Chapter 7-The Peenapul Sisters
Chapter 7-The Peenapul Sisters
"Who's gonna break it to him?"
"I'm not. He's already pissed off at me."
"Well, at least wake him up."
The James Potter duplicates were currently standing over the real James Potter's bed, on a Monday morning, watching James drool as he snored. They had some bad news to inform him.
Sirius grabbed a mug from bedside table and quickly threw it over James' head.
"AAARGH!" he screamed, sitting up instantly and clutching at his face that he felt was melting.
"That was my hot coffee," Remus pointed out.
Sirius cringed. "Woops..."
"Oh, so much pain," James moaned. Using his wand, he conjured up a bag of peas and pressed them to his cheeks.
"We have a problem, Prongs." Sirius said nervously.
"You better put some glasses on," Remus advised him.
"Wha…?" James replied groggily. Blinking and rubbing his eyes, he grabbed for his glasses and put them on to view his friends. "Hey guys," he greeted, and then finally realised the scene before him. "What the hell!"
He looked at the front of his bed where three James Potters were standing over him wearing grim expressions. "Wait a minute, one...two…three...four," he pointed to each boy in turn, including himself. "One...two...three...four?" he counted confusedly. The James Potter mimics stared on blankly. "One...two-"
"Yes, Prongs, there are four James Potter's in this room."
"Right-o," James replied with uncertainty. "Unless this is some freaky out of body experience...I don't think there should be this many James' here."
"No shit, Sherlock."
"Shut up, Moony," James snapped.
"I'm Sirius." He waved a hand.
"Sorry," James apologized, looking very bewildered as he gazed at the many boys with messy hair. "What on earth is going on? There should only bethree James' here."
"Actually, there should only be one James here."
"Shut it, Sirius!"
"I'm Remus," he sighed tiredly.
"Sorry," James apologized again. "For Christ's sake, you need name tags! Arghh..." He breathed out to try and calm himself. It didn't work. "Right. Moony, raise your hand," he commanded.
The middle James Potter put up a palm whilst rolling his eyes.
"Okay. Padfoot, raise your hand," James ordered next.
The James Potter on the left raised two hands, just to outdo Remus, and completed the hand-raising with a bow and cheesy wink.
"I said raise a hand, Sirius, not do a trashy commercial."
Sirius stuck his tongue out in response.
"So, if you're Moony, and you're Padfoot," James concluded, looking at the left and middle multiples of him. "Then who the hell are you?" He directed the question to the right James Potter who was looking a little on edge.
"Um...It's Peter."
"Wormtail!" James yelled. "How did you turn into me?"
"Um..." Peter looked down at his feet. "You see, I uh, took the Polyjuice potion."
"Well, I know that, don't I!" James barked. He was not taking the bad news very well. "How did you take the potion? Did someone force it down your throat?"
"I took a goblet, then I scooped a cup full of Polyjuice potion into it, then I drank it." Peter explained, pleased with himself that he'd remembered all the details.
"You drank it!" Peter cowered. "You just drank it willingly!" James yelled in disbelief. "Just like that! But why?"
A look of pity crept upon Peter's face. "Well, everyone was turning into a James Potter, and I felt left out."
Sirius and Remus couldn't help but chuckle at the situation.
"You felt left out?"James repeated in anger. "What the hell is wrong with you people? I swear to God everyone just wants to turn into me! Let's have a party, shall we? Hand out sodding Polyjuice potions for everyone so everybody and anybody can turn into me! Let's dance and get rat-arsed looking like James-bloody-Potter!"
"I like that idea."
"Shut up, Peter!"
"I'm Sirius. Christ, we pointed out which people we were and you still can't remember barely two minutes after being told?" he laughed. James collapsed back on his bed.
"Why is the world against me?"
"Because you're a bad person." Sirius patted him on the head. James frowned; watching him pat himself on the head was not a pretty sight. "You are being punished for not giving your friend's good enough Christmas presents."
"I got you ten galleons worth of chocolate for Christmas!" James reminded him.
"Yes, you did. But it was all gone in an hour."
"Because you ate it all."
"Yes..." Sirius agreed, looking puzzled. "I did. Um, what was the point I was trying to make?"
"That you have the stomach capacity of a cow?" Remus suggested.
"Oi, you're saying I'm as fat as a cow?"
"Oh for the love of Merlin, never mind!" Remus dismissed, seeing the conversation going way off topic. "We better get ready for class. We've got no time for breakfast."
