day at Copper Cove." I muttered, throwing the blankets aside, and walking to my closet. All that hung there was the outfit I picked out for today, and a single pair of shoes. When I was done getting ready, I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs for a quick breakfast.
"How are you feeling, Anissa?" My mom asked from the opposite side of the table. I looked up at my mom, her words pulling me out of my revory.
"Oh, um, fine I guess." I lied. All I could think was how everyone would react when I told them the news. I picked up my fork and tried to eat, but I couldn't work up the energy. So I just stared at my eggs, lost in thought.
"Anissa, honey. You have to eat," My mom said, putting her hand on my shoulder.
"I don't want to. I'm worried about what I'm going to say to my friends today," I responded, sighing into my food.
"Well, how about I make you a strawberry and kiwi smoothie," My mom suggested, winking at me. That brought a smile to my face.
"Yes, please, Mom!" I responded, a bit more happier than I was moments before.
"Okay, I'm on it," She chuckled, kissing the top of my head.
I walked in through the front double doors of Copper Cove High, sipping my smoothie, when I saw Jacob at his locker.
Oh boy, here we go. I thought as I made my way to my childhood friend.
"Hey Anissa! What's up?" Jacob said, smiling at me.
"Hey, Jake," I responded, sighing. Jacob looked at me, worry in his grey eyes.
"Is everything alright, Ani? Are you okay?" He asked me, looking into my usually bright amber eyes, but now they were dim, and lifeless. I shook my head, my hair falling in front of my face.
"No, I need to talk to you," I said, tears threatening to spill onto my cheeks.
"Okay, do you want to walk anywhere?" Jacob ask, putting his arm around my shoulders. I nodded my head, afraid to speak in case the tears started falling.
We walked in silence until we came to an empty space in the hall where only a trickle of students were coming and going. I thought and thought about how I could tell him, but nothing came. Jake stared at me, concerned. "Anissa, what's going on? You're scaring me now."
I didn't want to scare him. I didn't want to tell him. Except, there was no getting around this. "Jake," I began, struggling to speak properly, "There's something I need to talk to you about." It was clear that Jacob was worried.
"Uh, yeah, anything." He answered.
"Hypothetically, if one of the people in our group was moving, how would you react? You know, hypothetically."
He raised an eyebrow questioningly. "I'd be sad, obviously. Thankfully none of us are moving anytime soon." His face started getting it's normal color back.
Jacob beamed over at me ."Hey, Maya told me the funniest joke earlier."
"Jake, I'm moving Saturday," I blurted. He froze, gazing over at me open mouthed. "There's no way you are," he said. I hung my head.
"There's no way she's not what?" Zack's voice came from behind Jacob. I glanced up then to see him coming around a corner. Jacob looked at me, with a sad and shocked expression.
No, not Zack! It had to be him, didn't it?
"I'll talk to you later guys," I said. I turned around as the tears started to fall. I heard someone call my name, but I didn't turn around to see who it was, I just kept walking, looking at the ground, watching as my tears fell onto the dark, grey carpet of the hallway. I then heard heavy footsteps coming up behind me, as if someone was running.
Can't they just leave me alone?!
"Anissa, baby, what's wrong? What was Jacob talking about?" I heard Zack ask me from behind. I turned around and faced him.
"I'm moving, Zack. I'm moving to Nashville," I said as he took my hand and pulled me closer.
"Aw, Ani, I'm so sorry!" Zack responded, wiping the tears from my eyes. "Look at me, baby." He lifted up my head and made me stare into his eyes. His olive green eyes that I'd never see again after today. He leaned his face closer to mine and whispered, "I'll love you, no matter what," And with that, he kissed me with the most compassion he had ever had since our first date. I pulled away after a couple seconds and I looked into his beautiful eyes and smiled for the second time today. But that smile soon faded.
"Zack, please," I begged.
"Please, what?" Zack asked, confused as he pulled away.
"Please don't take this the wrong way," I continued slowly.
"What do you mean, baby?"
"We need to break up," I started, looking into the eyes of the person that I fell in love with just a year ago.
"Anissa-," Zack pleaded, trying to pull me closer.
"No," I told him as I backed away. "Please, just let me be, okay?" I walked away with tears spilling out of my eyes and down my face.
Just a couple more hours at this school and I'd be gone.
~Joey's POV~
The guys and I were walking down the hall, after school on our way to the park to shoot some hoops, when Spencer suddenly stopped. "Hey, what's that?" He asked, pointing at a slightly open door.
