YGMHP~Chapter 15 - My Knife, Your Throat
Standing alone in the corridor -something Remus would have to get used to from now on, since leaving the Marauders- he stared at sign on the wall, his face falling. He hadn't spoken to either one of the boys since yesterday. He'd retired to the dormitory late last night, and found Sirius and Peter asleep, though Sirius' laboured breathing appeared awfully suspicious. When he had awoken in the morning, the dormitory was empty, no Sirius or Peter to be found. He told himself to be thankful that they were keeping out of his way, yet instead he felt a little...hurt.
"The Remus Lupin replacement auditions," he read aloud, following the arrow with his eyes. It leaded to the Head Tower, from what he guessed. Somehow, he assumed James and Lily would not be too pleased about that...
"How does it feel?"
Edgy -something Remus was a lot lately, due to the loss of his companions- he peeked behind his shoulder, spotting Georgina eyeing him with benevolence on her features, while she clasped her hands behind her back. Rather startled, Remus was at a loss of words on what to say, both confused about the actual question and why she was talking to him. He and Georgina didn't normally converse; in fact, they had never talked once in Hogwarts. It hadn't been out of rudeness, just the fact that they had never gotten an opportunity, being in separate houses and with opposite personas.
"Uh...I, um," he scratched his head, "er, hello Hot Georgina-" His eyes widened, realizing in horror what he had just called her. "Oh God, I mean, Georgie...I mean, Guh...Geor...hello," he ended awkwardly, made a small wave, and hid his face in his hands.
"Wow..." She nodded, impressed, but at the same time slightly gaping. "I don't think I've ever made anyone more uncomfortable."
"Trust me; it's not you. I'm a very awkward person."
Georgina strained a smile, before stepping in line with him, examining the sign on the wall. "So...how does it feel?" she tried the question again.
Remus held shifty eyes, still uncomfortable about the whole situation. "Erm...how does what feel?" he questioned.
Georgina tilted her head to the sign, looking sympathetic. "Being replaced," she said.
"You've been talking to Sirius, haven't you?"
She chose her next words carefully. "You could say that."
Remus sighed; dejectedly, Georgina noticed. "Well...I can't say I'm not surprised that they're substituting me...It was probably Sirius' idea...he always does mad stuff like that..." His gaze came across someone passing in the corridor; a boy in a sweater vest, holding a dictionary, a bar of chocolate, and reading glasses. Frowning, Remus put two and two together, watching the boy retreat down the corridor. "I really come across as that kind of person?" he said in disbelief, not addressing Georgina, but more himself. "I'm the bloke with the dictionary who likes chocolate?"
"I don't know you well enough to say you are that bloke," Georgina admitted. "You're a very mysterious person." Remus didn't know whether to take this as a compliment or not. "I don't think anyone knows anything about you beside the Marauders."
Remus was about to voice something, but held back, biting on his lip.
"You were about to say something but you held back," Georgina pointed out knowingly. "I think you do that a lot. Hold back from what's on your mind, I mean."
"I think it's all for the best, really," he blurted out with newfound assurance, "Me being out of the Marauders. I don't think...I don't think I really ever fitted in properly."
"You're speaking in past tense already?" Georgina enquired, looking sad.
"Sometimes I just felt like I was holding them back." Remus stared at the sign, as though it held all the answers. "You know, the guys would always be up for everything - Sirius and James more, of course. But Peter would always power off their energy. They'd always be up for pranks with such enthusiasm I just couldn't grasp. From time to time I'd get into the prank, secretly enjoying the feeling of being, well, alive; rebellious. But other times...I'd just feel like I was holding them back. Like I was the one always nagging them with the dangers, the faults of the prank, telling them not to do it or they'd get into trouble..." Remus heaved a sigh. "I hated myself for being like that, the spoilsport."
"I'm sure you weren't," Georgina sympathized.