"Ah, yes," James rubbed his hands together in a sinister way, looking suddenly happy. "Time to play dress up."
"I don't think this going to work..." Remus said, quickening his pace in the corridor to Transfiguration. They were late for their first class, unfortunately with Professor McGonagall.
"What do you mean you don't think it's going to work?" James repeated anxiously. "It was your idea!"
"Wow." Sirius stopped to look at his reflection in a passing window. He looked at himself, who was James, posing as a girl (it could get rather confusing if he thought about it too much). "Oh…Merlin," he uttered in awe of himself. "If I were a guy, I'd totally shag me." He smiled, pulling up his short skirt, so high that you could see his knickers.
"Shut up, Sirius!" James said madly. He winced as he witnessed his friend who looked like him wearing a school uniform a size too small and horrifically tight, making certain things stick out. "Are you trying to look like some kind of tart?"
"Jealousy is a fickle thing, my friend," Sirius retorted. He rubbed his lips together which were covered in a bright pink lipstick, flicking a strand of his fake red hair out of the way of his James Potter glasses.
"What is with these shoes?" Remus barked, stumbling as he walked.
"Hah, now you know how I felt." James smiled evilly, watching as Remus swatted his long black hair out of his sweating face.
"I'm so hot I feel like I'm in hell," Remus complained. His face was even reddening with the heat of his wig. It felt like a sauna on his head.
"Wormtail, hurry up!" James pressed.
Peter was straggling behind, currently tying his hair blonde haired wig into a ponytail. "Wait a second; I've got to do my hair." He produced a brush and was now using that to detangle his wig.
James was livid.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" he shrieked. "No one gives a rat's arse about your bloody hair!"
"I'm rather fetching," Sirius announced, ignoring James' furious shouts and admiring his reflection in a window for the umpteenth time.
"I'd call you shallow but that would be an insult to a puddle," Remus remarked.
"Just look at me, guys." The boys looked at Sirius with exasperation. James' mouth eventually opened in indignation. "Look at my puddings." Sirius placed his two James Potter' hands on his fake bosoms.
"How on earth did you get those?" Remus demanded, shifting his gaze from Sirius who was squashing his 'breasts' together in a very inhumane way.
"How did you suddenly just grow boobs?" James questioned in horror.
"A bra and tissues can go a long way." Sirius tapped his nose. "You never know, all the girls in our class could be doing it!"
Both James and Peter gasped in horror.
"You lie!" Peter said, not wanting to believe Sirius' theory.
"It's possible, my minion."
"No way," James dismissed.
"I refuse to believe it!" Peter crossed his arms stubbornly and flicked his blonde hair over his shoulder.
"Yeah," James agreed. "Besides, Lily's are definitely real."
The boys instantly looked at James at that comment.
"How'd you know?" Sirius raised his eyebrows with curiosity.
"When we hugged, I felt her boobs press up against me and they were definitely harder than tissue."
"You are sadistically perverted," Remus acknowledged.
"One of my many, many great traits, Moony. Now, let's get a move on!" James dragged his friends to McGonagall's classroom. Once they'd finally reached the classroom doors, Remus stopped his friends before they entered.
"Hold up a second. Let's be a little organised, shall we?"
The boys looked at Remus blankly. Organization wasn't one of their main priorities. They were more of the 'think and do stupid things now, think about the consequences later!' people.
"Okay, I will try and be organised for us," Remus corrected. The boys nodded happily along. "We have to make some sort of plan to tell McGonagall, unlike the conversation we had with that Slytherin. Remember, Prongs?" He shot a look at James who suddenly looked horrified, remembering being seduced by the seventh year.
"What Slytherin?" Sirius and Peter asked in unison.
"There was this arse Slytherin flirting with us," James explained briefly, trying to speak over Sirius' bursts of laughter. "He didn't like me much. He had more of a thing for Moony-"
"He did not having a thing for me!" Remus argued. "Stop distracting me! We need to make something up and tell McGonagall we're…let's say, students, students visiting for the day from-"
"NO, SIRIUS! We've been over this. We're not saying we're from bloody Jamaica!"
Sirius pouted, "Why not?"
"Because I said so," Remus answered lamely.
James laughed. "Your Jamaican accent sounds Irish, Padfoot."
"No it doesn't!" Sirius protested. "You've got some weird ear deficiency." He suddenly pulled on James' ear, causing much affliction.
