Chapter 15
"You shall stand there. Shane Helson please return to your seat with Ciara's surfboard like we previously had planned." Shane winked at me as I gave him a 'wtf' look. I looked out to see Taylor and Justin filming me on their iPhones. I rolled my eyes at them before turning around. Chris had left the stage and I thought Darren had until I noticed what actually was happening.
Darren was at the side of the stage getting a headset fitted and was holding his black guitar. One of the stage hands ran over and fixed a microphone headset on me too. They apologised and scurried off once they had made it secure. I spoke into the microphone.
"Well, I'm a bit confused as to what happening." Everyone started laughing and Shane gave me a thumbs up. I glared back at him.
Darren started to strum his guitar and I instantly recognised the song. It was our song. Not just a song we liked, it was a song that we had fell in live with when we had first heard it.
He started singing the first version and chorus.
Darren -
We got our eyes wide open, feeling like we are almost there.
Words unspoken disappearing in the air
All I see is you and I
You're the only lifeline that I need tonight
I'm letting go.
So this is what it feels like
Being at the right place the right time
I'm hanging on for dear life
Hoping we can make this a long night
This is why we came yeah
I can feel it in my veins
So this is what it feels like
Right place the right time
The crowd was screaming and Darren paused and motioned for me to sing the next verse. I knew this was his way of asking me to tell him I still loved him. After a few second thought I started singing.
Loud explosions only you and I can hear
Doors fly open, you're the cure for all my fears
All I see is you and I
You're the only lifeline that I need tonight
I'm letting go.
So this is what it feels like
Being at the right place the right time
I'm hanging on for dear life
Hoping we can make this a long night
This is why we came yeah
I can feel it in my veins
So this is what it feels like
Right place the right time with you
Right place the right time with you
Right place the right time
The crowd was in hysterics by screaming and we both sang the rest of he song together.
Right here and now feels like forever
Never touch the ground when we're together
Right here and now feels like forever, forever, forever, forever, forever
So this is what it feels like
Being at the right place the right time
I'm hanging on for dear life
Hoping we can make this a long night.
Right place the right time
Right place the right time
Right here and now feels like forever (right place, the right time)
Never touch the ground when we are together
Right here and now feels like forever
Right place the right time.
Once we finished a mini fireworks display exploded and I jumped and ended up in Darren's arms. There were loud screams as people realised this was the closest we had been since our public break up. I looked up and Darren looked back down at me. I smiled as did he and I moved out of his arms.
Darren gave his guitar to someone in the crowd, he had many spare.
He then got down on one knee and faced me. I brought my hands up to my face and everyone started screaming again.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black box and I swear, I almost fainted. I stared at him and he grinned as the crowd went even more wild. He opened the box and I felt a huge grin appear on my face as I looked at what was inside. It wasnt an engagement ring thank goodness.
Darren took my hand in his. "Ciara Helson. This is a promise necklace/ring." I stared at him for a moment.
"So what are you promising?" I said and the crowd screamed.
Darren laughed. "To love you forever. To be always around when you want me to be and to not be if you don't want me to be. To always make you toast with thick Nutella not thin spread. And most of all," he paused and the crowd fell silent in anticipation.
"To never cheat on you again." The crowd started screaming and some looked shocked as it was in fact true. I stood looking at him for a second before I nodded.
He smiled. "So will you be my girlfriend again?" I laughed.
"Of course!" I yelled and everyone whooped. Streamers appeared from the roof and Darren put the necklace on my neck.
As it was the last award, the cameras stopped rolling and we headed back to my seat. Once we got there, Darren talked to Shane and Justin while me and Taylor fangirled over the necklace.
It was a normal sized silver chain, but instead of having a charm clipped on, it had a ring looped through it. It was a plain ring but had a small emerald and sapphire on the surface and it was engraved with the words 'forever and always'.
We all headed towards the after party in one limo and I sat on Darren's lap on the car. Surprisingly Shane didn't punch Darren this time. We all laughed and took photos and justin tweeted a photo of me and Darren laughing together and showed up how many RT it had gotten. Lets just sum it up: a lot.
When the car pulled up, we were greeted by Ellen making us take pictures in her photo booth. She made the boys go in together and Taylor and I go in together. We should have realised there was a reason.
As the boys came out with their shots, Taylor and I sat on the chair. We smiled and as we pressed the button a person dressed as scream smashed the glass of the screen and yelled at us. We ran out screaming only to be faced by camera men.
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