NMT: "Batman vs. Superman" and "Civil War"
Hi everyone. I know you've all been waiting for this one (or at least one of these and then the other later)...
But this one's going to be a dual-review for a very special reason- I'm mad!
No, I didn't hate either of these movies, in fact, I enjoyed both of them! So why am I writing an angry review? Because the movie industry is STUPID!
I remember when I first started reading reviews for Captain America: Civil War before it hit the United States, and there were people who have the same ideology as me right now- Civil War was amazing, and way better than its DC competitor Batman vs. Superman: Dawn Of Justice- but nonetheless Batman vs. Superman did not deserve ratings it was given!
Quite honestly, critics are the problem with superhero movies! Most of them aren't even fans, so they can't think like us! They're supposed to be unbiased while rating the movie, but they're only practiced to know how to properly rate a movie as an overall "movie." That's why it's usually general "movies" like Concussion, The Wolf Of Wall Street, or Avatar are rated so highly!
But when it comes down to superhero movies, they're just wrong, because superhero movies aren't necessarily made to satisfy the critics only, they're for their fans! Critics try to view a superhero movie as how it would look if it did not have an underlying story, book, or comic book plot. If it doesn't seem "right" as a movie plot, regardless of its outside plot of origin, then the whole movie itself is just "garbage" to them.
Now, don't get me wrong, I know there are superhero movies that were just "horrible" altogether- both as a movie and as an adaptation...for example, Exhibit A:
However, there have also been movies that have done really well in both areas; Exhibit B:
That's because critics judged these movies as "movies" and fans judged these movies as "adaptations." But that's the exact problem!
Both fans and critics for some reason cannot coincide with each other and rate from both perspectives. That's why I was able to enjoy Batman vs. Superman, because even though the movie honestly could've been a mess as a general movie (not from comic book origins), it wasn't that bad! Because there was an actual story behind it- and that's why fans loved it so much! Critics however....
-thought otherwise. Look at IMDb though- see that's a rating right there! Now, don't think I'm entirely supporting Batman vs. Superman just because I'm a fanboy- I know and admit that there were kinks to that movie.
But IMDb are not only critics, but are technically nerds too! They rate TV shows, cartoons, video games, movies, etc. Kinda sounds like the components of a nerd huh?
They get it! Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic do not! I'm not going to attack Metacritic, because they're like IMDb, but they're usually just the equilibrium to other critics, so that just throws everyone off, I'm not gonna pay attention to them.
Rotten Tomatoes however, ohhh that's a whole different story!
Before we continue, here is Civil War's so you guys could compare with me:
They are one of the many "general movie" critics. You know, I feel like critics should be divided between "Movie Critics" and "Adaptation Critcs." Comment inline with this and tell me if you agree or not...
I also feel like Rotten Tomatoes just likes to hold opinions on movie directors. If you research Zack Snyder (Batman vs. Superman) on their website, most of his movies are poorly rated (few of them I say are fair, but ones like Watchmen and Man Of Steel are insults to the fan viewers!).
Now, if you look up Joss Whedon there, that man has a fantastic record- his greatest movie being Toy Story, with a rating of 100%....
(I didn't even think that was existant on their website....)
Nonetheless, critics like Rotten Tomatoes and Metcritic shouldn't say anything about superhero movies, because they have nothing useful to offer! From now on, I will trust IMDb more with superhero movies- they get it!
Come to think of it, Daredevil was rated higher on Rotten Tomatoes (44%) than Batman vs. Superman....does that anger anyone else? I mean, really?
Hey critics, here's something to consider since you like to break everything to bits-and-pieces! Batman vs. Superman and Civil War are both movies about heroes different political views who wind up fighting each other to then later discover the bigger problem going on.
So shut up.
Moral of the story, judge adaptations from two perspectives: as a movie watcher and as a fan- then mash them together for your rating.
Moving on, let me actually talk about each movie.
Batman vs. Superman was good (Team Batman anyone?). Nothing more, nothing less. It was actually a huge mix-up of a BUNCH of stories (which made the movie a bit messy and sporadic). But, it did have nice visuals, fast-paced action, and good casting....well, mostly.
And I'm not talking about Ben Affleck- as a matter of fact, he actually did great in that movie as Bruce Wayne/Batman! At one point, I almost forgot it was Ben Affleck playing as him- I literally almost called his actor Bruce Wayne!
My one problem with casting was The Flash.
Ezra Miller played/will play as The Flash....yes, as you see him here. No blonde, short hair, with blue eyes....
I don't like it. In fact, although the TV version of The Flash doesn't meet visual representation either, there's something about Grant Gustin that makes me trust him as "The Flash."
Ezra Miller however....just....I don't know...I don't feel it....actually....he looks more like Aqualad from Teen Titans.
Oh well....
My final complaints: The movie is kind of long for a plot that was a bit thin (understandable, this movie is just a platform for this "Justice League Saga") and Doomsday is alright in this movie. He's too big I gotta say, Doomsday is supposed to be the size of Hulk- if not, slightly taller....but in this movie, he was massive! Even bigger than Hulkbuster Iron Man from Avengers: Age Of Ultron. Also, Doomsday's CGI is sorta evident in some scenes.
I give Batman vs. Superman: Dawn Of Justice a 4.9/5. Take that critics! -And, speaking of Marvel....
Captain America: Civil War was awesome! I'm going to rate it now, it's a 5/5! It sucked that Marvel didn't have everyone in that movie (curse you Fox), but they definitely made it work! Oh, and Team Captain America anyone?
To answer the big questions- yes Tom Holland was a Spectacular Spider-Man! It was even better to know that he did his own stunts in that movie (he's a dancer); so cool! And yes, Chadwick Boseman did a perfect job with Black Panther. The voice, the acting...I don't know if he did his own stunts, but the fighting choreography was spot-on...ugh, I can't wait for his own movie now!
Complaints: Spider-Man's costume was evidently CGI if you look close enough (and my vision sucks lol)....
Pfff, and critics were hating on Batman vs. Superman for "too much CGI-" get real!...Your ratings are about as real as CGI is, you bunch of Monkey-Tunas!....
But for those who don't know, they did this to Spidey, because during production, they had Holland wear an alternative costume, so if the costume were to get leaked to the public, it'll be the fake one being exposed rather than what we all saw in the trailer (it's below in case you didn't see).
Also, if Tom Holland could hit puberty just one more time, that'd be great, because his voice is a little light for Peter Parker. I get that they're trying to go with the idea of a young Peter Parker...but jeez...whatever, can't really hate him, he was actually pretty funny in the movie!
Furthermore....is it just me, or is Aunt May getting younger and younger with each Spider-Man movie:
Yeah, there's the eye-bags....but other than that, she looks young! They even had to joke about it in the movie!
I have no further complaints, this movie is a must-see, and so is Batman vs. Superman if you want to follow the Justice League Saga. It was also a big improvement from Man Of Steel if you want to think a bit critically.
Fun fact, did you know that Batman vs. Superman was originally 4 hours?! AND it was supposed to be Rated-R. Then they started cutting it by half-hours, until they hit 2 hours and
33 minutes and it became PG-13.
Actually, they're even thinking about re-releasing the movie in theatres in its 3 hour, Rated-R cut! If not, it'll definitely be on DVD (so they say).
This is actually thanks to the success of Deadpool, and they're even thinking about making the standalone Batman movie in 2017- also Rated-R!
Makes sense, have you played the Arkham series?
^Just because, lol. That's all! What do you guys think of these movies?
*Vote, comment, and/or share if you liked! Thanks guys.
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