"Let go of me, you tart!"
"Don't call me a tart!" Sirius hollered. "Just because I wear a short skirt and have great boobs-"
"Made of tissue," Peter cut in.
"But the important thing is that they look real!"
"Unless you open your shirt, then a bomb of tissues falls out like confetti at a wedding."
Remus looked impressed at James' inspiring imagery.
"I bet being a girl is brilliant," Peter mused.
"I don't think so," Remus disagreed. "Apparently the menstruation is horrific."
"Uuurgh," Sirius squealed immaturely. "You mean that period thing?" He spoke the word period as if it were a forbidden word- which it was, by a boy anyway. "You mean, when blood comes out of their vagi-"
"Don't you dare say the word 'vagina' out of my mouth!" James warned him threateningly.
"Hah!" Sirius laughed. "You already did!"
A sudden forced cough made the Marauders turn to face Professor McGonagall, the doors opened to her classroom as she stood with a more displeased face than usual. Her black hair, as always, tied back so tightly it made her forehead look abnormally large. She pushed her glasses further up her nose and threw James a frown.
"Potter, I sincerely hope my ears were deceiving me," the professor warned.
James turned white. A few nosey classmates tried poking their heads back to see what the commotion was outside the classroom.
"I didn't say shit!" James tried to defend himself. "Except for then...but I didn't say shit before!"
Remus gave him a tired look that said "you are digging yourself into a deeper hole, mate..."
"I definitely didn't swear," James continuedto justify as McGonagall continuedto frown. "I said sh..." he pondered for any word that started with the letters 'sh'. Funnily enough, his mind was completely blank and it seemed as if his whole vocabulary Remus had taught him had gone through one ear and out the other. "Sh..." he repeated. "Okay, I've got no backup word."
"Shalalalalabamba?" Sirius suggested.
"What?" James hissed out of the corner of his mouth.
"You know what I'm talkin' about! Shalalalalabamba!" Sirius sang as the boys stared at him, bewildered. "Shala-
"Excuse me," McGonagall interrupted tiredly. "Are you quite finished? Because I have a class to teach." She turned to James. "Mr. Potter, you are already ten minutes late to my lesson."
"Ah, sorry, professor," he apologized. "I was busy looking after the visiting foreign students." He waved his hand to the three similarly faced 'girls' standing beside him. The boys shot her innocent smiles.
"Hmm…I suggest you go inside and sit down," McGonagall advised James, who gladly rushed inside the classroom and took a seat. "I do apologize. I haven't been informed of your arrival," she said suspiciously, eyeing the 'girls'. "Come inside and introduce yourselves."
The professor beckoned them to follow and the shut the classroom doors with the flick of her wand. The boys walked unstably in their high heels as they followed McGonagall to the front of the classroom. All the students' eyes were on them, the class whispering with excitement and curiosity.
"Oh no," Lily whispered in disbelief. "You have got to be kidding me." She shot a disturbed look at James from her seat, and he simply shrugged his shoulders, not willing to elaborate.
"Who exactly are you?" McGonagall questioned, folding her arms as she stared with intimidation at the 'foreign students' who stood in a line up.
Remus spoke first in his practised feminine tone. "We're sisters," he explained in a high voice. "I'm Rhiana," he used the same name which the Slytherin had been charmed by. Remus nudged Peter to talk.
"I'm. P-" he stopped when he realised that he was about to reveal his boy name. "I'm P...Pipi?" he squeaked.
"Pipi?" Mcgonagall repeated skeptically. She turned to Sirius the redhead. "And you are?"
"I'm Penelope," Sirius smiled, fluttering his eyelashes and curling a strand of his hair around his finger. Remus smacked a hand to his forehead.
"And what is your surname?" The professor interrogated.
"Surname?" Peter yelped.
"P-" Sirius restrained himself. He was about to say 'Potter', as he'd rehearsed many times after turning into James after drinking the Polyjuice potion. Telling the professor their surname was Potter wouldn't be a wise move. "Er..." Sirius stammered. "P...p-pineapple?"
Yes, Sirius had just declared that their surname was a tropical fruit because that was the only word that had come to his head beginning with the letter 'p'. Although, there are many surnames beginning with 'p' that aren't pineapple, such as Patterson, Parker, Phillips...
Remus was busy trying to make Sirius explode with the power of his mind.
"Er, well..." Sirius stuttered. "It looks like the word pineapple, but, uh, it's actually pronounced Peen-a-pul."