"Oh, that's just the Choir room. Don't go in there," Chad said, looking at me and Spencer specifically.
I stared back at him. "Why are you staring at me?" Chad ignored me, and started to walk forward. I thought he was going to try to put me in another headlock, so I swirled around and dashed into the classroom. It was completely empty, except for the instruments and sheet music strewn all around. I noticed a piano that was leaned up against the far wall, and violins, cellos, drums, and bases, were scattered on the floor. I saw Spencer pick up a cello, and pluck the string.
"How do people play the cello, or any string instrument at that. It seems hard," he exclaimed, examining the instrument in his hand. I heard Caleb and Chad shuffle into the room, with Alan close behind. "Don't you play piano, Joe?" Alan asked me.
"Yeah, I'm okay at it," I replied with a tiny smirk. Chad nudged me closer to the piano.
"Show off your skills, man!" I took a tentative step forward. The rest of the guys cheered me on, as I approached the piano. I ran a hand over its sleek, black surface. My eyes grazed over the black and white keys of the string instrument. I sat down, flexing my fingers. I did a quick scale to warm up, then a few chords. I flipped through the sheet music spread out in front of me, in search of something good to play. I couldn't find anything challenging enough for my taste, and decided on just doing my own thing.
"Play Payphone," Alan called out. I obeyed, and started to play Payphone, when Chad said.
"No, play Wide Awake." I smoothly switched to the popular Katy Perry song With no effort.
"Play Starships," Caleb shouted, nearly shoving me off the piano bench in excitement. Once more, I changed the song I was playing.
"Call me maybe!" Spencer added. Caleb looked at him in disgust.
"No thank you, bro!"
"The song, idiot." At this point I was tired of alternating midway between pieces, so I combined all four songs together. Out of nowhere Alan began to sing Call me Maybe, while Chad harmonized in the background with Payphone. Caleb picked up where Chad left off and started singing a verse from Payphone too.
"Whoa, you actually aren't half bad," Spencer joked. They ignored him, and continued singing. They seemed like they were having so much fun, so I joined in by singing the chorus of Call me Maybe. Chad took over then and sung the chorus of Payphone.
"Dang, Chad! Back at it again with the chorus of Payphone," Spencer commented. As Chad sang that, the rest of us accompanied him with harmonics. Caleb broke away at one point, to sing Wide Awake. I jumped back in, and helped Caleb finish off the following verse. Chad, Alan, and Spencer became background singers, while Caleb and I split the song in half, and sang two different parts of it.
Now it was finally Caleb's moment. He switched to Starships with Chad. Alan weaving in and out every other lyric. Without even meaning too, we all finished off our little sing fest with Tonight. Which, we all sounded great together.
Alan creatively ended it by saying. "Call me maybe at a payphone wide awake and standing on a starship waiting while we're young, tonight." I lifted my hands from the keys, and glanced at the four of my best friends.
"What are you guys doing?" someone said from the doorway. We all jumped in surprise. I saw that it was Essence Lynton, Spencer's girlfriend. I turned my face away, hoping she wouldn't notice me sitting at the piano.
"What're you doing here?" Spencer asked her, going over to her side and giving her a hug.
"Yeah, Lyton, whatcha doing here?" She rolled her eyes at Chad. Essence was really pretty with her dirty blond hair, and with blue eyes that resembled the color of the cornflower flower, which sparkled every time she talked. When Spencer and her stood beside one another, she was at least 8 inches shorter than him. So when she was standing, her head reached up to the middle of Spencer's chest.
"I was trying to find Spencer, when I heard some music coming from here and decided to investigate." she answered, peering around Spencer's arm. "Joey, what are you doing?" Essence chuckled, spotting me trying to hide behind a binder.
"Um, not playing the piano," I replied nervously, getting up quickly and running out of the room.
Seriously, why was I so awkward at times?
~Zack's POV~
I watched the love of my life slip out of my reach as she hurried down the hallway, pushing past students to get away from me. I was heartbroken. I stood there, in the middle of the hall, students parting like fish to avoid bumping into me. I was still thinking about her last words, 'Please, just let me be, okay?'. I shook my head as I tried to get her tear-stained face out of mind. Jacob came up behind me and lightly put his hand on my shoulder.
"I'm so sorry. The news was crushing for me, I can't imagine what it must've been like for you," he said, sadly.
"Yea," was all I could manage to say at that moment, still looking in the direction of where Anissa had disappeared into the crowd.
What's up everybody? Corinna and my friend here, back with another chapter!! Hope you all like the little drama that went on!! See all you beautiful people next time!! BAIII
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