Chapter 1
~Anissa's POV~
I was walking down the halls of my high school, Copper Cove High School, with my three best friends in the whole world, Maya Emerson, Jacob Dean, and Clover Banner. The bell for lunch just rang, and we were making our way to the cafeteria. All around us people were at their lockers, getting their books, socializing, rushing to get to their next class on time. When we reached the lunchroom, Maya and I headed towards a nearly empty table close to the center of the room, and Clover and Jacob get in line for food. This was the usual routine. Maya and I would get a table, while the other two would get the four of us food, then they'd come and sit down when they were done. They didn't even have to ask what we wanted, they just automatically knew. That's how close we all were. It all started with Jacob and me. We met each other when we were 3, because we were next door neighbors. My mom would always take me over to his house to play with him. Around the time we were six, Maya had come to town from Ohio, and we quickly bonded over not liking the pigtales our moms made us wear. Clover was the last to join us. When we were about 10, Clover arrived with a foster family that moved here after a family tragedy that Clover would rather not talk about. We never pushed for any information, allowing Clover to talk about it only if she wanted to. When Clover and Jacob arrived at the table, we started talking about school.
"So Clove, how are your finals for this semester?" Jacob asked, while shoving noodles into his mouth.
"Ugh! Don't remind me, Jake!" Clover complained, rolling her eyes at him.
"Haha, come on Clover! They can't be that bad!" I said in response.
"Oh! You're just saying that because you're smart, aren't you?" Clover teased. I put my hand to my chest, with a look of pretend hurt on my face. Which made the others burst out laughing.
"What are you guys laughing at?"
I turned around to see my boyfriend, Zackary Durant, standing behind me with a confused look on his face. Zach had straight, dark brown hair that fell over his forehead. He pushed his hair from his eyes and stared at me. I loved his eyes. They were such a beautiful olive green.
"Haha, just laughing at your girlfriend, Zack," Maya stated, in between laughs.
"What? My girlfriend? No." He said, with a slight grin on his face, revealing the dimples on his cheeks.
"Yes," Maya retorted playfully.
"What did you do this time, Ani?" Zack asked me, chuckling.
"I didn't do anything! I swear!" I defended myself, holding up my hands in mock surrender.
When Clover was going to interject, the bell rang to go to our next class.
"Well, see you guys tomorrow!" Jacob said as he stood up and threw away his trash.
We all said our goodbyes as we followed the mix of 14-18 year olds into the maze of hallways.
I had arrived home from school. "Mom, I'm home," I called out to her, as I passed the kitchen. "Okay," she said. I went up to my room, and began working on my homework. I didn't mind doing homework, it was just math that I always had problems with. Eventually, I got all of it done, and my mom was calling me downstairs for dinner. "Anissa, can you come eat?" My mom asked me. I got up from my desk, and went to have dinner with my family. My dad had come home from work, and was sitting at the table, reading a newspaper. "Hey, Dad, how was work?" I asked him, trying to make conversation. He smiled at me. It was "Tiring." My mom placed a plate of spaghetti in front of me. I picked up my fork and started to eat. My parents weren't talking much throughout the dinner, causing me to wonder if something was wrong. "How was school today?" My mom asked, while she collected the dirty plates, and put them in the sink. "Fine, It's the last day of finals tomorrow, so Clover's psyched about that." My dad and mom laughed. I helped clear off the table, and made to go back up to my room. "Anissa, honey, can you wait a second?" I glanced over at my mom curiously. I retook my seat across my father and waited patiently. They exchanged nervous glances with each other before my dad spoke up.
"Your mom has gotten a promotion at work," he began.
"That's awesome!" I exclaimed, "Is that it?" He shook his head.
"No, the promotion is going to have to make your mom move offices." I wasn't really sure what they were getting at. They made this news sound like something horrible for me.
"Okay, where's her office now? Third floor, fourth floor?"
"More like Nashville." My mom replied. The room fell silent as I gazed at them disbelieved. There was no way I had heard correctly.
"N-N-Nashville? You mean, we're moving?" I asked, tripping over my words. My mom nodded her head.
"I'm really sorry, Anissa." Was all that she said. Something inside of me had broken. All that I ever knew, everyone I had ever talked to, lived here. Now I had to leave them behind? What about Jacob, and Clover, and Maya. What about Zack? I sat there for a moment, not talking, not blinking, completely unable to do anything.
"When are we leaving?" I asked in a small, shaky voice, when I finally could speak once more. My mom forced a tiny grin.
"Saturday." I racked my brain to remember what day it was... "That's in three days," I pointed out. My dad nodded his head.
"You should probably get packing, kiddo." I got up from the table slowly, and walked to the stairs leading to my room. I felt like I was in a dream. In 96 hours tops, I'd be in a different room, at a different house, going to a different school with no Zach, no Jacob, no Clover, and no Maya.
~Caleb's POV~
Holy Oaks High School. A dream to some and a nightmare to others. To me, it's in between. Some days it's a nightmare. Tests and assignments, lunch food and crowds. But most of the time, it's a dream. Friends and companions, clubs and activities.
"Hey Joe!" I said to one of my best friends, Joseph Stamper, as I walked in through the big doors at the front of the school.
"Hey! What up man?" He responded, holding out his hand for a high-five. I smacked his hand a bit too hard and Joey pulled his hand to his chest.
"Jeez, you didn't have to hit that hard!" Joey whined, looking at his now red hand. Laughter came from behind us, and we turned our heads to see Chad and Spencer leaning up against a nearby wall.
"Why are you such a weakling, Joey?" Chad teased, pushing himself off the wall and walking toward us, with Spencer trailing behind.
"Just because you're older and taller than me, doesn't mean you get to pick on me, Chad!" Joey complained, squaring up to Chad.
"I'll show you," Chad grumbled, while grabbing Joey into a headlock and rubbing his knuckles on his head.
"Hey now, no need for fighting, boys," chuckled a deep voice from behind me. I turned around to see Alan Powell, the oldest and second tallest one of our group. With his girlfriend, Ally Rose, at his side. I looked over to see Joey failing at trying to fix his hair.
"Here, Joey, let me help you," Ally said, chuckling. She reached up her hands and started to style his hair. Ally was adorable. She was a bit shorter than me. Ally had short brown hair with some blonde streaks in it that reaches just below her shoulders. She had eyes that were a light blue, almost grey color. And a cute smile to top it all off.
"Haha, come on guys, let's get to class. I already have two tardies," Spencer stated, smiling.
"Well, that sounds like a 'you' problem." I replied back, walking toward the stairs leading to the second level. I started walking up the steps to my class when I heard someone shout my name.
"Hey Caleb! Wait up!" I turned around and saw my girlfriend, Mystic Rein, running towards me. She looked beautiful with her long curly, dark brown hair, which was pulled into a french braid that went down to the middle of her back. And her tan skin shining in the sunlight, which was pouring in from the windows in the Commons Area.
"What's up, Babe?" I asked, kissing her cheek.
"Oh, just stressed about my last 2 finals today, what about you?" She sighed, smiling at me.
"Ugh, me too! Do you want me to walk with you to your class?" I asked her, embracing her.
"Only if you want to," She told me, walking in the direction of her class. I started walking faster to catch up to her. I grabbed a hold of her hand, kissed her, and walked with her through the crowds of adolescents.
Hey guys, Corinna here!! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my first fanfic ever!! And I had some help from my friend, because I couldn't have done all of this by myself!! So thank you!! See all of you beautiful people later!! BAI!!!! 😘🤗
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