James was busy slamming his head against his desk.
"So," the professor began, almost amused. "Your name is Penelope...Peenapul?"
"Yes," Remus gritted through his teeth.
Peter was busy chewing a hole through his lip with anxiety. So far, he was around three quarters of the way.
"It's rather strange, isn't it" Sirius laughed nervously. "It sounds exotic, because we're from Jamaica."
Yep, Peter was all the way through now. In fact, his lip was bleeding severely. Remus was busy shaking with anger at what Sirius had done after he had specifically told him not to.
"Jamaica?" McGonagall repeated with surprise.
"Howareya?" Sirius asked the professor, suddenly taking on his Irish brogue which he perceived as a Jamaican accent in his head. Of course, he was unaware to the fact that he was getting the accents completely wrong. "I'm grand! You're grand! Everyone's grand!"
Professor McGonagall was purely lost for words, not sure what to make of Penelope Peenapul and his two quiet sisters.
"Professor Dumbledore never informed me that you were visiting."
"That wee lad James Potter was supposed to tell ya," Sirius explained, pointing to James who tried to change his look of bewilderment to understanding once McGonagall was looking at him. "Bloody eejit," Sirius insulted him. James glared fully.
"Why don't you take a seat?" McGonagall thought the best possible solution was to sit the three girls down and as far away from her as possible.
"Cheers!" Sirius said gratefully, skipping over to a seat next to James. Remus and Peter exchanged a wary look and then followed. However, just as the Peenapul sisters were about to sit down, McGonagall stopped them.
"I don't think so."
"Sorry?" Remus said confusedly.
"I don't think your choice of seats is particularly wise," McGonagall said in her nicest tone, casting a look at James who was looking extremely insulted. "Let's see, Miss Pipi? You take a seat next to Dorris over there," the professor ordered, pointing to a disgruntled Gryffindor sitting at the back. Peter grumbled to himself as he took his new seat. "Miss Rhiana? Why don't you take a seat next to Mr. Snape."
Remus' jaw dropped to the floor. Out of all the people in the classroom, McGonagall had chosen a Slytherin who despised him, and who he also despised. Of course, Severus would probably never recognise it was Remus, evidently by the fact he was in a copy of James body - unless Snape smelt Remus Odour with that big nose of his.
"Some time today please, Miss Peenapul," McGonagall pressed.
Remus beamed a fake smile of gratitude and took his seat over to Snape who looked as if he was sitting on a beehive.
"And finally, Miss Penelope?" Sirius looked up at the sound of his false name. "Why don't you sit by…" The professor glanced around the room and saw Lily. "Miss Evans over there."
Lily's mouth opened in indignation as McGonagall's finger pointed at her. Sirius looked elated at the seating plan, skipped over and sat down next to Lily with no complaints. James' jealousy was so noticeable that steam was coming out of his ears, clouding up the room.
"I'm guessing that is you, Black," Lily murmured to Sirius. He flicked his hair over his shoulder and replied with a wink. "Penelope?" Lily echoed in disgust as she glanced at his tight fitted uniform. "What's the matter with you? If you want to be caught by the teachers, you're going the right way about it," she hissed as the professor turned her back.
"I don't know whatya talkin' about," Sirius replied, his accent now mixed from all countries.
"Jamaica?" Lily repeated, and couldn't help but chuckle. "You are so going to get caught," she smiled with evil satisfaction.
"Me don't tink so," Sirius argued, turning to face Lily as McGonagall was fully distracted by a student who'd blown up a rabbit whilst trying to transfigure it into a cushion.
Lily sighed. "Black, you are aware you are not speaking a Jamaican accent. In fact, I don't fully recognise the accent you are speaking since you've ruined it so greatly."
"Ya rasicst!" Sirius accused, poking Lily in the arm.
"What? What are you even talking about?"
"You insult me and me country!"
"Will you shut up?" Lily hissed, aware that he was causing a scene and many students were staring at them. "I think you've been drinking too much pumpkin juice."
"You insult me and me country! Ya racist!"
Lily frowned at him. "What are you on about?" she snapped. "You need psychiatric help."
Sirius boldly stuck his hand in the air and called for the Professor. "Professor! Professor Meegoneegall!"
Lily tried to tug his hand down. "What are you doing, you idiot!"
McGonagall finally took notice and walked over to the pair as she had been walking around the classroom helping students.
"What seems to be the problem?" McGonagall asked.
