Jacob had been silent the entire time we had been driving in the car, which was after we had said possibly our final goodbyes to our family.
We made sure we went back to the house and said goodbye to Mom and Dad. We also told them to pass on a goodbye to Uncle Nick and Aunt May. We told them we had to make a little road trip that was important for my job at Freddy Fazbear's, and Jacob wanted to come along. Well, you don't exactly want to say you are trying to go and save the families of three kids from a serial killer. There was also the problem that I may not return from this trip alive.
"Again, why don't you call 911?! The police can handle it!" Jacob tried to persuade me once again. It was clear he didn't want another person he cared about hurt.
"Again, it was my fault that these kids got their families kidnapped. My fault, my responsibility. Vincent only wants me, and me alone. I survived six whole nights of killer robots, I can most likely handle this," I said to Jacob.
"And if you can't? What then? This is a guy who locks a whole group of people and plans to leave no witnesses! He killed two kids in pure daylight, and wasn't going to stop there! H-he shot Courtney through the leg, Jeremy! Doesn't that mean anything to you?! What if you get injured as well, or worse?!?!" Jacob pleaded. I still didn't understand how the manager was able to hide that psychotic character under the supposedly calm personality he had every time he talked to me while I had my job.
"I-I don't know..." I said. I didn't know what else to say.
"Mister, when are we going see our mummies and daddies again?" the boy named Chuck asked me.
"I-I have no idea... but know you will see them again. I promise you. Call me Jeremy by the way," I said to him, forcing a small smile. After some silence, the kid named Guy broke it with a question.
"Can you put on the radio? Dad always did whenever we drove..." he said.
"Sure," I said as I turned the radio and In The End came on. As we listened to the music, I asked them, "So are you guys close friends?"
Eric shook his head. "Not really. We only met each other today. Our parents became friends at their work, and we all got invitations to the party at Freddy's, so our parents thought it would be good idea for us to meet at the party and puck us up at one o'clock..."
I tried to avoid the subject of their parents. Jacob decided to ask a question, "So, do you think you get along all right?"
"Yeah, well we are all interested in horror attractions... I've always wanted gave a job like that..." Chuck said. We tried to keep the conversation light just like that. At one point we even started to laugh and briefly forget everything that's happening. These were nice kids I must admit that Guy's a bit too laid back for a six year old, but I won't judge.
But then Jacob piped up, "Jeremy... isn't that van familiar?!" I looked to my left to see a black van, the it's rear doors open, and driving that van was Vincent Monaro, smiling at us psychotically.
"Shit!" I yelled at I tried to serve out the way, but I then felt something hit the back of the car. I looked out the rear window to see a decomposed, golden-green, blood-stained, bunny-like animatronic, with a tag saying 'Springtrap', on the boot of the car! It looked like it had jumped from the open doors of the van onto the car!
"What is THAT?!" Jacob yelled as the three kids screamed. Suddenly, as 'Springtrap' reached towards the rear window to break it, a car horn was heard behind us. Springtrap the good bunny turned right around to look what car dare make the noise. It only being able to turn slowly allowed me to also see what car it was. It was Jacob's car, that was previously left in the parking lot of Freddy Fazbear Pizza! And you wouldn't believe who was driving it...
"HOW DID THEY GET IN MY CAR?!?!" Jacob screamed as he also saw the four withered animatronics from the Parts/Services room in his car, Freddy himself at the wheel. He checked his pockets for his keys, but found none. I had wondered where they had gone when Courtney got shot, and now I know.
The car came extremely into the back of our car, allowing Withered Bonnie and Chica, who got onto the roof of Jacob's car through by climbing out the windows, to jump onto the boot along with Springtrap, who started fighting the withered animatronics. I hit full throttle on the accelerator as Springtrap ripped Chica's handless arms off. As we sped down the road, I was surprised to see the animatronics were able to keep their footing on the small space at the back of the car. Springtrap had ripped out Chica's broken jaw and threw her off the car first, before grabbing Chica's ripped-off arms and smashing them into Bonnie's exposed endoskeleton head, throwing the purple bunny off the car next.