"Sirius always tried to loosen me up." A smile crept on Remus' lips. He hadn't realized how much he had said and the way his words were being spilled so easily - in Georgina's company, of all people. "Much emphasis on the word 'tried'. My association with him, James and Peter, always confused me to no end. I just wasn't used to such male boding, to be honest. It probably has something to do with the way I was brought up. I'd gotten into the routine of being alone. I don't understand why they ever chose me to join the Marauders in the first place."
Georgina couldn't stand basking in his low self esteem any longer. "Probably because you're a good person," she stressed, gripping a hand softly to his shoulder. Remus instantly flinched away from her. He noted Georgina's slightly upset face, and he quickly apologized. "Sorry." He reddened.
She shook her head. "Don't worry about it," she said understandingly. "Do you," she paused, trying to find the right words, "Do you want to hang around with me for a bit?"
"What?" Remus stared at her blankly.
"Well, you're not hanging around with anyone else now, right?" She cringed, trying not to sound rude. "I can tell the boys were all you had for friends-"
"I have other friends!" Remus insisted, flustered.
"Oh, sorry," Georgina looked genuinely apologetic, "Um...who out of curiosity?"
Remus swallowed. Silently, he searched his brain for a random name. "M-...Ma...Martha!" he answered finally.
"Martha?" Georgina repeated. By now, she had seen through the act. "What house is she in?"
Remus mentally smacked himself.
"Ragrylytherin?" Georgina nodded. "I was unaware that house even existed."
"Har har." Remus shot her a scathing look, though in jest.
"So how about it?" Georgina questioned, hope evident on her face. "You can hang out with me, only if you want, though. Just for a bit, I mean, until all this mess is over."
Out of the corner of his eye, Remus studied the girl. She was quite something else. He had to admit, her unmistakable beauty intimidated her. He was used to hanging around with beautiful people though; Sirius and James were prime examples. This girl, however, was something quite different. He watched her as she tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear, looking at him strangely with the most profound hazel eyes. Then, he remembered: Sirius -as much as he wouldn't like to admit- was rather fond of her. When Sirius was fond of things you had to stay away.
"I...I don't think I can," Remus answered uneasily, making a lame shrug of the shoulders.
"Oh..." Georgina hadn't expected that answer, her shoulders slumping. "I know!" All of a sudden, she became animated again. Remus smiled inwardly at her behavior; it came across as though she didn't like being unhappy for long. "I'll be your substitute Sirius!" She linked arms with him, where he squeaked, startled by such contact. "Please?"
Though Remus really wanted to say no, he felt powerless to his sensible thoughts, and answered with a hoarse and unsure, "Yes?" Before he could unpeel her off him, she had dragged him down the corridor, grinning like a Cheshire cat.
Another day, another lesson of Potions, except today, Lily's seating plan had been changed due to a peculiar conversation with James yesterday:
"You want me to what?" Lily had said, looking rather flushed from 'studying' which, surprisingly, involved less of the reading and more of the canoodling kind.
James messed up his hair when he replied, "Well, I was talking to Sirius earlier and-"
"You were talking to Sirius?" Lily repeated slowly. Much to James' disappointment, she placed her hands on her hips. "I thought you were supposed to be murdering him for practically taking over our Head Tower for this entire morning?"
"Yeah...not much of the murdering happened, more of the hugging sort."
"That's lovely you're rekindling your friendship with Sirius!" Lily said dryly, rolling her eyes. "Honestly, my boyfriend has bum chums..."
"Your muttering isn't low enough, orange peel."
Lily cringed and mumbled an apology.
James played with his hands in his lap. "Lily, just hear me out, alright?" She nodded. "It's become quite evident lately that you and Sirius don't really get along."
"Give the boy a medal..."
"Again, orange peel, though my eyesight might be a little deficient, I can hear your mutterings."
Again, Lily cringed, and squeezed his hand in apology.
"I think -and this is just a silly theory- the reason you and Sirius don't get along is because-"
"He's an arse?"
"Er...no. Because--"
"He has man boobs?"
"Uh, not that I'm aware of...But, er, no, I think it's because-"
"He one day thinks he will become Muggle Prime minister?"