"She is being racist! She insult me and me country!" Sirius echoed, pointing to Lily who was gaping at him.
"I did no such thing!" Lily protested. "He's lying, professor! He-"
"She, Miss Evans," the professor corrected, looking at her with disappointment. "Please try to sort out your differences. I expect you to welcome the visitors to Hogwarts, Miss Evans." She gave her a stern look and then returned to examining the other students transfiguring.
Lily huffed, mumbling obscene references to causing Sirius as much pain as possible and tried to get her attention to changing her rabbit to a cushion. However, Sirius holding on to his breasts was distracting her.
"You have boobs?" Lily gasped. "You have boobs since when? And they're bigger than mine!" she spoke in horror.
"What can I say?" Sirius spoke arrogantly. "I am blessed." He made another prod of his faux bosoms, but accidentally poked too hard, causing tissue to fall out of his shirt and land in all directions.
"Oh my goodness!" Lily shrieked in laughter, losing all feelings of anger. She found it hysterically funny that Sirius, in James' body, was stuffing his chest with tissues. "And you're wearing a bra!" she realised, cackling. "Oh, if you don't kill me now, I will die of laughter!"
"Shut yee bastard mouth!" Sirius picked up the remains of his boobs from the floor and stuffing them quickly back under his shirt. "S'not funny!"
Lily was clutching her stomach with painful laughter, slightly hyperventilating. Once she'd managed to calm down, she turned to face Sirius who had crossed arms over his dilated bosoms.
"So," Sirius smirked. Lily looked at him suspiciously. "My boobs aren't real, but are yours?"
Without any warning, he poked Lily's right breast to confirm for himself if James was indeed telling the truth. Lily immediately shrieked and punched him in the nose.
"Miss Evans, what on earth possessed you?" McGonagall shouted, only spotting Lily's action of hitting the Peenapul sister and not Penelope's boob poking. "Physical violence to one of Hogwarts guests! I am disgusted!"
"But, professor!" Lily's mouth opened in shock and humiliation for getting caught, arms wrapped protectively over her chest. "He, I mean, she, she…she touched my-"
"That's enough," Mcgonagall cut in. "A month's detention for you."
Lily gaped in horror. She'd never once got detention. It was such a Marauder thing.
Remus was feeling very uncomfortable sitting next to Snape. He tried to interrupt the silence with foot tapping, finger clicking, and also head scratching, but all actions seemed to make Snape's eye twitch.
"Is there something on my face?" Remus asked bluntly in his girly voice, wondering why Snape had been staring at him for the whole hour. Remus sincerely hoped Snape didn't fancy Rhiana. That would be very unsettling.
"You look...familiar," Snape said suspiciously, peeking behind his black and greasy hair.
"Familiar?" Remus squeaked. Sweat noticeably dripped down his forehead.
"Yes," Snape answered as he examined him. "Have I seen you in Hogsmeade before?" His voice was laced with curiosity as he looked at him with an expression of interest.
"Hogsmeade?" Remus echoed, fidgeting nervously with his ebony hair.
Remus was panicking - he knew eventually someone would have the common sense to realise he was not a foreign student from Jamaica, and was actually a James Potter wannabe. Snape would tell McGonagall and sentence the Marauders to a lifetime imprisonment in Azkaban and-
"Sorry," Snape apologized, blushing with embarrassment. Blushing was not a common thing to see on Severus Snape. "I just get a little uncomfortable around beautiful girls."
That comment hit Remus like a smack in the face. Yes, it was a compliment, but by Snape. The minute Remus got out of the classroom he would try and suffocate himself with his school bag.
"Beautiful?" Remus squeaked, trying to move away discreetly. His bottom was now barely an inch on his seat as he was trying to scrape away.
"Yes, beautiful."
Snape suddenly grabbed Remus' hand with a look of desire and kissed his lips to it. Remus had to stop himself from screaming.
"Is it hot in here?" Remus snatched his hand away and pressed it to his collar, fanning his face that was a beetroot red. "Is it just me, or is really, reallyhot in this room?"
"I'll open a window for you," Snape suggested, jumping to his feet and walking over to one of the classroom windows. Remus took this opportunity to look over at James with a pleading look.
"HELP ME!" he mimed over to him. James replied with a cheerful thumb up and turned his attention back to the rabbit he was turning simultaneously to a cushion and back into a rabbit again with ease.
