Chapter 8
Loki beamed when you agreed to move in. The look only remained for a moment, but he seemed so open and relaxed in that moment when a childish grin plastered his face. He was relieved that you were moving in, that his soulmate would be safe. His expression quickly schooled from that childish grin to a more subdued look of relief. "Good," he said and stood. "Shall we?" He asked and offered you his hand.
You placed your hand in his automatically, though you didn't know what he meant. "Shall we what?" You asked as you let him haul you to your feet.
"We must go collect your belongings," Loki informed you as if that were obvious. He glanced over at Stark. "You will deal with the tedious Midgardian moving customs, Anthony?" He was being extra polite to the billionaire. Which was only natural when he was asking a favor from Tony.
Tony nodded. "Yeah, of course, standard getting out of your lease, right?" He asked you.
You nodded, shocked by how fast this was moving. "Yeah, my lease isn't up for months," you agreed, not really wanting to pay for months of an apartment lease that you weren't going to use.
"Jarvis? Get on it, would you?" Tony asked the AI. You knew of the AI, knew it controlled the tower and most of the back end of Stark's company. You'd had yet to see it in action.
"Yes, sir," Jarvis replied automatically.
Loki nodded his thanks to Stark, then looked to you. "Come, drotning. We will go collect your belongings while Stark sorts out the boring details," he told you warmly and squeezed your hand. He was clearly intending on escorting you to pack you things and help you move them. Today. That was going to be a lot of work
"Loki, do we have to define 'house arrest' for you again?" Tony asked, clearly begging to be defenestrated again. Antagonizing Loki didn't seem like the best idea.
"I will accompany him," Thor spoke up quickly to diffuse the situation. Loki had already started to puff up like an indignant cat next to you. He clearly didn't like being on house arrest. Not that you blamed him, but you definitely needed more information on this point later.
You had plenty of time and there was no reason to upset him.
But your list of things to ask Loki was getting rather long.
Loki huffed. "Very well. We will take the oaf with us. Does that appease the terms of your idiotic 'house arrest'?" He grumbled, directing his grumbles at Stark and Cap. Apparently they were the ones who had decided he needed to be on house arrest.
Stark clearly wanted to say something snarky, but got elbowed hard in the ribs by Nat. Cap nodded. "Yes, you can go with Thor," he agreed.
"The moving people will be there soon," Tony agreed. You wondered how he had your address, but that was probably easy enough to find out with Jarvis the second he'd had your name. Or a face scan. Who knew?
It was only a couple minutes later when you and Nat were in the front seat of an SUV with the Asgardians in the back, driving to your apartment. Nat had insisted on driving since the Asgardians hadn't learned yet. It was faster than walking and a better solution than taking public transit, so you'd accepted her offer.
You texted Soph while Nat drove, promising to call her later and explain things properly, but that yes, Loki was your soulmate. That was still something you were getting used to. So was Loki. You felt it in how he didn't want to be out of your presence now that he'd finally found you. You understood that he'd been looking for his soulmate for centuries.
You arrived at your apartment and headed inside. You weren't sure how you were going to pack anything when you didn't have supplies to do so. Especially since all four of you could barely fit in your apartment.
Loki looked over your apartment. It was by no means clean, though you tried. It was hard when it was so small. You saw his disapproval at the small space. "You deserve so much better, drotning," he informed you. "And you will have it at the tower,"
You tilted your head. "I deserve better? On what grounds?" You asked. You were just like any of the other 7 billion humans on this Earth. You didn't think there was anything special about you. You hadn't made any great accomplishments. You weren't rich, famous, or had super powers. Well... not until that day.
Loki just gave you an incredulous look. "Because you are my soulmate," he said as if that were the most obvious conclusion in the world. You deserved the absolute best because you were Loki's soulmate. No other reason necessary.
Loki summoned boxes so you could box up the things you wanted to take with you immediately. After the essentials were packed away, he vanished them with more magic, seeming unconcerned about the power he was using to help you. Stark's moving men came and boxed up the rest of your things. Your furniture was all going to storage, paid for by Stark. You didn't mind, you were being provided nicer things in the tower. You had them take some of your stuff to storage as well as you wouldn't need it all where you were going. Handmedown kitchen appliances weren't necessary when you were going to be living in a place with a state of the art kitchen.
Soon, your apartment was empty, all the boxes taken away to either storage or the tower. It took a surprisingly short amount of time. Nat had taken inventory of your clothes while you were packing and said a shopping trip was in order soon. Apparently, you needed nice things for Tony's parties and press conferences.
It was a whole lot to take in at once and you weren't sure you had the brain cells left to cope without panicking.
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