"Jeremy! Stop the car!!! We have to get out!!!!!" Jacob screamed in my ear. A light bulb flicked on in my head.
"I got an idea. Everyone, hang on," I said as I whammed the brake hard. As everyone lurched forward in their seats, Springtrap flew off the boot and over the car, whacking onto the windscreen. It was damaged, but not as much as I had hoped. Springtrap looked up into the car through the windscreen and punched it's fist right through it, barely missing Jeremy's face.
"Everyone out of the car!" I screamed as the creepy bunny's fist whammed through the screen again, mere inches off hitting Jacob.
"No need to tell us that genius!" Jacob yelled to me as he got out of the car, gaining the golden decomposed rabbit's attention. It was just about to lunge at him until I quickly raced out of the car and yelled, "Hey, over here!" to the bloody animatronic. It's gaze diverted straight to me and it did not hesitate to lunge at me and grab me by the neck. It squeezed tighter and tighter, causing me to start coughing and unable to breathe. My vision started to black out, but I was able to see a hook and a brown hand wrap around Springtrap's neck before I felt the unbearable grip release from my neck.
I took deep breaths and started to come back to reality, my vision restoring itself. I looked up to see Jacob had helped all three boys out of the car, and was currently running over to his own car, which is was now free of animatronics. I looked over to my right to see Springtrap wrestling viciously with Freddy, both pounding each other into the ground with their strength. But, if Freddy was there, and Bonnie and Chica were down... where was Foxy-?
My question was answered when a hook wrapped around my neck from behind me and pinned me to the ground. The crimson pirate fox towered over me, staring ferociously into my eyes. But it didn't try to kill me. It simply looked up from me to where Jacob and the three boys were. I then realised something. These animatronics were possessed by kids, right? So they wouldn't kill people who were helping kids like themselves, not to mention taking bullets for them
Foxy suddenly got knocked away from me by Springtrap, who had just finished taking down Freddy. Springtrap tried to whack me in the face, but Foxy grabbed it's fist with it's hook, intercepting the blow. As Spring and Foxy fought, I crawled over to the crippled form of Freddy. His mask was slumped half way off his endoskeleton head, exposing it. However, as I examined the head, I saw bits of... was that flesh??? I pulled the mask totally off and saw it wasn't just an endoskeleton head anymore, but a child's face smashed into a metal face! The child was a girl, and my best guess was that she was 10. Her bloody and disgusting dismantled head looked over at me and it's broken jaw, that seemed to be attached to the endoskeleton's set of teeth, seemed to mouth the word, "Thank-you." Suddenly, a quick flash of light came from the head and Freddy dropped to the ground, not moving. I looked at the head again to find only metal, no sign of flesh to be seen. I then saw it had extended it's hand out to me. I opened the hand to see Jacob's car keys. I whispered a thank-you back and shoved the keys into my pocket.
I looked behind me to see Springtrap had just finished mauling Foxy and was about to turn around also. I quickly hid in the bushes nearby as the rotten yellow rabbit looked at where I had been. I came right up next to the bushes I was hiding in and looked around. I knew the decomposed bunny was going to find me eventually, so I needed to get him away from me somehow. But... all I have is-
I winced in pain as something dug into my hip. I looked the object to see it was a medium sized rock, sitting next to me in the dirt. I picked it up and, preying under my breath that it would work, threw the rock over the other side of the road. It hit the pavement with a load crash as it shattered to pieces. Springtrap heard it and homed into the source of the sound incredibly quickly. As it surveyed the area of the crash, I sped over to Foxy and saw his jaw was completely torn off, revealing a small fraction of another bloody head. I took the mask of him to reveal a boy's face this time, whose face was so mutilated into the metal head I couldn't tell how old he was. There was a quick nod of gratitude from the disfigured head before a burst of light appeared inside of it, becoming a normal endoskeleton head after the light subsided. Now, what to do with Spring-
"AIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!!" A loud screech erupted from behind me, it's maker wrapping it's smelly, decaying yellow hands around my throat once more. As it swung me around to face it's golden bunny mask, I took the opportunity to stick my leg out as I whipped around, the leg whacking into the side of Springtrap's head. It let me go suddenly as it stumbled back, not from pain but more from unexpectedness. I ran as fast as I could away from the rabbit, running up to Jacob's car where Jacob and the three kids should be. But when I got there, there was no one in the car. Instead, Jacob was on the ground, his face bruised and battered from punches, the two kids trying to wake him up from unconsciousness. Wait, two kids? Where's the third-?