"Well, er, yes, he did mention that certain ambition to me when he was sloshed once, but-"
"Because he believes the world will be taken over by apes in the next eight years?"
"Again, another true belief of Sirius Black, but I'm not interested in discussing his values," James said gently, and held her hands in his, "I think you don't get along because, basically, you don't know a lot about one another. Come to think of it, I don't think either of you would speak to one another in your life if it wasn't for...well...me." He ended on a grin, a rather haughty one. Lily didn't look very amused.
"People who get to know each other better spend more time in each other's company, right?" James continued.
Slowly, Lily nodded. "Mmhmm," she confirmed apprehensively.
"So, you and Sirius should hang out more!"
Lily tried to hide the panicked look behind her eyes. "But I do enough of that when I hang around with you and the boys," she said, forcing laughter and nudging him in an attempted playful manner.
"Only because you have to," James pointed out. "I think you two should spend quality time alone."
Lily didn't understand. "But...we're not a pair of rare pandas that need to mate in an enclosed area," she started, but James had merely laughed, thinking she had cracked a joke.
"I was thinking, tomorrow you and Sirius could spend a day together-"
"A DAY?"
James flinched at such a reaction, and wiggled a finger in his ear because of such a high shrilled shriek. "Um, did I say a day? I mean, a few hours-"
Again, James jumped at her response. "Okay, then...an hour?" he suggested instead. "And then we'll see how it goes!" he said, rather enthusiastically.
Lily smiled weakly, in her head going through the options of getting out of this 'quality time with Sirius' idea James had conjured. Unfortunately, Lily could think of no escape, and was rather distracted by James kissing her neck. She wobbled at the knees, and mumbled a childlike, "Do I have to?"
"Lily, I'm giving up pranks for you for a week. The least you can do is do this for me."
An even more miserable look graced Lily's features. The feeling of guilt wasn't something she liked on her conscience, and she was getting a lot of lately, due to her lying about the Half Blood Prince's letters...
Heaving a sigh, she agreed, "Alright..."
And here she was now; sitting uncomfortably on her stool, drumming her fingers uneasily on the desk, next to one Sirius Black.
One of them wasn't going to survive this, and Lily had the distinct feeling it was going to be herself, because Sirius proved to be quite immune to many things; diseases, illnesses, heavy collisions, hay fever, sexual tension, fear, danger, that rather masculine but female Slytherin fourth year, embarrassment...
"I think this is going to be fun!" James slung an arm around Lily and Sirius' shoulders, pushing their two heads together.
"Define 'fun' for me," Sirius said, elbowing James' arm off him. "If by 'fun', you mean: SCREAMING INSIDE YOUR HEAD, then, yes," He jabbed his finger into the desk, and nodded, "This is the pinnacle of fun."
"You'll be fine," James reassured them, noticing their anxious gaze. "Honestly, you will. I order you to have fun, chat, get to know each other, and be the best of friends!"
"You can't expect us to do that in one class!" Lily said in disbelief.
"Bloody hell, James, you can't just set multiple goals; that'll just confuse us."
"Fine, then just chat," James proposed as an alternative.
Sirius nodded, brightening. "Now that I can do!" he said, putting his thumbs up. Lily did not like the look of this gesture and kept silent.
Just as James was about to take his seat next to Peter (James had discovered Remus sitting on the opposite side of the classroom, and decided had needed adefinite chat with him after class, especially with a full moon approaching that night), he halted, flinging his arms around Sirius and Lily's shoulders once more.
"No arguing, or insulting names," he warned the two. "Remember: I'm sitting right behind you." The unenthusiastic stares of Lily and Sirius made him sigh. "Come on guys, I'm doing this for everyone's benefit here. I really need you both to get along. You two are both important people in my life...Along with the person who invented chocolate spread. He spotted Professor Slughorn enter the classroom, making a few cheery "hello there's" to certain favourite Slughorn members. James gave a quick kiss to the top of Lily's head and ruffled Sirius' hair. "Have fun, kids!" He shot behind his desk.