"Why you little..." Remus muttered, smiling falsely as Snape returned with an unusual happy face.
"Is that better?" Snape questioned, sitting back down.
"Lovely," Remus gritted through his teeth, wondering when the madness would end. "Simply spiffy."
"Mr. Potter," McGonagall began, standing at the front of his desk. "Where are your friends, Black, Lupin and Pettigrew?"
James looked surprised; he hadn't thought about the professor questioning where his friends were. He was hoping the arrival of the foreign guests would distract her.
"Um..." James realised the whole class was now looking at him, waiting for an answer. "They're in the Hospital wing," he lied.
"Hospital wing? What is wrong with them?"
James glanced over at the Peenapul sisters for help on the illness they could have. Remus mimed with a sensible "stomach bug!" Peter mouthed the pathetic "headache!" And finally Sirius whispered "vomiting!"
"Piles," James blurted out.
The class interrupted with sniggers and chuckling.
"My goodness," McGonagall commented with distaste. "That is terrible."
"No, no, no!" Sirius argued, raising his hand to the professor. "That is incorrect, Professor Meegoneegal!" He glared at James. "Mister Black does not have piles! Mister Black does not do piles!"
"Miss Peenapul," James started in a cheerful voice, "I think you'll find Sirius does have piles."
"I think you'll find," Sirius retaliated, "he does not."
"He does."
"He does not."
"He does!"
"He does not!"
Fortunately, it was the end of class; much to the professor's wishes, feeling a sudden headache as she always did with this particular group of sixth years.
"Do give my regards to your friends, Potter," McGonagall patted James on the shoulder and returned to her desk.
"He does not!" Sirius shrieked again, thoroughly annoyed by the fact that he was shouting to a minimal audience, considering the classroom was empty as most of the students had exited already.
"I've got one month of detention because of you," Lily growled, grabbing Sirius by the close-fitting shirt.
"Oh yeah," Sirius remembered, cowering at the sight of the wrathful girl. "Sorry 'bout that."
"I'm gonna-"
Sirius sneakily got out of Lily's grip and sprinted out of the classroom.
"Why you little….get back here, you arse face! Get back here, Black—I mean, Penelope!" Lily shouted, running after him.
James, Peter and Remus watched as the two blurred figures run past them and out into the corridor.
"How can you like that girl?" Peter asked on the subject of Lily.
"She's feisty," James grinned. "She's even attractive when she's angry." He finally took notice of Remus who seemed to be stunned with silence, looking extremely ill. "Moony, you okay?"
Remus grunted and tried to strangle himself with his wig.
"What happened with Snape? Did he grease attack you?" Peter joked and burst into unrequited, hysterical laughter.
Remus stared on blankly.
"Moony, what did he-"
"I don't want to talk about it." Remus butted in.
"I don't want to talk about it." Remus dismissed, blocking his ears with his fingers and loudly bursting into the Greek alphabet to block his hearing from his friends' persistent questions. "Alpha, Beta, Gamma…" he mumbled as he exited the room.
"Weird bloke, that one," James commented, then dragged Peter out of the classroom by his blonde ponytail.
Wow this is long... Hope you enjoyed! BTW, anyone who reads, this PLEASE read Fee1022 's story Falling From Grace... Its amazing and she is actually a REALLY good writer... Though according to her i rock her purple monkey socks (If it were some other socks i would have objected... :P) Ohk! So here it a preview!
Sirius laughed mockingly, "Cough medicine?"
"Yes," Peter answered. "If you drink lots, you see things. Pretty things. The bunnies are my friends."
Sirius ignored the bunnies comment and focused on the cough medicine. "Are you saying you can get high on medicine? That can't be true," he said in denial. "I think you're lying berks," he paused, "...can I have some?"
James nodded at the eager Sirius. "Yes, Mister, junior! You may drink the blessed potion."
"Guys?" Remus called, knocking on the dorm door lightly. "You aren't naked in there, are you?" He winced. "I tried to distract myself with reading but I missed all of your inconsistent whining," he spoke miserably.
His ear pressed against the door, hearing the sound of undying laughter, most probably due to one of his friends in pain after accidentally hurting themselves. Remus finally pushed open the door, discovering his fellow Marauders all dressed in their underwear.
Long, but i think funny.... BTW nyphadora_tonks YOU SHALL HAVE YOUR WISH!!!!!!! The next chappie is funny and has some dramaie type to it.... Hope you enjoyed this one!!
<3 Y
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