<7> (Epilouge)
30 years later...
"Eric, the truck is here!" Guy yelled out to me as I fixed the LED lights in a digital clock from red to puke-yellow. "C'mon dude! It's the surprise that I wanna show ya!" I sighed and put down my tools. "Coming, coming," I said as I ran out of the building. When I opened the doors, sunlight burst into my eyes. Man, it's been a few hours since I had seen sunlight being in that dark den we were building. I saw Guy running over to a delivery truck that was just coming in.
"Hurry up Eric! This our big ticket item!" Guy said jumping up and down ecstatically.
"Okay, Guy, okay! Calm down a bit!" I said to him, smiling. "So, what exactly is it?"
"Okay, I don't won't to spoil it too much but... we found one! A REAL one!" he said, over the moon with the whole thing.
"What do you mean? What did you find?" I asked him. Guy had his signature sneaky grin glued to his face right now. The delivery truck driver came around the back and unlocked the back door. "Ta da!" Guy smiled as the object inside the truck was revealed. At first I thought it was just a mess of charred and mangled metal. Then I finally realised that it was just that. It was the Mangle, from thirty years ago, burnt and charred making it look like a phantom or something.
"How did you find it???" I said, amazed. This was exactly what we needed for the attraction!
"There were some guys who wanted to explore more of the storage locker that was burned down and-" Guy started.
"Wait, I thought they rebuilt that?" I said to him.
"Yeah, but they had built over the original locker, see? And Mangle was still there!" Guy said enthusiastically. I nodded as the memory of the original locker room burning still scared into my memory, leading onto the memory of Chuck's fate. He saved our lives, and I never got to thank him. I don't even know if I was his friend even. I even believed back then that I didn't care for him. But even though that bit is not true I know now, I still didn't get to thank him.
So, in honour of Chuck, guess what we decided to do? He had always wanted to build a horror attraction, we knew that from when we first met him. We never really had the resources to build it until now. We wanted to make an attraction based on the whole ordeal that happened thirty years ago. We made wax figures of purple men and Springtrap, salvaged the four original shells of the animatronics Jeremy freed the kids from, and even used Jacob's car as the main prop when it broke down instead of sending it to the tip! But we never had an actual animatronic, or something to show the Bite for that matter. Now, we had something that can solve both problems!
I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see Jeremy, Jacob and Courtney in a wheelchair being pushed by Jacob. Jeremy and Jacob had been given severe burns thirty years ago. The doctors said it was lucky they had healed from them. Courtney was all fine, however she had to be in a wheelchair for life now. They were all helping with the attraction and Guy and I were really grateful.
"What's that? Hey, it's Mangle! Good find Guy!" Jeremy said.
"Thanks, man!" Guy beamed.
"It won't be active will it?" Jacob said worriedly.
"Well, I'll be able to rewire it's AI, don't worry," I said surely. Jacob nodded usurely.
"Well, I'm glad everything is going okay! Call us if you need any more help, okay?" Courtney said to us.
"Sure thing," Guy said. Jeremy smiled and the three of them walked away, chatting about our new find. Suddenly, Guy's phone rang!
"Hey-hey! It's this Janine right?" Guy said into his phone as he turned it to loud speaker.
"Jamie, but close enough!"
"So, how's being manager at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza?" I asked her.
"Yeah, it's okay. I'm a little annoyed that I have to take over management from Dad, but you gotta do what you gotta do, right?"
"Yeah, well, why are you calling?"
"Because someone has finally signed up for the night shift!"
"Really? Finally!"
"I know right? He said his name was Mike Schmidt in the interview, and seemed like a nice guy. He was also kinda cute..."
Guy chuckled. "Don't get any ideas about trying to ship yourself with him!"
"Oh Guy, you crack up."
"Well, I guess I'll see you around Ms. Jamie Morado!"
"You too Mr. Guy Cawthorn!"
"See ya Jamie," I said as we hung up. Then I noticed a figure behind the Mangle. I moved it's robotic limbs out of the way to see Chuck's 6-year old body there with Mangle's jaw in his forehead, completely unburnt.
"How-?" I was about to ask until a flash of light burst in front of me. Five, ghost-like kids stood there.
"Don't worry; we made sure he's safe," one of them said. "Even though we couldn't save your friend from the Mangle, we made sure the fire didn't get him. Look, all you need to know is.... he was your friend. He is happy enough to say that to us."
Then in a blink of an eye, they disappeared.
"You... you saw that t-too... right???" Guy asked me.
"Yeah. Yeah, I did..." I said.
THE END (finally)
P.S. this was published at 11:59 EST. Not joking. Talk about a close one!
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