After a brief introduction and a few anecdotes of famous wizards Slughorn had met, the lesson started, and the class got to work with setting up their equipment and getting started on the rejuvenating potion. Until then, Lily and Sirius had said nothing to one another, but luckily Lily had her friend Nicole sitting the other side of her as some means of company.
"So..." The sound of Sirius' cuts into his roots broke the tense atmosphere.
"So," Lily followed in sync, staring at him with an inquisitive look; she would not be the first to spring up a topic.
"So..." Sirius repeated. "Breasts, eh?"
Lily could definitely hear a smack of the forehead from behind her, and she stared at Sirius with the blankest expression, along with Nicole who eyed him up and down with a dirty look. "I beg your pardon?"
"Terribly sorry," Sirius reddened, looking rather awkward. "It's just...I don't normally talk to girls...well, I talk to girls...no, wait, that's flirting," he remembered. "You see, I'm not normally just friends with the female species."
"That's not surprising," Lily said low under her breath.
"Let's start again, shall we?" Sirius suggested.
"Yes," Lily agreed. She stared at him again, waiting for him to bring up a more sensible topic.
"So..." Sirius repeated, "Tits, eh?"
"Oh, my God..."
"Oh, sorry! Bollocks! Sorry, bollocks!" Sirius slammed his knife on the desk, genuinely shameful, and nearly resulting in a chopped off finger. Lily felt slightly sorry for him; obviously, in her eyes, he did not have a brain, so couldn't be blamed for his stupid behaviour.
"Why don't I just talk for the moment?" she put forward.
"Oh please God yes," Sirius answered quickly. "If I unintentionally flirt with you at some point of this conversation, it's not because I fancy you. It's natural instinct."
Lily looked rather offended at that comment, as though she was unfanciable, yet didn't elaborate. Looking for something to talk about, her sight landed on her friend Nicole, silently stirring her potion. Lily quickly linked arms with her, positioning her in front of Sirius.
"Well, since I'm getting to know James' friends better, why don't you get to know one of mine?" Lily gestured to her friend. "This is Nicole."
Sirius suddenly felt very shy. "Hullo."
Nicole looked just as timid. "Hi."
Standing in silence, Lily realized the conversation was no better bringing in her friend, who just looked ill at ease, fiddling with the sleeves of her robe.
"Er...I..." Sirius struggled for something to talk about, and came across Nicole's glasses. "So, visually impaired, eh?"
Sirius got excited for a second on that revelation. "I have a friend who's visually impaired too!"
Silence prolonged.
"You and him would probably have a lot more to talk about," Sirius realized.
"Yes," Nicole nodded, before returning back to her potion. Lily followed suit, minding her attention to measuring ingredients. Sirius, not wanting to give up, and a person who felt in physical pain if attempting to work in Potions in such silence, searched for something to chat about. His eyes landed on the elaborate knife Nicole was using to cut up roots.
"Hey, isn't that Lily's?" Sirius asked curiously. Lily followed his gaze and visibly paled.
"I gave it to her," Lily said, not looking him in the eye.
"Why?" Sirius furrowed his brow. "That makes no sense. Her name begins with a 'N' so why give her a knife which is engraved with the letter 'L'?"
"Because her middle name is Louise and I call her 'Loo' for short, alright!" Lily snapped, appearing high-strung.
"God, why would you nickname a friend after a toilet? That's just effing weird."
Lily knew her endurance was being tested, and she didn't dignify Sirius with an answer. Calmly flicking through the pages of her Potions book, she stopped when a piece of parchment fell out of the pages. Automatically thinking it was another letter from the Half Blood Prince, she seized to hide it from Sirius' or Nicole's prying eyes, until she realized something odd: there was no envelope for this letter. On closer examination, it was hardly a letter at all, just a small piece of parchment bearing only a few words. It took her only a second to read it, and she took in a breath, shivering. The note read:
My knife, your throat.
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