"Looking for this one?!" I heard a malicious voice yell out. I looked behind me to see Vincent in the driver's seat holding Chuck by the neck out the doorway of the seat while Springtrap was climbing into the van through it's back doors.
"If you want him, you are gonna have to try and get him," Vincent said as he threw Chuck to Springtrap, who took him into the van and closed the doors.
"NO! VINCENT YOU BITCH!" I yelled as Vincent closed the driver's seat door and looked out of the window, smiling. "See you in Wisconsin," he said before rolling up the window and driving off.
"Chuck!" Eric yelled next to me as he also watched the van drive off into the distance.
"Jeremy! He's not waking up!" I heard Guy yell behind me. I instantly brought my attention to back Jacob.
"Jacob!" I yelled, resting my thumb on his wrist and feeling a pulse and felt faint breathing on my neck. He's still alive, just unconscious, with bruises that will eventually heal. Thank god. I got him and the two boys into the back seat and drove the opposite way to where the van went.
"Where are you going?" Guy asked.
"Just going to get a few things that dropped off the car..." I said. I eventually reached two barely functioning animatronics in the road, a yellow chicken with no jaw or arms at all, and a purple bunny with two yellow arms smashed into it's face (or lack of one). I went over to the bunny first, ripping the arms out of the head and taking off what was left of the mask. The head inside had practically collapsed on itself, so the child's face inside was practically just a mess of mashed flesh and metal. I almost vomited at both the sight and smell of the head. Then, just like Freddy and Foxy, a light blared from the head and all the mattered flesh disappeared from the endoskeleton.
"Is this one trying to say something?" I heard Eric ask. I ran over to see he was standing next to Chica, who was making a weird, human like moaning sound. I then saw Eric had a small notebook and pencil in his shorts pocket.
"Can I borrow those for a second, just in case?" I asked him, pointing to the notebook and pencil. He nodded and gave me the two objects. I then took the mask off Chica and saw there was a little girl's face inside, around 6 years old.
The girl's face, like the one in Freddy's suit, then started to mouth words. However, it wasn't just a single word this time, it was a whole sentence. I quickly started jotting down any words make out of it. By the end of the sentence, the girl just tried to smile before a light flashed from the girl's head. Only this time, it was super bright and lasted for about five seconds! As I lowered my hand covering my eyes when it eventually did subside, I saw that there was nothing but the animatronic endoskeleton.
I looked down at what I had written, which had the words: fifth, free, yellow bear, and different place. I tried to figure it out. Fifth what? Did I have to free what was the fifth of something? And what is this about a yellow bear and a different place?
Suddenly, the memories all rushed to my head at once, like a powerful punch to the brain. Five kids had been killed, causing the restaurant before the one I worked in to close. Those must of been the ones in the animatronics I just saw! They had been stuck inside these suits, and know one ever knew! And those bright lights must of been me freeing them, because the kids were nowhere to be seen in the animatronics. But there only four kids I had freed, the fifth is still out there!
I remember a yellow bear... on my 6th night! There was a giant, transparent floating head of an old yellow Freddy! I don't know whether I just dreamt it, but that had to mean something. And about the different place, was that a different Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. If so where was it? After some thinking, I instantly remembered what Vincent said about Wisconsin. There must be a Freddy Fazbear's Pizza there! And maybe the yellow bear, where the fifth kid could be trapped in, waiting to be freed!
"Okay, back in the car guys!" I said to Eric and Guy. We all got in the car and I started driving the direction of where Vincent's van went.
"We are taking a road trip to Wisconsin..."
(Yes this is longer than expected but there's only about three chapters left so it'll be done soon)
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