Chapter 5
You stared up at Loki in shock. No... he couldn't be right... This had to be some crazy amazing dream. You desperately hoped it wasn't a crazy dream. You wanted this to be real. You wanted it to be real that you'd found your soulmate. That you suddenly had magic. That your soulmate was a hot as fuck Asgardian god.
You wanted all of this to be real.
"I... have magic?" You managed to blurt out. "I can't have magic. I've never-?" You protested. You'd never had any form of magic before and you'd never heard of anyone getting anything that major when the soulmate bond activated. The most you'd heard of was the ability to speak each others' native languages.
Loki chuckled. "Look around you, drotning," he said fondly, gently, kindly. There was mischief and fun in his voice as well.
You blinked and looked around as he said and gasped. Around you, couch cushions, a remote, a Jarvis-screened tablet, and other odds and ends were floating, dancing in the air with green magic. "I'm doing that?" You asked softly as you looked at the various items.
"Yes, drotning," Loki replied. "You gained Asgardian magic through the soulmate bond," his smirk grew. "As well as the ability to speak Asgardian, possibly Allspeak," you tilted your head at those words and finally realized that he hadn't been speaking in English. But you'd understood him clearly. That, at least was normal with the soulmate bond. Magic? Magic was new.
You stared at the floating objects in awe. "How-?" You started trying to ask more questions, but got interrupted by someone else coming into the room.
Loki chuckled. "How about we start with an easier question: what is your name, drotning?" He asked you gently.
You blushed when you realized that you hadn't told him yet. Too much had happened in such a short amount of time. "Sorry," you said sheepishly. "My name is y/n,"
Loki smiled. "A pleasure to meet you, drotning," he said with a smirk.
You tilted your head and looked at him curiously. "That word isn't translating. What does it mean?" You asked. You were both still ignoring the things floating around you, though they were dancing less erratically in the air as you calmed. That was likely Loki's strategy instead of scaring you with heavy magic lessons now, to let you calm down and accept everything going on.
"It can be translated as 'darling'," Loki replied, though you heard the missing information in his words. There were other meanings as well. Though you accepted the first meaning for now. Loki was your soulmate, there was plenty of time to grill him for more information later.
"And you said you put a spell on your soulmate tattoo?" You asked, curious. He had mentioned that in the theater.
He inclined his head and you saw a slight purple tint to his cheeks. "I'll..." he shook his head. "You'll understand why once Thor gets here," he promised. He wasn't quite ready to spill that secret yet. You nodded, accepting that for now. Thor would be on his way back to the tower as soon as he dealt with the mess at the movie theater.
You noticed as you were talking to Loki that the things around you finally stopped floating.
Loki gave you a proud smile when he saw that you noticed. "Well done, drotning," he said fondly. You saw the gears turning in his mind, plans and plots already forming. You guessed that he wanted to teach you to use magic now that you had it. At least, that was the obvious conclusion.
You couldn't help your blush at the praise, from a god nonetheless. Butterflies took up residence in your stomach as something lower also responded to that praise, to the seductive purr in his voice. Was he even aware his voice did that, or was it just a natural thing?
That was neither here nor there and your thoughts and conversation were interrupted again, this time by the elevator dinging. You both turned your attention to the elevator as the doors opened. You noted that Loki's posture had turned defensive and he suddenly had a dagger in his hand.
He visibly relaxed when he saw that it was Thor stepping out of the elevator, carrying your purse, which made Loki snicker. "That was not very kind, brother," Thor scolded Loki as he approached. He handed you your purse and turned his attention to you while you cuddled it close like it was a plushie. You were overwhelmed and trying not to let it show. But you were in the presence of not one, but two Norse gods. You felt being a bit overwhelmed was to be expected. Thor gave you a kind smile. "Congratulations, lady, brother," he told the pair of you. "A completed soulbond is a wonderful thing," he glanced at his own arm and you saw a line of text in runes there. The words on Loki's arm were clearly in English. No wonder he'd cast a spell on them. He'd probably thought it the only way to find his soulmate.
Loki stiffened a little and you sensed tension between the brothers. "Thank you, brother," he said softly, clearly trying to be kind to Thor.
Thor smiled at you. "The situation at the theater is handled. Lady Sophie requests that you contact her via mobile phone when you are able," he said brightly, proud of himself for delivering the message. You nodded your agreement a little dumbfounded.
You turned at footsteps coming into the room. "Hey, Reindeer Games, what's with this PR mess at the movie theater? You've only been here two days, aren't you supposed to be on your best behavior? And house arrest?" The voice belonged to none other than the Tony Stark. "Who's the girl?" He added when he saw you.
Loki stood and suddenly his gentle, caring, and princely demeanor was gone. He was dark and protective and moved closer to you. "Thor has dealt with the mortals. And this is my soulmate, Lady Y/N. Who you will treat with respect," he glowered at Stark.
Tony just stared at you, then to Loki. "You have a soulmate?"
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