Graduation, 2011, Washington U. (Not a real place to my knowledge)
Black hats scattered the floor and the five make their way to the doors, most students have left but these five were different. As they walked around the empty hall reminiscent of the stories they will always remember but will never be able to tell. The stories no one will understand and you can't get through without laughing.
"Adam!" Jess yelled, he walked over and tripped onto her lap. Shelby fell to the floor laughing, almost like she took a crazy pill. Max spat his water onto Ross which made Shelby laugh more, Jess was red a tomato but not because she liked him but because well...
They didn't speak as they walked down the timid hallway. Only the clicking of heals and subtle breathing could be heard. If you saw them it was almost like a scene from a movie. Fresh evening air circled through the University halls, sunset shimmers through the windows hitting the group perfectly. They walk perfectly, unpracticed but just right. Aphmau and Shelby tightly hold eachothers hands, Adam linked with Jess. To Shelbys other side, Max has a arm around her shoulder and one around Ross. It wasn't always thing way, they used to be pretty shy the first time they walked this hallway.
Jess stood with her bag slung around her shoulder waiting. Where the hell were they? She whipped out her phone and dialed her best friend. "Shelby where are you?" She said, a giggle came from the phone. "Turn around" she replied, jess spun on her heel. There, walking towards her was Shelby, her short hair barley long enough to be pulled back walking towards her with a smile. Behind her Max, no beard baby face and Ross, enough said. "Dumb and dumber where's stupid?" She asks, she moves her bangs to the side and tucks some of her short hair behind her ear. "I assume that means me?" She hears from behind her. Adams smiles, his curly brown hair needed to be cut. "Can we go inside now?!" Jess asked anxiously. They nodded entering the busy University"
The five walked out the doors, the sun is setting over the lake. "Well what now?" Jess asks, she looks to her five friends. "I vote we become rommies" Ross pipes up. "I'm in" Max says. "Sounds kinda fun" Shelby agrees. "Let's do it!" Adam chirps happily. "Jessie? You in?" Shelby asks....
Now these are the stories that make the person telling them, laugh, cry, smile before the person hearing it. Also, Jess, as weird as it sounds was the logical one. So why in her right mind would make her decided to live with her best friend and three other idiots? Like these stories all we can say is...
You Had To Be There
Hope you enjoyed then prologue for "You Had To Be There".
There probably will be little to no ships or relationships in this book unless you really want it.
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